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(any pronouns) (20) just here for my obsession(s)
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rainbowdrop · 2 days ago
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rainbowdrop · 3 days ago
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Yes, yes they are
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Tim Drake: Robin #10 | Yuri!!! on Ice (Episode 7)
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rainbowdrop · 3 days ago
Ok since I love some JJ content and this idea was stuck in here(🧠) for a while... Well... I did- something- (something being a 2k word first part fic)
I don't know if I will extend on this or really do anything more... But oh well I already write at least this so- ehr.. hope you like it-!
(take in mind this isn't my normal do thing- so it surely had mistakes, not only in the canon aspect of things but also in the writing over all (and also also English isn't my first language so- so yeah take that in mind)
Ok- Tim never saw himself as a hero alright? He idolizes them and he follows them through news and forums or more… let’s say active ways *cough *cough "bird watching" but he never thought that he would ever be one of them… not even when this idea first came. Because back then it wasn't about how he felt or what he wanted to become... He was just done really- just as done as probably the whole Gotham, but that night- that night, what he saw, how easily was for him- no- for that thing- to just tear apart the whole life of someone, and still left them to life, and seeing him smile and laught- all that- just to see the pain in other not even in her he did all of this to hurt someone who was close to Batman- and he- he just saw- saw paralyzed in fear and horror as Joker shoot Barbara Gordon-
He- he wasn't supposed to be here- watch that- he was just following Batman that night, but he lose him, and when he finally managed to knew where he probably was going but it was to late and to far away to get there and it was just pointless to try (he knew, he tried) and even of not for that, it make news that there was a breakout, and not of just anyone but the Joker- and being honest here- even he knew it wasn't worth being out just for a few good shoots, so he was going back, he swear he was going home-! But- but he saw something when he was moving in between buildings- because as someone who knows how to hide- he knows how to look for people trying to hide- so he could barely make out a dark figure just going trought the other side of the street-
And ok- yes, it was kind of dumb to see what that shadow figure was doing there because well- Gotham- but- But- maybe he didn't need to get to close... He could even take some evidence and maybe send it anonymously to the police station as he does sometimes...
He didn't know when he started running, he didn't register when he got to his room, he didnt feel as he closed everything and when he land in the bed or when his eyes got not blurry of the tears... He just didn't knew much of that night after he saw that... The only thing that he was sure of it's that he couldn't go to sleep at all, and that everytime his body told him to sleep and he tried to close his eyes he just saw Barbara Gordon (Batgirl no- no she won't be that anymore- not anymore- she couldn't because- because Joker-) and the image was just as vivid as if it was just Infront of him...
He didn't go to school the next day- and he probably wouldn't have go the next days if it wasn't because that happened a Thursday so he just los a Friday and he had Saturday and sunday- bit really does days he could barely move- he just eat something because Mrs. Mac came Saturday morning to bring the groceries and make some food for the next few days and she made him eat something... He could barely hold himself enought to pass the food that just felt like disgusting slime in his mouth- Mrs Mac the oblivious angel that she was didn't notice- or didn't ask about his behavior and was soon out of the house in the late afternoon.
Monday morning just a bit better (better enought to force himself to go to school... He still couldn't stomach much, barely a piece of bread and water since Mrs Mac visit-) he was a bit late for school, but he manages to pull through and even give an excuse for his absence in friday- he was still pretty much out of it tought, so for the rest of the day he was barely paying any attention in class... His mind thankfully numb of it all that it didn't bring any explicit memories of that night... It was just not there. And even in the night, his body didn't much of wanted to go out.. he knew that the Joker was again in the Asylum (it was the second thing he did after Mrs. Mac force him to eat something) and- and rationally he knew that he could go out again... But he just couldn't- not with that image staying and reappearing each time he tought about it si- so no he wouldn't go out- not in the foreseeable future.
And he did- he didn't go out for half of the month, he didn't saw as much as news as he normally did and he didn't even check on the forums as much- because yes- of course he saw the brutality of this city the brutality of the Joker- but it was different it was totally different to be there to watch and even hear what happen that day, he saw the blood saw the bullet go trought skin and probably (surely) bones and hear that agonizing scream even a street afamfar from it, and seeing that smile for bigger even then, seeing the actual monster... It was different, and he couldn't see- couldn't dare to see the news and imagine the sounds and the scream and the blood-so he just didn't... For a while- for a while he didn't, until his brain make him need to know what happened- to- to know- did- did Joker killed batgirl-? Killed Barbara Gordon-? Because yes he was there, and he probably technically saw what happened that night- but after that first shot and that first scream... His mind won't bring anything else.. he just say how Barbara fall and bleed and scream- but then the next thing he remembers after that was just him being in his room- So after those two weeks he needed to search what happened- so he forced his fingers to search for Barbara Gordon-
He just looked at the screen- he didn't notice, but Tim was starting to hold his phone so hard that it was turning white, and his hand was trembling and and he threw his phone to the wall (he needed to buy a new one for sure) Barbara Gordon- she was (she is is is- because she is alive she is at least alive-) she is- paralyzed... Paralyzed... She- she couldn't be Batgirl anymore... Joker- Joker took that from her... Joker destroyed that forever from her... And Joker was just let to live... (In Arkham but that's for now because even Batman knew that it was just for now it was always just for now) And then he would be free again.. and do more damage to more people- as he always does as he always will do- because Batman would never kill him- because he would never be like them he wouldn't just become like them- he wouldn't cross that line...
But- someone needed to do something- do something that really did anything to at least stop Joker's plans- to stop the number of victims to grow- but- but how-? Arkham wasn't an option... Didn't matter if just to contain him or treat him... Someone like him just wasn't insane.. he was like that just because. Tim made his research and he knew that at least the joker didn't qualify as an inestable person that just didn't know what his desicions make- no Joker knew what he was doing and he knows that it hurt people.. he just does it to enjoy and to "play" with Batman... (And besides who made that first report of Joker counting as and insane person who couldn't be accountable for his actions was Harleen Quinzel aka future Harley Queen, that was almost for sure manipulate from Joker to become her "sidekick" so Tim was pretty sure that statement is fake or at least based in false information) but bringing this information wouldn't do much, everyone knew that the system didn't work for the people, but for the villains that hold the money and the power above everyone... So the justice system was also a no... Batman could stop him but when it was to late... If just someone could inform the plans.. could knew what would happen even before they could be public knowledge.. then maybe they could be stopped even before really damage could be done... But how...? Or even better who?
Tim took a few steps back as he turn around to look at his clock... Welp there goes another night with barely sleep.. but as he looked at his board full of threads (yes a bit cliche but it really make the word to put his tought into actual coherent things and not just a mess of thoughts) he make a kind of coherent plan... First the best option for the joker to be stopped (without the killing thing- because he now understand the filly extension of what that implied when he saw Barbara fall... He didn't think he could pull that off even to that monster without hearing Gordon's scream of pain of horror) the best thing was for someone be inside Joker "organization" someone close enought to being keep up of their plans... But after he followed his thoughts, he realized no one in there would be able to do that for him, he tought of buying some of his lackies trust and that they betray the Joker to inform him... But first they probably didn't knew much- probably just getting in the plan mere moments before it was done and second even if it work... If it worked there was a hight chance that Joker would discover them.. and- and he didn't want to be responsible of that hypothetical person dead... His second tought then was someone close to the Joker.. someone kind of usefully to the Joker so that it was harder for the Joker to suspect abou... But really all the closer to him were as crazy or were being manipulate by the man, so he couldn't just buy their secrets...
So it had to be someone new, someone that infiltrated from the start with that objective, bit again he wouldn't just send anyone to what probably was a risky (if not suicidal) mission... But even then he make a list of what this hypothetical infiltrate would need to achieve that... Since he would be closer to Joker and he would need to pass a lot of time with him to first wins his trust and to second do all the job of inform and give clues to Batman or at least the police... It needed to have ton of time and not have that lot of personal relations since they would notice if they were gone for longs period of time (hmm... Just like him, he could easily ask his parents to move him to a digital school and that was it, he didn't have that close of friends .. so he could easily go without much problem.. and he could probably easily make it to his house just once a week when Mrs. Mac came to check on him and his parents didn't really came that often... And when they did they didn't stay for more than a few days-...) that "hypothetical person" should also be able to not be notice, since they should be the responsible to pass the information of the joker to the right people... (He could also do that... He knew tons of secret spaces in all Gotham that not even Batman nor Robin could know since they never saw him... Huh....) And- and there is also the part that really was hard to decide... The risk... Whoever stayed there will be hurt physically and mentally... He didn't want to put anyone near that risk... More when he would be in his parents mansion(where if he was the infiltrate nobody would look for him-) with the allowance of his parents (with wich he could buy tons of resources more people wouldn't be able to-) and- and- he looked around in the empty house... Where nobody- nobody would knew if he was gone... Nobody will be worried... And his parents probably didn't care as much for him if they barely check on him... He could probably disappear for days... Make a simple excuse for Mrs. Mac if he couldn't return for the few hours she was here ... And then... Then he could probably be the one to do it- he wouldn't have to worry he put another person life in risk- he could take it as it was... And he wouldn't worry anyone if something did happen...
He looked and thought of what he would need if he was the one to do it... He was lost in tought when he finally notice the light coming trought his closed curtains... He turned around quickly to his clock and- shoot-! He was late for school- he hurriedly start to make his way to the bathroom to get ready and make sure he didn't look as of he stayed all night awake- once he came from school he could thing this better, bit his mind was already made up- he wouldn't let any of Joker plans happen any more- not of he could do something about it.
(if I ever make a second part here would be the link for you to click)
Joker Jr. AU but a bit different
I have recently seen and read several Tim Drake AU's where he is Joker Jr. They were all really interesting but I noticed how Tim was (obviously since that's like the main trait of the Joker) always insane in these fics, which has given me the following idea: Tim is Joker Jr. but he is not insane and actually purposefully became him to at as a spy.
Hear me out: Little 11/12-year old Timothy was out at night doing some nighttime photography (*cough* batstalking *cough*) when he witnessed the Joker doing something so brutally sick and wrong (Barbara being shot maybe?) that Tim decided that Joker needed to be stopped and it had to happen soon. Somewhere in that thought process it somehow got into his head that he had to do something.
I am sadly not actually smart enough to explain to you how he did it, but Tim tricks the Joker into making him his "son" and into thinking that he is insane. However instead of bringing chaos and harm upon the people of Gotham, Tim is using JJ as a cover to infiltrate the world of Gotham's rogues and send warnings to the police and citizens before attacks so they can be stopped or at least as many people saved as possible.
Another use of Tim pretending to be JJ is, that he can slowly convince Harley to leave the Joker over time and even better: Joker might take him to Ethiopia where Tim saves Jason. Through Jason's vague memories of being rescued in the last second by a child that was with the Joker? the Bat's finally become aware of the fact that Joker has a child (i imagine that they only heard rumours about it before and they kind of brushed it off since the story didn't really add up or some other excuse like that). They are obviously very concerned but when they finally find Tim and expect to meet a traumaticzed child that has become close to insanity, this happens instead:
*Batman and co. dramatically landing on the roof JJ is standing on*
*Tim turning around and starting to wave exitedly when he sees them*: Hi :)! Omg I can't believe I'm meeting you guys, i am a big fan do you need something from me? Information maybe? That would be no problem although you might have to wait a bit if you need like specific info on a rogue because i would have to investigate first and-
Nightwing: Wtf B?! You told me to come from Blud tonight since I am the best of us with children but I wouldn't touch whatever this is with a ten-foot-pole.
Batman (ignoring his son): Hello Timothy (yeah they figured out his identity), we are here to rescue you from the Joker and bring you home to your family.
Tim: Rescue me? Why would you have to rescue me? *whispering to himself* and my parents have found out i'm not at drake manor? I am going to have to check they're travel plans again.
*Bat's sharing a concerned glance*
Jason: I know this is hard to understand for you and you must be so scared, but Joker is very dangerous. We can help you. You are safe now and you don't need to defend him.
*Tim looking at them with a confused Pikachu face*: Ewwww, I would rather drop my camera off a roof than defend the Joker. I think we are having a little misunderstanding right now.
Tim, completly convinced from his Hero's greatness, just assumed that the Bat's knew about his existence, who he was and that he was only pretending to be a rogue. Why wouldn't they? There the best detectives in the world after all!
He then procedes to explain to them how he is literally the perfect spy, since his parents wouldn't even really miss him if he died and he already made contingencies that would assure all the data and evidence he has on people would be automatically deleted.
The Bat's leave that rooftop not only without Tim, but also somehow even more concerned than before.
In conclusion: Give me an AU that is just Tim my sweet-summer child doing the most reckless shit that is somehow atually very helpful for everyone while the Batfam is just desperatly trying and failing to convince Tim that he has no obligation for what he is doing and that his sacrifice would not be worth it (during the many encounters they have, Tim slowly turns out to be the perfect adoption bait and I think we all already know how this is going to end.)
This is literally my first ever tumblr post or post about the batfam so I hope I did this the right way and this was somewhat possible to enjoy. Please tell me if i made any mistakes since english isn't my first language and feel free to write fic's using my idea!
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rainbowdrop · 14 days ago
... I can't just stop to think of this duo in the scenario of Bruce when he is "dead"
Like with the factor of Damian, not having any jealousy or competition with Tim... And maybe even as seeing up to him in a way, would he like trust him more? More than Dick? And in that case would he believe him? Damian knows how intelligent Tim could actually be, and he knows the evidence that Tim presents it's tin and it could be a coincidence, but since when Tim was led fool? No, it's obvious he spent his time and resources in this one, he knows how mentally capable he is, and it's not just a crazy episode or something align because of Bruce dead, Tim has seen and lived and done worse, whatever it is, it's not just not anything.
... So he believe him
I don't know exactly what will happen to Robin in that case... Like Jason I think a Jason that didn't interact with the League is a Jason that maybe just a more normal life, maybe he is just giving himself time to think it trought grow learn, be more prepared or just isn't interested at all, but the fact is that he isn't Robin, and Tim, Tim left that tittle when he change places with Jason, and after all that training he didn't believe himself as Robin as the light, he had done things that not Robin should do, and besides Tim realized Bruce/Batman didn't need a Robin, no, it was a simple and merciful tought of his youngerself, Bruce/Batman needed a son, and Tim wasn't anything like that and Jason was there, and obviously Damian. So obviously not Robin for him either.
Now with Damian, in the canon he didn't receive Robin until that exactly point, but it was because Tim was holding unto it, without Tim nor Jason... Maybe he will got it early, because of Tim being there, he already learned to behave less aggressive and killing-like, so maybe it's just takes the time for Bruce to trust Damian to accept him as Robin? Or to see how trained he is... Don't know but yeah, I think he would have got it early.
Now with that... Would Tim and Damian go together in search of Bruce? Maybe not, but not because of Damian... But Tim just being overprotective of him and just knowing that all of this wouldn't be a simple walk, so he tells Damian that Gotham needs a Batman and a Robin, and that it's his responsibility so he can leave.
But Damian just relents after he makes Tim swear he will martian contact with him every once (I don't know how long has Tim gone)
And since Tim and the League are more in the know of each other and maybe even gain the respect of Ra's well the dance nad play with each other to gain each other favors similar to canon but without Ra wanting to recruit him or brainwashing him to became his heir or the like and Tim just using ton more of league tactics and methods.
(.... I don't know how to continue this so I will leave it here)
Imagine that after Tim get’s sent overseas to train, when he works with Lady Shiva, she drops a hint that the League of Assassins has Jason. Do you think Tim would go back to Bruce?
Bruce Wayne, who in his grief, has hurt Tim more than villains probably have? Bruce Wayne who Tim has been doing everything to save? What if Tim decides the best thing for Bruce would be his actual son?
So instead of going back to Gotham, Tim sleuths and finds his way to the cradle. He doesn’t go empty handed. He’s not stupid. He shows up with a dossier on a number of league enemies and potential assets.
Ra’s is fascinated. Thalia is confused. She 100% planned on using Tim as a focal point for Jason except Tim is here saying he’s no Jason and Bruce won’t survive without his son.
What if they trade places?
After a dip in the pit, they send Jason back and Tim stays. He has Lady Shiva’s training and he’s boarder line genius, or obsessive enough to never let something go until he wins. He’s adaptive, he had to be with Bruce. And he knows how to mask.
After some intense training, he becomes Damian’s bodyguard. When the coup happens, Thalia sends Tim off with Damian and they arrive together in Gotham.
Jason doesn’t remember anything. He was still catatonic for about half a year after he was dropped on Bruce’s door Step. Doesn’t remember the league at all so he doesn’t know there’s a tiny kid who traded places.
The Drakes never report their son missing because Tim informed them he’d forged their signatures to transfer to a boarding school over seas. Since he’s still taking classes at the league he just forges report cards and anything else. The money he withdraws gets shoved into an account that’s routed through multiple countries just for emergencies.
Bruce temporarily forgot about Tim because Jason arrives before Tim’s return date form training and all his focus went to his no longer dead son.
So when Bruce does finally remember Tim, it’s too late. The story has been set. He reaches out to the Drakes and hears that Tim wanted to transfer to a boarding school to focus on his education. Tim looks into it, and Tim’s not there…but Tim is also nowhere. It’s like he dropped off the map. Hell he even calls in Constantine to make sure he didn’t like swap his life for Jason’s or something.
And then a few years later Tim kinda just appears with a kid who looks suspiciously like Bruce at that age. “Thalia sends her regards.” He says with a bright smile. There’s a type of emptiness behind it though. Or a sharpness that wasn’t there before.
Bruce pulls them both in. It’s disorienting, Damian’s a bit more adjusted. As his bodyguard, Tim also taught Damian about society as a whole. What is acceptable. What isn’t acceptable. How to hide intent behind a lm expertly forged mask. Damian’s more adjusted to the change, and Tim is just as bright as the day he left…until he can’t be.
The first time Bruce witnesses even a fraction of Tim’s Ruthlessness is when Damian is captured as a civilian. Tim is in and out before Bruce even has a lock on The location. Later when they investigate, because the kidnappers are all missing, they find nothing.
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rainbowdrop · 14 days ago
Ao3 does not need an algorithm, you're just lazy
Ao3 does not need a 1-5 star rating system, you just want to bring down authors writing for FREE
Ao3 does not need automatic censorship, it is an archive, therefore anything can be posted
Writing or reading about something illegal does not mean the author nor the reader condones it, if that were true, you could never read a story involving anything negative
Purity culture is ruining fan culture and you all are fucking annoying
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rainbowdrop · 17 days ago
Imagine that after Tim get’s sent overseas to train, when he works with Lady Shiva, she drops a hint that the League of Assassins has Jason. Do you think Tim would go back to Bruce?
Bruce Wayne, who in his grief, has hurt Tim more than villains probably have? Bruce Wayne who Tim has been doing everything to save? What if Tim decides the best thing for Bruce would be his actual son?
So instead of going back to Gotham, Tim sleuths and finds his way to the cradle. He doesn’t go empty handed. He’s not stupid. He shows up with a dossier on a number of league enemies and potential assets.
Ra’s is fascinated. Thalia is confused. She 100% planned on using Tim as a focal point for Jason except Tim is here saying he’s no Jason and Bruce won’t survive without his son.
What if they trade places?
After a dip in the pit, they send Jason back and Tim stays. He has Lady Shiva’s training and he’s boarder line genius, or obsessive enough to never let something go until he wins. He’s adaptive, he had to be with Bruce. And he knows how to mask.
After some intense training, he becomes Damian’s bodyguard. When the coup happens, Thalia sends Tim off with Damian and they arrive together in Gotham.
Jason doesn’t remember anything. He was still catatonic for about half a year after he was dropped on Bruce’s door Step. Doesn’t remember the league at all so he doesn’t know there’s a tiny kid who traded places.
The Drakes never report their son missing because Tim informed them he’d forged their signatures to transfer to a boarding school over seas. Since he’s still taking classes at the league he just forges report cards and anything else. The money he withdraws gets shoved into an account that’s routed through multiple countries just for emergencies.
Bruce temporarily forgot about Tim because Jason arrives before Tim’s return date form training and all his focus went to his no longer dead son.
So when Bruce does finally remember Tim, it’s too late. The story has been set. He reaches out to the Drakes and hears that Tim wanted to transfer to a boarding school to focus on his education. Tim looks into it, and Tim’s not there…but Tim is also nowhere. It’s like he dropped off the map. Hell he even calls in Constantine to make sure he didn’t like swap his life for Jason’s or something.
And then a few years later Tim kinda just appears with a kid who looks suspiciously like Bruce at that age. “Thalia sends her regards.” He says with a bright smile. There’s a type of emptiness behind it though. Or a sharpness that wasn’t there before.
Bruce pulls them both in. It’s disorienting, Damian’s a bit more adjusted. As his bodyguard, Tim also taught Damian about society as a whole. What is acceptable. What isn’t acceptable. How to hide intent behind a lm expertly forged mask. Damian’s more adjusted to the change, and Tim is just as bright as the day he left…until he can’t be.
The first time Bruce witnesses even a fraction of Tim’s Ruthlessness is when Damian is captured as a civilian. Tim is in and out before Bruce even has a lock on The location. Later when they investigate, because the kidnappers are all missing, they find nothing.
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rainbowdrop · 20 days ago
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I need everyone to know that this is an actual tag and needs to be populated
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rainbowdrop · 27 days ago
Yes! yes! yes! yes! pls, omg I just have been obsesses with fanfics of Tim and these ones are always so cute!!
Like if it's when Tim is Robin Jason it's like "B doesn't deserve you, you are now mine. And I will also force you to take care of yourself since you can't do it on your own"
I haven't read one where Jason adopts the two of them, but I also would think it could be pretty neat
I have an obsession with my third Robin having the worst life and then BOOM found family at his finest!
F@%& you.
*Makes adoption AU's where Jason adopts Tim.*
*Makes adoption AU's where Tim and Bernard adopt Damian.*
*Makes adoption AU's where Jason adopts Tim and Damian.*
*Makes adoption AU's where Jason adopts Joker Jr.*
I just think they're neat.
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rainbowdrop · 30 days ago
.... I'm just dumb scrolling here-(also in history class but who cares? Not me)
Why did I get this message in the middle of this...?
the person that you could’ve been or the life you could’ve lived isn’t real. it’s an illusion and a fantasy that only exists in your head. all you have is here and now
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rainbowdrop · 30 days ago
I-? Glitter? Something Fabolous? Emm.... Light?
your 12th emoji is how you'll die
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rainbowdrop · 1 month ago
Omg, how is that so cute and wholesome? Like all the kids are there to also suffer with the socialites but they are there to return the favor to Bruce and to also make him fell how nice it is to be looked out for.
... And I'm just going to ignore the Alfred part because my little heart can't take it😞
Alfred felt as though it was incredibly inappropriate for a butler to accompany his young master to any sort of gala or gathering so Bruce had to get used to being by himself very quickly at a young age
Due to being left all alone when he would usually be with his parents, Bruce was put in increasingly unsafe situations over and over. Most of the time, there was no safe adult for him to feel comfortable enough telling. And if there was, how would he know they were safe?
He could tell Alfred, but what good would that do? Alfred has told him time and time again that he is his employee, nothing more and nothing less. Alfred cannot help him. Alfred cannot save him
Alfred doesn’t want to
I believe that at a very early age, due to how most of the socialites and rich people are in Gotham, Bruce had to get used to unwanted stares, touches, and advances
And he’s so pretty. He’s been so pretty ever since he was small, even with his parents alive they had to work hard to keep him safe. To keep others away. To draw a hard line in the sand for what is acceptable and what is not. But now they’re gone and he’s trying to keep himself safe. But people always want to touch, take, possess, and destroy pretty things
But all of his children are pretty too.
With all of his kids he makes sure that they’re as safe as can be, unlike how it was with him
The first time that he brings Dick to a gala, he holds the boy the entire time. Dick’s face is mostly tucking into Bruce’s suit jacket, shielding him from the flashes of the paparazzi and unwanted stares. Especially with his ‘exotic’ heritage of being Romani… it’s a recipe for disaster in Gotham
Bruce refuses to let a single person touch Dick, even socialites that he trusts. He knows how quickly someone you trust can turn on you once they realize you’re vulnerable.
He keeps Jason by his side as well. Gotham high society hates anyone who didn’t grow up rich. Is he’s not by Jason’s side, he makes sure Dick is. Dick can now fend for himself, but Bruce always makes sure they’re in his line of sight.
Tim has been to these parties before, and considering how negligent his parents were… Bruce makes sure to tell Tim that he would never be mad at him for anything that happened and he is not to blame. That adults should have protected him and saved him. He tells Tim all the things he wished someone had told him when he was younger. They hug and cry about it.
He’s always so thankful that Stephanie never wanted to go to galas as mean as it makes him sound. She never had to be subjected to the cruelties of adults who had no business leering after young girls. Now that she’s older and sometimes pops in if Tim’s going, Bruce knows that they’ll protect each other.
Cass is strong and smart, but she’s also very very new to this life and more vulnerable than the rest of his kids. Bruce wishes he could give her a sense of normalcy. It’s just another thing that’s he failed at.
He knows that if push came to shove, like the rest of his children, she would not hesitate to defend herself. But there should be no shove. She shouldn’t have to. Bruce dances with her all through the night every time she decides to grace a gala with her magnificent presence. It keeps her happy, it keeps her away from harm
His youngest baby is a fire cracker, ready to take on anyone and anything that could possibly be perceived as a threat to him and his family. As much as his other babies joke that he keeps Damian nearby to stop him from stabbing people, he doesn’t want anyone to look at Damian.
Damian is barely older than he was when he returned back to Gotham high society. The only difference is that Damian now has him and all of his siblings. It’s still hard to let go, even if he knows his children are there to keep an eye on everything
Duke is very similar to Jason in more ways than one, epically since he was also born on the ‘poorer’ side of Gotham that most elites loathe unjustly. He’s seen it before, even with high standing black families. Being suddenly accused of stealing a watch or pickpocketing an expensive pearl necklace. Lives ruined simply because of the color of their skin
Nothing like that will ever happen to Duke in his presence. Bruce knows he can’t protect Duke from all the racism in the world, but man if he doesn’t want to try
Bruce has never let his family deal with his issues. He believes he’s simply not worth the trouble. So whenever he gets hit on at galas in ways that make him uncomfortable he just fakes a smile. When he feels unfamiliar hands touching him and grabbing at his body, he fakes more smiles and leans into if there are too many people watching.
Just as he’s about to make an excuse, any kind of excuse to finally get away and take a breather, Dick suddenly pops up in front of him while he feels Jason and Duke slide up behind him, pushing away the elites that had circled him
Bruce makes a soft confused sound, trying to figure out what was happening, but then Damian’s tugging on his sleeve and he already has his baby in his arms. The whirlwind that is Tim and Steph together sweep him away from the confused group of elites.
The group makes their way back over to where Cassandra is smiling expectantly, giggling softly at the confused expression on Bruce’s face.
“Dance with me?” She requested softly, knowing that Bruce would never refuse her. Bruce squeezes Damian to his chest before handing him over to Tim, which Damian surprisingly doesn’t protest
Bruce takes Cassandra’s hand and they dance around the ballroom floor with ease, over and over one of Bruce’s children came and swept him away before anyone else could get the chance
“Don’t worry, we got you Dad.” Dick smiled softly as Bruce spun him around before being passed over to Stephanie and Damian.
“I know.” Bruce chuckled, feeling so safe for the first time in a long time. “I know.”
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rainbowdrop · 1 month ago
Hey everyone, I know it's going to be a busy day for a lot of people, but Google enrolled everyone over 18 into their AI program automatically.
If you have a google account, first go to gemini.google.com/extensions and turn everything off.
Then you need to go to myactivity.google.com/product/gemini and turn off all Gemini activity tracking. You do have to do them in that order to make sure it works.
Honestly, I'm not sure how long this will last, but this should keep Gemini off your projects for a bit.
I saw this over on bluesky and figured it would be good to spread on here. It only takes a few minutes to do.
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rainbowdrop · 1 month ago
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This is potentially life saving information everyone should know.
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rainbowdrop · 1 month ago
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new year new mountain goats
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rainbowdrop · 1 month ago
.... Why do I want to do these...? Not with a partner or anything... I don't know with my friends? It feels such a closeness action, like intimate, but nothing sexual, not like even romantic? Just like a show of affection pure and sweet and that shows how close you are to them...? Wth
anyone know that reddit post about a girl who’s gf washes her hair and it talks about non sexual intimacy
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rainbowdrop · 1 month ago
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rainbowdrop · 1 month ago
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I literally took as a reference a kitty being hold by his neck for this drawing and also I search for like Tim in civies and this one was silly and fun and nice, so I did it (I don't know the context of the clothes so meh)
Hi-! I didn't think the university will hit that hard but here I am like two weeks without posting a drawing- (even tought this one was like really simple but shit happens)
I really really like this design of Tim a lot better than the first one, and he look more squishable like this so it's an improvement.
The Lil idea came from @arandomao3user and the idea from this post!
idk when I will post a drawing again, but I will try to post at least once/twice a month
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