Enjoy Your Life!
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Life isn't easy as you thought. You should pray and struggle hard to continue your life. Learn from the experience and enjoy every part of your life! \(^v^)/
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
1. Dzikir Pagi Dan Petang (QS Al- Ahzab Ayat 41-42)
2. Sholat Qiyamul Lail /Tahajud (QS.Al- Isra Ayat 79)
3. Shalat Witir (HR. Muslim No. 755)
4. Shalat Dhuha (HR. Abu Daud No. 1289)
5. Puasa Senin Kamis (HR. An- Nasa'i No 2362)
6. Puasa Ayyamul Bidh (HR.Tarmidzi No. 761)
7. Shalat Rawatib 12 Rakaat Sehari Semalam (HR. Tirmidzi No 414)
8. Shalat Sunnah Wudhu (HR. Muslim No. 234)
9. Puasa Syawal (HR. Muslim No. 1164)
10. Puasa Arafah (HR. Muslim No.1162)
11. Puasa Daud (HR. Bukhari No. 1131)
12. Puasa Sunnah Di 9 Hari Awal Dzulhijah (HR. Abu Daud No. 2437)
13. Mengerjakan Shalat Sunnah Tahiyatul Masjid (HR. Bukhari No. 444)
14. Memperbanyak Membaca Istighfar (HR.Bukhari No. 6307)
15. Baca Surat Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq Dan An-Nas Sebelum Tidur (HR. Bukhari 5017)
16. Membaca Al-Qur'an Setiap Malam 100 Ayat (Shahih Al- Jami 6468)
17. Membaca 2 Surat Terakhir Surat Al- Baqarah Di Malam Hari (HR. Bukhari 5009)
18. Baca Ayat Kursi Sebelum Tidur (HR. Bukhari No. 3275)
19. Baca Al-Ikhlas 10x Setiap Hari (HR. Ahmad No. 3437)
20. Menjawab Adzan (HR. Muslim No. 385)
21. Membaca Do'a Setelah Mendengar Adzan "Allahumma Rabba Haadzihid"
(HR. Muslim No. 641)
22. Membaca Surat Al- Baqarah Dan Surat Ali Imron Setiap Hari (HR. Muslim No. 804)
23. Membaca Dzikir Setelah Sholat 5 Waktu (QS. An- Nisa : 103)
24. Membaca Dzikir Laa Hawla Wa Laa quwwata illa Billah (HR. Bukhari No. 7386)
25. Membaca Dzikir Subhanallah Walhamdullilah Wa Laa Illah Illallah Wallahu Akbar (HR. Muslim No. 2695)
26. Membaca Dzikir Subhanallah Wabihamdih 100x (HR. Muslim No. 2692)
27. Membaca Dzikir Subhanallah Wabihamdih Subhanallahil Adzim (HR.Bukhari No. 6682)
28. Membaca Dzikir Laa Illaaha Illallah Wahdahu Laa Syarika Lah Lahul Mulku Walahul Hamdu Wahuwa Ala Kulli Sya'in qadir 100x (HR. Bukhari No. 3293)
29. Membaca Dzikir Sayyidul Istighfar (HR.Bukhari No. 6306)
30. Membaca Surat Al- Kahfi Di Malam Dan Hari Jum'at (HR. Ad- Darimi No. 3470, Dan HR. Hakim 6169)
31. Membiasakan Berwudhu Sebelum Tidur (HR.Bukhari. No 247)
32. Membiasakan Tidur Miring Ke Kanan (HR. Bukhari No. 247)
33. Mengibas /Mengebut Tempat Tidur Dengan Kain (HR. Bukhari No. 6320)
34. Membaca Do'a Sebelum Tidur Dan Bangun Tidur (HR. Bukhari No. 6314)
35. Mencuci Tangan 3x Setelah Bangun Tidur (HR. Bukhari 162)
36. Melakukan Istinsyaq Dan Istintsar Setelah Bangun Tidur (HR. Bukhari No. 3295)
37. Mendoakan Kaum Muslimin (HR. Muslim No. 7231)
38. Mendo'akan Kedua Orang Tua (QS. Ibrahim : 41)
39. Menyambung Silaturahmi (HR. Bukhari
40. Bersedekah (QS. Al- Baqarah : 261)
41. Bershalawat (QS. Al- Ahzab : 56)
42. Membaca Bismillah Sebelum Makan (HR. Abu Daud No. 3767).
43. Membaca Do'a Setelah Makan (HR. Bukhari No. 5458)
44. Membaca Do'a Masuk Kamar Mandi (HR. Bukhari No. 142)
45. Membaca Do'a Keluar Kamar Mandi (HR. Abu Daud No. 30)
46. Membaca Do'a Setiap Masuk Dan Keluar Masjid (HR. Ibnu Majah No. 771)
47. Membaca Do'a Setiap Memakai Pakaian (HR. Abu Daud No. 4023)
48. Membaca Bismilah Saat Akan Melepas Pakaian (HR. Thabrani Dalam Al- Ausath 7062)
49. Membaca Do'a Saat Akan Keluar Rumah (HR. Tirmidzi No. 3426)
50. Baca Do'a Masuk Keluar Rumah (HR. Abu Daud No. 5096)
Dan Masih Banyak Lagi Amalan Amalan Sunnah Lainnya. Semoga Allah Memudahkan Kita Untuk Rutin Mengamalkan Sunnah Sunnah Rasululloh Sallalahu 'Alaihi Wassalam Walaupun Tidak Bisa 100% Tetapi Paling Tidak Kita BERUSAHA Semaksimal Mungkin Untuk Mengamalkan nya.
Repost nte Irna Mutiara
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
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We all have different strengths and weaknesses. Chibird’s weakness is cookies. 🍪
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Webtoon
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
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Finding your happiness is a slow and steady process. 🐌💕 It can be frustrating when you’re not happy, but we’ll walk it together step by step.
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Webtoon
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
7 Things to Quit
1. Getting your self esteem from others.
2. Constantly attacking and putting yourself down.
3. Thinking that others are better than you.
4. Expecting things not to turn out well.
5. Living in the past.
6. Fearing the future.
7. Being afraid of, and resisting, change.
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
Pain is pain. A test is a test. A challenge is a challenge. There is no way to avoid the fact that we don’t like going through difficult and painful experiences.
But what I know many people need to hear and be reminded of is that their test, their pain, isn’t purposeless. I don’t know the specific reason why people are tested with specific things, but I do know that every test has a purpose.
As Muslims, we understand that this life is a place of temporary joy and also a place of temporary tests.
The end goal: to have our hearts be fully in submission to the one who created us, and to know Him intimately within our hearts.
These tests show us who we are so we can improve our character, leave sins behind, and increase in good deeds.
They also refine our souls with purification and elevation.
When you are going through a difficult test remember that there is a higher purpose you can’t see right now.
But you will. Be patient, keep striving, call out to Allah, and lean on others when you need support.
You and your life always has purpose.
-Megan Wyatt
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
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as you can tell, I love plants and cream colors💭
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
I think as Muslims we don’t really understand the magnitude of the blessing that is Islam.
Look around, look at the heedless, look at the ones who lost their way after guidance or those who choose this life over the hereafter.
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
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I think sometimes we motivate ourselves by saying we can earn rest after we work hard, which is totally understandable and I’ve done it myself too! But at the same time, we deserve rest even if we haven’t worked hard because rest is good for our health. Needing rest is natural, and we shouldn’t overwork ourselves to the point of exhaustion.
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Webtoon
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
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By @psych2go
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
Make massive dua if you want to strengthen your trust in Allah, you need to be confiding in Him. Confiding in Him to such an extent that you pour your heart in your duas. Tell Allah everything as you do with your best friend. Share your fears, your worries, your dreams, your goals, your passion and anything else that matters to you. When you express your vulnerability to Allah, you begin to develop this unwavering conviction, that no matter what happens, allah will be enough for you.
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
Tutorial Jatuh Cinta
Jatuh cintalah pada seseorang yang perasaan cintanya lebih besar darimu. Karena ia akan membuatmu menjadi sangat berharga. Bersedia untuk melakukan hal-hal kecil untukmu, menggendong anakmu saat kelelahan, membiarkanmu tetidur dan ia membereskan rumah, membelamu jika ada orang lain yang menyerangmu, menyediakan makanan-makanan kecil saat kamu malas memasak, dan tidak marah-marah saat kamu menghabiskan uang yang digunakan untuk kebutuhan kalian berdua. Jatuh cintalah pada seseorang yang memiliki cara berpikir yang baik, yang luas, yang terbuka. Karena di dalam pikirannya nanti kamu akan tinggal. Karena cara berpikirnya itulah yang akan kamu hadapi selama kalian bersama. Tentu merepotkan tinggal bersama orang yang ternyata cara berpikirnya mudah menerima hoax, tidak bisa mencerna informasi dengan baik, tidak bisa mengambil keputusan dengan bijak, tidak ada keinginan untuk berkembang, tidak punya pendirian yang kuat. Lelah sekali tinggal di pikiran yang seperti itu, bukan? Jatuh cintalah pada seseorang yang mudah diajak berbicara. Kamu tak perlu merasa takut untuk mengutarakan segala isi hatimu, mengutarakan segala penatmu, mengajaknya berdiskusi untuk keluargamu. Tentu tidak enak jika selama bersama, kalian tidak bisa membicarakan hal-hal penting untuk keluargamu. Bahkan, untuk sekedar mengatakan bahwa kamu lelah dan memintanya untuk mengasuh anak sebentar saja, kamu takut. Tak leluasa untuk berbicara. Padahal, memiliki teman bicara seumur hidup yang nyaman itu benar-benar anugrah yang tak ternilai.
Kalau kamu ingin jatuh cinta, tutup sejenak matamu dari hal-hal yang kamu lihat darinya. Rasakan dari hatimu, berpikirkan sejauh mungkin. Seberapa bisa kamu hidup dengan sosok sepertinya. Karena apa yang kamu lihat dari matamu, seperti kecantikan/ketampanan itu akan usang dimakan usia, harta bisa hilang, jabatan bisa lepas.  Kalau nanti kamu jatuh cinta, kamu tak lagi takut jatuh ditempat yang menyakitkan karena kamu bisa memilih di tempat seperti apa cintamu jatuh. Hati-hatilah memilihnya. Kalaupun harus menempuh jalan yang panjang dan berliku, tidak apa-apa. Kalau harus menempuh waktu yang lama, tidak apa-apa. Tidak apa-apa.
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
“You make lists in your head about what you want in a lover, like brown hair and a sweet voice. A sharp mind and a soft heart, a sense of humor that actually makes you laugh like you mean it. This and that. And it’s all bullshit. Because people aren’t lists. And I’ve always wanted to be the person who made someone realize that. I want to come across someone with a list in their head that is nothing like the person I am, and I want to show them what they didn’t even know they were looking for. People who think they know what they want are fooling themselves. Nobody really knows what they want. Not until it’s right in front of them.”
— Anonymous (via suspend)
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
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winnie the pooh // holly warburton // mikko harvey // charlotte brontë // anushka shahaney // brothers osborne
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
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ranianggita · 3 years ago
Chrome extensions I actually use as a mentally ill university student
Making websites easier to digest:
Dark Reader - Changes any webpage to dark mode.
Mercury Reader - Simplifies the layout of any webpage to eliminate distractions and irritating formatting.
Podcastle AI - Turns any article into a podcast. This is a lifesaver for being able to process what I’m reading, to be honest.
LanguageTool - Spelling and grammar check for those of us who regularly type in more than one language.
Grammarly - Spelling and grammar check for those of us who only type in English. Can be used with LanguageTool installed, which is what I do.
Google Dictionary - Define any word on the webpage with a double-click.
Google Translate - Translate an entire webpage or even just a short segment.
AdGuard Adblocker - After trying quite a few adblocker options, this is the one I find the best.
The Great Suspender - Automatically suspend inactive tabs to help with performance. <- as an edit, I don’t believe this is available anymore
Honey - Try coupon codes automatically to save money on online purchases.
Built-in Chrome tab grouping - Group your tabs to keep organized and minimize distracting clutter.
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