Hetalia Cardverse AU blog || Main accounts: @eky-13 @key13
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random-cardverse--hetalia · 3 years ago
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Cardverse Romano Moodboard
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random-cardverse--hetalia · 3 years ago
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A collection of frames that I never used in my Cardverse AU animatic. (+One that I actually used but I just liked)
And oh, it's a bit old, but the full animatic is here:
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random-cardverse--hetalia · 4 years ago
Reblog if you are Hetalia blog
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random-cardverse--hetalia · 4 years ago
who are the kings, queens, and jacks of each kingdom?
I'm trying to stick to the canon as much as possible. So here they are, the kings, queens and jacks:
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-King: Germany
-Queen: Japan
-Jack: Italy
-King: USA
-Queen: England
-Jack: China
-King: France
-Queen: Lietchestein
-Jack: Switzerland
-King: Rusia
-Queen: Hungary
-Jack: Austria
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random-cardverse--hetalia · 4 years ago
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Lietchestein ❤️
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random-cardverse--hetalia · 4 years ago
Hello there! What current headcanons do you have that you're willing to share? I'm super curious!
• The different kingdoms are based in their respective simbology in the deck (Diamonds/Bourgeoisie, Clovers/Peasants, Spades/Nobles, Hearts/Clergy)
• Also, each kingdom is based on a time period, I think is represented mostly in the fashion (Diamonds/1780-1900, Clovers/1900-now, Spades/ 1600-1780, Hearts/1300-1600)
• Magic exists, but not everyone can use it. There's one person in each kingdom who's able to use the magic. Also, each kingdom gives it different interpretations. Well, except the kingdom of Diamonds, they despise magic, the closest one to that kind of stuff in that kingdom is Monaco, Although she isn't actually a magician.
•Magicians for each kingdom: Spades/England, Hearts/Romania, Clovers/Kugelmugel.
•Magic is expressed through a poker deck. Magicians use this to be able to express and/or read magic. Everyone's soul is connected to an energy on the deck, but only few of them represent a card. Only Magicians can see that energy.
•Also, King, Queen and Jack are only titles, they don't depend on the age, gender, relationship with each other...
•Magic in my version of this AU isn't that cool and flashy, but it works in a more ethereal way.
•About Jokers, they represent both the evil and the good.
•They are not seen as bad creatures, but something similar to unicorns in the middle age. Magic creatures that mostly no one has seen but that they believed real.
•Constellations are a big thing in the kingdoms. Each kingdom has a constellation of it's own. It's said that if you follow them you will eventually arrive to that kingdom.
•Kingdoms are huge (some more than others) and they have almost every ecosystem inside their borders. But the signature landscape is the one on each kingdom's capital.
•So Hearts are known by their rivers and forests, Clovers by their fields, Spades by their mountains and Diamonds by their sea.
•Relationships between kingdoms are easy (? I think it's based in what the cards represent. For example relationship between Hearts (Clergy) and Spades (Nobility) would be lot better than between Diamond (Bourgeoisie) and Spades (Nobility).
•The only thing is that no one mess with the Hearts kingdom. Also, Hearts are super peaceful.
•I also base on the cards some character traits. For example, the Jack of Clovers represents Lancelot. The Queen of Spades represents Athena. That influence the character who's soul is connected to that card. But the significance of the same card only influence the way Magicians read the cards.
•As I said before, each kingdom is represented by a different social status. So, the governments are also different. I also based it on the time period of the kingdom.
•It's note usual that people from a kingdom move and end up living in any other kingdom. Only exeptuating Diamonds kingdom, they live basically everywhere.
•They also have the best relationship possible with everyone, they just want to be able to commerce.
These are a few of them. Sorry for taking so long, I love to write, but writing in English is still hard for me. Either way, I hope it was understandable enough for you to read it.
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random-cardverse--hetalia · 4 years ago
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This Nyo Cardverse Spain was all I could do today
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random-cardverse--hetalia · 4 years ago
If you're still taking these, ♫ and china?
Don't ask me why, but this three songs remind me of Cardverse China. (It's darker than what I would choose for China, but these are my options for the Cardverse AU)
I couldn't choose just one, sorry.
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random-cardverse--hetalia · 4 years ago
Send me a ♫ + a character’s name and I will respond with a song that reminds me of them. Send a ♫ + a ship and I will do the same.
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random-cardverse--hetalia · 4 years ago
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random-cardverse--hetalia · 4 years ago
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I promise you I know how to draw, I just sometimes forget.
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random-cardverse--hetalia · 4 years ago
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And boom, some Cardverse canon and headcannon (? designs as first post.
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