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Ford’s changing story against Kavanaugh
Was posting via Facebook on Fox News Insider about the Kavanaugh hearing and suddenly comments were disabled. That or something weird happened with my browser. Here’s some highlights of what I said.
Where was security during this? He could have been stabbed to death in that elevator. The FBI should do a background on everyone assigned as security to see if anyone was paid to stand down so that little confrontation could be arranged. One woman in his face actually works for a George Soros funded company. Seems pretty obvious who orchestrated that event. People are raging about foreign governments interfering in our political process, yet we have people working for Soros threatening a Senator in an elevator and that's just fine? Somebody was paid to let that happen and we need to know who.
According to The Gateway Pundit their names are Maria Gallagher and Ana Maria Archila. Laura Ingraham posted on twitter, “Flake screamer/assault victim is co-exec. dir. of the Soros-funded left-wing group Center for Democracy & Center for Democracy Action Fund.”

Then someone said something in the comments on the Fox News Insider article about “doing the right thing”.
"Do the right thing". Asking the FBI to investigate something outside their jurisdiction, which no criminal charges have been filed for in the first place for there to even be a formal criminal investigation? There's no witnesses to back her story, no clear date, no clear location, so what's the FBI supposed to investigate? Do people expect some Abby from NCIS kind of speck of DNA found on Ford's highschool clothes from 35 years ago to indicate some sort of guilt? No, this is about emotional gratification. This is a demand to do something, no matter how useless, no matter how much of a waste of time, just to get an emotional feel good.
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Ghetto version of Green Eggs and Ham
Since a librarian accused Dr Seuss of being racist, I did a ghetto version of Green Eggs and Ham called Purple Eggs and Drank:
I would like purple eggs and drank I would like dem cause dey dank
I would like dem in da hood I would like dem cause dey good
I would like dem on da skreet I would like dem while I tweet
I would like dem with gubment cheese Dat stuff is good, y'all cain't disagrees
I would like dem on a boat I would like dem while I is afloat, with dolphins and $&#%
I would like dem on a train I would like dem wit champagne
I would like purple eggs and drank I would like dem cause dey dank
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Get paid to get a vasectomy
Posted this in response to an article on governments using chemicals to cause infertility in their populations as population control.
If the goal is to eliminate "undesirables", poor people usually fall into that category. If I recall correctly, the UK offers free vasectomies, but there needs to be a little something extra to get people to volunteer. And it being voluntary is far better than forcing chemical infertility on people.
As someone once suggested, in the US if a monetary award of say $1000 was to be offered in addition to the vasectomy being free, it could entice people who otherwise wouldn't want a scalpel near their parts. There's plenty of welfare and minimum wage people who would love to make a quick grand. And compared to the cost of the government paying for hospital stays and the general costs associated with only 1 child, that $1000 is a small price.
That's less than what some people get as earned income credit on their taxes, but people who are having children to manipulate the system aren't going to go for the award anyway. Those people could be manipulated with a tax credit for sterilization in addition to or in place of EIC.
Propaganda wise it could be pitched as, "Men who wisely want to prevent unwanted births due to their financial situation, but who are also limited in their options by that financial situation, can now receive a government paid vasectomy and a one time award of $1000 for helping to reduce the long term burden on American taxpayers from children requiring government assistance. This procedure can be reversed with a high success rate should the individual attain financial stability and desire children."
And one controversial bit of research suggested that crime rates dropped after abortions became legal, so not only could it control the population, reduce government costs, and potentially lower insurance rates, it could even lower crime rates. And it's all voluntary.
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3 ways to handle North Korea
Sarcastic comment I made about the threats from North Korea. I’ve actually been having premonitions about the Florida keys / everglades, which worries me.
We could:
1) Invade North Korea and watch China and Russia push us out just like they did in the 1950s, or are there people that still don't know that North Korea has physical borders with both China (880 miles long) and Russia (11 miles long)?
2) Sit down, shut up, and let the situation cool off all by itself. Stop barking at them and they'll stop barking back.
3) Keep up the propaganda just in case some terrorist group conveniently slips across our border and nukes a major city so our corrupt govt can blame North Korea just like they blame the Saudis for the World Trade Center. I don't doubt some intelligence higher up watched the 2012 version of Red Dawn and saw an opportunity for an increased budget. The whole anti-Russia + North Korea hysteria sounds like people in the CIA are big fans of the remake. And to top it off, they could mix in an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, True Lies, and have someone smuggle a nuke in through the Florida everglades, supposedly with a submarine though, and blame it on immigration somehow. President Trump's resort is in Palm Beach FL which is a little north of Miami, so that lines up nicely with my conspiracy theory. Sounds like a cheap B movie script.
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Liberals supporting Satanism
Comment I made about how Satanism (LaVeyism) is the opposite of Liberal views, yet they support Satanists out of nothing but defiance.
One of the most ridiculous things about liberals backing Satanists, LaVey-ism specifically, is that their teachings are pretty much the opposite of supposedly inclusive liberal views. In his Pentagonal Revisionism, under Stratification, LaVey states,
"The point on which all the others ultimately rest. There can be no more myth of “equality” for all—it only translates to “mediocrity” and supports the weak at the expense of the strong. Water must be allowed to seek its own level without interference from apologists for incompetence. No one should be protected from the effects of his own stupidity."
This clearly shows that Satanism does not support equality and has more of a law of the jungle / survival of the fittest mentality, which is pretty much the opposite of liberal views. Social justice warriors should be up in arms over just that paragraph.
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Not so easy to impeach
Comment I made on yet another article about impeaching President Trump
Gregg Jarrett, Fox News anchor and former defense attorney:
"Robert Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law. It is a legal impossibility."
"As special counsel, Mueller can engage in all manner of spectacular jurisprudential gymnastics. However, it will not change the fact that colluding with Russia is not, under America’s criminal codes, a crime. It’s just not there."
"Maybe it should be. Perhaps someday Congress will pass a law criminalizing such conduct in political campaigns. But for now, there is not a single statute outlawing collaboration with a foreign government in a U.S. presidential election. Or any election, for that matter."
Max de Haldevang, Quartz:
...To formally start proceedings, a representative has to introduce a resolution to the House either calling for impeachment or authorizing an inquiry into one. A majority of the House (currently controlled by Republicans) then has to vote for it...If the House did vote for an inquiry, its Judiciary Committee then oversees an investigation...For the committee to condemn Trump, Democrats would have to persuade four of 24 Republican members to cross party lines...After that, the articles of impeachment go to the full the moment, 24 representatives from Trump’s own party would have to vote against him...And that’s just the first step in kicking a president out of office...To eject him out of office, two-thirds of the Senate would have to condemn him—that means another 19 Republicans crossing party lines...
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Liberals blindly leading charge against Freedom of Speech
A comment I posted about how the Supreme Court of the United States clarified that there is no hate speech exception to the First Amendment.
Blacks calling for the deaths of white people is "protesting", but white supremacists protesting is a civil rights issue? Blacks rioting in Ferguson and attacking white people was just a "protest", but some white guy runs his car into a crowd and it's "domestic terrorism"?
One important thing to remember is that the Supreme Court recently ruled that there is no "hate speech" exception to the First Amendment. On an individual level it is not illegal to be racist. As an individual, I can be as racist as I want to and there's not a legal thing anyone can do about it. A business is prevented from discrimination, but an individual is not. If a company was discriminating, or a city was discriminating, then it would be a "civil rights issue", but this isn't about workplace or local government discrimination. This is about Freedom of Speech, which does not have a "hate speech" exception. The only civil rights issue is the right of white people to voice their opinions, no matter how racist they might be. White people's civil rights are being violated. White people have a legal right to a peaceful gathering, no matter how much you may dislike what they have to say.
England, Wales, and even Russia have laws against hate speech that include imprisonment and fines. Those laws apply to black people too, which is one reason you don't hear much about BLM in England. The comments sections of many articles seen here in the US would land many people in jail, regardless of being a minority. And in Russia it goes even further. Atheists posting hate speech against any religion wind up in jail. But with the tearing down of Confederate monuments, and the current investigation about civil rights, sets up a precedent for imposing those laws in the US. Taking away Freedom of Speech from others makes it easier to take yours away. And liberals are blindly leading the charge.
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Protesters and Ground Clearance
This was a half trolling and half serious post about the Charlottesville car attack.
I don't think it was premeditated because of the vehicle choice. Surely he would have chosen something other than a low sitting sedan. Obviously if he had used a large truck with mud tires like any self respecting redneck, preferably with a heavy duty bumper to prevent damage to the radiator and a stump knocker plate to keep any body parts from flying up into the fan, he would have easily ran the whole lot over and kept going. It doesn't have to be a monster truck with the over-sized tires, just something that sits high enough that the bodies don't drag under the vehicle and you don't get stuck spinning on their corpses, like what happened that one time on the Walking Dead. Car got stuck on a pile of zombies after they tried running over them and just sat there spinning. Ground clearance is important for this kind of thing.
During the Vietnam war the Vietcong dragged bodies out in the roads to slow our troops down. Since stopping to move the bodies would take too much time, our troops just ran right over them. That's a good point of reference for how much ground clearance you need for running over liberals.
Anything excessive and the truck might become top-heavy. You can't be sure how even the crowd is going to be, especially with how fat some people are, and the steering wheel probably gets snatched around a bit will all the impacts, so there's a risk of rolling a top-heavy truck.
Mad Max spikes would be overkill and make your intentions obvious. And who wants some screaming liberal impaled on your vehicle? They're annoying enough just listening to them complain. They'd be even worse with all that screaming and begging for you to stop.
So no, I don't believe it was planned out, because any self respecting white supremacist would have at least chosen something with more ground clearance.
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Rioting vs Domestic Terrorism
This is a response to the claim that the Charlottesville car attack was “domestic terrorism”.
Ferguson riots: Between over a dozen buildings burned, countless more looted, and the mobilization of police and national guard, the Ferguson riots cost taxpayers $5.7 million.
Milwaukee riots: "According to a Milwaukee Fire Department official, the riots caused around $5.8 million worth of damage to the neighborhood businesses. This "rough estimate" includes commercial real estate damage, as well as lost merchandise. At least seven businesses were affected."
White people hiding in their homes from rioters is just "social protest", but some crazy guy hits a few people with a car and it's "terrorism"? Why is it socially acceptable for blacks to riot? People keep talking about "white privilege", but there's one privilege that white people don't have. The privilege to riot and not be condemned as terrorists.
Here's a conspiracy theory for you. It's like I've been saying about Nazi agendas. How do you get people to hate a certain group or race? You give them preferential treatment and put them above the law. No matter what violent crimes they commit, you make excuses for them and call it socio-economic disadvantage and racism It's working well in Europe. Nazi sympathizers are on the rise. Hitler would be proud of whoever is behind the scenes making all those ridiculous rules about refugees. And when that pendulum swings back, there will be blood. Charlottesville is nothing compared to what's coming if this black privilege continues.
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Racism is not ignorance
My response in comments where someone claimed racism is just ignorance. I assume this comes from people who think education makes people intelligent, when actually there are plenty of highly educated idiots in the world. Just ask anyone about their supervisor / boss.
It's not "ignorance". The Nazi SS was half full of scientists. The Nazis under Heinrich Himmler were responsible for some of the biggest advances in science, although their methods would be classified as war crimes. Modern medicine was given a huge leap by the horrible but carefully documented experiments performed on prisoners. Education and general knowledge has nothing to do with it.
It's about emotion. And most often a strong but sometimes twisted sense of self preservation. But considering the anti-white agenda present in the US, that self preservation is justified.
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Blog Focus
This is where I’ll dump my social and political commentary, as well as copies of my posts in comments sections. This is the more stereotypical blog ranting sort of thing. My primary blog with more scientific and medical posts is at
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