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Leica M240 even much better. But not affordable.
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Leica X113 test, the image looks very sharp. I wish I can buy one.
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No Need to Worry
Article by Swami Sukhabodhananda
You may have multiple values in life, but the core value that you should have is “not to worry”. To be concerned is one thing, and to worry is yet another. When you worry, then your psychological worries start multiplying and thus you feel inwardly tired and exhausted. But if what you feel is concern and not worry, then your love energy opens up, and thereby you become more alive. Recently, I gave a talk in San Francisco. One lady, a computer engineer, also listened to my talks. Later, she met me separately and cried that her life has become horrible in spite of so much of success she has achieved in her life. “Success has cheated me, and; therefore, I feel there is no hope in me,” she said.
She was weeping, and her words were logical and descriptive. Though she could express herself clearly, I found that her education was not helping her and that she had the sinking feeling that she was drowning… I told her that she should not worry about two things: “Things you can’t change” and “things you can change.” There are many things such as one’s ageing process which one can’t change. What is the point of worrying about it? Similarly, there are many things one can change. In respect of such things, one has to act, rather than worry. Because, if you can change things, why worry? And in order to effect the change, you need to take the requisite action, isn’t it?
Hence, if you look deeply, worry has no place in your life. So please cultivate the habit; just learn to stop worrying. If you learn to think wisely, then you will definitely stop worrying. Then, you will trust your inner intelligence. There is a wise saying, “Learn to tie your camel and trust in God”. That is, do what has to be done and then learn to trust. Inwardly, the woman I met in San Francisco, was in a state of worry, fear, anxiety and hence her life was in complete disorder. When your inner being is in disorder, then your action is nothing but a reaction and hence you are a movement of disorder. If you wish to rectify this situation, you have to keep your inner being in order.
What does that involve? One has to stop worrying and learn to be concerned, learn to love, and learn to do things out of love and not out of worry. Then, your office work will be joy; your family responsibility will be joy. Success, I told her, will never give fulfillment. One of the myths to which humanity is lost to is thinking that success is the be all and end all of life. Many have been successful but not fulfilled. To be fulfilled is altogether a different dimension. Let the brain understand this distinction and search for fulfillment. Unless you search, you will not discover. When you are fulfilled, you will not have anxiety but deep trust.
Trust that existence cares for you, loves you, and is coaching you in different ways. Everything is not against, and fulfillment or happiness happens in the ending of fear, anxiety, worry and distrust. After hearing me saying all this, the lady stood aghast to think that she had been fooled all her life because she thought success gives fulfillment. Success gives achievement but not fulfillment. A myth can take us in a wrong direction and hence, one has to be watchful of the power of myth.
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Iphone Vs Blackberry ? Iphone is the winner..
Punya hp 2 itu ternyata ga optimal dan ga efisien. Tadinya sih mau menghemat dengan menggunakan 2 nomor dari operator berbeda.. Tapi ternyata hanya menambah pengeluaran yg tidak terkontrol. Pilihan harus diputuskan, pakai bb dakota atau iphone? Kalo dilihat2 ada beberapa kelebihan dakota dan ada juga kelebihan iphone. Sekilas kelebihan dakota adalah sebagai berikut: 1. BBM dengan jaringan yg udah cukup banyak. 2. Kecepatan push mail yg cukup baik. 2 itu yg menurutku kelebihan bb yang harus diperhitungkan. Sementara kelebihan iphone adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Layar yg besar dan retina display 2. Browser yg bagus 3. Banyak sekali aplikasi yg mendukung kegiatan sehari2. 4. Kamera foto dan video dengan kualitas yg bagus. 5. Siri Voice assistant. 6. Integrasi dgn Mac dan Ipad lewat iCloud. 7. Dan lain sebagainya.. Kok kayanya lebih baik mengorbankan BB aja. Dan akhirnya gw putuskan untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada BB.. Thanks BB, nice to know you..
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Bangun tidur langsung cari ipad.. (Taken with instagram)
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The Beautiful Sultan Hasanuddin Airport (by indra8483) - I made this video in order to remind you all Indonesian Peoples that we have a beautiful airport.
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InsyaAllah ga lama lagi Bianca tidak akan sendiri lagi. Adiknya akan hadir menemani Bianca.
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Bianca habis berenang, gaya deh dia.. (Taken with instagram)
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Ga tau kenapa tapi dalam beberapa minggu belakangan ini kok gwe jadi tergila2 sama makanan di Sushi Tei ya. Setiap pulang kantor rasanya pengen makan malam disitu. Walaupun kesananya sendirian, yg penting makan di Sushi Tei. Apa ini ada hubungannya dengan istri gw yg lagi hamil ya? Alias gw yang ngidam...
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Early mornin di Incheon, tata kota yang berbeda dengan Jakarta. Udara yang dingin semakin membuat kita nyaman untuk berkeliling kota Seoul - Korea Selatan. Berharap bisa kembali ke sini lg suatu saat.
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Macbookpro ini sudah berumur hampir 5 tahun, tapi kinerjanya masih bisa dihandalkan sampai detik ini belum pernah mengecewakan. Harga memang ga pernah bohong..
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Sepatu ini mengantarkanku kemana2. Nyaman untuk digunakan.
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Hari2 menjadi semakin sulit ketika harus menghadapi thesis. Di satu sisi harus menyelesaikan pekerjan dengan baik, disisi lainnya harus menyelesaikan thesis. Multitasking menjadi mandatory disini. Bagaimana caranya, anyone can help ?
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