quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
Unscheduled hiatus but my mental health has been garbage lately. Be back soon.
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
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sorry for inactivity but ayyy more twitter
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
             It wasn’t completely uncommon for the class room to be filled with chatter. Even the presence of their teacher sometimes failed to make class settle down. But as their teacher made his presence known, the group of otherwise unruly teenagers finally settled down. Tsuyu rarely contributed to the chatter, she preferred to just listen. Paying attention made it so much easier to figure out what the most recent gossip was. And it saved her from the attention of her teacher, which when it was this early in the morning, was usually a bad thing.
             Which is why it took not only Tsuyu, but her classmates as well by surprise when her name was called. She had never been known to fall behind in her studies. Among them the frog based hero was one of the top students. So why did she need to have a remedial lesson? For a moment all eyes were on her. None of them were acknowledged as she got up from her desk, ready to follow her teacher out.
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             “What class is this remedial lesson for, Aizawa-Sensei?” She couldn’t help her curiosity once they were away from the attention of her peers. This all felt very strange right now. “I didn’t think I was doing badly in any of my classes. Ribbit.”
The stunned looks on his class’s faces didn’t miss Shouta, he simply didn’t care. If Tsuyu felt like sharing after then that was on her. Already he could see how little the other students would actually get done in regards to their work, but he had already warned them of the consequences. 
He wouldn’t keep his amphibian student in the dark for long as they roamed the halls, making their way towards one of UA’s more modest gymnasiums. Sparing her a sidelong glance Shouta sighed; already knowing this wouldn’t be terribly easy to explain. “I never said it was for a class. You just need a little extra help with something.”
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Opening the door and lazily motioning for her to enter first Shouta didn’t elaborate until the sturdy steel doors closed behind them. “One of these days your attitude is going to get you decked. Take my word for it, most people don’t like being called out casually by a teenager.” 
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
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Tagged by: @iceablaze
Tagging: uuh idk who hasn’t done this? @strcngered You do it. For As? 
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
@quirkpaused said: Despite knowing what you’re like, but my url?
My Opinion on;
Character in general: You accused me of over selling him when I first got you to read the manga, and you watched me enthusiastically buy a shirt of him, so it’s needless to say that I absolutely love Eraser Dad. How they play them: Like I said, I love Eraser Dad. But YOUR Eraser Dad? He is SO GOOD. We stan a very exhausted cat man on this blog. I love getting to plot stuff with you and getting to develop hcs so much. I’m just, so weak for you. The Mun: Listen I got on a plane so I could visit you for a whole ass week. I hang out with you more often than I hang out with people who actually live in the same city as me. If it isn’t obvious by now that I LOVE YOU WITH MY ENTIRE BEING, there’s gonna be a bit of a problem.
Do I:
RP with them: Of course I do!!!! Want to RP with them:  Yeah bitch, take over my whole ass blog sometimes. I’m not stopping you
What is my;
Overall Opinion: I love you bitch. I ain’t ever gonna stop loving you, bitch
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
His attention is pulled from the laptop that rests on his lap as he hears the small knocking on the door. Glancing at the clock on the wall he noticed it was late, two in the morning. Not even the SLIGHTEST suspicion crosses his mind as he sets the laptop on the coffee table, stands up from the couch & heads to the door.
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“ The only reason you would show up here at this hour is if you’re hurt ”, pulling the door open in one swift motion, rolling up the sleeves of a sweatshirt the blonde had on. “ SO- how bad ? ”
@quirkpaused / (I just got inspired alright)
“‘s fine-” 
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Without meeting Hizashi’s eyes Shouta pushed past him into the now very familiar apartment. Away from possible witnesses and free from the garish fluorescent lights that assaulted his battle-worn eyes. It was a lie, of course, one that Hizashi would soon see but he’d rather have his scolding in private. Before the door even closed Shouta vanished into the kitchen to find Hizashi’s first aid kit. Once closer he knew Hizashi would notice the blood staining his clothing and the troublesome way his breath seemed damp and sickly. 
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
          Well, his teacher certainly wasn’t beating around the bush. The why was so important but so INTIMATE and close to his heart that he didn’t want to say the real reason. Midoriya, his mother, the fire he got from his father—all of it had so much more turmoil to it than a quick look would SUGGEST, and it left Shouto’s insides churning. Why now?
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          ❝  Midoriya  was  right.  I  don’t  deserve  to  be  THE  BEST  if  I’m  not  giving  it  my  all.  ❞  That reasoning would just HAVE to suffice.
“The school has been telling you that since you got here.” Not just in class, although many teachers had covered it in class. He himself had mentioned before that throwing one's self into their training was the only way to make this work. Plus Ultra wasn’t just a mantra, it was a prerequisite. 
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“So I’ll ask again. Why now?” Midoriya was an influential boy, having an almost infectious charisma. Shouto wasn’t the only student to fall for his earnest charms like that, but he wondered what set his words apart from everyone else. 
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
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“That sounds perfect!” All Might never went out to eat in recent years, and consequently his knowledge of good places to go was painfully limited. He would have just had to rely on the internet for recommendations. As for who was coming…
“I’ll extend the invite to the other teachers– and I’ll ask my pal Naomasa too. That sound fine to you?”
“Detective Tsukauchi?” The police officer was the only Naomasa Shouta knew of, and he was a face he’d seen around the school from time to time. Perhaps All Might meant him. 
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“It’s your birthday, invite whoever you want I guess.”
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
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“ You’re probably the last person I want to hear that from. “
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“Don’t be bitter that I’m right.”
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
“You’re… Eraserhead?” Nana recognized the man from television– he seemed to have been one of the media figureheads during the raid in order to throw the villains off guard. He looked quite a bit more disheveled than he had been on screen.
From her seat on the bed she placed a gloved hand over her heart and dipped her head for a second in place of a proper bow. Chiyo wanted her resting and confined until they could confirm she was in the clear, and Nana hadn’t had the energy to disagree.
“Thank you for coming. I was told you have a good handle on the current state of affairs?“
“Yeah-” Dipping into a low bow Shouta did his best to at least try and behave. He was all too aware of how the woman in front of him could be unstable, having been scolded by Recovery Girl to proceed carefully. With everything from her anomalous appearance to the way her very presence seemed to shake All Might in ways he’d never seen before he knew this was a situation that required a bit more tact. 
“It pays to be observant. I presume you have questions?” When her request first came to him he was surprised they didn’t simply give her a phone, but the allure of the internet after so many years of being dead to the world he supposed a human touch was needed. Only later did the more troublesome notion that she could seek information not easily documented came to him. “Are you comfortable? I can get you something before we start if you want.”
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
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Obviously getting Shouta flustered wouldn’t be that easy. One would be a fool to think that. “ Oh but your eyes are, It’s only fair I call your eyes pretty since you call mine pretty~ “, he practically sang in a teasing tone. “ Not gonna call your eyes handsome or cute, nope. “
“My eyes are small, beady and often bloodshot. What are you talking about?”
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“Your eyes are traditionally pretty. They’re animated and they’re vibrant green Hizashi. Just because I state a fact about you doesn’t mean you have to comment on my eyes. That’s not how this works.” 
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
She had only arrived in the staff room mere minutes ago. With her first class completed, she was feeling a bit better about her new occupation. The initial first day jitters seemed to fade; not completely, but enough to where she could actually breathe easily again. She looked up from her laptop, the clicking of her keyboard as she typed up notes and edited her lesson plans coming to a halt.
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“Don’t be silly, Eraser. They were no hassle at all.” Well, for the most part at least. “How are you feeling? Better I hope.”
That didn’t sound like his class, but he’d let it slide. Perhaps she was simply trying to be nice to an ultimately undeserving class. 1-A was a good class, one of his best he was pleased to say, but as it stood now they were traumatized and almost feral at times. 
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“My neck clicks when I move it and the ringing hasn’t stopped, but I’m alive so I’m doing about as well as expected.” His tone was dry and clipped, but that was simply how he was most days. “Call me Aizawa.” 
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
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A chuckle escapes him as the next compliment comes. To most, the blonde’s eyes appeared a little on the strange side, it was refreshing to hear something positive about them every now and then. Luckily, he had Shouta for that. “ Can’t you be both though ?? ”
“ I think you’re both handsome and pretty- ALSO cute on top of those things. “, he continues, hoping to get the other male’s cheeks to heat up as well.
“I’m not pretty.”
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Cute and handsome he could handle. People often called him handsome, although usually with a surprised tone like some backhanded compliment and Hizashi was keen to call him cute. One thing he wasn’t was pretty, however. His features too rough in his mind for it. 
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
This is your reminder that 90% of the events in BN.HA take place in Mu.sutafu, a place that takes its name from the St.ar Wa.rs planet Mu.stafar. In St.ar Wa.rs Lore Mu.stafar was once a lush, green paradise that was turned into a volcanic hellscape. It’s a point of extreme power for the Darkside and is the home fortress of Da.rth Va.der. It’s known in canon as a place where Je.di go to die and has been the stage of one of the most influential fights between good and evil in the accepted St.ar Wa.rs canon. 
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I’m just saying, that’s a weird place to set your superhero high school coming of age shonen manga.
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
I’ve got a few replies in the queue, now I’m sorta just drifting a bit.
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quirkpaused-blog · 5 years
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@quirkpaused / unprompted ask
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“ That sounds like a praise mixed with an insult, you know. “, he whines, the inevitable pinkish color rising to his cheeks. It was a rather frail compliment, yet it managed to make Hizashi’s heart stutter a little. After all, this was probably the best he was going to get from the other.
“Most men want to be called handsome, so the fact you’re pretty is...different. It’s a more apt description in my opinion. Especially with your eyes.” It wasn’t an insult, not in his books. He’d simply always found it strange how beautiful he found the other man. His description was rational.
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