qwerty-47-blog · 4 years
Final CEID Project - Challenges and Security Threats of Social Media
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This is the final project that was completed by Jovany Sanchez and Andy Lai for the CEID course at Ryerson University. This video explains the challenges and security threats of social media and it shows solutions of how you can better protect yourself.
The link to view the Youtube video is down below.
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qwerty-47-blog · 4 years
Module 10 - Analysis
For this module it was instructed to create a pictograph to show what we learned from said article. In my case, it was regarding the oil industry.
Original article:
This was the pictograph I made.
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qwerty-47-blog · 5 years
Module 9: Coding
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We were instructed to learn programming for this module. It is vital for internet marketers to learn how to create websites for clients and optimize it for SEO. This module provided me great insight with the basic, but necessary skills required to code. I earned 4 badges having dived into multiple sectors of the available courses.
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qwerty-47-blog · 5 years
Module 8 - PSA for Cyber Crimes
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qwerty-47-blog · 5 years
Module - Elevator Pitch
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An elevator pitch is a short presentation to a potential client or investor about what your company does to a solve problem. It is meant to be used in entrepreneurial scenarios and for those who have a start-up company. In short an elevator pitched is comprised of 3 key sections: identify a problem, explain a solution for that problem, and deliver a unique value proposition. Furthermore, the elevator pitch must be less than 2 minutes long, must be easy for anyone to understand, greed inducing for the prospect, and it must be irrefutable. However, to have the perfect elevator pitch is rather difficult because of the lack of time. An example of an elevator pitch for a lead generation business can be such as: “Small businesses are unable to grow because they do not have new clients. Most businesses fail in the first 5 years of inception. With this revolutionary strategy and service offered by my company you will be able to land at least 1 new client within a week. My company has developed a patented software that enables small business owners to find the best prospects and convent them into long term paying customers. Will you take a chance on me that’ll return your investment by 100 times?
The way I put this together was thinking of a real problem and finding a real possible solution for this situation. I followed the exact framework I mentioned in the paragraph above to create my elevator pitch. I was able to state the businesses purpose and a solution to a problem small businesses face. Therefore, my elevator pitch was short, easy to understand, and delivered a unique vale proposition.
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qwerty-47-blog · 5 years
Module 5: Filter Bubbles and Information Diets. Q3: A fake news algorithm?
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I believe it would be rather impossible to create an algorithm that can effectively identify and filter out "fake news" from social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook. This is due to the circulation of information that is on the web being consumed by mass audiences. Anyone can comment or say something false to hurt another person reputation. Or, anyone can tell their "truth" without having the evidence to back it up. I believe that for news to be true and reliable, there must be hardcore data or evidence to back up a claim. The moment someone in the news posts or says something negative, especially around election time in politics, I always take it with a grain of salt and skepticism. For example, NASA tweeted saying that on February 9 it was the only day where your typically house broom was able to stand on its own due to a gravitational pull the earth was experiencing on that day. They reported that it would only work on that particular day and none else. The result of this was hundreds and thousands of people put this claim to the test and brooms across the world stood on its own. I myself tried this silly challenge because I wanted to verify. However, news later came out saying that brooms are able to stand by themselves on any day! NASA, leaders in space technology, delivered fake news. The most trusted new sources can even fall to this. Therefore, fake news will continue to exist and it would be impossible to combat this.
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qwerty-47-blog · 5 years
Module 4: Secur-IT
Having used Disconnect for the first time ever, I came to the realization that my information is being tracked no matter what I do. Whether it be leisure or personal, there are multiple websites that are tracking my every movement. Although this does not disturb me I can understand why many people may have an issue with it.
I do not understand why it is necessary for so many websites to be informed from a completely unrelated search. The internet is continuously evolving and we as users must be more cautious of what we post, what we search, and what we use because it is all being tracked by some entity.
Having said this, I will take into consideration of my actions online and of any potential harms I might encounter while on the web. Safety should be the number one priority when using the internet and I believe many people take that for granted.
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qwerty-47-blog · 5 years
Module 3 - Space and Time | Cloud Computing: Overcoming Securities
This is the project proposal for our #CEID100 class for Ryerson university. 
 By: Jovany Sanchez and Andy Lai
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qwerty-47-blog · 5 years
Module 2: Google with Questions and Answers
1. How would you search for an exact word or phrase?
If I needed to find anything with the exact word or phrase I would use quotation marks in the search. This tells Google to search for the precise keywords in the prescribed order and this will show the most exact and accurate results.
2. How would you search for something on a specific site?
On a website or virtually any document with text, you can use the control F command and the search bar will scan the entire website with the exact word you are looking for. This is a great tool when the website or pdf document is thousands of words long and you need to look for something specific. It is very fast and easy to use.
3. How would you correctly search for a definition?
To correctly search a definition on google you would simply type the word that you want to define in the search bar and say “define ______” or “definition of_____”. There are reliable and accurate dictionary  websites on the first page of Google.
4. How would you search for a specific product available within a specific price range?
To search for a specific product with a particular price range, you would include “..” in your search to determine the range you are willing to spend. For example you will search “toy car $10..$20” which will let Google know your price range is from $10 to $20.
5. How would you search for a specific filetype?
To accomplish this, you can add the file type to the end of the search to narrow things down. Example, you can search “Soccer JPEG” if a jpeg file is what you need.
6. How would you include or ignore words in your search?
To include words in your search you can include the plus sign and then typing the word (+) and then the. To exclude words you would use the negative sign (-).
7. How would you find sites/pages similar to an existing one?
To find a similar or existing page on Google, you must use “related:” and then the name of the website to specify the related material you want. An example of this would be “related:www.torontosun.com”
8. How would you confirm the exact form of a quote even if you were missing some of the words?
You can try to remember the quote as best as you can and search it on Google. From there, Google will match and mix whatever combinations work best to find the exact quote you were looking for. From here you can scroll down and see if any of the correct results came up.
9. How would search for pages containing two connected words?
A connecting word such as “Twelve-pack” can be found by using the control f function on a webpage by typing exact that or you can use double quotations to find it.
10. How would you search for social media content containing a specific tag?
A hashtag is used in almost every social media app which provides user with content of a specific subject being talked about. If I wanted to see posts regarding the most recent UFC event that took place January 18, 2020, I would simply search “#UFC246” in the search bar of the social media app and all posts pertaining that subject would show up.
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twitter: https://twitter.com/Jsanchezmkt
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qwerty-47-blog · 5 years
Best Social Media Practices
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In today’s society, social media has become a daily routine of millions of people across the world. These consumers follow their favourite celebrities, sports, news, and several digital outlets. Furthermore, many professional and global companies have joined social media to advertise and promote their products. It is crucial for these companies to follow the rules of the best practices in social media.
To practice “good digital hygiene” one must consider the critically reviews that show up on Google. Many companies do a great job by cleaning their tracks and only showing the positives about the brand. Positive reviews will invoke consumers to associate themselves with the brand and possibly share it resulting in organic growth. The Ps, Qs and three Ws: Online Netiquette provides important information to marketers so they can establish a great online presence when interacting with the audience. For example, it is vital to be professional and keep in mind that you are a direct representation of the company. Therefore, it would be wise to share and interact with users that will best represent the values of the company. Furthermore, one must look at the negatives, complaints, and concerns so they can adress them in a professional manner to resolve any issues. This will directly show that the company does care about their consumers and are willing to prove that by using small and meaningful interacting online.
Best practices in social media include many variations of the type of media or content one can post. This can include an array of pictures, videos, hashtags, pins, blogs, new articles, and gifs. These have to be used in appropriate situations and cannot be spammed by the user in charge of the account. It is important to be consistent with content and it should be used in a timely manner so it does not annoy their followers. Lastly, defining your networks or themes for your social media page provides a new unique outlet for the audience.
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qwerty-47-blog · 5 years
Hey everyone. Im using this for one of my classes for Ryerson University! Don’t know how to use it that much but we’ll go from here
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