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How about this: We stop denying our hunger. We call ourselves holy.twentyfive / journalism
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
        avery sent over that signature, faulty smirk that he was known to be wearing in pretty much every conversation he could ever have. not for any particular reason but it was just one of the more natural looks that his face automatically turned to. “mm, a two for one deal, huh? i think i could definitely wrap my head around that one.” he nodded, looking around at the others in the lobby, both other tourists and those who had just gotten of the plane with them from new york. “it’s been a while since we hung out anyways, you can always catch me up on the excitement that is ramiro.”
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It didn’t feel foolish to compare Avery to something dangerous: there were myths of the sweet talking snake in a lush garden, of whom could tempt and taunt even the purest of souls into sin. He enjoyed the company, to reach out and close his teeth around the low-hanging fruit that was easy enjoyment. Why shouldn’t he live deliciously? He wasn’t cut from the same cloth as the rest of the Rye students, the spoon pressed to his tongue as a child hadn’t been silver— but just for a night, he could play the part. “What excitement is there to talk about? I think we’ve got a real shot at winning the season, if you want to know all about the plays I’ve lined up.” Rami laughed, he knew well enough that Avery likely didn’t care for the sport— “Let’s invent some new stories tonight, how about that? I could use something to tell when we get back home.”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
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      Elias caught the volleyball that was thrown his way, balancing it in his hands as he looked at Rami. He was shirtless, a pair of royal blue swim shorts clinging to his body. A few water drops still glistened on his skin from a dip he had taken in the cool ocean. “What can I say? I’m busy. I’m loved. I had things to do.” Tilting his head to the side, he threw the ball back at Rami. “Aw, you missed me?” He took a few steps closer, showing his brightest smile. “I’ll make sure to make it to the next one.”
Dark eyes took their time dragging up to Elias’ face. His gaze was cerulean, a piece of the waters behind him and he remembered what his great aunt had said about blue eyes: they were mirrors of the world around them, holding nothing inside. She never trusted those who didn’t have the earth in their gaze, they were rocksteady: great aunt María insisted that you could see their soul. He snatched the volleyball and tucked it under his arm, laughing at Elias’ nonchalance. She was wrong about things too, with all of her silly superstitions, she didn’t know that a soul was best heard in the ring of low laughter— it didn’t live in irises and pupils. “Yeah, without you it was too easy to win. I like a little bit of challenge at least.” He canted his head, “I think the boys are getting tired of me making them do drills on vacation, but they did agree to doing a bar crawl as a team. Maybe you’ll have to come to that instead.”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
        he knew that rami would be happy to join him on the beginning of a great trip. “mm, great!” he smiled big already nodding towards the main door as an arm draped around rami’s shoulders. “any where you want to start, first round can be on me — or better yet, the school.” avery smirked. it had been a while since he has been on a vacation, let alone one that was practically one hundred percent covered.
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The two of them made for a striking pair, both dressed colourfully— though in the rest of their appearance fitting the bill for something tall, dark and handsome. It was Avery’s smile that was something dangerous, had it not been so pretty, Rami was sure he could have seen through the illusion to see rows of sharp teeth, glittering like that of a shark: there was something dangerous about wealthy men with a wild streak, or at the very least, caution was to be given to those who were impishly mischievous. Devils often made the best company however, and he laughed. “In that case, the bar across the street. We’ll start with two carajillos and the rest of the night’ll be a blur, how’s that?”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
who: open where: ibiza, late at night and at the beach
The music swelled through the night from the sounds of the nightclubs, heavy thumps of bass ran through the streets and Emilia couldn’t escape it far enough. As usual, she couldn’t sleep and it wasn’t every day that she was granted an incredible vacation so she got up to wander Ibiza. She came to feel regret in the pit of her stomach once she was confronted with so many drunk partygoers. She was just too sober for it. She found a break with the beach and some caves that ran along the shoreline. Jade hues trace the line of the caves, to the imbedded seashells and childish cave drawings. She hears footsteps behind her and prays it’s not a murderer, an easy stream of chatter leaving her lips. “Did you know Ibiza is a port town? They trade by ship, history says pirates and mermaids once roamed these waters.”
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Rami’s jeans were rolled up to his calves and he nursed a cigarette as he walked. The lights from the town bled down to the water, casting their long glow against the night-still surface. It was warm, enough so that he felt comfortable even with his linen shirt unbuttoned, the ends of which caught the breeze and blew away with the trail of ash and his exhalations. When Emilia turned, he cursed lowly under his breath— tossing the smoke wasn’t an option, her eyes were too quick, and instead, his expression turned sheepish and held out the pack to her that he had so adamantly said that he didn’t used. “Mermaids, hey? Think one of them’ll pop up and say hello, if we ask very sweetly?” Dark eyes lit with delight, “There’s so many stories about mermaids devouring lovesick sailors, but I think I’d like to kiss one and live. That’s quite the story to tell.”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
for: @danilobianchi​ location: somewhere nice n breezy
“You know,” Rami said loftily, setting himself down without grace beside Danilo. “I think I could get used to life like this.” He leaned back in the seat, enjoying the cool breeze that came from the ocean. It was nice— a stolen quiet moment, music thudded heavily around them from the parties on the beach and inside the clubs down the street, but under the blanket of winking stars, they were alone. “I bet you miss your girls though, don’t you?” Over the last few days they had managed to befriend a handful of strays, some fed them when they went down to the water and he was certain that there were others that were smuggling them into the hotel at nights. “Everytime I see a big dog going by, I think that it’s one of yours, I won’t lie.”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
who? @ramiropalacios​ where? ibiza, hotel
        avery set his stuff down in his room and didn’t even think twice about heading out into the new scenery that would be his for the week. did he think the school truly had the funds for this? absolutely not, but would be take part in every bit? of course he would. once the elevator hit the lobby, a smirk danced on his lips at the familiar face. “ready to go bar hopping, hm?”
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Rami adjusted the collar of his shirt, smoothing it down before winking at his reflection and in turn— Avery’s beside him. “Absolutely.” He had a few dollars in his pocket, but the rest would have to go on credit if the school didn’t cover it: it was the first vacation he had taken in a long time, in fact, probably ever and he intended to enjoy every moment of it. Dark eyes cast over to his companion and he offered a smile as he stepped out of the elevator. “Where’re we starting? Shots, cocktails? Hotel bar, somewhere else?”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
for: @eliaskoenig​ location: the beach, near the street
“Hey,” Rami tossed the volleyball at Elias as he passed by, “Where’ve you been?” The words were lighthearted as he jogged up to fetch the ball, joining his teammate by his side. Over the beach the sun was beginning to set, and he had his bag of beach essentials draped over one shoulder, gesturing towards the street and sidewalks that lead them back to the hotel. “I feel like I haven’t seen you at all,” he noted, glancing over at the blonde with a wry, twisted expression, followed by a laugh. “Maybe you’ve been busy. You know the boys and I missed you at our last pick-up game.”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
for: @leon-tm​​ location: the beach
Ibiza was truly a tiny bit of paradise— gone were the prying eyes of those he knew would be quick to whisper tales of his misdeeds to the ears of his family (who would never let him live it down), but worse, his great uncle. His presence at Rye was a privilege that was held in the hand of a man he hardly knew, it made Rami feel sick at times to shutter the doors and bar them to parts of himself, but it was a means to an end. Now, as the sun beat down and kissed bare skin to turn it golden, he felt anew, grinning broadly as he chased each cocktail with another. Léon came into sight, walking aimlessly down the beach, and he lifted his ball cap off and shaded his eyes with his hands instead, letting out a low whistle to grab his attention. Rami patted the spot beside him under the shade of his umbrella. “You look lonely, come join me.”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
for: @safiyaaydin​​ location: near the hotel
“You look like you need a drink,” Rami noted, coming behind Safiya with two beers in hand. “Luckily, I never travel unprepared so this,” he held one out to her, “Is for you.” It was nice, to be so far away from school— he wasn’t often the type to let loose and to be carefree; drinking so liberally was unheard of for him, but being on vacation changed things completely. They had an entire week to relax before they headed back into rigorous work loads, school, and of course: the start of the spring training sessions for the soccer team. “I thought I’d find you by the beach by now, but maybe it’s just too early still.” He canted his head, offering a grin. “If you were gonna head down, we could go together.”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
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     It had been a joke. Just a joke — mostly. So when Rami started listing things Elias liked, he slowed in his movements and stared at the other man in surprise. He didn’t think anyone noticed anything about him, except his looks and moods maybe. Sure, his sweet tooth wasn’t exactly a well hidden secret, but this was… more than he had expected anyone to know. So at first, he didn’t even know how to respond. He was pretty much left speechless. His eyes fell to run over Rami’s body as the other pulled his sweater off, but he quickly forced himself to lift his head. Don’t go down that road of thought. “You’re doing exceptional,” he admitted slowly, and then he put his signature smile back onto his lips. “I had no idea you’re so obsessed with me, Palacios,” he teased, trying to make light of a situation that had gotten a bit too serious too quickly for his liking. Turning around to give himself a moment to breathe, he let his fingers dance along training utensils as he moved further into the room. “Maybe I am. Everyone likes compliments, I’m sure you do too.”
Rami paused, catching the seriousness that set in light coloured eyes— and he felt a flush of shame: he had gotten too far ahead of himself, shown too many cards. It was alright to tease, to joke and to flirt even, but blatant interest was something that was terrifying, perhaps to the both of them. It didn’t have to mean anything, whatever it was they got up to, and he paired Elias’ laugh with his own. “Gentlemen prefer blondes, but also, you’re not so hard to read. Don’t ask me shit about the new defence guys, I’d come up dry.” He leaned back against some of the equipment before settling down, perching on the edge of a bench to tilt his head up and give the other male a wry smile. It was like shifting a gear, to settle back into a more casual, manageable banter. “Of course. I’m the first born though— I didn’t get enough growing up, so when someone says something nice about me now, I don’t know how to act.”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
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“Yeah, just you watch, maybe you will one day.” It’s all too easy, to keep the banter going, the false bravado that fills Cal’s chest, spouting brags he doesn’t even truly mean. He has no intentions or even desire to get into running as a sport. But that hardly matters, it likely won’t even be remembered beyond this conversation. “Sounds to me like an excuse,” Cal’s voice verges on taunting, but playful rather than cruel. It only catches him by surprise for a moment, the way Rami suddenly shifts from defeated to a full sprint, clearing a quick distance between the two of them in only a handful of strides before Cal’s own legs begin to push against the pavement again. “Hey!” He calls out, but he’s already pushing himself after Rami to make up the loss with a laugh in his lungs that’s lost to the wind.
Rami didn’t look over his shoulder— to look back was to slow down, and instead he focused on the way that their feet sounded beating against the asphalt. Cal was quick but even he couldn’t outrun someone who would bend the rules and cheat, when he finally was slowing down and the doors of the diner came in sight, a laugh was produced from lungs that burned while he gulped down air. When he was younger, it was something that coaches would always comment upon— how he didn’t know how to breathe when he got caught up in things, but Rami simply had no answer. When excitement or competition grew intense: how could he think of anything else? “So you’re buying?” The words were passed off with a grin and a tease, “Slowpoke.”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
There, an indiscernible twitch of his upper lip, the only tell that dared betray him. He didn’t lie— Enzo rarely did, under the strict rule that omission was not a sin. “Given this tense response, I doubt anyone would blame me.” It was a flippant comment, and unworthy of Ramiro, who he’d come to know as someone so unlike himself, a soul of a certain purity that he could never aspire to. He shifted in his seat, leaning back against the creaking backrest, meeting his friend’s eyes. He was like a father to his brothers, that much he knew, and the inflection in his words echoed disappointment, a pit stop on the way to something more familiar, a slow burn before rage. The twins had worked for him over the summer, an arrangement made not at his hand but once he’d learned of the truth he hadn’t stopped it— they were good at what they did, two stubborn streaks that talked fast and moved quickly. It’d been profitable for everyone, and in the end, no one got hurt. “Don’t play the beguiled maiden Ramiro, it doesn’t suit you. Did you think those two were out bagging groceries or delivering lunches? There was nothing to tell that you didn’t already know.”
He inhaled sharply— maintaining grace under pressure was a trait that made him an excellent captain, and was learned from being a good older brother as well: he wouldn’t yell, even though he wished to. He knew of Enzo, bits and pieces that he had heard and he had seen, there was a fight club that he ran, he wasn’t naive enough to think that when his students snickered and called him Escobar that it was for nothing, but he still felt the weight of betrayal. “You knew that I wanted to make sure they were taken care of.” This much was true. The weeks before the twins had arrived in New York, Rami had fretted— he’d weighed the pros and cons, his busy schedule vs Nando and Rico’s proclivity for trouble, he wanted to get them off his mother’s plate, he had been so sure that he could handle them. It had been Enzo who had heard the brunt of it, that they were good kids but that they just needed better guidance, how he felt as though some of it was his own fault, that he hoped to be able to guide them a little better over the course of the summer. Enzo was good at his role, he could pretend to be anyone he supposed. Rami bit down on his jaw, looking back up with dark, accusatory eyes. He could even pretend to be a friend. “All you had to do was say no, not these two.” A hand raised and it rubbed at tired temples, “You could have done anything, you could have just told me. I thought we were friends, but instead, you used my baby brothers to peddle your fucking drugs.” The last part of the sentence was raised— drawing the attention of another student in the far corner of the room, but Rami didn’t feel the urge to apologize. “And for what? A few extra dollars? I’m glad that was worth it to you, Lorenzo.”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
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      “Oh?” Rami’s words surprised Elias, and he arched his brows as he looked over at the other. “Tell me then, what do I like?” He opened his arms wide as if to wave in anything that Rami might know about him. Most of the time, Elias was an open book, yet he was still interested to know what Rami had actually learned about him without him realizing. Unzipping his hoodie, he threw the piece of fabric over a treadmill handle he passed, now down to just the tank top he’d worn underneath. “Not when it comes to this, no.” Elias knew what he was good at, and he saw no reason to be humble about it. That was one thing his father had taught him growing up, to be unapologetically himself. Resting one hand on his hip, he looked down at his own body before shrugging his shoulders. “Not sure,” he admitted, drawing the word out before he glanced up at Rami with a teasing glint in his eye. “My butt, maybe?” It was mostly a joke as he turned around – another tease, hanging in the air between them.
He was good at noticing things— he was the oldest brother in a large family, and he had been tasked with helping to raise his trail of siblings, to dote on them when they needed and to comfort them when he failed. Such was a mentality that he had brought to the team, and further, to his relationships at Rye. Rami didn’t like to fail those who were important to him, so he made them important, picking out their favourite things and committing them to his memory. “You like sweet things,” he began, and his dark eyes trailed down the dancer’s body as the sweater tugged off to reveal muscular arms and a lean physique. He swallowed and cut his gaze back up to Elias’ bright eyes, continuing. “Before every game you have a rice krispie square, and you’ve always got sour patch kids in your bag.” He hummed, considering further. “You like sunrises and coffee, and drinks that taste like a tropical vacation just threw up in them.” Rami paused, “How am I doing so far?” He reached from he hem of his own sweater, tugging it over his head to set it aside as well. It was warm enough indoors, and his chin lifted to hide the grin that tugged wide. “I was going to bring up your mile time, but,” he bit into his cheek to stop the amused expression from stretching too far, “I don’t think I’ve got any tips on improving what’s already perfect. Sounds like you’re just fishing for compliments now, König.”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
an easy smile rests on his lips. danilo lets his gaze drop in a slight nod: ‘alright, alright’ he communicates through it, hands promptly tucked into his sweater’s pockets as they continue their stroll. like some pleasant sunday-afternoon-family-ritual-thing. he finds humor in the comparison, but a sense of comfort as well. “don’t be mad” he purrs a tease, daring a glance at the smiling man. “i’ll get you the next one”. an affirmation, a promise of sorts but said in a lighthearted tone. he’s not one to flaunt the money stored in his bank account so he accepts the little acts of kindness like coffee or cigarettes or even dinner, but the truth is if he cares enough about the person danilo’s working on a way to pay back. when money’s not an issue it becomes second nature to disregard those kinds of gestures and he’s vowed time and time again to never become that sort of person. ‘a dog, maybe’ he writes down in a mental note as he flaunts a smile of his own. chihuahuas could very well be the worst kind of dogs out there, one would even say a cat would be a better option. “you sure?” he teases with a shake of his head, “rami I’ll even pay you to keep them busy. honestly I’ll even get you a key”.
It was still cold on campus, but winter was slowly dropping away— the piles of snow on the borders of the sidewalk had muddied and grown slushy, flooding the asphalt to make their steps sodden. Things had to get worse before they got better, his great-aunt told him so often, pinching at his earlobe when he complained in his youth about the flood that was spring. Now, it was one of his favourite seasons: it reminded him of her, of the way that the bulbs that she planted in their garden would force their way through the once-frozen earth and how the dead of winter was broken by the unstoppable will of growth and life. He canted his head, dropping a lid in a wink for Danilo’s sake. “I could never be mad at you, but I also would never say no to getting wined and dined.” He tucked his own hands into the pockets of his jacket, warding the cold away from his joints. Later, there was training to be done and his body would only hurt more if he wasn’t properly warmed up before hand. “You really wanna get rid of the girls that bad?” Rami tutted, scratching the dog’s neck. “But for real, if you wanna drop ‘em off at practice every now and then, they can go for a run with the boys. Actually, they’d probably love it.”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
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     “Well, maybe you need to give me an updated list on all the things you like and don’t like. You know I’m not the best at remembering things.” Elias’ smirk lit his whole face up with amusement. He bowed slightly as a thank you when the door opened and moved into the gym with long languid strides. “You’re asking me how I’m feeling about that? I always feel great, ready to win another round.” He opened his arms with a grin and walked backwards as he winked at Rami. “But hey, if you want to give me some pointers, I won’t say no. I’m all yours.”
“If I have to remind you, it doesn’t feel as special you know.” Rami tucked his hands behind him, keeping up pace so that he only walked a few feet behind Elias. “I don’t think I’ve forgotten anything that you like.” As the door closed behind them and the click of it echoed in the empty gym, he felt as though they were sealed inside: tucked into a corner of privacy, in a moment that was just their own. “There’s no humbling you, is there?” Dark eyes stayed fixed upon light ones, on the bright smile that curved on features cast golden. Elias was beautiful, he was bold and vibrant and unapologetic— it made something in his own chest twinge, he wanted that for himself as well. In its stead, he chose to admire, shaking his head lightly before closing his fingers around the handle of the locker room door. “All mine, hey?” Rami leaned against the door for a moment, pausing to draw the moment out. “Is there anything in specific that you think you need to work on?”
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ramiropalacios · 3 years ago
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