{Just a little ooc update:
I was working really hard the past couple of weeks on an Animatic that I can now proudly say I've Completed! (Here's a link if ur interested, its adamsapple)
At the end of the week I'm going on Vacation to Sweden to spend a couple of weeks with my Fiance and I'm bringing my mom with me so that's exciting! Buuuut it also means that I'll be... Afkish. I'll try to be around when I can but the plan right now is to Come Back Fully and maybe start setting this up as a MultiMuse Blog After I get back in July. I've been creatively and emotionally focused on other things but I'm eager to come back and like... Properly engage here! I might do more ooc posts on occasion, post random (but relevant) art, talk more head canons, reblog more memes, maybe do open starters, etc. I have the motivation but not the energy at the moment. But that'll change when I come back.
So for those of you following me, thanks for sticking around while I've been on random hiatuses! The next few days I'll try and get to replies I owe here and there. And if anyone is interested in writing something new with me, knowing that I'll be away for a bit longer, just hmu in dms and we can plan something out maybe : 3c
Thanks again everyone for your patience 🙏 Love ya 💕}
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{Just a little ooc update:
I was working really hard the past couple of weeks on an Animatic that I can now proudly say I've Completed! (Here's a link if ur interested, its adamsapple)
At the end of the week I'm going on Vacation to Sweden to spend a couple of weeks with my Fiance and I'm bringing my mom with me so that's exciting! Buuuut it also means that I'll be... Afkish. I'll try to be around when I can but the plan right now is to Come Back Fully and maybe start setting this up as a MultiMuse Blog After I get back in July. I've been creatively and emotionally focused on other things but I'm eager to come back and like... Properly engage here! I might do more ooc posts on occasion, post random (but relevant) art, talk more head canons, reblog more memes, maybe do open starters, etc. I have the motivation but not the energy at the moment. But that'll change when I come back.
So for those of you following me, thanks for sticking around while I've been on random hiatuses! The next few days I'll try and get to replies I owe here and there. And if anyone is interested in writing something new with me, knowing that I'll be away for a bit longer, just hmu in dms and we can plan something out maybe : 3c
Thanks again everyone for your patience 🙏 Love ya 💕}
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Happy Father’s Day!
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{Just a little ooc update:
I was working really hard the past couple of weeks on an Animatic that I can now proudly say I've Completed! (Here's a link if ur interested, its adamsapple)
At the end of the week I'm going on Vacation to Sweden to spend a couple of weeks with my Fiance and I'm bringing my mom with me so that's exciting! Buuuut it also means that I'll be... Afkish. I'll try to be around when I can but the plan right now is to Come Back Fully and maybe start setting this up as a MultiMuse Blog After I get back in July. I've been creatively and emotionally focused on other things but I'm eager to come back and like... Properly engage here! I might do more ooc posts on occasion, post random (but relevant) art, talk more head canons, reblog more memes, maybe do open starters, etc. I have the motivation but not the energy at the moment. But that'll change when I come back.
So for those of you following me, thanks for sticking around while I've been on random hiatuses! The next few days I'll try and get to replies I owe here and there. And if anyone is interested in writing something new with me, knowing that I'll be away for a bit longer, just hmu in dms and we can plan something out maybe : 3c
Thanks again everyone for your patience 🙏 Love ya 💕}
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Reblog this if you're willing to edit starters/responses for your roleplay partners.
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"Oh, you know. I'm doing juust fine." Charlie laughed nervously at the aggressive response. "I, uh, would prefer if you wouldn't call me that-" Not that she had very high hopes for her request to be taken seriously. The interaction was already awkward and kinda messy, but she wasn't going to just be giving up so easily.
"I am Princess, so I kinda... Have a responsibility right? So I, uh... Wanted to check in on some of the most influential sinners! You know....? Haha..."
Did you know that there's a universe where Alastor is part of the Vees? He still helps out with the hotel, he just doesn't live there.
If you wanna meet the AV3 in that universe, here they are! @the-grand-av3
Don't worry the other three hate Valentino as much as we do, Velvette hits him every time he turns something normal horny, once she hit him with an entire BED.
"Oh wow, there really are all sorts of worlds out there, huh! I don't really... Trust The Vees, but I trust Alastor and if he's able to keep them in line... Somehow... Then. Then maybe I'll give them a chance!"
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what would you do if your mom came back?
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Honestly, I'd be really happy to see her again! I know 7 years isn't really all that long in the grand scheme of things, but soooo much has happened! It'd be nice... Just to catch up. Find out where she went. Even if she didn't want to tell me, I'd still have more than enough to tell her! I'd need to introduce her to Vaggie and show her the Hotel! I know she'd be excited about everything I've been doing! It would be nice.... I hope she comes home soon...
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Send my muse “What would you do if...” scenarios.
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"Of course! There's no way I could have just left you there injured like that." Charlie gave her a gentle smile. "And Thank you! There's... Still not a lot of guests but we're doing our best!"
“ my name is Sophia ….. I mean I’m Darcy it’s a pleasure to meet you if I decided to stay here permanently would that be okay “
She smiles at you
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{Something I've been thinking about a lot lately is either turning this Blog into a Multi-muse Blog - Charlie would still be the primary muse here- or making a separate multi-muse blog. I already have a number of other side blogs so I wouldn't want to make a New Blog for each Muse, and compiling them together into one would be easier. But it's still something I'm considering. I don't really know how to navigate the rpc yet, so I don't know if I'm completely off base for wanting to expand this particular blog or what. So for now it's still a Thought. But it's something I'd like input on. Any comments or suggestions you may have are super welcome in replies or asks but I'm also doing a poll-}
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"Oh! Uh Hello! Soooomeone mentioned you all and uh! Now I'm here! To, uh, check in? With you all? I guess! I'm doing... Okay. How uh, are all of you!"
{hello! I'm totally down to rp, whether its just continuing this or figuring out something different through dms : 3c}
Did you know that there's a universe where Alastor is part of the Vees? He still helps out with the hotel, he just doesn't live there.
If you wanna meet the AV3 in that universe, here they are! @the-grand-av3
Don't worry the other three hate Valentino as much as we do, Velvette hits him every time he turns something normal horny, once she hit him with an entire BED.
"Oh wow, there really are all sorts of worlds out there, huh! I don't really... Trust The Vees, but I trust Alastor and if he's able to keep them in line... Somehow... Then. Then maybe I'll give them a chance!"
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Did you know that there's a universe where Alastor is part of the Vees? He still helps out with the hotel, he just doesn't live there.
If you wanna meet the AV3 in that universe, here they are! @the-grand-av3
Don't worry the other three hate Valentino as much as we do, Velvette hits him every time he turns something normal horny, once she hit him with an entire BED.
"Oh wow, there really are all sorts of worlds out there, huh! I don't really... Trust The Vees, but I trust Alastor and if he's able to keep them in line... Somehow... Then. Then maybe I'll give them a chance!"
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With the affirmation that the ride still existed, Charlie started glancing around to see if she could spot any familiar telltale signs of the ride from afar. It had been too long for her own memory to be all too helpful on that front, but thankfully it seemed her dad was more on top of it than she was. She silently lamented to herself for not having memorized looked at a map before this to have a better idea. But there was something thrilling about just exploring and discovering things as they went!
"Alright, lead the way!" She followed closely after Lucifer, consciously keeping in step with him so she would find herself running off ahead the same way she did as a small child. It really was about the atmosphere of the place and portals would take away from that. "It really feels the same as it always did, huh!" Nostalgic.
"Oh... Wow... Hah, has it really been that long?" It made sense, but it was sort of sad to actually put a number on it... Well, there was no use dwelling on the past now! Not when they were Here now and things would be a mix of old and new, since Lucifer said things had been updated since she was last here. Just seeing the grounds was nostalgic and her energy was at an all time high! The sounds of rides and visitors made for an exciting backdrop to everything too.
She turned her attention back to her dad and hummed in thought as she glanced around again. "Let's start.... With something familiar! There's still the teacup ride here, right?"
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With a Nod, Charlie ushered him over to the bed and got him all settled in. "Doooo you waaant a bedtime story? Maybe?" He wasn't too old for that, was he?
Damian teloportrd behind her "whoo thanks char!" The jackal grinned happily ...shit he forgot to tell he could teloport and other powers oops
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"You should let them rest if you can.... I understand if it's like a second nature thing, but they need time to heal. They... Uh well, they were beat up something bad...." Charlie gave her a nervous and somewhat concerned smile.
“ my name is Sophia ….. I mean I’m Darcy it’s a pleasure to meet you if I decided to stay here permanently would that be okay “
She smiles at you
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{Something I've been thinking about a lot lately is either turning this Blog into a Multi-muse Blog - Charlie would still be the primary muse here- or making a separate multi-muse blog. I already have a number of other side blogs so I wouldn't want to make a New Blog for each Muse, and compiling them together into one would be easier. But it's still something I'm considering. I don't really know how to navigate the rpc yet, so I don't know if I'm completely off base for wanting to expand this particular blog or what. So for now it's still a Thought. But it's something I'd like input on. Any comments or suggestions you may have are super welcome in replies or asks but I'm also doing a poll-}
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"Oh! Okay! Uh, are your wings alright? Do they hurt? You should probably let them rest." Charlie spoke gently as she wrapped an arm around Darcy in a returned half-hug.
“ my name is Sophia ….. I mean I’m Darcy it’s a pleasure to meet you if I decided to stay here permanently would that be okay “
She smiles at you
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