rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
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“You never know who might be lion these days. Its nice to know fur sure.”
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“Now Chen, I’m a scientist. I prefer to work in absolutes. Don’t be kitten around now, dear.  Are you paw-sitive you’re a cat person?”
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“I am purrfectly certain that I am, Miss! How could I lie to you?”
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
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“Now Chen, I’m a scientist. I prefer to work in absolutes. Don’t be kitten around now, dear.  Are you paw-sitive you’re a cat person?”
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“I could be wrong, but Chen strikes me as a cat person. Any truth to that?”
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
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“I could be wrong, but Chen strikes me as a cat person. Any truth to that?”
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
"Hey Alice! I found this book about summoning stuff in one of Marisa's stuff piles. Can I borrow like... Ten Dolls that can stand in a circle and hold each other's hands while I say some magic words please?"
…this is a terrible idea. She knows it’s a terrible idea. Everyone knows it’s-
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“Okay, Cirno. Just a second.”
…Alice what. Alice. Alice what’re you doing? Alice? Alice you can’t seriously be consi- Alice put the dolls back. Alice. Alice. God damn it, Alice.
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
If you could go back in time and tell your past self any one thing, what would it be?
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Alice was not even remotely expecting the question when it came. She paused mid-tying her hair and had to think about this question - first to recall what had been asked, and then to figure out an answer. And wouldn’t you know it’s a question she’d never really thought about?
“…one thing I’d tell myself…”
It takes about half a minute before she has a response:
“To not be afraid of speaking my mind.”
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
also yami is alice’s grandmother.
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“...I feel like I would have been informed of this.”
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
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“Hate the age thing. No one takes you seriously until you’re 100, even in Makai.”
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
ever make a doll of one of your friends?
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A couple times…
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
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“...is...is that casino for real?”
“Oh god someone protect it from that pestilence god. And the poverty spirits!”
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
(Well, this blog hasn’t been around in a while.
The whole ‘communion’ thing was a nice idea, but it turns out it was one of those things that sound really cool, until you try to plug it into other things. If I really wanted to make it work out I’d need to build the whole world around it, which I don’t really feel like doing. Would make a better fanfiction than an RP blog.
So I decided to repurpose the blog into a multimuse. I wanted one blog per muse originally, but I’m about 30 muses in and I’ve realized yeah that really isn’t going to work. So here we are!)
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
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“'Necessity is the mother of invention...’ What nonsense. Nothing comes of necessity but a sharp veer off the course of immanent disaster, and even that is doomed to failure more oft than not.”
“Science is the mother of invention. Obsession, power, control, boredom, frustration, madness, and a desire to become God...these are the mothers of science. This is the family of invention, in all it's manic brilliance, and what a wonderous and feverish family it is.”
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
What do Alice and Erin consider the most convenient ways to kill someone?
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“The number one priority of any combat engagement is the removal of a threat. Extinguishing a life should never, I repeat, never, be your number one priority. I’m not going to tell you what to do or how. Just protect yourself and others. That’s all that matters.”
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“To emphasize ease of execution is a fundamental misunderstanding of the art of the kill. There is no ‘easy.’ Convenience is a non-factor. The one and only measurement of a kill is its efficiency. If your kill is not efficient, you have objectively failed.”
“If you are not willing to destroy something with the utmost precision, strategy, and proficiency, then you have no business destroying anything - and I would even go as far as to say that perhaps the one in need of destruction is someone quite different from the target you had in mind.”
These ladies have very different ideas of what’s important. However, neither actually answered the question! So I guess they’re alike in that regard.
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
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“I feel it is a disservice to dismiss the privilege of working in a field where it is an accepted practice to stab someone you do not like and walk away as a respected professional and symbol of well-being. There are worse ways to live.”
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
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(Eirin: Mood edition)
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
(So you wanna know how to Magic, huh.
Yeah, I know it’s a fantasy thing. I know. But really, magic (or at least my idea of it) is really just an especially fancy-lookin’ field of Science. 
Every magician, witch, warlock, and sorcerer? A scientist. And possibly a scholar, too. Almost always self-trained, unless they have an apprentice, but that tends to go over poorly in the long run. Those who are obsessed enough with the acquisition of knowledge to pursue deep into the realm of magic and brilliant enough to emerge with useful information out of it are scarcely above doing things like seizing the knowledge of their peers by force, and bending them to their own will while they’re at it.
But anywho. Let’s get on with it.
Short version: magic is hard.
Keep reading
How To Magic
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rainbow-lifesmith · 6 years
"What up, my maid?" Oh good; more Mima. "Ever consider using something more useful as foci than the dollies? They're cute and all, but why not just use knives or armor?"
Oh good, her favorite person on earth. If any more sarcasm is inserted into this single sentence, any browser viewing it will probably crash to desktop.
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“Because I like dolls.”
She has used both weaponry (specifically lances) and armor in the past, though.
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This is also where her dolls get their gimmick from. Alice is kinda into the knight and lancer aesthetic. Fun fact!
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