94 posts
by Viktor
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rakastatko · 2 years ago
trapped in here, you say
older than our oceans
from time inconceivable
set in stone, stolen freedom
pressure bound ancient water
your opal has nothing more
than what the earth holds
all just ancient water
oceans aged, laid in soil
trapped in here by pressure
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rakastatko · 5 years ago
carpet beetle
every textile i own is enclosed in plastic
a deed more frustrating that i expected
as i lay here, my back on the metal headboard
i can feel my heartbeat through my skull
my roommate, who i don't know, is making a rattle, most likely eating a sandwich, or something of the sort
i want to get to know him, a little
i wonder if he fears me, i wonder if he is confused by my actions
confused by the plastic
why hasn't he asked me? why has he chosen to live life as if our balcony isn't filled with it? as if he doesn't see me carry these bags down and as if he doesn't have a suspicion.
i wish it could be something more exciting, but eventually he'll see something, smell the bugspray, and he'll guess
connect the dots, come to the conclusion that i am an infestation
what he doesn't know is i'm already creeping in, and he's alone now
i slowly take over, i appear in the cabinets, i leave voids on that balcony, on the kitchen table.
soon i'm in the floor, perhaps mark the walls.
i am the beetle, munching on the fabric of life, leaving it holy
whether he likes it or not, i'm here to stay
and as long as he's too nervous to ask, i'll make this my home
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rakastatko · 5 years ago
The Emperor
the perception of the self is intertwined
with the lens we place on mere existence
we trust that everything must be outlined
stay void of logic with defying persistence
lately that thread seems tighter and tighter
it gently chokes, yet frails, gets lighter
i spurt these words and they run, they run
flow down roads here they come,they come
they last six lines mix signals it's an issue
scar tissue on my crotch cause i got bigger
in weird places, weird stasis and a stillness
human life is not an illness
we can not be stagnant in our stance
worthless ways, willfull ignorance
standing on the street in our underpants
a fool for a king, rules with a lance
prance, as we grasp at your feet
attempts to reform are obsolete
endless cycles are not perfection
i look into the devil and i see a reflection
eyes glassed over and teeth like knives
everybody here wears a disguise
that's as it's been and so it shall go
if we all should be one who gets to say so
i wear a mask for myself sometimes
i trace myself back to those crimes
and the crimes to what they actually mean
why are they sinful, what makes them obscene
there are freaks in the world that look like you
something can't be provocation and be true
and everyday I turn to my mirror and stare
I say "don't go outside in your underwear."
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rakastatko · 6 years ago
he kirjoittavat huonoja runoja
rumia janoja, janoisia puroja
jotka johtavat jäisiin järviin
turruttava tahto tunnustaa
työntää tieltä tungettelijat
käsien välistä välähtäen
muureilta musteella murheet
pieninä pisaroina paperille
sanotuksi saadakseen
he kirjoittavat huonoja runoja
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rakastatko · 7 years ago
määrä ja tietoisuus
nauha jatkaa ja vie
hamuaa hampaiden väliä
ääniä kaipaa, kuuntelee
minä mietin kasvojani
jotka kuluneet, kankeat
ei alta naamioni
ole nähneet auringonvaloa
yli vuosikymmeneen
pudota, hajota, kumoa
kokoa, pimeässä upota
kolme kaksi sanaa
sun silmissä paistaa
katulamppu ja välinpitämättömyys
minun sanani liukuu ohi
minun nimeni puuttuu listasta
unohtua on kuin kuolemaa
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rakastatko · 7 years ago
vuori kuolee
turrat pohjat kiveä
joista veri virrannut
matkannut muualle
elinten häkkiin
suuri sininen vuori
jonka ahtaat käytävät
umpikujiin johtaa
kohtaa pelkonsa
loppuun polttaa uskonsa
luuloharhoissa lastatut laivat
huipulta valheita kuljettaa
ja naivit jäänteet, jäiset rinteet
niitä parhaansa mukaan noudattaa
noutaja saapuu, työläiset toteavat
goliath, tornien tuhoaja
omaan itkuunsa tukehtui
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rakastatko · 7 years ago
se puhuu liikaa
ei tajuu rajojaan
illat miettii eilisiä menojaan
kolme kertaa kysyyy
ei usko vaik sille hokee
ilman silmälasei sokee
sydän ja kolme tikkiä
ilmas haistaa rikkiä
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rakastatko · 7 years ago
hapettuneet pullonpohjalliset
lasikaulassa pyörimässä on
viisi pisaraa tummaa sylkeä
tyhjän korin takana istuva
synkän vihertävä sisällötön
juotu juoma joutuu jäämään nyt pois
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rakastatko · 8 years ago
how long does it take for me to loose hope?
exactly two hundred and forty minutes
i repeat extended deadlines to myself
listening to nothing but static of bland entertainment
my uncontrollable hands keep shoving in my eyes
those eyes are now heavy, just as they were yesterday
they’ll be that tomorrow
or today if you think so
more so though, what i’d like to point out is the way i always believe myself
when i say “this night”
this night will be different
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rakastatko · 8 years ago
Winter Tale
One little night, under the sky of gloom,
I sat in my house, in the empty, pale room.
"How cold it is, I must say”, I said, to myself,
“It must be almost winter”, just when the clock hit twelve.
Suddenly in came a man, so slick and very slender.
Called himself Death and said “Won’t you surrender.”
This puzzled me, for he didn’t seem like death in the slightest,
The thin man now stared at me, but his words were lot to digest.
He said “I’m here to take you”, told he didn’t want to wait.
But after staring for a while, he asked “Aren’t you afraid?”
I was confused, that’s all, didn’t have time to fear,
It’s fairly hard to think, when a stranger fills the atmosphere.
Finally I said to him “ I think that I’m unready”,
with my brains screeching and my eyes oddly steady.
He said “My lady, so delightful, that is fine by me,
I’ll wait another year for you and then the time will be.”
So he left, to the night, with this mark of return,
next year it got too cold.
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rakastatko · 8 years ago
i never understate you never understand when i would take a stand you broke me down cuffed up my hands a self made martyr called yourself a nuthead your love is shallow like your heart and not stable just like your apartment you are a friend to many enemy to many more my love is tough my love is real my love is here under the core i know i wasn't kind and i know i won't forgive you i suppose you don't know how hard that was to get to i tried to breathe i tried to speak tried to get back in my business i never felt enough my love was rough around the edges i can not fix people and after all you're human you're selfish, broken, fucked up what else defines a person i was scarred i was scared because i gave you power i built you up i gave you stuff i made my frankenstein monster my heart is heavy and my hands are full of guilt was it right to do what i did just to break down what we built in some way i know that it was hard for you to trust me i guess it's hard for me to trust you too i'm still so rusty you took away naive stepped on innocent always so akward never knowing what they really meant i was a kid and you really did give me something you gave me baggage, tied up with courage the delusion to say i'm the baddest bitch in this building that delusion ate you up there's no bottom to that cup your reputation is drugs and fake love i know that i'm just me and i know that ain't too much but i will not stay silent as long as you don't either and my word against yours for once an easy battle and you still out there running round saying you own this city but everyone who spends time with you seems to be there cause of pity all those people that you hurt may still come back i know you waiting for me to say what i did was whack i will never apologize and i will never be back i gave you a lot that i don't have now see that's fact you heard of that shit? speaking the truth? can't blame you though i know i know it's your own skit you see this shit different that's truly your right but as i told i am tired i refuse to fight you said people like me can't write shit cause they ain't been abused i suppose that means i can write shit now thanks to you
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rakastatko · 8 years ago
i misspoke missprovoked i’m always taken for granted i’m a token a blessed child for a nation where humans more human than ever take their pain and make it public i’m a hidden figure of depression i take my anger deep inside and i hide it underneath my pride tolerate your dissapointment i don’t talk back i know my place a puzzle piece of forbidden rage you take my words my nouns my adjectives twist them into evil objectives selfish and unkind, unhumane i’m as human as anybody always masking my pain i’m writing this alone in a bathroom at night words about hurting and feeling like i don’t deserve to state or that i’m lying i’m not dying, fuck it not even crying but i keep on my road even if i sit down even if that road seems to be a hill that leads to a mountain i’m guilty as charged the hurting i have caused that was all me but you don’t know anything about how i feel about you or about anybody because i never tell you unlike me you can’t control yourself that’s why i admire you your pain is real your pain is unshakeable i’m still unbreakable you think that i’m unable to love just because i couldn’t help you and because i’ll never be responsible for your bullshit i’d never hit you, i’d never hate you i hate myself and i hate that you think that i would i’m innocent until proven otherwise guilty if my truth gets criminalized and you’ll never read this you never will i’d say your name but there’s too many of you just hope you hear what i do
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rakastatko · 8 years ago
Aikaisen Aamun Henkäys
nukkeni nukkeni yöllä linja-autossa takana istumassa punaisena ritarina korvissani lepäät pellolla kaukana mutta nyt lausut totta takanani
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rakastatko · 8 years ago
pahoinpitelystä selvittyäni
kun ei tarkenna silmiä katsoo kaiken ohi
väkinäisen hymyn ja pakkotervehdyksen
ilman pakoreittejä luotujen hetkien
sen kaiken taa
siellä istun hymyillen
surullisin elein totean melodramaattisesti
kun en tarkenna silmiä
kaikkein kivuliainta hiljaisuus
keksin itse sata sanaa
hiljaiset epämukavat viipyvät
teistä jokainen läpi odottaa
mä meen kotiin
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rakastatko · 8 years ago
kameleontti 1
tahditon yliastunta, tai kenties päälle, kuin olisin ilmaa.
kameleontti joka tahtomattaan taustaan sulautuu, eikä enää osaa näkyvissä olla.
toisaalta olen se rikkinäinen joka neonvihreänä hohtaa ja te päätätte kääntää pään.
päällisin puolin ollaan hyvin hyviä ystäviä, hyviä aikeita turhan pitkään.
minä itse rättinä nurkassa lojumassa teidän runkkurinkiä katsomassa väsyneenä yläpunkassa, eikä mitään ikinä tapahdu.
tapahtuikohan koskaan?
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rakastatko · 8 years ago
margo channing
sehän se minä olen se
katoava kuihtuva mätänevä kurpitsa
lattia allani lahoaa ja pettää
kahden adjektiivin
karski komea kanssakäynti
katkera ja ylpeä ylpeä siitä
keneksi olen itse itseni rakentanut
kaikki tietää kaiken sinusta
laiskoja loukkauksia ryöppyää suustani
pakenen maaseudulle
minusta on tullut kuori
kuori siitä mikä oli kerran faberche (sp?)
vieläkin sama mutta mysteeri kadonnut
sillä sisällä kolo on nyt kaikille näytillä
näyteikkunassa, lasivitriinissä
kirjoitan taas uudet typerät metaforat
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rakastatko · 8 years ago
no mitä vittua se sit tarkottaa et kun saan kaiken vihdoin vastoin tahtoa kerrankin osumaan sitten kaikki muut hajottaa omat portaansa ei tule tai mene kuolee kuihtuu suree surkea paska tilanne eikä edes minun syytäni kerrankin osui omaan nilkkaan
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