ratnipulated · 4 hours
small relationship tip:
if you’ve got someone in your life who apologises for a lot, instead of constantly telling them that they don’t have to apologise for that thing, slip in a couple ‘thank you’s or other small compliments.
“I’m sorry I can’t talk about that right now.” -> “thanks for establishing a boundary.”
“sorry I won’t be home for dinner” -> “I’m glad you’re able to go out and spend time with friend/treat yourself/etc.”
“I’m sorry I vented so much” -> “thank you for trusting me with this.”
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ratnipulated · 4 hours
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ratnipulated · 4 hours
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🦗 Natuurlijke en naar het leven nauwkeurige gekleurde afbeeldingen en beschrijvingen der spoken, wandelende bladen, zabelspringhanen, krekels, trekspringhanen en kakkerlakken: Amsterdam: J.C. Sepp, 1813.
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ratnipulated · 4 hours
Anyone got any tips for moving on from an ex that you still love so much and you can't squash the hope that maybe one day after he works on himself enough that he'll come back to you???
Asking for a friend
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ratnipulated · 4 hours
I think the only person I've met in real life with 100% career satisfaction was this gal I knew who was a presenter at a children's science museum and delivered every line like she was running a WWE match. Every time you passed the room where she was giving a presentation, you'd hear something like "WHO'S READY FOR CEPHALOPODS?!?" and the kids would go absolutely nuts cheering.
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ratnipulated · 4 hours
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ratnipulated · 4 hours
if anything else happens to me i’m not enduring it. somebody else do that
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ratnipulated · 4 hours
the minute you start thinking should I get a master's? should I go to law school? you know your life is going horribly wrong
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ratnipulated · 16 hours
“If someone asked me “What are the signs of love?” I would have said without hesitation, It’s the familiarity and the removal of cost, And to find yourself not having to lie, and the embarrassment removed between you two, and see yourself acting in your nature without trying to be something else so she likes you, And that you two keep silent and the silence gets delicious, And that one of you two talk and listening gets delicious.”
— Mustafa Mahmoud
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ratnipulated · 17 hours
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Life drawing
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ratnipulated · 17 hours
The fact that CHILDREN are taught sayings like "boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider, girls go to college to get more knowledge" and people STILL deny the existence of misandry?? It's utter insanity. I know SO many boys and not a single fucking one has EVER gone to Jupiter, certainly not to get more stupider.
To all the boys and men who need to hear this: you are smart, you are cared about, you are loved, and don't listen to anyone who thinks it's okay to say disgusting shit like that. You deserve better.
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ratnipulated · 17 hours
“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different.”
— C.S. Lewis
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ratnipulated · 17 hours
i deserve to be a big monster. i deserve to undergo a terrifying yet true and beautiful transformation
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ratnipulated · 18 hours
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Anaïs Nin, from a novel titled "A Spy in the House of Love," published in 1954
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ratnipulated · 2 days
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Trista Mateer, from "Aphrodite Made Me Do It," originally published in 2024
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ratnipulated · 2 days
“Political correctness” is a concept invented by the privileged to transform basic respect into something political and therefore controversial.
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ratnipulated · 2 days
Dear everyone who is currently working on a Thing, whatever that Thing may be,
Good luck with the Thing. You can do the Thing. You will do the Thing. You just have to do the Thing.
Best wishes,
Someone who is also doing a Thing
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