cyn-bot · 3 months
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I made a cyn tsum what do you think
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||Closed Thread with @samanthachan||
Charlie was stressed. With the Extermination drawing nearer and without any solid progress, she wasn't really sure what she was going to do. Every day felt like she was quickly running out of time and the anxiety kept building more and more. She needed to clear her head. Staying in the Hotel just made the thoughts worse.
A lot of the initial chaos at the news of the new time table had settled down, people returning to their routines, even as she could feel the tension still in the air. She just needed a break from overthinking or she was going to completely burn herself out.
And it was as she wandered without any specific destination that she found herself stumbling upon someone. Uh oh, they didn't seem to be in very good shape... She made her way over to them, keeping a little distance in case they decided to lash out. "Heeey, uhm.... Are you okay?"
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belphiesreverie · 2 years
Belphie what are your platonic yandere thoughts with platonic yandere octotrio
I have so so so many thoughts abt the octotrio as platonic yans, you have no idea how long I’ve been holding onto them 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻
Ok so starting off with Jade and Floyd, those two are like bodyguards that you did not hire nor want. At least one of them is with you at all times, if not both. And when one isn’t with you, it’s most likely to go bother someone who seemed to be getting a little too close or was staring at you for too long
Jade is definitely easier to deal with having around. He’s much quieter and prefers to walk next to you or slightly behind you. He doesn’t interrupt you if you’re talking to someone, but people tend to run off quickly anyways when they notice him staring at them without blinking. He’s also much more helpful, often offering to carry things for you and opening doors, and he even helps you with school work
Floyd on the other hand, is much more to deal with. Most of the time, he’ll end up carrying you places instead of letting you walk because he has longer legs so he’s faster and impatient. He also is a mixed bag when it comes to other people; sometimes you’ll be able to have a conversation without much issue and other times he won’t even let people breathe in your vicinity, it truly depends on his mood
And when you have them both together, it’s either nicely balanced or absolute chaos. A lot of the time Jade will do his usual job of keeping Floyd in line, but recently he’s been finding it very amusing to just let Floyd do what he wants and has been actively encouraging him much more often. If you complain, Jade just smiles and says that at least Floyd isn’t bothering you… and you can’t really argue with that
Now, Azul. He acts very similar to a younger sibling that wants their older siblings attention and praise. He basically lives off of validation anyways, but it’s especially needed from you
He likes to tell you about how successful the monstro lounge has been almost every day, even ready to show you all the accounting if you don’t praise him quickly. And he’s always mentioning how good his grades are and that he’s willing to tutor you if you’re struggling. Any noteworthy thing he accomplishes, Azul will find the next available moment to tell you all about it
You’ll struggle with knowing when to give praise and when it’s alright to brush it off. Because congratulating him on every small thing will just lead to him wanting more validation for even smaller things, but not praising him enough drives him to start sabotaging other people. He’s gets it into his head that he’s not good enough so he has to make everyone else seem even worse in comparison
And don’t even get me started on the gift giving. Azul definitely gives you the most gifts. He wants to be praised for choosing something you like and being able to show that he’s your best friend because he knows what you like the most. Jade is a bit less trigger happy with the gifts, he prefers to find more sentimental things to give you and to show that he thinks of you often. And Floyd… kind of just brings you random things he finds that he thinks are neat. But it shows he values you a lot if he’s willing to give up the cool things he finds to you
These three as your platonic yans are definitely very chaotic, but they do work well together cohesively a lot and don’t ever really get into fights between themselves so that’s a plus, right?
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radio-demon-on-air · 3 months
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( she’s my fallen child oc)
She comes up to you and says : I’m Darcy it’s a pleasure to meet you I’m a guest at the hotel and I heard you were a manager here it’s awsome ta meet ya
Holds out hand to shake yours
"well hello, my dear! My name is Alastor, a pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure!" He shakes her hand.
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mountainloversclub · 8 months
Yuu : jade please I need help
Yuu looked exhausted and seemed to be covered in eel love bites
( excited to rp with you again love the fish mafia )
Oho? What seems to be the problem, Yuu? Are you quite alright
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uzitherebel · 23 days
You would see a winged child all by herself crying
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Oh...hello child...flying child??
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ntherebeldrone · 5 months
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Hands you the child the child is some unknown creature definitely not drone and has wings the child has puppy like eyes
( art is something my friend made me )
well hey lil guy <:]
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withered--s0uls · 2 months
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I drew v as Cassandra from tangled series what are your thoughts
Shes so tiny. That reminds me I need to work on my Tangled Drones AU designs,,,
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nyxs-sins · 2 years
Could you do octoville with a marine biologist mc
Octavinelle Reacts to Marine Biologist MC
Oh? What’s this?
In your world, you studied marine biology?
Or so he thought… before you started bombarding him with questions.
How was his anatomy different from that of a normal octopus?
Of a human?
How does it affect his diet?
It got to the point where he only allowed you five questions per day, and each question you went over, you had to pay five thaumarks.
But he was grateful for when anyone got sick or injured while in their mer form and you were nearby.
Veterinarian or not, you knew a few tricks to make you handy in almost any situation.
For that he was paying you thaumarks.
Just so he doesn’t go into debt, of course.
He finds it very amusing.
He’ll answer all of your questions in great detail…
For a price.
No, not money, that’s not what he wants.
He wants answers about you.
Sometimes you don’t even realize how personal the conversations you two have until you are reflecting upon it later.
Let’s just hope Jade doesn’t decide to sell any of your information…
Or use it as blackmail against you.
He will.
He really doesn’t care.
It’s just not something he finds interesting.
If he’s in a good mood, he’ll answer your questions for free.
Though he will tease you about your growing debt.
But you both know he doesn’t mean it.
If he’s in a playful mood, he might ask for something in return.
This could be a trinket, information, or simply going for a swim with him.
Just… mind the tail.
And don’t let him squeeze you too hard.
If he’s in a bad mood, well…
Maybe you can cheer him up, what with your newly acquired knowledge of eels.
But it’s probably still be better to leave him be…
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twstedbeauty · 1 year
Curious are you going to be answering interaction questions soon I’m excited since I’ve seen you answer some
My askbox is currently open and I'm trying to clear out all the requests I currently have, but I mostly answer what/when I feel like.
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deceitful-darlings · 2 years
Are you okay talking oc brainrot
Sure, I’m always down to talk brainrot with people!
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cyn-bot · 3 months
Darcys eyes sparkle : please tell me knowledge
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Of course, my dear. I'm all ears! What would you like to know?
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snowiwyvern · 1 month
So what are your rules with art requests curious
mmmm i prefer not to do ocs (unless im familiar with them) and if it seems like youre just begging for free art or youre being pushy/rude ill prolly turn you down. also if you dont follow me im also going to assume youre just begging for art (yk like going around to random artists begging for the same thing)
just go commission people if you want extremely specific stuff btw
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What are your thoughts on Darcy
I do not believe I have met Darcy, but I would love to meet them!
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alainthesquirrl · 6 months
What are your thoughts on the fact Darcy often eats cardboard
delicious, when it's the right type
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mountainloversclub · 8 months
Hikari : what’s embezzlement mean jade
Embezzlement is a form of stealing where a person takes money from their company or other form of employer without permission. Why do you ask, Hikari?
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