10. “But all that day Gawain took no hand at arms, though he was with the others there, for he took such pleasure in watching the deeds of him with the red painted arms that what the others did seemed to him pale in comparison.”
– Gawain sitting out a tournment to watch Lancelot, Knight of the Cart
9. “That night he thought a lot about Lancelot and said to himself that he would not have thought that Lancelot would have aspired to leave his heart in any place that was not nobler and more honourable than all others […] That night Sir Gawain slept very little, because he was thinking of the girl and Lancelot,”
–Gawain lying awake at night thinking Lancelot is in love with Elaine, Vulgate
8. “He is the best knight alive in the entire world, and moreover the most handsome.”
–Gawain about Lancelot, Lancelot and the Hart With the White Foot
7. “Such a love as you have, there’s no better in the world. There is no lady of flesh or bone, In this world so lucky or stubborn, Though her heart were steel or stone, She could stop it from loving him.’
–Gawain about Lancelot, to Elaine of Shalott, Stanzaic Morte D’Arthur
6. “However, no business of his own can detain him, as soon as he sees Lancelot, from dismounting and extending his arms to him, as he embraces, salutes and kisses him. Now he is happy and at ease, when he has found his companion. Now I will tell you the truth, and you must not think I lie, that Gawain would not wish to be chosen king, unless he had Lancelot with him.”
– Gawain reunited with Lancelot, Knight of the Cart
5. “Then he saw his noble comrade lying there in the grass. Lord God, how happy he was then! He dismounted and wept sorely and said “Lancelot, comrade, Lord, tell me, who did this to you?”
–Gawain, having thought Lancelot dead, finds him alive and injured, Lancelot and the Hart With the White Foot
4. “Unto Sir Launcelot, flower of all noble knights that ever I heard of or saw by my days, I, Sir Gawaine […] send thee greeting, and let thee have knowledge that the tenth day of May I was smitten upon the old wound that thou gavest me afore the city of Benwick, and through the same wound that thou gavest me I am come to my death-day. And I will that all the world wit, that I, Sir Gawaine, knight of the Table Round, sought my death, and not through thy deserving, but it was mine own seeking; wherefore I beseech thee, Sir Launcelot, to return again unto this realm, and see my tomb, and pray some prayer more or less for my soul. And this same day that I wrote this cedle, I was hurt to the death in the same wound, the which I had of thy hand, Sir Launcelot; for of a more nobler man might I not be slain. Also Sir Launcelot, for all the love that ever was betwixt us, make no tarrying, but come over the sea in all haste, […] And at the date of this letter was written, but two hours and a half afore my death, written with mine own hand, and so subscribed with part of my heart’s blood. And I require thee, most famous knight of the world, that thou wilt see my tomb.”
–Selection from Gawains deathbed letter to Lancelot, Le Morte D’Arthur
3. “I do know that if I were the winner and ought to cut off his head, I should not be able to kill him for all the world, because I think he is too noble. Moreover, he is the man, out of all those in the world that have meant anything to me, that I have most loved, and still do,”–Lancelot about the fight with Gawain, Vulgate
2. ‘It is certainly remarkable of you,’ said King Bors, ‘to love him so deeply when he hates you mortally.’‘Find it remarkable if you wish,’ replied Lancelot, ‘but he will never be able to hate me so much that I stop loving him.’
– THIS ICONIC quote from the vulgate thank you vulgate for every right
1. Then Sir Gawain thought a little, like a man who believed he would never be well again. “If God were to grant me my health,” he said, “I’d immediately wish to be the most beautiful maiden in the world, happy and healthy, on condition that he would love me above all others, all his life and mine.”
–oh you already know this quote is maybe even more iconic than the remarkable one. god. god. gay love
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i am once again wondering whats happening to the jedi order
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Non-performative inclusion and “The Mandalorian”
This post contains minor spoilers. Proceed with caution.
In the season two finale of “The Mandalorian” there is a scene near the beginning of the episode in which a strike team (minus Mando himself) storms onto an Imperial ship, blasts stormtroopers, etc. It’s an extended action sequence. Two of the characters are helmeted.
I was well into the scene before it hit me that all four of the characters on this strike team were women.
The fact that there was this all-female action team wasn’t new. I’ve seen that before. What was new about it was that this was the first time I’d seen a team of women that didn’t feel performative.
Remember that scene in “Avengers: Endgame”, the “she’s not alone” scene where All The Lady Characters Assembled, and you could tell the filmmakers were getting some kind of weird boner of “looooook at how many Strong Female Characters we have, let’s put them all together and have them be Strong Female Characters at the same time” and it felt super gross? That was performative.
I’ve heard and used that term before but I’m not sure I really grokked what it meant until I saw what its absence looked like, in “The Mandalorian.”
It didn’t feel performative because each of those characters had been part of the narrative in their own time over the previous two seasons, with their own agencies and backstories. They were characters in the story as it needed to be told, they weren’t Strong Female Characters introduced for the purpose of being that (in a sexy way, of course). There was never a sense of ticking off the “kickass lady character” boxes. When Cara Dune is introduced, or Fennec Shand, or Bo-Katan, there was never that subtext of “Okay here is our Lady Character, isn’t she such a great Lady Character, look look we’re Doing the Thing you want us to do with having Womens in our Boy Stuff.”
No. It was, here’s a Rebel soldier. Here’s an assassin. Here’s a Mandalorian exile. Here’s a Jedi. Here’s a magistrate. They have functions to perform and stories to tell in this narrative. Those functions and stories happen while these characters are women, not because they are women.
And it’s so, so subtle, the difference. It’s hard to put your finger on how it’s usually done wrong until you see it done right. It’s not just the writing although that’s a big part of it. It’s in how they were filmed, framed, shot, costumed, and lit. It’s in how they were directed, how the camera treated them - i.e. no differently than the male characters. None of these women were sexified, either. Not that they weren’t being portrayed by attractive women, but that wasn’t remotely played up or displayed in how they were styled, costumed, and made up.
Unfortunately now that we’ve all seen how non-performative inclusion of women into a narrative can be done right, everything else is going to seem that much more insufferable.
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in some interview robert pattinson said that his performance in “the lighthouse” was inspired by a video of a drunk guy in a club screaming at another guy “i’m gonna teach you how to fuck” and he showed this video to robert eggers, who thought the guy was saying “i’m a demon, i’m a demon!” and i think that explains where those guys diverge re: the sexuality of the lighthouse
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the 1:48 mark and last thirty seconds of this video are the funniest things I’ve ever seen and I’m crying
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Black Sails + textposts (part. 2)
Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4
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Curls translates Flint into human |part 6|
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John Silver + So Sad Today
(Flint, pt. 1)
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Calico Jack Rackham + So Sad Today
(Flint, pt. 1) (John Silver)
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Black Sails & Tumblr - Captain Flint Edition
x x
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What Your Favorite Black Sails Ship Says About You
Keep reading
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Black Sails’ Guide to Troubled Birds, part 1 / ?
I’m only 10 episodes in but I could not resist the urge to Meme
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