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Yesterday I woke up planning what to do the whole day or where to start. Hubby texted me what's my plan for that day (he's not home). I told him that I'm going to do this and that. So basically my day would be very busy and then suddenly. Hubby : Go get your hair done baby. Me : Wait, what? Are you serious? Hubby : Yes I am Me : But it's gonna be super expensive and you don't get paid yet. Hubby : it's okay I was hesitant to do what he said for the reason that it's really expensive and I know for the fact that he's stingy (good stingy). After 3 hours. Hubby : Are you ready to go out? Me : Nah, I'm still looking for the best hair salon near me (But the truth, I was doing something else) Hubby : Babe it's already late you gotta hurry up (So I did it this time, and when I found one I told him that I got an appointment the next day to see if he changes his mind) This morning, around 9 AM he texted Hubby: Hey baby get ready you're going out remember Me : Oh are you really sure I have to do this? You know I can give you a proposition can I just use the money as capital for my "business"? Hubby: NO, hurry up! Don't be late.. So here I am, with my kinda new hair haha.. It's a huge deal for a person like me because we're not rich and we don't have a lot. If you still don't understand it's like when you got your first LV or Michael Kors stuff. 😊😊.. thanks husband for making me feel special all the time!! Love lots! https://www.instagram.com/p/B2nOXewhL4U/?igshid=1tbhkaa9e9pgs
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I don't know how to play with colors so I'm just going to leave it here my simple looks created with the help of this month @boxycharm so far my favorite box! Video will be up soon! Swipe left, that's me afterwards! 😂😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2PsY7OBzmD/?igshid=1egx0uvd7v20k
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💝💝 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2PElhUhB-I/?igshid=qv2902ebpctu
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Oh yes! https://www.instagram.com/p/B2FbdEeBBNZ/?igshid=k13y3hzgl5of
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Been trying to be productive today while craving some sweets! Hope you have a great day! https://www.instagram.com/p/B2APbW9h1h0/?igshid=p1h55tpy3aem
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I'm loving this @essence brighten up powder. Easy to use and so good as setting powder, I also use this for baking. It blends well with the foundation and the concealer. With the price that very much affordable I can say this one is a blast! The packaging is cute and very much convenient. Just slide it in you pocket or bag (but don't forget to bring a sponge or a brush).. Been using it for 3 weeks now and I got it from @ultabeauty 😊😊.. #essence #essencecosmetics #essencebrightenupbananapowder #essencebrightenup #settingpowder #beauty #pinayinusa #pinay https://www.instagram.com/p/B1_zBCjB-yT/?igshid=o6pun82syl84
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In time of confusion and downtimes we often ask "What has life to offer me?" that we forgot Life doesn't owe us anything.. It's up to us what we can offer to ourselves, a better life, a happier self, few good friends, stable job or the right one to be with. It's US who has to decide what life we want to live, not your friends nor your family! So stop meddling anyone's business instead live your life in your own expectations and be happy as much as possible! https://www.instagram.com/p/B185GOJhLwq/?igshid=auyhu9570c5v
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All the time I thank God for giving me with such a wonderful and amazing person to be with. Our love is not perfect but beyond imperfections are greatness! He always tell me that I am the best and I always correct him that he's the best!! Indeed, you had to be with the wrong person for you to have the right one! Thank you for this 2 chairs @nelsonproduce in the middle of sunflowers 😅😅 https://www.instagram.com/p/B183B3VB4aM/?igshid=laewd6bacfoe
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They asked me, why you don't hate them after what they've done to you. And I said, I don't hold grudges I just simply walk away ☺️☺️.. Had fun @nelsonproduce during their #sunflowerfestival. It's fun experiencing picking strawberries , fresh tomatoes, green beans and peppers.. I was with my #hubby and we had a great time petting their animals too.. Can't wait for the next year! https://www.instagram.com/p/B182S6ehmai/?igshid=7imi1tj0juxu
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Glad to have sweet treats @redribbonusa. They have lots of flavors to choose from I got ube ensaimada butter mamon, ube mamon, cheesy mamon, cashew brown!! Visit #redribbonusa @chicago inside #seafoodcitychicago! https://www.instagram.com/p/B1whPUVBXDS/?igshid=urdccyn8nx4l
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It's not easy but it's gonna be worth it! I endured leaving her and now I'm about to celebrate in getting her.. Step by step! See you soon 🤫🤫 https://www.instagram.com/p/B1tnCjGhOpm/?igshid=1m80ea64rgh58
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I haven't eaten anything yet today but as I prepared dinner I realized I don't have anything deforested aside from this shrimp that I bought from Asian store . I wanted to make shrimp sinigang but I don't have veggies so I was thinking to have some pasta and shrimp scampi , unfortunately we ran out of spaghetti noodles and we only have rigatoni. And here it is, I don't know what to call it haha I cooked the shrimp in butter and olive oil ,put lots of parsley, Italian seasoning and garlic pepper/salt . I also have Nan bread with a butter ,olive oil , parsley and Italian seasoning (microwave for 30 secs) for a perfect dipping.. I'm watching out my carbs recently and i know this one is not good that's why I ate it early and with the help of @ballerinatea I am not too worried 😁😁 P. S. I love eating my shrimp that has head and shell on it .. yummers! 🤤🤤 So what's your instant experiment meal today? #foodie #foodies #nanbread #oliveoil #shrimpscampi #italianseasoning #ballerinatea #rigatoni https://www.instagram.com/p/B1pTjj6hDXa/?igshid=1ixoqpcd0rogg
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Forget about pretending to be confident because that's us seeking validation.. Just be real and that's more than confident! #xandria #selflove #selfmotivation #selfinspiration #inspire #grind #work https://www.instagram.com/p/B1mnKesBQtg/?igshid=2dpx00jq82n8
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I'm not a two faced person it's just happened that I'm so good at adapting to any situation with different people. Xoxo! https://www.instagram.com/p/B1eaI1eB2WF/?igshid=1w605irngqt8w
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What you don't know won't hurt you but I'm still glad I knew it 😉😉! #upsidedown #selflove #selfie #myselfquotes #myselfies https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Stj0whIyR/?igshid=gc8b8pyhijq1
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You don't need a lot of people to love you few good ones are more than enough.. Thanks God I found them! #friendshipgoals #nebraska #nebraskacrossing #nebraskacrossingoutlets #friends #friendsforlife #bestpeople https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Ml6_ThkSp/?igshid=n6cpjy8edw1q
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I once never believe in forever but little did I know God prepared me for a greater love, ours is not perfect but everyday is beautiful and I cherish it until the end.. Don't take for granted whatever/whoever you have. Cherish and take care of them coz even if it won't last at least once in your life you have it.. Be grateful and contented buy always never settle for LESS.. https://www.instagram.com/p/B1FnB_4BtBk/?igshid=1m20oo9811qm0
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