Back when I'd just finished watching Koisenu Futari for the first time and was looking for posts about it, I came across at least a couple people saying they didn't like the ending. Their reasoning was that it didn't really make sense or didn't feel right because the main reason Takahashi and Sakuko began living together in the first place was they did not want to be alone. It ends with Sakuko living by herself in the house, and Takahashi living in a different location.
At the time I was also a bit confused by that. I didn't necessarily dislike the ending, but I did wonder if it was really the best choice. I now realize that it was the perfect choice. The entire message with Sakuko and Takahashi's family is that it's okay for things to change and to work things out as you go. There is no one way any of this is meant to work, it's okay if it doesn't stay the same.
So yes, it began with two people who were feeling lonely and wanted a home they could share with someone who had similar values. Then it ended with two people feeling more validated and at peace with themselves than they ever dreamed they could be, and the home they share became their bond rather than a physical place. They are no less of a family simply because they're not living in the same building anymore. Maybe some day they'll share that house again, maybe they'll go somewhere else, maybe one of them will move even further away. All that matters right now is they are a family that supports each other however they can. If being a family doesn't work out forever, that's okay too. That why it has always been subject to change.
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Cherry magic - It's more than BL drama
Recently, i put my eyes into a fresh BL drama for Japan titled 30-san made doutei dato mahoutsukai ni narerurashi or if you virgin until 30 years old, it seems you'll become a wizard or known as Cherry maho (cherry magic). The title seems so long enough to forget it by its original name. You could get the information around almost all social media such as twitter or instagram. It's kinda trending somehow. Even in MyDramaList, they got more than 9.0 rating. The actor is not really new at japan entertainment. The protagonist is 30 years old a dull virgin, Kiyoshi Adachi who work as salary man, starred by Akaso eiji who well known in series Kamen rider build as Banjo Ryuuga. He start his career as a fashion model. The second lead is Kurosawa Yuichi, a perfect talent handsome man, colleague of Adachi who have crush on him, starred by Machida Keita, member of popular talent group, exile tribe. It seems that Machida already more popular before play this role. At first sight, they seems like another type of couple in romance drama, when the popular one meet an unpopular person then falling in love with each other, but before you judge it immediately, please watch for 3 episode rule, although maybe you could attracted to it only for first episode. I want to point out some of its good side. It maybe contain my self opinion, so maybe you have different opinion with me.
Warning: maybe contain spoiler
So what's make this drama so special? 1. The characters portray so well. Thanks to Director and Script Writer who make each Character more precious in drama. It's not like I say the manga version is bad, but i can tell that the Characters in drama are better. Adachi is an introvert character. The introvert trait here is not showed as hikikomori, or have anxiety disorder, but as a normal Introvert who still can work and speak to other people properly, although he's not good with large group of people (ep3). He have low self esteem but still he live based on his ideal. Being Salaryman is an usual job in Japan society, to manage to get this job, i think Adachi is not really fool. However, he often compare himself to someone else that make him have low self esteem. On other side, Kurosawa is an extrovert who looks perfect in other's eyes, not just because He's handsome, He also clever and easy going. To be top sales in the company, often surrounded by female co-worker, is normal things if others envy him. He also being gentleman around Adachi. However, nobody's perfect, bring those image everywhere is tiring to person like Kurosawa, because once he makes mistake, other people would bad-mouthing him. We also know somebody like him in real-life, right?. It makes Kurosawa hide problem for himself. However, He one day told Adachi about his heart problem (ep7) and surprisingly got unexpected respond. Adachi told that seeing his weakness is kinda refreshing. For the first time, He heard that 'it's okay being not okay' despite forcely being perfect all the times. Beside, Kurosawa is the character of seme who have really good self-control eventhough sometimes he have pervert mind (in manga He even more pervert, a closet pervert). We also got Fujisaki-san which also very different with manga version. In manga, Fujisaki is just merely hardcore fujoshi with wild imagination who ship Kurosawa x Adachi so hard and often have dirty mind of them. But in drama, Fujisaki is a friendly, cute and seems to be family-oriented woman whose the truth, She doesn't have any interest into romance. However, She wants Adachi happy with Kurosawa since She notice Kurosawa's feeling to Adachi. Tsuge is closest friend to Adachi. Tsuge is a bookworm novelist who likes cute creature such as cat (and minato LMAO). Tsuge gradually love Minato, the delivery man who recently often sent a package to him, after he got same power with Adachi. TBH, for the first time i feel second couple not as strong as main couple, but they're also got interesting story later. 2. The Actors and their acting. I like how they play their role and portray each character and bring this character live. We can see Akaso eiji and Machida keita have a good chemistry. Eventhough they didn't do intimate skinship, i can feel their feeling through their eyes. Even forehead kiss scene at episode 3 seems more romantic than kiss on lips. Akaso's awkward acting also seems natural and all his gesture create the super cute Adachi. Machida as Kurosawa is also gentle and handsome. His sight when see Adachi, I can see the pure love of Kurosawa to Adachi through his eyes. Surprisingly, Kurosawa who seems cool outside is cute and sometimes hilarious inside his mind (whether his imaginations or sudden poetry lol). Also their gesture and their inner voice match perfectly. 3. The story is not just about love between two guys. Maybe this drama cannot fullfills somebody's fetish who want bunch of skinship and intimate scene in every single episode on BL drama. If you are those kind of people, better not watch it or you'll miss every good point of its story. Ofcourse its main story is about homosexual difficulties, how Kurosawa have to hide his feeling toward Adachi and how Adachi should respond to Kurosawa's feeling because they both man, when it seems better as collage than as a lover. More that that, this drama also show a pure love with consent. Kurosawa always considers Adachi's feeling. He doesn't want Adachi to feel forced into relationship or being uncomfortable around him. It also tells about dream and goal, when Adachi feels nothing he want to reach in life but gradually change to find his goal (spoiler for next episode). It also tells about how someone's feeling can have impact to other's perspective. Because of Kurosawa's love, Adachi can grow up and move forward. Because of knowing that everyone have their own problem, Adachi can be more confident to help others. Also Tsuge who try to come out of his comfort-zone and reach Minato's heart. The never give-up Minato, the hardworking Rokkaku, and aromantic Fujisaki-san who likes her career. Every Character have their own story which are amazing. I rarely see BL drama that have those kind of value, very decent. 4. The comedy. Priceless expression and anime-like joke. If you don't similar with these kind of comedy, i don't know whether you can enjoy it or not, but i laugh very hard at some scene. Also the backsound of Kurosawa imagination always tickled me 😂. The mole scene, Tsuge and Adachi's hilarious headbanging, memeable face of Tsuge, Kurosawa's jealousy, etc. 5. Easter egg in each episode However i learn it after several rewatched. It tells that Kurosawa often pay attention to Adachi since episode 1, when Adachi enter the office then slipped his feet, Kurosawa suddenly stand up. It also means that Kurosawa research about Adachi ever since He had crush (7 years? 😳) That's why he's very confident when said "I know everythings about Adachi". Kurosawa already knows that adachi like sweet tamagoyaki, He already put his finger to take sugar (ep2) but he still asks Adachi to not look suspicious. In Kurosawa's imagination, Adachi wear white tshirt, that tshirt Adachi wear inside his shirt. He also imagine Adachi sleep at his personal bed 😳. Since Adachi caught by elevator door, Kurosawa hold the elevator door for Adachi (Ep 3-4). Adachi very love onigiri, there's onigiri's display on his desktop (ep6). I hope i'll find more next time 😂.
#Cherry magic#cherry maho#bl drama#bl series#japan BL#30-sai made doutei dato mahoutsukai ni narerurashii
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Nah, they all said that they never thought to be reborn as a girl, they just fine for them being a man ... Whatever ruki wrote is just being point of view of the song itself
This is a stupid question I know, and I know you don't really want to talk about it but I'd just love to hear your thoughts because I like stewing on Ruki as a person, since he's the one making the music I love/loved for so long. Anyway, do you think Ruki writing in a woman's perspective is related to him being something like gender fluid? Do you think he questions his gender? It honestly also makes me a little happy that he could be bi/ bi curious since I am but yada yada to that & thank you!~
this is a bit harder to answer but let me try. first of all: yes, it’s definitely a possibility. it always is, no matter who we are talking about. never assume complete heteronormativity, but don’t assume anything else either.
this is one of those topics that are like… super invasive if i really get into it and i don’t want that. but at the same time ruki’s constant toying with gender is interesting. and i’m not saying that he is toying with gender wearing lipstick and high heels. it’s not that uncommon. visual kei as a scene breaks the traditional ideas of masculinity and femininity anyway so where is the line of doing it as a performance and it actually coming from a more personal perspective?at this point i need to give a quick explanation on gendered speech in japanese because it’s very relevant to what ruki does. you know how in english the SPEAKERS gender does not come up when they speak. your gender is revealed only when someone speaks to or about you and has to choose between “he” and “she” (or “they” for neutral). so basically when you speak english, you yourself have no authority over how your gender is represented in speech (unless you tell the other person to use a specific pronouns when talking to/about you). in japanese it’s the opposite. you gender your own speech. there are multiple different ways to say “i” or “me” and some of them are feminine, some are masculine, some are neutral. the same goes to the word “you”. the point here is that you choose how feminine, masculine or neutral you want your speech to be and then choose those words. you can mix and match or go based on your mood. feminine words are not just for girls to use and masculine version are not just for boys. it has nothing to do with the biological sex of the speaker, just if they want to be seen more masculine or more feminine at that moment. so here is where we get to ruki. he uses the feminine words and phrases a lot. that’s why most people assume that okay this song must be from a woman’s point of view. but in reality that assumption is not quite fair? except when ruki actually says in an interview that yes this was from a woman’s point of view. EXAMPLE. kaoru asanuma is a gay man as you all probably know. he uses feminine language from time to time. that does not make kaoru asanuma a woman. it just means that he wants to present himself in a more feminine way. (the problem here is also the fact that in japanese culture there is a little difference between being trans and being gay. if you are a gay man then you must want to be a woman because you like men. if you are a gay woman then you must want to be a man because you like women. see what i’m saying?)
at this point i should probably also mention that in most interviews etc ruki talks in a very masculine way. it’s pretty much only his songs where the feminine point of view comes up. maybe it’s his outlet for exploring that side of himself? that doesn’t even have to mean he is genderfluid, could just mean that he is interested in gender. but it also could mean that. not my place to say either way. (also hey! i’m a cis person who’s sexuality is really not up for discussion in here but basically i would not call myself a part of the lgbt-community. if any of you do, and you feel like this topic is not cool and should not be discussed like this, please let me know! also if i said something offensive. i promise that is not my intention and i just wanted to explain how deep the analysis of his lyrics can go. however, i realize that as a cis person i’m going to fuck up every once in a while no matter how respectable i try to be and i do deserve to be called out if/when that happens. so if i should delete these posts or correct something in them - please let me know!)
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just because you're not capitalist, doesn't mean you are forbidden to gain money, every human need work to get money, selling as a job and greed is different thing. if you don't like it, just don't buy it. but i'm a little agree that japanese don't give a fuck about other country's history, and ignore that They ever colonize other country. But again that because their elderly/boomer generation who hide it and never teach it to younger generation, they even change the history at their school lesson. How if you fans tell him straight up? maybe he would rethink of it. btw the nazi thing is not a rare case, it's kinda commonly used in visual kei bands, i remember Kaoru from DeG also wear it as accessories a long time ago.
That shit on the pouch clearly is the nazi flag not the buddhist cross like some people are saying. I know ruki doesn't have bad intentions but. I don't understand how he can be a sensitive,smart man and at the same time so childish,dumb and ignorant
yeah it’s straight up nazi flag and anyone who tries to defend his bullshit needs to delete all their social media accounts and only come back when they have pulled their heads out of their asses (or out of ruki’s ass).
like. i get that it’s japan and it’s not exactly a personal thing to them and ruki has always used symbols he doesn’t really understand as a decoration and it’s okay since they don’t really have the religious debates that western countries have they’ve never really had to learn to be, well, respectful about anything really. BUT THEN AGAIN you’d think they’d understand how fucking serious this is considering all the shit japan has pulled during in the past and how big of a taboo all that still is there….. so basically ruki is being ignorant and gross and i’m not impressed at all.
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╥﹏╥ seriously in this pandemic? hope they're health
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why are you still pretty UwU
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I just come back to visual kei band fandom.
Guess what i found? There're more elitist on that fandom recently. I don't know what their problem? They're just envy or something? I found some Dir en Grey fans attack the Gazette fans on social media, they comment to every gazette video and talk sh*t like the Gazette rip off or copying Dir en grey. Seriously i follow both of the band from indie until now. The only one similar with them just They influenced by Luna sea and X japan, that's all. Over all their music and genre are completely different. People call the band as poser while they can't tell the difference between two kind of metal subgenre? LoL WTF i couldn't even imagine Diru sing a song like Cassis or jazzy song like Silly God disco with their image image. Okay The Gazette sound more havier recently but still have happy-go-lucky kind of songs. I can tell the difference between Ruki and Kyo voice, different color of their voice not too thin though.
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Oh my country being fuc* up. We can't buy collectible good such as figure, mini figure, doll, etc freely from anothor country. Even though we are not a company and just want buy souvenir for personal use only. How can a collector just buy 5 items by handcarry and only 3 by online order? You know? We must pay for make an SNI sticker if we want order freely, its about 7-8million rupiah or almost 616 US dollars. What is it SNI? That's a national standard Quality of Indonesia which is often use for bootleg stuff. There are so much bootleg stuff sold here, but the original is harder to buy, plus actually, we must have SNI to buy original stuff which is lower than Internasional Standard Quality like ISO. They even called collectible figure like bandai as child toys. Seriously? Now, I wish that I was never born ini this country. Why they aren't use their brain anyway?
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Don't ever zoom Don't ever zoom *Still zoomed* I know 😂 but it's better than stickman at wall flower anime
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Thank you for that past of years, didn't realize that we are be a friend for s years, two years, even 5 years or more I hope we can continue this forever #friendship
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Left item 😂 #Revale #ainana #アイナナ #千
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