quintessentialdelia · 4 years
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You’re the only mortal who sees him for who he truly is. So everything we shared and everything I was afraid was a manipulation… Is as real as it gets. You’re not the gift, Chloe. That is. (insp.)
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
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chloe and lucifer + casual touches
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
I think the last episode of Bojack was exactly what needed to happen. It was no way forgiving of Bojack, Bojack did terrible things he hit rock bottom but this time he didn’t come out unscathed. He went to prison, he lost Hollyhock, he most likely will never talk to Diane again, Todd is his own person and Princess Carolyn won’t be there for him. But there is still a glimmer of hope, his friends are in no way forgiving of him but some still want to see him around. He’s sober again and has some form of reason to keep living.
I know some wanted to see Bojack die or just lose everything but at the end of the day people relate to him. Whether or not they relate to his actions or the bad things he’s done they relate to his traumas and his addictions and his mental illnesses and the voice in his head that tells him he’s a stupid piece of shit. To have his suicide attempt work is to validate that some people who share similar issues to Bojack are better off dead. Yes Bojack is a terrible person and most people who relate to him aren’t nearly as bad as he is but at the same time to see a character you relate to kill themselves validates to a small part of you that death is an option. To have a character as bad a person as Bojack to have a small slither of hope after his attempt is to tell anyone who feels like life isn’t worth living that there’s hope because after all most people aren’t as bad as Bojack.
Bojack needed to lose a lot and lose a lot permanently but at the same time he needed to keep living just to show everyone that there’s always hope
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
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Art inspired by shot from a teaser for season 5. I couldn’t resist! It is so exciting that I couldn’t help but put my feelings into art.
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
Everyone complains about Sheldon’s change in the latest seasons all the time and I have so much trouble understanding why. He has been a jerk since Season 1 and we couldn’t really blame him though, because he was different and it was really hard for him to empathize with others, but it didn’t make it easier for us to do not hate him. Also, we wished he could be nicer so his friends could be happy too. He was condescending, rude, mean and more than often a big asshole to everyone in his life. He was everything anyone would avoid in their lives and still the show wanted us to like him. Then we did. Right after that, they introduced a life-changing character into Sheldon’s perfectly monotonous life: Amy. Everyone was reluctant about her, especially because it would mean Sheldon would have to change and now that we were alright with how terribly annoying he was, we didn’t want that. In my case, I did. It doesn’t matter what’s your view on his personality, he still was made to be relatable and most of the people alike wanted for him to be able to change. I wanted that, too. He was always talking about how he hated people and how he didn’t believe in love, how funny would it be if he actually fell in love?
And he did.
Their relationship was good at the start, but as Amy fell in love with him it turned a little bit toxic. It was fun to watch him being mean to his friends sometimes because we knew they liked him, or at least, accepted him that way. But with Amy, it was more complicated. She was in love with him, and as she never experienced something like it she was very scared of losing him, and so she let him be jerk to her all the time. I know I was not the only one who was uncomfortable at times, because it felt bad she was being treated that way. He took her for granted; never praising her or her job, underestimating her, getting jealous everytime someone liked her more than him. God, sometimes he didn’t even listen to her or was so full of himself he didn’t even let her speak. To be honest, they were a horrible pairing. Either he changed, or they broke up.
The writers did both. She broke up with him and it changed Sheldon. He didn’t understand what he did wrong thought, but he knew it must’ve been something and so he tried to get her back by changing, step by step. It was nice seeing him so aware of his own attitude for a while, finally Amy was treated with respect. The relationship got better after they went back together, but it wasn’t fully healthy until this season.
I stopped watching halfway the season because of life stuff, so yesterday I binged all the episodes I had left. It was so… human. Sheldon was a sweetheart, and we did see how much he loves her. Last season was awesome too, he supported Amy’s decisions and was gently and caring to her. He insisted she went to Princeton and did his best to manage without her, not wanting for her to give up her dream. But this season not only they were extremely domestic and cute but the writers took us into a journey to acknowledge how much Amy changed Sheldon and he changed her. It wasn’t bad, because some changes are not, regardless what you been told. He got better with people, he understood everyone has feelings as strong as his and he must be careful. He treated almost everyone with respect and got treated the same. And he, finally, showed Amy the love she has been waiting since season 4. He prepared this whole party for her birthday and was so genuinely excited to make her happy. It had no evilness in it, he just wanted to be nice. That’s what Amy did to him.
Then, and one of my favorite parts of the season, Will Wheaton invited Amy to Professor Proton. I honestly thought this whole new Sheldon was going to fall apart but instead he told her the news and felt bad to discover she didn’t do a lot of things to do not bother him. Toxicity, as I mentioned. And then he said this,
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then later this
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And I am just so proud. This change wasn’t a quick one, it took years and years but finally he matured. That is character development, when you take this amazing flawed character and get them better, let their scars shine and make them be okay with everything they been through until nothing hurts anymore and they can finally be happy.
credits to @platypus-quacks-too for the gifs
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
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Sheldon’s reluctance regarding coitus vs Sheldon coitussing Amy.
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
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“Personally and Professionally. Everything will fall into place once you commit to her”
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
After 10.9 (Sin Closet Version)
My smutty version of what happened after Amy ran away from Sheldon. Warning very hawt.
It had been two hours since Amy ran away to escape Sheldon and his hamfisted attempts at seduction. That last effort had almost done her completely in. She had to take a long cold shower and still the hot flush would not leave her body.
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
The cowboy strikes again
Fanfic suprise for all of you, thanks to the talented @rgbcn that made the most amazing and hot scene today (see here) and inspired my friend @linda6788 and myself to make this special new chapter for our fanfic The Cowboy Experiment. We hope that honor the drawing and you enjoy it as much as we did writting it!. M-rated of course  🔥🔥 
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
As I just published with my last drawing, I wrote another fanfic 🙈
Please note that is M rated, read at your consideration
Let me know you opinions in the reviews!!!!!
I’m literally shacking. No kidding.
*crawls into a corner to hide after publish*
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
Part 2 of Shamy’s first time. Requested by Anon. You can find part 1 here : https://bigbangenthusiast.tumblr.com/post/167626421799/requested-by-anon-via-ask-hi-there-i-was
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
Prompt: Lenonard crashing at Shamy's place while they're having coitus. :D
Note: this is a silly, alternative take of the corresponding scene from 12x15. I told you, it’s silly (but I hope also fun).
Leonard cautiously puts his key in the door’s lock and quickly sneaks into apartment 4B. He knows his friends fairly enough to be sure they should be already sleeping, and definitely he doesn’t want Sheldon to throw a tantrum because he has woken up in the middle of the night.
Good thing he perfectly fits in their couch. As he wraps himself into the afghan and puts away his glasses, he wonders why Sheldon is still keeping it. Unlike him, he definitely can’t fit in there, and Leonard is pretty sure both Sheldon and Amy imagine what he and Penny have done on it.
He sighs. For tonight, no piece of furniture will see any action. Not that Penny hasn’t tried. It has been a terrible sacrifice to leave his apartment, but he had made a promise.
He closes his eyes and lies on his side. Hopefully, sleep will come shortly.
Except now someone is giggling. Is that Amy?
“Shh, lower your voice,” he hears Sheldon now, “We’ll get in big trouble if someone finds out you had a Gryffindor sneaking in the Hufflepuff dormitory.”
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
Five Times Sheldon Was Overwhelmed by Amy, and One Time He Was by Someone Else
Based on a certain line of Sheldon’s wedding vows. Warning: one section of this is slightly graphic, more so than I’ve ever been in my writing before, but more like a PG-13 graphic.
But anyways, here’s to completing a story for the first time in two and a half years!
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
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I did not find a lot of Sheldon Cooper Lockscreens so I made some =)))). Hope you like them.
If you use them thank you ❤️. It means so much to me when my work is appreciated
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
I understand and respect your opinion. I don’t like the racism and homophobia in this show. Watching it of course i considered myself Penny. I don’t know much, but unlike Penny I am very openminded and I always like to learn new things, it doesn’t matter the field. I never felt like I was laughing at the characters. I always felt bad about myself, because I found out how interesting science is and in highschool I hate it. I am embarrassed for myself of how stupid I was not to realize how important and interesting science is. The characters in tbbt made me feel stupid so I started studying more. I am lucky that I chose a science based profile in highschool (i chose it because my parents pushed me into it) I don’t know how your grades in highschool work, but in my country they’re from 1 to 10. I went from a 4 to a 9. I can’t believe I hated physics. I also watched Lord of the Rings, because of that episode where they fight over the ring =)) and Star Trek because it’s their favourite tv show and I really like it. I haven’t watched Community yet, but I’m excited to give it a try and see how it is =))). Have a nice life!! ❤️
The Problem With The Big Bang Theory...
I’ve been meaning to post something about The Big Bang Theory for a while now but it’s taken me ‘till now to really understand what it is about the show that makes me uncomfortable. I’m not exactly a believer in the whole “only write about the things you like, don’t trash the things you don’t” trend which seems to be plaguing comments sections in negative articles lately, but I wanted to be able to really examine why I don’t like TBBT rather than just slagging it off. My main questions being - Why don’t I like this anymore? Why do I feel uncomfortable watching it? And why do I get so annoyed when I see people sing its praises online? The thing which really sparked this post was seeing a raft of comments on Facebook, below the last round of voting in Television Without Pity’s Tubey Awards, claiming The Big Bang Theory to be “the best comedy on TV”. This made me angry so instead of posting an impulsive comment calling out their bad taste which I’d probably regret later, I decided to really analyse why seeing comments like that made me so mad when previously, although I didn’t really love the show, I’d never considered myself as disliking The Big Bang Theory.
Hell, I even have season one on dvd, it’s sitting right between Battlestar Galactica and Bored To Death in my alphabetised collection.
And here, I think, is where my problem with The Big Bang Theory lies…
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quintessentialdelia · 4 years
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3x01 | 12x24
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