randumpp · 1 month
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These two pictures are giving the same energy. I swear i'm not tripping. They are serving cunt!
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randumpp · 1 month
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+ bonus carletto
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real madrid players as incorrect quotes part 4
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randumpp · 1 month
Everytime I see some interview or review about how amazingly 'terrifying' Austin Butler was as Feyd-Rautha I die a bit inside. Like how could they miss the point so entirely?
The baron is terrifying, Rabban is terrifying, Piter is terrifying but Feyd? Yeah sure he'll kill without remorse, he'll plot, he's sneaky and will even enjoy inflicting pain if it strokes his ego or ambition but in the context of his house....... He's the most reasonable one! The charismatic one, the one that the people can love. He's the Harkonnens' best face, their ticket to leading the universe, not by pure violence but by marriage and politics. He's even born of a father who tried to run away from them entirely.
The way that Feyd is supposed to take power is by being MORE MERCIFUL AND MORE REASONABLE than the harkonnens who came before. Even if he's motivated by ambition rather than kindness (so is Paul, in many ways), he's supposed to swoop in and RESCUE the people of Arrakis from the hands of his brute brother. JUST LIKE PAUL HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE SEEN AS A BETTER ALTERNATIVE, if not an outright saviour.
Yes he's cruel and yes he is scheming but the savagely they keep ascribing to him in the movie belongs to Rabban and the true psychopathic sadism to Piter, and then finally obviously the Baron is the worst evil schemer there is. I do not understand why they've given him a bunch of traits that are better exemplified in the other members of his house and gotten rid of the things that made him a unique Harkonnen enemy and an effective mirror to Paul.
Hell in the book he even LOOKS like Paul (curly dark hair) and it's implied that the baron is attracted to both of them, implying he has a certain type.
It just feels so lazy and uninventive, but most of all it's just a shame because it's so much less interesting than it could have been. Compared to that, having him do a batman voice and feed people to his cannibal harem for fun is just so.... lame.
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randumpp · 1 month
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randumpp · 2 months
from the window i watch people my age and see in them this effortless freedom that i know i'll never have. words and laughter free from their lungs like joy is priceless. and it doesn't make sense. not when my joy has always come with the price of sorrow and angry insults. fear has disguised itself as maturity and now i've learned to contain my laughter. i can stop joy from crawling up my throat, chew it back before it escapes, though it makes my throat burn with the unpleasant taste of bile and my mouth fill with the metallic taste of blood.
today is my birthday, if i let myself get excited, who’s to say what else will follow?
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randumpp · 2 months
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He likes to stroke Kenan's hair, it's kinda cute
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randumpp · 2 months
i'm suffering as well, there's like ONE AMAZING that's in english and the other seven are in languages i don't speak :((( i'm debating translating the other seven ... * smh the pain of liking rarepairs is a curse *
drop some more arken fics i beg it‘s like a drought i‘m personally going through
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randumpp · 3 months
Continuing the “Mihawk and Crocodile must have history” agenda, by rewatching marineford war. It should be noted that, while it was generally assumed by fans that they fought each other, in actuality Mihawk was never shown to direct his blade outright at Crocodile.
Weapons clashing for one panel was the prevalent indicator for characters lock in combat, yet the only time Mihawk’s blade ever came close to pointing in Crocodile’s general direction was when Crocodile blocked a slash meant for Luffy. Comparing to how multiple attacks were explicitly shown to exchange between Jinbe and Mihawk, or between Doflamingo and Crocodile… Mihawk and Crocodile’s weapons were never shown to touch at all when they were facing each other. We should also keep in mind that the last warlord to get in Mihawk’s way was Jinbe, and Mihawk sent him packing with minimal effort.
Even more curious, after hearing that Crocodile was in a bad mood, Mihawk was never seen bothering another soul throughout the rest of the battle.
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randumpp · 3 months
hi btw guys. we got an official explanation for how nikolai was in that position in the latest official art and
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like guys this is INSANE. i had previously assumed that it was just like, cool art logic. I had chalked it up to composition. but no. NIKOLAI IS ACTUALLY HOLDING HIMSELF IN THAT POSITION BY ONE HAND ON A BAR. do you guys even understand how crazy that is. like. the sheer core strength. not just the sheer core strength that would require but the sheer strength in essentially EVERY part of his body. that leg positioning...! he holds this flawlessly, he makes it look so seamless and casual it genuinely looks as though he is sitting on air.
this is your reminder that nikolai is absolutely terrifying
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randumpp · 3 months
you guys don’t get how much i delight in treating disability like any other narrative element. like, why does my dazai have borderline-black eyes? because it opens the way to abyss imagery / because he’s like an abyss. so why am i going to write nikolai as extremely nearsighted in feathering? because he’s fighting a futile battle to lose sight of himself. why will i also write him as light sensitive? because it ties into icarus imagery. or using fyodor’s orthostatic intolerance for dramatic effect during moments of emotional tension: character LITERALLY feels the world tilt on its axis…. fun fun fun
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randumpp · 3 months
Nikolai as the Perfectly Sane Hatter ♡♤◇♧
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sorry to dissapoint, but he's perfectly sane :D
and he's thowing a teeparty! who'll be invited?? :0
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randumpp · 3 months
i know i have a lot of “unfavorable” opinions on fanon but one of the things i appreciate is how neil’s canon multilingualism borne out of need had turned into him having a fondness for languages.
setting aside the unrealistic aspect of him still retaining foreign language skills and knowledge even without years of practicing, i just really like how this ballooned into him actually *liking* learning and speaking in foreign languages instead of it being something that he’d had to do out of necessity for survival on the run. the ones where he’s a double major in linguistics and math is a++ for me too.
(also i may be projecting my own multilingual desires unto him here lol i’m self-aware enough to know this at least 💁🏻‍♀️)
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randumpp · 3 months
I refuse to believe that the queer coding in bsd is just 'accidental' because you don't just ' ACCIDENTALLY ' write THAT
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randumpp · 3 months
Owl told me it’s common in Moldova to say ‘you’re such a Dostoevsky’ to mean they’re annoying and I felt compelled to share that with you
what particular beef does the entire nation of moldova have against Doestoyevsky lmao/light hearted.
The bsd fandom is going to love that.
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randumpp · 3 months
I totally believe you, but I'd be interested to see your receipts of haitham being nice if you're willing to share~
hello weary traveler please take a look at my wares~
top ten (read: 3) reasons alhaitham is a SWEETIE w/ receipts:
1) he’s got really good manners:
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*leaves to the entrance to wait patiently for you so he can say goodbye* and i just like how offended he seems at the implication in the last one
these voicelines in particular stick out to convey that he doesn’t really want to be responsible for causing others trouble:
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also tbh basically all of his about lines are just him talking about people’s good qualities, which always makes me a little sad when i think about most of the voicelines about him in comparison rip
here’s some faves though tighnari’s especially sticks out in regard to alhaitham being nice i think:
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2) he does a lot of things for other people:
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“i’m not going to field any questions” proceeds to take us to his house, gather a bunch of books to help us understand, and then field all of our questions🤔 also just the entire concept of him being able to be talked into being acting grand sage at ALL
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also not included but little things like taking the time to teach us how to use the knowledge capsules, taking the aaru villager’s feelings into account/getting shani to talk, and just generally taking the time to carefully address the rest of The Squad’s™️ questions/concerns during sumeru’s archon quests
3) and perhaps some people will disagree with this one but i just think he has a very kind view of humanity:
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(⬆️ from sq also not cropped cause pretty🥰)
i feel that if someone is so intimately aware of the limits and faults of humanity while also still having an innate curiosity about other people and an affinity for finding people’s positive qualities it’s indicative of an inherently kind/forgiving way of thinking
i can and will defend any of these examples if anyone disagrees😤 i spend every moment of my life ready for a debate😤
but seriously lol idk there’s just SO MUCH that he does and says that can be interpreted as kind if you look for it and connect it, like this isn’t even all the examples i could think of off the top of my head
also thank you anon for giving me an excuse to talk about him and how he is GOOD i owe you my life sorry for adding so much lol
my sources for your convenience: SQ = alhaitham’s story quest, TP = teapot dialogue, KH = kaveh’s hangout, PoP = the parade of providence event
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randumpp · 3 months
what gets me re: kevin with jean is that kevin is seriously the worst. like we see in-text specifically that kevin used to lean into jean’s space to whisper to him and it seems it was common enough to him that he didn’t think much of it (he did it once for asking jean to teach him french then again to make jean promise not to off himself), he said horrible things like ‘it could be our secret’ and ‘i don’t want to lose you’, he wrote jean memories and notes in postcards, he bought jean silly little magnets, even up to the point of tsc canon he was cradling jean’s face and gently touching his hand. so flirty! no wonder jean was down so horribly. no wonder nora sakavic said kevin was always the problem child
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randumpp · 3 months
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this is my jean moreau.
the pretty eyes, the outfit, the silver rings, the aesthetic of it ? thats my french boi.
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