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- I draw 🎨 - he/him - Minecraft is my caffeine → currently: Rekrap
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quurenie · 22 days ago
There's something to be said about how lifestealers like choose two different opposing personality types and combine them to make themselves. But only really lean into one at a time. And when you just look at one you get a full character and it seems impossible that the other could be true and you just wait in this weird limbo where it's like they could go back to being who they are or they could just exist like this forever, and both are true and yet it's not proven to be true until it happens or its over.
could expand about others probably but im mostly just thinking about Clown being a silly little guy and a murder villain and how he is most certainly both and you can't just say he's one or the other.
but rn on the realm he is just a silly little guy. how could he ever be the villain.
and yet as a creator clown is going down this interesting route of being less murder villain, playing nice with people and not taking their dragon egg (that one video from forever ago when this shift started happening) and he embodies this protector role so much more now, making it look like this is all he is.
and yet you still have that evil within that gets let out only when the situation allows for a little chaos and it's appropriate. like the karl 100 player video. doing some silly little trust building to get people to walk into portals just to die to lava on the other side just for fun. just to see if he can.
Or playing nice for the mace and murdering players immediately. He is and always will be both sides together.
Or Pangi being the innocent therapist and the passionate fighter.
Or Spoke being a troller and world ender.
Or Mapicc being honorable while also being the first to exploit/cheat/bend the rules.
Or Zam being defender and mass murderer.
Or Rek being wholesome and an instant betrayer because its lifesteal
Or 4c being pure innocence and the mastermind
Or Jumper being the troller and the betrayer
Maybe it's just simply that they're all capable and very forward about their good and innocent and goofy sides.
But that they are equally fully capable of indulging the evil within. And that evil is such a particular thing that is unique to them that will come out at a particular time.
and they choose when to be either. And they back up the villainy with periods of genuine innocence and whimsy to the point where you forget that they have done anything wrong ever. and it becomes easy to defend their wrongs. at it becomes exciting to wait for them to do something crazy. and it's fun to watch them be silly in the meantime.
they keep up this extremely active tension of "when will this all fall apart"; it's fun to keep watching because at any moment they could return to how they have been.
and yet this is also this active tension of growth, "maybe i don't want to be like that anymore". and who they will become is just as interesting as who they have been. (ok maybe just a little less fun. i miss gayjoker)
constantly held in tension. two extremes. today is today and yet tomorrow has all the potential.
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quurenie · 1 month ago
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I've been so excited for pearl's [redacted] club arena that I started this before she released the episode (I ended up having to rework some things to add etho lol) but it was SO COOL!! The ballroom is one of my favorite builds from her :D
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quurenie · 2 months ago
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he’s just a silly guy
ok fr tho sorry for the long hiatus I was struggling a lot in school and motivation to draw 😔. Rekrap has always been my main motivator to get thru life so I always appreciate his videos
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quurenie · 3 months ago
draw jumper and rekrap and my life. is yours
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+ Ro for the sticklerssssss
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quurenie · 3 months ago
I've seen a few people now say that people won't be able to make dramatic winner art/animations out of Joel, and that couldn't be further from the truth
Yes, Joel doesn't take anything seriously. That what makes him terrifying.
Think about it. He's stuck in a death game and he is having fun. When everyone is chasing him down in the finale, he easily uses the teleport power to evade them while barely trying. He can taunt and laugh at them, confident he can't be caught, and he's RIGHT.
Joel feels no fear. He plays the game. He revels in the chaos with a smile on his face. If that is not an epic setup for a villain I don't know what is. It also creates a fun dynamic between him and the other winners. He doesn't care, he can taunt them with memories he's now regained ("Weren't you and Scar friends Grian? How's your soulmate Pearl?") and it throws them off because never has a winner been untouchable like this before. He has no guilt to grapple with, but everyone else does. That gives him innate power over the others
Joel himself is a wildcard. He enjoys the game as much as the watchers. He can adapt to anything, as proven by the series he won in. He has loyalties, sure, but in the end he didn't really care about killing Grian. He thrives when others struggle to survive, and he LOVES chaos.
In conclusion, Joel is the life series equivalent of Bill Cypher. In this essay I will-
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quurenie · 7 months ago
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lastest rek’s video was pretty fun to watch
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quurenie · 7 months ago
wels i love you but please you gotta stop sleeping through the end of a season
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<Welsknight> Who... is that.
[ONLINE] recipients: <Welsknight>
[OFFLINE] recipients: <Rekrap2>
HI I'M NOT DEAD in case it wasn't clear, yes it's Rek that just collapsed out of the bushes. How did he get there? Well...
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quurenie · 7 months ago
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Hello.... hello...... hello rekrap community i'm sorry i died,,,,,,.
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quurenie · 8 months ago
where is rekrap? rekrap is on lifesteal smp s6
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quurenie · 9 months ago
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I did some background practices and was too lazy to add a character inside so feel free to use it for yourself (as long as it’s not for commercial use)
I also accept requests for backgrounds and might do them for free if I have the time
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quurenie · 9 months ago
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yo guys what
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quurenie · 9 months ago
okokok so I'm an mcsr frog and a big rekrap fan and I was wondering if it bothers you when I tag your rek art as mcsr
I know when you make rek fanart you aren't intending for it to be mcsr art but for tagging purposes I like to tag rek art as mcsr because,, I like having my speedrunners all in one place
but also I worry that it's annoying to you because it's not what you intended
Oh I don't mind you tagging it for mcsr so feel free to tag it as is 👍
It's not annoying whatsoever so keep doing it
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quurenie · 9 months ago
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always drink when youre driving
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quurenie · 9 months ago
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My gorgeous bae rek
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quurenie · 9 months ago
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I wished there was a series instead of a stand-alone video but it was still nice tho
Do y’all have any headcannons of him? I’ll listen to all of them
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quurenie · 9 months ago
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NoNameSMP members Branzy, Skip, Jay and Rek spotted in youtube's 15 years of minecraft gaming video (5:56 minutes in for anyone curious)
I know its only like a second long but I still think its really cool B)
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quurenie · 9 months ago
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Happy pride month!!! Im aroace just like rek’s colour scheme (what a weird coincidence)
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