raising-addy · 5 months
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Well I guess waiting did the trick 💕 we had another cycle of letrozol 7.5 mg and my scann showed a 11 mm and a 17 mm follicle in my left ovary! So trigger will be 4-19-24 and we will find out if we are pregnant around may 3rd 💕 fingers crossed for our January baby
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raising-addy · 1 year
Well today we had our scan, and had to cancel our cycle this month. I didn’t respond well to the medicine this time. I’m not going to lie today was ROUGH. I been dealing with infertility struggles for 10 years this year. This brings up a lot of ptsd and emotional mental issues. I cried,screamed, and cussed at life today for being so unfair.
We are not giving up though, after talking since we already purchased the trigger shot we will try one more cycle, if this one does not work then we will regroup with my specialist and go from there. I do not want my daughter to be my only earth side child. I want to give the loml another child. I want this to work so cheers for hopefully next month in which if successful would be a late July to august baby!
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raising-addy · 1 year
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Toddlers 😂 there isn’t a day that goes by where you don’t make me laugh. I can’t help but enjoy seeing your sassy personality grow. You have no problem putting your two cents in, but as always you love loving your siblings and ,your parents, and grandparents. Cheers to 20 months my sweet girl I love you whole heartedly forever
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raising-addy · 1 year
Tomorrow is our ultrasound 💕 fingers crossed for this to be our cycle. ! If not we already discussed that we would wait till after the holidays to try again
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raising-addy · 1 year
Tonight was the last night of letrozol ! One week till ultrasound 🎉🥳 let’s keep these hopes high
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raising-addy · 1 year
Last night started day 3 so that means another round of letrozol, only thing this time we have a higher Dosage 🫶🏻 fingers crossed for this round to be successful and to lead to a beautiful baby
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raising-addy · 1 year
Well that cycle was a failed cycle, but that’s ok! We are going into this next cycle with high hopes!
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raising-addy · 1 year
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Crap picture but top is 3 dpt middle is 4 and bottom is 5 😫 everything is going by so slow but hopefully will get a better picture tomorrow since babe is taking the kids out the house for me so I can deep clean before school starts! Fingers crossed for these lines to stay positive 💕🤞🏻 last time i triggered it was about 11/12 days the shot stayed in my system
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raising-addy · 1 year
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18 months old and so full of character. We are staggering a little on our speech but we excel in hand eye coordination skills. We know words like
Bye, hi, up, no, free(freeze ) , mom, dad, more and milk (sign language)
We love making silly faces,giving kisses and dancing. We love mrs. Rachel, bluey, and cocomelon !
We are healthy and very tall for our age 😂 and just so very loved 🤞🏻❤️
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raising-addy · 1 year
The count down is on 💕 September 13th we will know if our cycle worked! So many mix emotions in this gruesome 2 week wait
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raising-addy · 1 year
Tomorrow is the day 💕 trigger shot then just a lot of hoping and praying that in two weeks we will have a big fat positive !!
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raising-addy · 1 year
I forgot about the anxiety that comes with waiting for all these tests and things 😅 6 days till the ultrasound 🤞🏻🙏🏻. Hopefully we will have a late may early June baby 🫢 if I did my calculations right
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raising-addy · 1 year
Last pill today 🥳, ultrasound the 28th fingers crossed for good news
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raising-addy · 1 year
Today will be pill two 💕 fingers crossed for big things 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🫢
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raising-addy · 2 years
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We are just a few short days from being 10 months! How this year is flying by. You are trying to walk, you have 2 teeth, you’re eating more and more table foods, you love clapping and waving to everyone. I love you with my entirety Addy and I am so blessed to have love you these past few months. I’m still in disbelief that I’m going to soon have a 1 year old 🥰
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raising-addy · 2 years
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I cannot believe we are less then a week from being 5 months old. Everyday my love gets stronger for you my princess. You love rolling over and making sure everyone has their eyes on you. You love laughing and cuddling mommy. God gave me you, my daughter, because I needed a best friend. I needed a reminder to be better and to enjoy little moments. I love when you fall asleep in my arms and I just get to stare and admire you my little one. Being your mommy is my favorite thing, I love you tater tot 💕
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raising-addy · 2 years
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We are heading into almost 4 months old. I never realized how annoying it is until now when people say “ oh she is so tiny “ “ i never had children that tiny”
Screw you 😂 I spent the first two months of her life putting myself through endless panic attacks and crying over her weight. She is on a track and growing just fine THANK YOU. - sincerely me,
Secondly I never knew I’d find so much love in chaos. I’m never tidy it seems, the house is never tidy it seems and my coffee is usually forgotten. Do not come at me with the wait for the toddler years. I spent my life raising siblings and others children . I know
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