#Marionette Headcanons
maslosstuff · 1 month
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I prefer giving Randy more ethical Asian features as his canon design was lacking such. Plus my Marinette design they would be besties.
My Randy best look would be the kp au since I refused to give him the blue eyes. Black eyes compliment his look here than the style I normally do with rc9gn or just in general
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lxdymoon0357 · 1 year
Can I request for a general dating headcannons with Father, I Don't Want This Marriage and The Villainess Is A Marionette (separately)
Thank you!!
(I did TVIAM in this this!)
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The Villainess Is A Marionette X Reader HCs
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Cayena Hill
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♧ Wow!! You're dating her....you doing great in life, keep it up. She's quite a loving partner, as long as both you're or her life isn't danger, she loves to dance with you and talk with you.
♧ She often has Rezef get gifts for you, no matter whether you deny or accept them, she's going to get you anything and everything you want, on one condition, you never leave her side as her S/O, even if it gets you killed.
♧ Cayena for someone of her status really likes to do weird things, like sneak out to get flowers at 2:47 am at night because she wanted to know what they smelt like and you being you couldn't refuse her. You got caught easily, but once you told Rezef why you were sneaking the princess out, he immediately understood and let you go.
♧ You got the emperor's blessing for dating her easily, but Rezef wasn't so easy to crack, no matter what you did, he didn't like you until he saw you beat a guy up because he tried touching Cayena, you both became good friends after that. He's still scary in your opinion...
♧ She often has her hand entangled with yours, no matter where you go and if you let go of it, she starts sulking a bit and acting all sad and whimpy to get your attention back to her and considering her beauty, it's pretty easy.
♧ On the topic of her being pretty, she gets so much unwanted attention from men and jealous women alike and it really leaves her in a bad moon, so it's up-to you to protect her from creepy men who are wayyy older than her trying to hit her up or women trying to attack her gorgeous face because they're jealous, don't worry her attackers do get their punishment by Rezef, and you get awards by her kissing and cuddling you.
♧ I figured she would really like to go horse-back riding with you, she has a few horses whom she rides every week end very early in the morning, one named Sisili and one named Osci, both are you favorite and they're both just absolute darlings.
♧ She also loves going on picnics with you, and the food is all made by you both and for you both it tastes like heaven, with cakes, salads, tteokbokki, noodles, different types of meats and much much more!
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Rezef Hill
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☠ Wow, so you somehow pulled this psycho?? But he's hot, so it don't matter as much, now as I have stated before, either Rezef could be a total horny, sweetheart who loves to cuddle, kiss and cherish you or he could either be a horny, sadistic man who loves to fuck you while tears run down your face, no in between.
☠ Rezef often carried you around, no matter if you can walk, your legs are basically useless in Rezef's presence, but he does get tired himself and that is the only time he let's you go on your own two feet to walk.
☠ Oh, yeah. I remember that Rezef is a very possessive and obsessive person, so say bye bye to your personal space as he clings to you like his life depends on it, so he's a total koala.
☠ He's loves to cuddle with you in his lap while he does his paper-work, he doesn't care if anybody else is getting uncomfortable or jealous or annoyed cause he's comfortable and comfy with you on his lap and that's all that matters.
☠ He loves and I mean LOVES to kiss you, like after he wakes up, before he goes to sleep, between his works, in the middle of meetings, when he's jealous, when he wants to go for a bath, it don't matter because he loves to kiss you an 8 times out of 10, it ends up in a make-out session....
☠ Rezef is a very greedy person, not only in behavior for power, titles or respect, but also in your relationship, he wants you give him all of your affection and love and he will still never be bored of you, he will try hard to make you see that.
☠ Rezef is also very protective, he knows he has done wrong things and he is in no way, shape or form sorry for them, but he knows people will do anything for revenge, he is very protective and very gravely makes sure you're in completely safe hands.
☠ Rezef may not be able to spend a lot of time with you, but he tries his best to make up for it and when you both get into arguments, he may get violent, but he will very sincerely apologize for it and will do anything to earn your forgiveness.
☠ He buys you whatever you want whether it be jewelry, food, title, land, gifts, dresses/suits, servants, pets, perfumes, houses, books, whatever your desire may be, he will do his best to fulfil them.
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Raffaelo Kedrey
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✧ Raffaelo Kedrey is very scared of women, so it's very hard to maybe even earn his attention, but if still somehow manage, he will quite a sweetheart even from a huge distance you both need for his phobia.
✧ Raphael very much enjoys to spend time with you, whether it be you reading stories to each-other, one chapter read by you, the second will be read by him, then third by you and so on, you both sitting on the bed, a few inches apart and reading while he leans over to read alongside you.
✧ Raphael will very much enjoy sending letters to you, because well his mother's controlling tendencies will probably stop him from talking with you, but since everyone in the manor basically hates her, so nobody really cares of her order to stop Raphael from sending any letters out.
✧ He is also very much into impressing, he will do whatever you want him to, if it impresses you, he has taken up a few things because you said you find people who are able to do them very impressive and amazing people.
✧ You both very often goes horse-riding to go into the forest for bird-watching or to see animals in their natural habitat or to take time to spend with each-other, but he is very strict with the fact of your safety in the forest.
✧ you both also do something where you both send each-other letters as the person you both wish to be and as you both continue to send the letters it will turn into a story, maybe like story telling but with each other and letters <3
✧ On topic of love, jealousy goes hand in hand, he may unfazed, but on the inside he is probably planning on killing the person next to you, depends on how much he knows the person the worst punishments he plans for them.
✧ His love language just might be feeding you favourite foods, he doesn't care how extravagant or how cheap the dish is, if you're craving it it's going to be present in front of you!
✧ Overall, he's a good boi, he will very much bring you back to your home at designated time <3
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Bird-Bat Language [Part 1]
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A majority of the language is whistles, as those can carry great distances, but other noises are also used, helped along by things such as comms.
Each Batfamily member has a name-call These are all variations of whistling, sometimes with an added sound to differentiate.
Bruce: click-low-high-low-low (simple, with the click being mixed with a sound akin to snapping teeth) Barbara: high-coo-low-low (the coo is short while the last low is longer and trails off) Dick: low-high-high-high (his entire call is rapid as he made it when he was younger & more impatient) Jason: high-click-click-high (the first high is long while the two clicks are rapid) Cassandra: low-low-low-high (almost all of her call is long save for the first low whistle) Tim: rapid high-low-high-high (as mentioned his entire call is rapid and bunched together almost into one sound) Stephanie: long high-low-high-high (Almost identical to Tim's call save that it's stretched out for several seconds) Duke: click-low-high-click (usually adds to his call by clinking the armor on his suit giving an underlying metal sound) Damian: click-high-high-coo (click lacks snapping noise but may be accompanied by metal on stone from blades) Jarro: coo-low-high (the coo is between a high and low whistle, as though to tell how small he is) Alfred: low-low-high-high-low (the two highs are faster than the rest of the call) Kate: click-click-high-low (similar to Bruce's call the clicks are added onto via snapping teeth)
Allies, temporary or otherwise also have name-calls Not all of said allies understand what the calls mean, and in most cases the calls are used by the batfamily only unless taught.
Clark: shrill whistle-chirp (originally the rapid shrill sound was used as a warning of how dangerous he was until friendship was achieved with Bruce) Selina: merp-coo-low-low (the merp is similar to a meow while the rest of the call is slow as she's not a threat) Poison Ivy: long low-high (the two sounds are lengthened to make up for the simplicity to separate from basic noises) Harley Quinn: short high-low (the noise is usually repeated several times similar to a whistling giggle) Ghostmaker: high-high-low-click-hoot (the click hoot is a reference to his suit, specifically the metal, weapons, & cloak) Harvey: coo-low-low-click (the coo reveals the affection still there for Bruce's childhood friend even when the call was first created)
There are several sounds commonly used during patrol These were some of the first noises/words created for the language due to how important several of the meanings are
Danger/Alert: high-low-low-high (a noise made to let each other know of danger without alerting outsiders or goons) Check In: low-low-high-low-click (this is self explanatory with the others responding with their own check in sounds) Emergency/Come Get Me: rapid low-high-high (also self explanatory, an emergency that they need help getting out of) Emergency/Leave Now: rapid high-low-high (a call that means that there's an emergency & the others need to get out) Be Back/Don’t Worry: rapid chitter (usually used when they come across something not dangerous) Warning/Don’t Come: repeated rapid high (pretty much the opposite of the previous call that continues for several minutes)
There's a secondary series of patrol noises focused on individuals Several of these were made around the time that other heroes and rogues started to emerge outside of Gotham
Unknown Intruder: tap-tap-click-chitter (It's quieter than most other calls to not alert the person they're talking about) Hero Intruder: shrill shriek-click-whistle (This is one of the louder calls & far more openly angry sounding) Enemy Intruder: short shriek-whistle-click-click (the shriek is used for intimidation purposes, usually during an attack) Being Watched: short low-click long high (One of the quietest noises, mostly to not alert the observer they're aware) Target Spotted: rapid click-click-click-high (This is usually coupled with other calls such as a specific rogue or other info) Engaging Target: rapid chirp-high-high long low (This was created after the kids went in without a plan with no warning several times)
There's also several calls are for specific rogues These were made at various times as more rogues emerged, usually used with other calls such as target spotted with a large amount of the calls having warnings inside the sound
Two-Face: rapid low-low-click-high-high (his call shares similarities with Harvey's but lacks the affectionate coo & has a pair of highs that could be seen as alarm) Al Ghul: hiss-click long low (the call is meant to mimic the Lazarus Pits, the hissing of liquid, clicking of metal, and low echoes of caves) Bane: buzz-hiss (the sound is supposed to invoke the imagery of creatures such as snakes & wasps, things with Venom) Penguin: trill-bark (it's as close as they can get to a penguin cry, revealing who they're speaking of) Scarecrow: clatter-hiss-caw (the sounds mimic vials falling, opening, & of course the call of a crow, like the kind that perch on scarecrows) Joker: clatter-croak-croak (similar to Scarecrow's call but with more of a coughing sound because they think he's disgusting) Riddler: chirp-long trill-chirp (his call is more musical than most other rogues due to his way of talking in rhymes & riddles) Mr Freeze: long hiss-bark-click (it mimics the sound of something being unsealed and the cracking of ice) Deadshot: bark-trill-high (the call is meant to mimic the shooting of a gun & the whistle of a bullet in flight) Clayface: coo-low-coo (the coos are affectionate, but interspaced with a low sound, like hidden danger) Madhatter: hiss-trill-coo (honestly similar to riddler's but the hiss shows he's more of an asshole) Man-Bat: chitter-bark-click (his call mimics the sound of bats combined with something larger, like a big dog)
There's also smaller-scale crime sounds These are also used for the people working with rogues too
Mob: warble-coo-clatter (This is very self explanatory of organized crime) Goons: chirp-coo-hiss (This isn't quite mob, but still organized crime, usually people who work for rogues) Minor Crime: trill-click (This is for smaller crimes like muggings, robbers, etc) Large Group: buzz-click (This is short, usually used as a warning or in the middle of a situation) Police: caw-bark-click (Pretty self explanatory, and the sounds are easily coverable by the sounds of a city) Assassins: hoot-croak-hiss (They didn't have this word until Damian joined, then they sort of needed it lol)
Part 2: H E R E
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siddoesstuffig · 1 month
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i need to draw again
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yanderedreamer · 2 years
I just saw your post and for some reason my request wasn’t fully sent.
And yes I would like yandere general headcanon!
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Yandere Rezef Hill / gender-neutral reader.
Synopsis: General yandere headcanons.
Warnings: Forced marriage, kidnapping.
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You're Cayena's close confidante, and Rezef initially saw you as a hindrance to his relationship with Cayena that is slowly being mended. But when he got closer to you in an attempt to uncover your weaknesses, he found himself being charmed by you, which marked the beginning of his obsession with you.
There would not be a single day where Rezef is not thinking about you. He's constantly thinking of ways to have you in his tight grasp and in the end, he decides that kidnapping is the most efficient method. He's practically fearless with his power as the crown prince and would not hesitate to whisk you away in broad daylight.
Surprise! You're in the palace. No need to be afraid, it's just the two of you in his room. But if you anger him, he might just give you something to be afraid of, so be an obedient darling now, would you?
He always makes sure that he gets what he wants, and in this case, he wants you; he'll even use a more mercenary approach if it means that he can secure your love... in his terms of course. Don't get him wrong, he still loves you, but his top priority is eliminating all of his potential love rivals so that nobody can take his place. He'll also ensure that you know who really owns you. Your happiness and mutual feelings are secondary in comparison.
If you insist on being defiant, Rezef won't hesitate to lift his blade to the necks of those who are dear to you. He can and he will pick off your loved ones one by one. To make him lower his sword, you must agree to marrying him. He'd be delighted to hear you say that you'll become his spouse, and rest assured, he's not interested in taking in any concubines.
Your family can't even protest against your sudden marriage. The risk is far too great, and surely you wouldn't want them to throw away their lives just to free you from your golden shackles? Rezef will make sure that the wedding ceremony is as grand as he can make it, and you'll get the honour of having Cayena dress you up. With a relieved smile, she thanks you for capturing the heart of her twisted younger brother.
Rezef is merciless. There is no room for forgiveness for those who have upset or wronged you in any way. It can be a mistake as small as a maid spilling hot tea on you, and he'll immediately order the guards to throw her in the dungeon. Despite his initial behaviour towards you, he truly has a soft spot for you so the lives of the people around you are literally in your hands. Choose your words wisely, and you may just save a life.
He's a stranger to affection and would want to try the different forms of skinship with you in the privacy of your shared bedroom. He'd hold your waist in a possessive grip as he presses fleeting kisses on your nape, before turning your head so that he can capture your lips with his. He can't get enough of them, so don't expect him to stop kissing you until he has been satiated.
The easiest way to get him to soften up is by giving him something that you've made yourself, whether it'd be your specially brewed tea, baked goods or handmade gifts. He'll savour the tea and desserts you've prepared just for him, and he'll store all of your gifts in an ornate box which he then hides in a secret place.
Rezef would be against you taking up any form of work in the royal palace, even though you do have your own responsibilities as his spouse. He'll enforce the idea of you living a comfortable life where your every need is tended to by the servants he had chosen for you, and will go as far as making it a rule that you are not allowed to work. Just sit in your room and wait for him like the marionette you are.
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nervousd · 2 years
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━━━ : © NERVOUS.D
#SYNOPSIS— headcanons on being emperor Hill’s concubine
#WARNINGS(s)— unhealthy obsession, forced marriage(?)forced relationship(?), multiple wives(?) misogyny
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Wether by being a noble or commoner you’ve seem to catch the attention of the emperor. It could of been your beauty or selfless nature. But it was enough to gain the interest of the emperor. He was charmed by you, seduced by every little thing you do. The emperor won’t hesitate in showing his attraction towards you, courting you openly without a care for the world. He’ll send trending jewelry and silk, excessive amounts of flowers even going as far as naming a flower after you. If you do accept his courting( which you will— denying an emperor will surely gain the gossip behind your back being shameless and whatnot along with the pressure of accepting his courting )
When you do accept his courting and decide to become the emperor concubine he’ll immediately order his advisors to give you the title of ‘ Concubine‘ (depending on your title such as being a nobel he’ll give you the title ‘ imperial concubine’) after the title is given, he’ll order you to sleep next to his chambers and, organizing shared chambers.
The other concubines will seethe in jealousy and no doubt the Empress will keep a close eye on you. You alone are a threat to the Empress position and heirs. No doubt she’ll try to corner you in banquets and try placing pressure on you. The emperor will parade you around banquets/balls even going as far as ignoring the Queen and imperial duties. The nobels will take notice and quick to change side. Nobels will flock to you side seeing how the emperor favors you. Having any sort of relations with you would benefit their house. Of course, the emperor retaliate in giving gifts to the nobles as a sign of appreciation.
The emperor won’t hesitate in showing his affection, you’ll be known as the emperors ‘ favored concubine ‘ You’ll be living the life every woman in the kingdom would want. You’ll be the envy of all. You’ll be spoiled with the finest silk, and trending jewelry in the kingdom. To show just how devoted he is to you he’ll make an official imperial building for you. It’ll be created by the best workers and craftsmen surrounded by beautiful flowers and a wonderful scenery. The building will be a representation of the emperor love for you. It’ll be glorious and widely talked about in the empire.
If that’s not enough to show his devotion the emperor would even going as far as making marble statues after your appearance and ensuring there placed everywhere around the kingdom. The emperor will make his love for you known throughout the empire.
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rotomartsblog · 5 months
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There’s a character in the books called Nathan Nutcracker and I wanted to make a design for him because I think Cedar deserves a friend who can relate to her
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bubblegumbirbe · 22 days
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what if we were two ghost girls and we were holding hands 😊😊😊
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katty2666 · 1 month
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My "Harpy Hare"-inspired masks! I made them in Fnaf style! Guess which supposed to represent who! :3
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manhwasssa · 2 years
yandere rezef hill with Cayena's lady in waiting
tw; rezef. just him, do I need to say more-
oh no-
we know this man is half yandere and will always be a yandere. Anyways long short story fuck.
Rezef at first will be like "oh shit need to get rid of this person soon, my sis-"
then will do a 180 and be like "oh no she is another one who I care deeply about-"
Of course will release his feelings (obsession) very quickly and so he kidnaps you.
More like he knows that he has to kidnap you so he does that very quickly-
first he will offer everything to you whatever you want and what not.
soon that turns into a literal horror novel because this was never a fairy tale-
will resort to almost anything and everything as violence. Especially when he sees someone speaking to you or heck even touching you.
You are his possession and only his.
Of course Cayena will try to rescue you but someway or the other that never works.
You'd mostly likely be in a room with your own ladies in waiting. Of course, you'd have everything, every luxury one can think of but not freedom.
Oh and did I mention if someone says that you were a lady in waiting and somehow got Rezef? oh shit because that person is either in the dungeon getting tortured or is dead.
You are his lovely dove, dear. You would not be harassed or such if someone does that then they end up dead. No matter who it is.
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lxdymoon0357 · 2 years
Hello I was wondering if u did crossovers bc I got a crazy idea. What if u did a cross over with the villainess is a marionette, villains are destined dj die, and the way to protect the female lead? Like she is Penelope’s sister and she keeps getting transported in other worlds by mistake? And they’re all Yandere fore her? U obviously doing have to do this but this is just a e crazy idea 😅
(cool idea, but it's just blood.... Also Ashil passed his test and lived because I wanted him too!)
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Villains are destined to die X Villainess is a marionette X The way to protect the female lead's older brothers X Reader HCs
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※You were the only sister of Penelope, you both were extremely lucky and grateful to be taken in by the Eckhart family, they treated your sister nicely as well, but unlike your sister, you had a special power that is to move between three world where you’re meant to make people meet destiny, or something similar to that, your mother explained it to you, but you were very young to understand anything.
※ You grew up being a beloved child by your mother, sister and the people of the Eckhart duchy, you were seen as the kindest, prettiest and a gifted child by all.
※You met many people, including the royal rat with rubies for eyes, Vinter Varnandi, Yvonne and Ecklies, you quickly managed to form a dear companionship with each of them and quickly making them yanderes for you.
※You were quite close with your sister and hated the people in the manor for treating your elder sister badly, often triggering your power and transporting them somewhere and when they would come back they would either be dead or badly hurt.
※You formed a big companionship with Callisto, the crown prince who later on fell for Penelope and kept her close with him to keep you near him as well.
※You grew up healthy and grifted loved by your trashy brothers, you father, your annoying servants, your lovely sisters and many more people.
※When you grew up, the Eckharts learnt about your power and all your family loved you, then it was time to train your power, upon moving to one of the places you ended up bruised and fainted in a huge garden, when you woke up there was a beautiful man sleeping in a chair next to you, he looked extremely regal; He had short blonde hair with blue eyes and pretty lips with lashes, as you sat up in bed someone held your shoulder and slowly fluffed up your pillows, it was a girl who looked similar to the man sitting in the chair, she was one of the prettiest lady you had ever met, she had long blonde hair with shining blue eyes with pretty lashes and red lips.
※You later on learned their names, Cayena and Rezef Hill, they both were half siblings and the next emperor and princess in line for the throne
※You quickly managed to befriend them both, those two would spoil you rotten and also tried to keep you with them for as long as possible, you also met Cayena’s fiancée and half-brother, Raffealo Kedrey and Ethel Hill, both of whom you also happen to quickly befriend.
※They quickly became big yanderes for you, and upon learning how you got here and your power, they decided to slowly teach you about it, but not let you leave them, which was a big thing. They thought to keep you with them, while letting you visit your family for a few days every five months.
※So, once when Rezef was training you, you accidently ended up in a large, bloody field in someone’s arms, as you as you fell in their arms you fainted from exhaustion, but before you fainted you saw black grey hair with red eyes.
※As you woke up, you were in a huge red room completely bandaged, as you sat up you saw the door open, with three people entering, the man whom you saw before with a younger version of him and a gorgeous lady with blonde hair and ruby red eyes, with plump, red lips and a sharp face. The man who caught you was named Lant Agriche, his younger version was his son, named Dion Agriche and the lady was his beloved daughter, called Roxanne Agriche, you had ended up in the manor of Black Agriche.
※Lant had saw you falling from the sky and quickly caught you before you fainted in his arms, he saw your face and was mesmerized by it?...You don’t understand but that’s what Roxanne said, he brought you back to the manor carrying your princess style shocking everyone there, seeing the head of the family holding someone so tenderly, even more a beautiful person.
※You quickly took over the head’s heart as a dear child and he decided to make sure you were kept as safely as possible only letting a few people see you when you were knocked out for the days, them being only Sierra and Ashil, and maybe Roxanne on days when Lant was in very good mood.
※Ashil would describe you to Roxanne, Roxanne when she first got to see you was mesmerized by you, you were very pretty. She would constantly try to make Lant happy so he would let her see you.
※Sierra on the other hand would look after you, along with Ashil who would try to find some books on how to cure you fatser.
※Everybody in the Agriche manor wanted to see you, the lucky servants would tell about you to other servants who were asking them about you, everybody was curiously waiting for you to quickly heal so they could also see you and meet, including Grizelda, Fontaine, Maria, Jeremy, Charlotte, Dion and many more, I mean who wouldn’t be if they saw Lant carrying someone so tenderly.
※Now back to the present, as you sat up and saw the three come in and take a seat on the chair near your bed, Lant immediately put his hand on your shoulder and laid you back on the bed, while the other two sat on the other side.
※As the doctor came and checked up on you and gave you shots, Lant held your tiny hand in his, often using his other hand to stroke your hair and warm face with tenderness, which shocked the other two more.
※You quickly became the favorite between the Agriches, Dion loved you so much, you got gifts, sweets, treats, party invites and much, much more constantly.
※But you were also kept locked up in a room for hours on end, unless Lant would visit you with a beaming smile on his face, you were kept like this in the Eckhart manor as well, so it didn’t faze you.
※You would then by taught by the three family how to use your power and learn about it, so they can make a place where you power won’t work so you can’t teleport away from them anymore.
※Other than this type of behavior, you loved your families very much, you introduced everyone to each other, Roxanne, Cayena and Penelope got along very well always talking shit about someone they don’t like, Rezef, Callisto and Dion also became good friends often teaching each other if they tried to get to close to you their favorite torture methods, Jeremy and Reynold made a normal companionship and Sierra and Ashil became very close with Yvonne and Vinter, they would be the kindest to you and the most patient with you as well.
※You would often unknowingly cause arguments between the families, especially Rezef, Ashil, Callisto and Dion when you said your favorite brother was Ashil, he became a bit cocky for some time to the others people of his new found families and his own family.
※Everyone accepted each other, mainly because they all enjoyed blood, you would mostly be in the eyes of Lant, Dion, Ashil or Callisto, no one else because they all fall prey to your puppy eyes.
※They all end those people’s life in the most horrific way, the ones who tried to hurt you or get you away from them in any way.
※They love you so much, aren’t you happy having such a large family!!!
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Updated Bat-Bird Body Language with the assistance of @phoenixcatch7 my wonderful Mutual <3
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Snapping Jaws= Annoyance or exasperation
Lashing Tail (High)= Aggression, going to attack or pounce
Lashing Tail (Scraping)= Playful aggression
Kneading (Claws Out)= Nervousness or caution 
Kneading (Claws Sheathed)= Relaxed, feels safe
Scraping Claws= Feeling territorial or frustrated 
Wing Fluttering= Amusement or interest 
Head Bobbing= Interest, acknowledgement, enjoyment 
Batting (Without Claws)= Offering to play
Batting (With Claws)= General mischief, annoyance, or curiosity
Mantling= Hiding something or embarrassment 
Head Tilting= Confusion, curiosity, or dry disbelief 
Becoming ORB= Going WTF, involuntary fight flight or freeze
Head Rubbing= Affection, contentment or love (platonic or romantic)
Shaking Feathers= Mischief, going to get others messy, playful attack
Hacking= Laughing extremely hard
Crouching & Bristling (Head Up)= Intimidation, ‘I am bigger than you back off’
Crouching & Bristling (Head Down)= Caution, feeling unsettled or scared
Wing Drooping= Sad, feeling sick tired or unwell
Tail Straight Up= Purposely ignoring someone
Back Arching (Spine Closed)= Terrified, can’t fly & trying to be intimidating
Back Arching (Spine Open)= Caution, may approach slowly
Scraping Tusks=This is Mine
Exposing Stomach= Sign of trust, may be a trap
Exposing Neck= Very big sign of trust
Wriggling (On Stomach)= Playful, might bat at things
Wriggling (On Back)= Very playful and excited
Slow Blinking= I am trusting you at this moment
Spine Clicking= Nervousness, greatly frustrated, ‘Are you SERIOUS’ 
Face Close & Nose Breathing= Mutual comfort, feeling safe, might fall asleep
Panting w/ Mouth Open= Tired exhausted or overheating
Tail Tucked Close= Caution, concern or large worry for something
Tail Quivering (Soundless)= Annoyance, silent rage if particularly violent
Tail Quivering (Rattling)= Final warning, going to attack, DANGER
Nudging (w/ Nose)= Gimme attention or ‘help me out’ 
Nudging (w Fingers)= Pay attention or ‘What are you doing’
Rubbing w/ Entire Body= Large affection, ‘I love you’ or ‘Mine’
Half-Hopping= Excitement, ‘Happy to see you’ or Mischief 
Opening Mouth Repeatedly= Gimme or mocking depending on speed
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txemptress · 1 year
...Rezef Hill with a yandere! Obsessed! reader hcs?
[ AUTHOR NOTE ] Rezef's getting a lot of attention rn lol
[ WARNINGS ] yandere, obsessive behavior, attempted murder
[ PRONOUNS ] they/them (second person view)
[ WRITING STYLE ] concisus · headcanons!
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ꗃ It wasn't unusual for Rezef to gain secret admirers who'd write to him as he'd get those on the daily, but this was different from being a secret admirer. He had noticed some of his things normally orderly being disrupted in their perfectly organized fashion. First his not so personal things such as books, but then it shifted to his personal things such as clothes and necessities.
ꗃ He originally thought this was just the doing of a maid who was extremely terrible at the thought of cleaning up. But it grew worse. To the point that things began going missing from his clothes and collections. This turned out to be a bad thing because when he ordered for all the maids and servants’ rooms and chambers to be checked they found nothing.
ꗃ Moving forward cautiously came other matters. Like his close friends or should he say colleagues. Threats came time and time again as the servants came to him begging for forgiveness from threats he didn't even make! When asked, they said that the person who told them was apparently ordered by him to carry on the news.
ꗃ He was puzzled and irritated as ever. Just as he was about to ask all the servants to be fired, notes and letters began appearing at his desk. First they were greetings and simple messages of motivation and comfort. But then it shifted to...a more threatening approach to things he did everyday.
ꗃ He was confused and stressed. Frustration followed soon enough. In the midst of all this, you watched him gleefully in the dark. Watching him with closeness and determination. Determined to catch him doing something he shouldn't be and blackmailing him.
ꗃ The longer this went on, the more he swore to find you and torture when he did. He was determined, annoyed at the mere thought of you, the stalker that came to invade his privacy.
ꗃ And he did. You made a mistake as to enter at the near time he came back from his royal duties. He caught you, a cloaked figure near his window. A smile appears on realisation of who you were.
"Well hello there." Rezef smirked as he watched you. You seem to freeze in shock and fear. "It's about time we meet face-to-face." He gave a dark chuckle as he stepped closer. Pinning you against the hard wall, sapphire eyes were set on your shaking body. "I'm going to have so much fun with you."
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tagging, @sxnful-rage
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rongrii · 9 months
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A: Realistic
She was a good friend of Elizabeth and Evan
B: Not so realistic but funny(rather wholesome)
Charlie genuinely believed in Santa(who was her dad), and even though she knew Spring Bonnie and Fredbear are suits, she always acted like they are real characters without somebody inside them playing their roles
C: Heart crushing and awful
She trusted William, when Charlie was locked out William promised to ride her back to Henry and she believed it
D: Unrealistic
As a puppet, before Lefty, she got out and was lurking around the streets to find Sammy, her twin brother
Said in post with Henry that Sammy was taken my Mrs. Emily when Charlie died, so she just wanted to see her brother again
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hexgaywire · 1 year
May I request a platonic headcannon of ILUNA x GN! Reader who is their younger sibling, reuniting with them after they leave to attend Institute of the Mystics? It's okay if you can't do all, and/or can't do this request!
Of course! This is such a sweet request I'm sorry it took so long to get to you 😭💕 I'm also sorry it's so short I always underestimate how big ILUNA is 🥲
»»————- ☾ ————-««
ILUNA Reuniting With Their Sibling Hedcannons (GN)
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Ft. Scarle, Aia, Maria, Aster, Kyo,and Ren
Rating: SFW
Warnings: None
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Scarle leading up to the days she knows she gunna see you cannot stop talking about how excited she is to see you
She loves to absolutely spoil you and give you none conventional siblings affection, the two of you really get along
The second she sees you and pulls you into a big hug. "You look like you've grown!! Stop doing that your gunna make me feel old." She remarks with happy tears in her eyes
She definitely will try and cook you a meal, since her cooking skills are... Questionable? You end up going out for a nice meal instead.
She shows you all the pictures and videos she took of every day shenanigans at the institute. Telling you who's who and sharing funny stories about them.
She takes you shopping! Again, loves to spoil you, wants you to pick out something nice for yourself and something to remind you of her when you wear it or have it.
She talks about how much she's enjoying her time at the Institute but talks about how under different circumstances she wishes you could be with her.
All in all at the end of the day when the two of you have to part she pulls you into another big hug telling you to take care of yourself!
You can tell she's holding back tears trying to be your strong sister that you know and love.
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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Aia similarly to Scarle is ecstatic to see you
She prepares all the sketch books she's been working on this semester to show you what she's been working on
The second she sees you. She has a big grin on her face and doesn't stop smiling for the rest of your visit together
You two enjoy a good meal together and Aia chats about things she can about the Institute. Her classes, her friends, her recent projects
She's more interested on what you've been up to, excitedly encouraging you to keep up at whatever tough project your working on, just knowing you'll be great
After eating the two of you take a walk to talk some more preferably at a park so Aia can sketch
She muses on how much more grown up you've gotten and fake weeps that her siblings will soon surpass her
You part ways with your sister at the end of the day with a tearful goodbye and a see you soon. After all she's your sister she'll always be there to encourage you 💕
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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Maria is so excited she spent days planning an outfit to see you in
She is constantly telling her friends how unbelievably excited she is to see her sibling again
She prepares handmade cookies for you as well as a handkerchief she made herself
She cries when she sees you and of course gives you a hug
After you calm her down you catch up with her and she sheepishly gives you the gifts she made for you
You reassure her you didn't need anything your just happy to see your sister again
She cries again
After more calming down she takes you to a dress shop nearby the Institute she really likes
You two look through clothes and Maria puts on a little fashion show
After you head to a cafe where she tells you all about her studies and her friends and how they all treat her like a real girl!
Time seems to go by quickly and all too soon you have to leave your dear sister again :(
You give her a big hug and promise you'll see her again soon
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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Aster is nervously excited to see his sibling again
The night before, like Mari, he spends hours planning on what to wear
Also what the two of you should do with the limited amount of time the two of you have
The day arrives and you rush Aster in the biggest hug
Your brother is so happy to see you again he almost tears up
He immediately suggests you two go for a meal so the two of you can talk about all kind of things
Little does his sibling know he has a gift he's been working with Maria on to give to you
Once at the spot the two of you settle on he presents you with a stuffed star plush
He explains that even when he's not with you now you have a little piece of him with you
This of course makes you cry and Aster flustered rushes to comfort you
He, like the othersz talks about all the great friends he's made
You're just happy he seems happy
He pays for your meal as a thanks for coming to see him
Just like that it's time to say goodbye again
Aster cries a little finally but he knows he'll see his dear sibling again very soon
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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Out of all the group Kyo is the most chill about seeing his sibling again
He knows once he sees them it'll be just like old times so he doesn't really freak out the night before
You however seeing your brother happy and healthy brings you to tears, after knowing how much he's suffered... You can't help but get emotional
Kyo flicks your forehead and tells you to cheer up, and that y'all have a short amount of time to see each other
You agree and decide to hang around the school grounds to chat
Kyo tells you all about the craziness that's happened over the amount of time you've seen him last
You're moved to tears again seeing him crack jokes and smile at the mention of his new friend
He ruffles your hair and tell you if you ever run into his friends not to tell them how much he talked about them
He makes you swear on it
Kyo asks you how things are for you, and says you better be taking care of yourself now that he's at the Institute
You assure him you are, though admittedly you do worry about him often
He says he's the happiest he's been in a long time, especially with you here
Unfortunately time is running out and he walks you to the school gates
He gives you a small wave, telling you to take care and of course don't worry about your brother too much
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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Ren cannot contain his excitement to see his dear sibling again
He strikes me as very family oriented
Of course you had to travel a long way to get to the institute so Ren sets up a low energy plan to insure you're comfortable while you visit him
Once you see Ren he runs and gives you the biggest hug in the galaxy
Similar to the other he comments on how much older and mature you seem
"Stop that, I'm not ready to be an old man"
Ren invites you to his dorm to show you all his human nick nacks and items he's collected
He also plays you some music that he's been working on, he's a little sheepish at first but he knows you'll enjoy it
You chat about things back home and he talks about how things have been for him
He complains that he wishes you could be here all the time
He plays you a song he wrote just for you, about family and home
You get a little choked up knowing your time is nearing it's end
Ren assures you that he'll try and send you messages more often now that humans know about aliens (lol)
He walks you out to the gates giving you one last squeeze
You'll miss your brother but you have a hunch you'll hear from again real soon
»»————- ☾ ————-««
WOOOO I did it. This is my first time writing for ILUNA, I tried my best but I hope you enjoyed it! My requests are open if you wanna request something!
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emily-puppet-1 · 6 months
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"I Keep on pondering what in goodness name sake did I do wrong? Why did they bully me? why did they locked me outside The pizzeria that horrendous night. Why did they hate me?"
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