raisedbyabrother · 1 year
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He was not going great in the sewers, but Yoshi would have never had it any other way. All his four boys where sleeping in a basket that had a small pink blanket so they could be comfortable, Yoshi has only been getting supplies from dumpsters and alleyways so they don't have much but it still works
They have been running low on food and Yoshi will need to go out to get more food, better drone than later, yeah? He puts down the basket gently and makes sure his boys are still sleeping, "see you soon my boys", he hasn't gotten the chance to name the little ones yet, he will decide on it fate he gets some more food though
He walks to a sewer cover and opens it, leaving it open so if he carries to much food he wont need to set it down to open the hatch. The ally he is in right now has already been searched for food a while ago when he first came to the sewers, he puts his cloak hood up and dashes out of the ally into the closest ally beside it, he finds a half eaten banana that hasn't gone Brown yet, but that's all he can find in that ally
He dashes to another ally and finds a big dumpster, he opens the dumpster lid up and looks inside, nothing, it must-have been emptied a bit ago considering there wasn't even a piece of paper in it, what bad luck, Yoshi sighs and looks a bit around the ally, also nothing, he gets out of the ally and is prepared to dash to another one when a human cries out "AHHH!! GIANT RAT THING!!!! HEEELP!!" 
Many people start gasping and screaming at Yoshi, he dashes to another ally faster than any times before, the humans still see him though and they call someone on their phones
Yoshi quickly searches for a sewer gate, none, that's not good!! 
Sirens sound out and police cars park near the ally, many officers come out of multiple police cars and back people away while pointing their guns at Yoshi, ready to fire If he even moves an inch
A police officer says "hands in the air!" Yoshi raises his hands, the policemen cuff Yoshis wrists and ankles and get him into a police car quickly, many people are filming, one of the officers pulls out a syringe and says "this won't hurt a bit.." they put it into his arm and he immediately starts getting tired and he passes out
He wakes up in what looks like a hospital room, Yoshi looks around, the door to the room hes in opens and in comes someone wearing an EPF uniform, they say "Hamato Yoshi, also known as the famous Lou Jitsu, you have illegally went into the sewers and also stole many items from stores, you have also turned into a giant living rat.. we cannot have you stealing anything more or causing chaos"
Yoshi starts begging "please- let me go! I can't be here! I can't die!!" The EPF man sighs, suddenly Yoshi blacks out again, then he feels a horrible stabbing pain in his chest, he screams bloody murder as he feels something wet and sticky trail down his chest, it starts getting harder and harder to breathe, until eventually, everything goes white
He hopes his boys are okay... he didn't even get to say goodbye... good luck, my boys.. stay safe..
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raisedbyabrother · 1 year
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this is a ROTTMNT AU made by, your one and only, me! This is info about the au, like hc of it and stuff, stuff you need to know and, yeah
Also if i do end posting art or anything like that feel free to repost and not even say its me who originally posted it, idc about it, not saying others dont have too, anyone can if they want to or not
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This is an au where just two years after Splinter rescues the boys from the lab, he got captured and killed by the FBI, now on their own, the boys fend for themselves as they go on their journeys to become ninjas
ages: Raph starts out at 2 years old, then in the later chapters hes 17, Donnie starts at 1 year old, then in the lster chapters hes 16, hes also the older twin, Leo starts out at 1 year old, then in the later chapters hes 16, hes the younger twin, Mikey starts out as not even a year old, just a few weeks old, then in the lster hapters hes 15
Personalitys: Raph is kind and caring, gentle with his brothers (and April and Casey and Cass- y'know) because hes quite big, hes usually the calm and controlled one and acts the most mature, although he likes to tease his bothers st him being the oldest and practically their father figure, Donnie is an 'emotionless bad boy' but does care quite a bit for the ones he loves, he can be a bit of a maniac and sometimes too brutal and he's actually pretty scary at times, but when hes conked out he always seems calm and when hes sleepy hes really nice, Leo is a goofball and he always makes everyone get second-hand embarrassment, he has a light and bouncy personality and can go absolute crazy when hes high on suger, and he annoyed a lot of people by accident, but he also really cares for his brothers, he is always the first one there to kiss a scratch away or heal one of them up, Mikey is super cool and has a super calm but also jumpy thing to him all the time, hes always the one to cheer everyone up when it's not a great time in their lives, he tends to babble off when speaking or he just can't seem to talk speaking, but he likes that about himself, and he always is super supportive and grateful to everything he has
Raph hc: he always has this need to just chew on something so Donnie made him indestructible chew toys for him, all of them are a bright blood red. She always gets freaked out whenever she doesn't know where everyone is so Donnie allows her into the lab sometimes for him to show where everyone is on the security cameras, Raph gave Donnie a lecture about it once he realized it but didn't make Donnie take them down.
Donnie hc: he and Leo both have insomnia so whenever the two both can't sleep, Donnie allowes Leo in his room for them to both quietly watch Bluey on Donnies phone, its their comfort show, Donnies comfort character is Chilli and Leos comfort characters are Bluey and Bingo.
Leo hc: when she was 8 she realized that she didnt want to be a girl, she wanted to be a boy, Leo went to Donnie about it and the two made a whole party saying Leo was a trans male and all that stuff, his deadname was Lolita.
Mikey hc: he likes to chew on ice a lot so that might be the reason you always see many things of ice in Mikeys room, he has a whole miny-fridge just for ice.
Nicknames: Raphs are Raphie, Raphala, Eldest Bro, Donnies are Don-Tron, Dee, Don, Genuis one, Leos are Baby Blue, Nardo, Lee, Face-Man, pepino, Mikeys are Big Man, Lil Bro, Mike, Micheal
Random thing: they dont even know what Lou Jitsu is since Splinter is deceased, tbh Splinter didn't even get the nickname 'Splinter' he's just still kinda Yoshi
Chapter 1
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