rabarta · 6 months
MIGHT remake/move this blog into a more positive space where i can actually talk and be Myself without worrying about being too much. i do it a lot but i think i need a fresh slate
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rabarta · 6 months
new blog @fakestorchestra
MIGHT remake/move this blog into a more positive space where i can actually talk and be Myself without worrying about being too much. i do it a lot but i think i need a fresh slate
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rabarta · 6 months
MIGHT remake/move this blog into a more positive space where i can actually talk and be Myself without worrying about being too much. i do it a lot but i think i need a fresh slate
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rabarta · 6 months
i want to self ship with moltar again So bad i really do but there is this mental block preventing me from doing so. i think i will but i wont like maintag my art anymore
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rabarta · 6 months
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I couldn’t get to all the characters that were requested, but here’s all the options that will be set up for the phone charm preorders soon that’ll be open March 15th - March 30th!
I’ll make a post that’ll link to the preorders Friday!
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rabarta · 6 months
your platonic fem f/o thinks you're awesome btw. she told me she thinks you're rad and fun to hang out with and if it were a choice between you and her most favourite thing in the whole world she'd choose you. everytime. yeah, yeah she told me that. just thought you should know
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rabarta · 6 months
really i do think that dedan has a lot more nuance than angry guy who swears all the time. but i also dont believe in the takes that he was a good person all along. to me he gets the not as big as an asshole as some people make him out to be award. he's falling apart due to stress and clearly has a lot of expectations put on him as a guardian (as all of them do) + actively fights off the spectres even though he says the elsen dont deserve it. obviously not defending him being a dickhead, because it is very obvious he Is A Dickhead, but it's sort of understandable to see how he fell so far. he never physically harms the elsen and i think thats an intentional choice, that the most outwardly aggressive and cruel guardian is also the most stable one
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rabarta · 6 months
i have some very rough concepts for my off s/i <3
here is a google doc outlining the ideas i had because they got too long to put into a tumblr post and they're too disorganized at the moment to dust off my toyhou.se for
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rabarta · 6 months
going to change things around a bit and hopefully post some more art and writing... now that my love for self shipping has been a bit reignited
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rabarta · 7 months
i dont Ship them (i do not 'officially' ship many things but thats beyond the point) but im a deloha fan as in i think the potential for a relationship there would be very interesting. is that the ship name i havent engaged with fandom since a decade ago
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rabarta · 7 months
i think something also needs to be said re: the rampant misogyny in self ship spaces and a lot of it stemming from unchecked jealousy, and how i’ve seen self shippers brand their f/o’s canon love interests as unhealthy or toxic or even abusive and calling them bitches just because (sheen voice) one she’s a female two she’s not a boy and most importantly SHE’S A GIRL
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rabarta · 7 months
i have a concept for a guilty gear s/i that i've only got a couple sentences of personality development for but i kind of HAVE to learn about the lore before doing anything. honestly cannot imagine being the kind of person who f/os a character without learning about their source
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rabarta · 7 months
feel like i would enjoy other toku a lot better and that includes self shipping but that makes the mutuals i share sources with pool a lot smaller
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rabarta · 7 months
(drafted this post back in feb 27 but modified a bit before posting)
this post really makes me want to talk about the phenomenon i've observed on self ship tumblr specifically where men are so hostile to other self shippers who ship/share with their male f/os because they perceive them as an immediate threat and "ew a girl".
i understand being incredibly irked when a character is canonically gay or very heavily implied to be and women ship with them or are getting shipped with them. i agree it's disrespectful as fuck when people ignore canon or heavily implied identities just bcz they wanna be self indulgent.
but also, sometimes your misogyny is just so blatant.
i understand being protective of gay headcanons. but headcanon is not canon, nor is it necessarily "coded" or "implied". and some people simply like spreading misinformation to accuse people, specifically women, of being homophobic.
and even when it comes to characters who are canon gay or implied/coded, i've seen self shippers go "ew a girl" at another self shipper, and you look at that other self shipper and they're just. someone who uses she/her, or presents feminine (sometimes overtly), and they're not even necessarily a woman. yet they get labeled as a cis woman and their self ship with the gay character is treated as a "het ship perpetuating homophobia". you aren't being slick, that's just blatantly trying to misgender other people. nonbinary people, gnc trans people, unlabeled people, people who are trying to figure out/questioning their gender, and the like... they all don't owe you, a stranger, jackshit or an explanation for why they are "allowed" to ship with a character. and they sure as hell don't deserve to be misgendered on the basis of "ew, a girl ships with my f/o".
and the root of the misgendering stems from how people think it's okay to use "woman" or "girl" as an insult and weaponize it. people can be so casually misogynistic in self ship spaces even now. even if a self shipper is a cishet woman she's not immune to misogyny she can experience from other self shippers. and some self shippers brand others as "cishet woman" in their minds (or even worse, brazenly out loud) regardless of whether or not it's true, because then they think it means they can make that self shipper a target, someone they can talk down to because they think oppression works like pokemon type advantages and rock paper scissors. even trans men are not immune to behaving like this, whether it's a conscious effort or not. in fact, i'd argue there's a lot of unchecked misogyny from trans men in self ship spaces.
people don't have to say the exact phrase to make it clear the way they think is "ew, a girl ships with my f/o", by the way. "it makes me uncomfortable when women ship with my male f/o" is, to be blunt and frank, a you problem if your f/o is not canonically gay. it's something you should examine on WHY you think like that, exactly. you are not immune to being misogynistic. think about what you're saying about women self shippers (or those who you perceive as women while blatantly misgendering them because you think somehow them being labeled as "women" makes it free game to condescend at them) and take a step back and examine how you word things. especially if you're posting on your public blog where other self shippers can see. "don't be misogynystic" doesn't stop just bc you're posting on a personal blog.
this isn't a vague, this isn't "pointless drama/discourse", this is based on observations i've had for the past few years. nobody is immune to being a misogynist and examining the way you think and perceive others, especially if it's out of jealousy, is important. otherwise that way of thinking might go unchecked and can get worse. do better.
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rabarta · 7 months
Interact with this post if you selfship with one or more characters from Kamen Rider and want mutuals who share sources!
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rabarta · 7 months
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[extra thanks to @kylars-princess for getting it glazed for me for here,, :>]
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rabarta · 7 months
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added my funky wunky wittle self insert to the drawing i posted on main earlier. yeah so dedan is my oldest f/o and i think i'll start shipping with him again officially. welcome back buddy fuckface
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