randy-strikes-back · 4 years
no longer an ask blog
im stupid and cant keep up with it, i can answer the questions fine but i dont have the motivation to draw it which sucks . thisll be a general au blog at this point, uhhhhhh yeah, sorry
im working on a big project though , it might never see the light of day but well see
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randy-strikes-back · 4 years
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He is da radman‼️‼️
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randy-strikes-back · 4 years
been reworkin shit. heres whats new/changed while i was hiatusing
So a couple ppl were pointing out that I was portraying Terrence very inaccurately, and that’s my fault, im just stupeyd. So I’ve changed a lot abt it. Terrence is now a good friend of Randy’s (not gay tho), but they get in a lot of fights over petty things. They always make up though. hes dead tho so it doesnt matter much anyways  however he will be involved in something a bit later
Remember the scientist faction I made on my old blog? No? ok well theyre basically all vinnie they do all of the cybernetics n shit, as well as working with some other things in the stickmin universe idk what yet lmao. They have a history of working for anyone who hires them, and while they do work for the government sometimes, the Toppats also regularly hire them (hence, RHM’s cybernetics). They’ll have a part somewhere in this story, not saying what though!!!!!!!!!!
I finally managed to get in contact with the creators of Purple and Alex, and they wanted me to be very strict with their characters or not use them. I’ve decided to make two new characters to fill their roles, you’ll meet them soon enough, i rlly like em  (its my first stickmin oc and my so’s oc <3)
I’m assigning most people new colours. Randy remains the pink king, but everyone else is swapping. Notably, Reg will be yellow, Terrence will be navy, and the two new secret characters will be purple and gray. 
So Puffballs confirmed in one of the commentaries that the leader order is TRNK > Billy G > Wilford > Terrence > Reginald, and as far as I know Randy has no specific placement before that. However. I don’t like that so FUCK YOU /j  im changing it. Wilford > Randy > Terrence > Reg. 
 i think thats it for now ,  uh yea awesome cool .        k thanks bye
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randy-strikes-back · 4 years
hi this blog isnt dead i think i just have executive dysfunction and find doing the things i enjoy to be a chore. so uhm im clearing the inbox because its mostly full of jokes, if u wanna ask shit tho go ahead its open
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randy-strikes-back · 4 years
hey guys!! back from my little hiatus. the brainrot faded for a while but its back !!!!!!!!!!!!! ill be going through the asks, so if you wanna ask something, do it now, bc ill probably get to it!
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randy-strikes-back · 4 years
go follow this person too !! they are im gonna say it theyre pogtastic
I Require asks, also Anon asks should be on!
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randy-strikes-back · 4 years
do not harass me in the asks.
its not funny. it clutters my inbox and makes it hard to respond to the serious questions. the purpose of an ask blog is to forward the story through user interaction, not to make jokes and harass the creators while hiding behind an anon.
if harassment continues, i will turn off anon asks. 
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randy-strikes-back · 4 years
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this is the sole reason randy hates terrence /hj
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randy-strikes-back · 4 years
randy villain rant
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randy-strikes-back · 4 years
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this is canon btw
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randy-strikes-back · 4 years
wait so who are you??????
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shut up alex nobody cares abt u  /j
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randy-strikes-back · 4 years
Are you cool?
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is that even a question ???
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randy-strikes-back · 4 years
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randy-strikes-back · 4 years
yes i know i dont have a proper pfp yet shut your ass up im working on it   it will look very cool i promise
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randy-strikes-back · 4 years
This is the blog page with everything you should know about this blog if you want to interact regularly! Take a peek!
What even is this blog for?
Good question! I didn’t really clarify that. This blog is an ask blog for the Randy Strikes Back characters AND a general blog for the AU. I’ll try my best to update this with art and ask blog responses. 
Ask blog info bc i know yall dont want to scroll down for it
lazy fucks PLEASE CLARIFY WHO YOU ARE ASKING. If you don’t say who, ill probably just go with Randy or maybe somebody else idk. Only accepting asks for Randy rn!
What is Randy Strikes Back?
Randy Strikes Back is an AU made by me, inspired by a roleplay in the Henry Stickmin Roblox game. The plot is relatively simple as of now, however, I do hope to extend it in the future.
After being dethroned, Randy decided to hang around the Toppat Clan a while longer. What else is going to do, go get arrested? However, he absolutely hated it. After Randy caused bankruptcy in the clan, Terrence didn’t have the time, energy, or resources to go on fun, extravagant raids, so they were stuck with small, boring little thefts until they had enough resources to do exciting things again. However, that never happened, and Reginald, who joined during Terrence’s reign, just thought the little boring raids were what they did. So Randy, who was annoyed by how boring the clan had become, decided to scheme a revolution. With the few remaining Toppats from the Party Era, they secretly campaigned for him and got people to side with him over Reg. Their following wasn’t massive; small enough to slip under the Chief’s radar, but strong enough to be troublesome if they were caught. However, before they were caught, they caught Reg. Reginald cowardly forfeited the Toppat throne to Randy, even acknowledging his own faults as leader, however, not without warning to Randy. Randy excitedly took rule, immediately throwing a party reminiscent of the most well-remembered Party Era celebration, and gained support quickly. Of course, there are rebels, but they seem to magically disappear...
Who are the main characters?
For now, the blog stars, of course, Randy Radman, and his two most loyal followers, who are yet to be introduced. Other characters who may appear semi-regularly are Reginald,  and Poppedtop (Poppedtop was also a supporter in Roblox), maybe some other side characters?? I dunno, we’ll see.
Have a good day/night!
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