Memory Express
234 posts
Meri Pahchaan Mere India ЁЯЗоЁЯЗ│
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 14 days ago
You have no right to hate me for something that you cannot tell me directly, if you think im doing something wrong then dont hesitate to approach me because i'm always willing to acknowledge my mistakes but if you choose to use it against me to talk behind my back then that's no longer similar to you, wanting to correct me or being concerned for my wrongdoings, that's just you, projecting your insecurities on me and finding ways to justify your unreasonable hatred. even worse if you manage to waste your energy just so you can watch my every move to find something to antagonize me with, sorry to say this but your insecurities are not my responsibility so please dont bother me with your unnecessary dramas, that's your own issue to fix.
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 20 days ago
I had reached a point that I no longer had anything left to say, not only because I knew the best course of action was to be still but also because I had no desire to put myself in the crosshairs of anyone else's ulterior motives.
I was done, drained, and deeply depressed. I couldn't trust people with my pain because I knew that if my vulnerability was manipulated one more time, I wouldn't be able to handle it.
In response, I said nothing while people assumed and said everything.
I allowed my silence and absence to be misinterpreted, not because I feared facing others, but because I feared further losing my mind, my faith, and myself.
- Morgan Richard Olivier
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 24 days ago
тАЬEveryone you meet always asks if you have a career, are married, or own a house as if life was some kind of grocery list. But no one ever asks you if you are happy.тАЭ
So, dear friends, how are you? Are you happy? @midadari @studyblr @somisi @medicineinside
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 1 month ago
We have known each other from a time unknown to us. I have no regrets loving you and I love you without expecting anything in return. I don't want any promises or commitments from you.. my love for you is unconditional. I want to cherish every moment that I spend with you... The bond we share is unseen and unbroken and no matter how much distance lies between us, we are always together soulfilly... Our love is so strong that no force can break it.....you are my blessing from God.
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 1 month ago
I have been used, betrayed, and manipulated. am i still worthy?
Everywhere i go, people only care about me when they need something. they never see me for who i am. they only take and leave, as if my feelings don't matter. and when i'm no longer useful, they turn their backs on me. they spread lies and make me feel like i'm not enough. it hurts. no matter what i do, it feels like i'm always the one left behind, broken and questioning my worth.
But i am tired of letting others define me. i am tired of carrying the weight of their judgment. i may have been treated poorly, but that does not mean i deserve it. just because they do not see my worth, does not mean i do not have any.
If it's true that even if you throw gold into the dirt, its value does not change, then maybe i can finally say-i am worthy. no matter what they say, no matter how they treat me, i am still me, and that is enough.
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 1 month ago
IтАЩm wishing a very, very happy birthday to you today, Satyajit Samantaray ЁЯОВЁЯОИЁЯОБЁЯНлЁЯН╛ЁЯОЙ
I pray for your good health and long life.
WeтАЩll be best friends forever, bro, because a friend who is like a brother is one worth holding on to.
#HappyBirthdayToYou ЁЯОБ #Jimy
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 1 month ago
I'll never forget the day i met you. you became the main character in my story and sometimes i still wonder if you might find your way back again. i was a hopeless romantic and you... you were my right place at the right time, my dream come true, my easiest hello and my hardest goodbye.
But what you should know is that i'm so glad you showed up when you did. you and i were the chapter i didn't know i needed and so many of the pages are folded at the corners because i know i will want to go back so i can always remember how good it was.
The sad truth is, we couldn't keep each other forever, but i think it's because we both knew there were other people who needed us more in this lifetime.
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 1 month ago
My Love,
How can I ever put into words how much I love and appreciate you? Today, I just want you to know how special you are to me.
From the moment you came into my life, everything changed. You make every day brighter, fill my heart with joy, and bring so much laughter and warmth into my world. Every time I see you, smile at you, or hold you, I feel so lucky to have you by my side.
You are my safe place, my greatest adventure, and my best friend. With you, I feel loved and cared for in a way I never knew was possible. Even the simplest moments-like sitting together, sharing a meal, or going on little trips-feel magical because you are with me.
On this Valentine's Day, I want you to know that my love for you grows stronger every single day. You are my heart and soul, and you make me believe in true love. Thank you for being such a wonderful person and for choosing to be with me.
I love you more than words can say, and I will keep loving you forever.
Always yours.
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 1 month ago
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 1 month ago
A letter for my past self:
I really donтАЩt know why I am writing this letter to you, but I want to say thank you. Thank you for everything you did for me to be what I am today. I am so proud of you because you have lived your life as simply as possible. I know that youтАЩve been through worst things but still survived. Thank you for passing your skills to me so that I would be able to improve and use them. Thank you for being a good guy. Thank you for being selective of who you allow to enter your lifeтАФleaving me with a few but real friends I can count on. Thank you for being there when I need an answer regarding my past. Even though you cannot answer everything that I asked, at least you tried to give me what you knew about it.
The next thing I wanted to say is sorry. Sorry for blaming you on every atrocious day I am facing. Sorry for repeating some of your mistakes, leaving me the impression that I never learned from you, and I hope you donтАЩt feel bad for it. Sorry for losing some of the people who were once your home. I grew up and learned that people come and go. Some just left me with their memories and started to live their own lives without me. I just let them be what they wanted to be because one of the things I learned from you is to stop chasing people. If those people really wanted to be a part of my adventure, I never have to chase them, for they will voluntarily go with me, no matter how challenging it is. I am also sorry for ruining some of the good things that people love about you. I am no longer the person who can ace whatever I try to do. I am not as friendly as you are because I became tired of dealing with people. I became a person who loves to overthink. I tend to overthink almost everything in life, which made me keep in touch with you almost every time.
I know that you never said that you quit, and I feel sorry for that because I became an exhausted person who sometimes thinks of giving up, but thankfully IтАЩm still holding on. Sorry for being a lazy person that you never wanted me to be. Sorry for not taking care of myself the way you took care of yourself before, but I am trying to be better.
The last thing I want to say is that I am letting you go. YouтАЩre free now. I may not yet be the person you really wanted me to be, but at least I became half of it. I will never regret all the things that you've done, whether good or not so good. Because of those, I learned a lot of things in life. I am now letting you go, and may you enjoy being there in the past. I know that it's hard for me as of now, but I will surely get over you. This is the first and last letter I will be making for you. I hope you find peace and happiness there. Thank you for being a part of me. You will always be inside me, and I promise that I will make you proud.
-Franz Mherryon
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 2 months ago
рммрм╛рмкрм╛ тЭдя╕ПЁЯЩП
рмдрнБрморнЗ рморнЛрм░ рм╕рнЗрм╣рм┐ рмХрм│рнНрмкрммрнГрмХрнНрм╖ рммрм╛рмкрм╛
рмпрм╛рм╣рм╛ рморм╛рмЧрм┐рм▓рнЗ рмкрм╛рмЗрмпрм╛рмП
рмЧрмврм╝рм┐рмЫ рмПрморм┐рмдрм┐ рмнрнБрм▓рм┐рммрм┐ рмХрнЗрморм┐рмдрм┐
рмЭрнБрм░рнБрмерм┐рммрм┐ рморм▓рм╛ рмпрм╛рмП....||
рморми рм╣рнБрмП рморнЛрм░ рмЕрм│рм┐ рмХрм░рм┐рммрм╛рмХрнБ
рмХрм╛рмирнНрмжрм┐ рмдрнБрмо рм╣рм╛рмд рмзрм░рм┐
рмкрм┐рм▓рм╛ рмжрм┐рмирм░ рм╕рнЗ рмЕрм│рм┐ рмЕрмЭрмЯрмХрнБ
рмкрнБрмгрм┐ рмкрм╛рмЖрмирнНрмдрм┐ рмХрм┐ рмлрнЗрм░рм┐....||
рмЙрмнрнЗрмЗ рмпрм╛рмЙрмЫрм┐ рмжрнЗрм╣рм░ рмжрм░рмЬ
рморнЛ рмнрммрм┐рм╖рнНрнЯрмд рмЧрмврм┐рммрм╛ рмкрм╛рмЗрмБ
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рморнЛ рморнБрм╣рмБ рмжрнЗрм▓рнЗ рмЪрм╛рм╣рм┐рмБ....||
рмХрм│рм╛ рмкрмбрм╝рм┐ рмпрм╛рмП рмЧрнЛрмбрм╝ рм╣рм╛рмд рмдрнБрмо
рморнЛ рмкрм╛рмЗрмБ рмЦрмЯрм┐ рмЦрмЯрм┐
рмдрмерм╛рмкрм┐ рм╣рм╛рм░рм┐рми рмжрнБрмирм┐рмЖ рмЖрмЧрм░рнЗ
рмЦрнЛрм▓рм┐ рмирм╛рм╣рмБ рмХрнЗрммрнЗ рмкрм╛рмЯрм┐....||
рмдрнБрморнЗ рморнЛ рмЖрмжрм░рнНрм╢ рмдрнБрморнЗ рморнЛ рм╕рм╛рм╣рм╕
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рмжрнБрмирм┐рмЖ рмпрм┐рммрм┐ рморнБрмБ рмЬрм┐рмдрм┐....! ||
рммрм╛рмкрм╛..... тЭдя╕ПтЭдя╕ПЁЯЩПЁЯСИ
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 2 months ago
рмормирнЗ рмкрмбрнЗ рморнЛрм░ рм╢рм╛рмЧ рмкрмЦрм╛рм│ рморм╛, рм▓рнЛрмбрм╛ рмирм╛рм╣рм┐рмБ рммрм┐рм░рм┐рнЯрм╛рмирм┐ ред
рмЧрмжрм┐ рм░ рммрм┐рмЫрмгрм╛ рмирм┐рмж рмжрнЗрмЙ рмирм╛рм╣рм┐рмБ, рмЦрнЛрмЬрнЗ рмдрнЛ рмкрмгрмд рмХрм╛рмирм┐ рее
рморм┐рмЫрм░рнЗ рмХрм╣рм┐рмжрм┐рмП рмнрм▓ рмЕрмЫрм┐ рммрнЛрм▓рм┐, рмжрнБрмЦ рмХрм┐рмирнНрмдрнБ рмЦрм╛рмгрнНрмЯрм┐ рм╕рмд ред
рм╣рмЬрм┐ рмЧрм▓рм┐рмгрм┐ рморнБрмБ рмПрмЗ рм╕рм╣рм░ рмнрм┐рмдрм░рнЗ рм░рнЗ, рмЦрнЛрмЬрнБ рмЦрнЛрмЬрнБ рморнБрмарнЗ рмнрм╛рмд II
рмП рморм┐рмЫ рмжрнБрмирм┐рмЖ рмнрм╛рм░рм┐ рм╕рнНрммрм╛рм░рнНрмермкрм░, рмжрнЗрмЦрм┐рм▓рм┐ рм▓рм╛рмЧрнБрмЫрм┐ рмХрнЗрмдрнЗ рмпрнЗ рмбрм░ ред
рмХрнБрмирм┐ рмкрм┐рм▓рм╛ рморнЛрмдрнЗ рмХрм░рм┐ рмирнЗ рморм╛, рмкрм│рнЗрмЗ рмЬрнАрмм рм╕рммрнБ рмбрм░ |рее
рмХрнБрмирм┐ рмкрм┐рм▓рм╛ рморнЛрмдрнЗ рмХрм░рм┐ рмирнЗ рморм╛...... рм▓рнБрмЪрм┐ рмпрм┐рммрм┐ рмдрнЛ рмХрнЛрм│ рм░рнЗ
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 3 months ago
Happy New Year Everyone!
I wish you all a wonderful new year filled with joy, happiness and prosperity!
LetтАЩs take a moment to appreciate life and good health. Good health is the greatest gift that we tend to overlook. Everything else in life comes after good health. Love, career, ambitions and future plans. TheyтАЩre all hard to enjoy or accomplish without a good healthy body that enables you to do so. 2024 was very challenging, but it taught great lessons. On top of these lessons, it taught us the value of time and good health.
I wish you all a happy and healthy new year ahead!
#Year2025 #NewYear #HappyNewYear
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 3 months ago
Thank you so much to all my friends and family that wished me a happy birthday. Special thanks to all my colleagues who are currently globetrotting who still made the effort.
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 4 months ago
The Memories And Embarrassment Will Last ForeverтЭдя╕П
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 4 months ago
Thank you so much to all my friends and family that wished me a happy birthday. Special thanks to all my colleagues who are currently globetrotting who still made the effort.
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ranjitsamalofficial ┬╖ 4 months ago
Unforgettable moments ЁЯдФ
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