quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
Thanks for all your work on QW15, you guys! The SCOTUS decision completely threw me off of my expected reading schedule, and it may have affected contributions as well. Probably the best reason ever! But here's my appreciation to you for pulling QW15 together. Thank you!
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
i just wanna thank everyone who participated in QW even tho there are less this year. But I wished we could've had like an awards thing. Like Best Smut, Best Kiss, Best etc, etc. Just a thought
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
Playing sister is not my idea of romance
Title: Playing sister is not my idea of romance Author: silent12reader Genre(s): Romance/Family Rating: M Summary: QW15 Day 4: Forbidden Fruit When Santana's mom got engaged to Russel Fabray, they had to move in with them to the Hamptons. While trying subtly sabotaging her mom's engagement (and failing miserably), she needs to always watch her back because she is sure it is her soon-to-be-step-sister's life goal to ruin her life. Based from Citrus (Saburo Uta)
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
My salvation
Title: My salvation Author: silent12reader Genre(s): Romance/Humor Rating: T Summary: QW15: Day 3 Quinntana@Work. After a series of unlucky events, Santana finds herself losing everything. On a verge of desperation, Santana is hired to be a self-efficient trainer. "A what?" "A self-efficient trainer... It's like a modern version of a governess." ... "You mean a nanny?"... "No." ... "It's like a tutor. Only better, because the pay is good."
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
Author: septemberof1897 Genre(s): Romance/Drama Rating: M Summary: Quinntana week 2015. 7 September 1955: After racist attacks in her hometown, Santana Lopez moves to a boarding school in Switzerland. There she shares a room with Quinn Fabray, a beautiful girl with a mysterious past. 
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
And Pony Of Course
Title: And Pony Of Course Author: conceptoftwo Rating: T Summary: QW15 - Day 6 - Wanna Bet? - Quinn and Santana make a bet when they are ten years old and Santana plans on keeping her word.
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
Hi everyone,
Thank you so much for the contributions so far! 
Glee had its last season this year and we haven’t seen Quinntana on our screens for a long time, so I think it’s amazing we are still able to have this week for them.
If you don’t see your submission on our blog, that means we might have missed it. Feel free to send us an ask here or an e-mail to let us know.
We will still accept and post your submissions when Quinntana Week is over, but we do ask that you send us an ask or an e-mail once you’ve posted them.
Thanks again, and enjoy!
- The Mods
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
I Do
Title: I Do Author: anticlimatickid Genre(s): Romance/Friendship Rating: T
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
Author: septemberof1897 Genre(s): Romance/Friendship Rating: K+ Summary: If you have told Quinn a year ago that she'd wait for Santana to show up, in a dark alley in New York, to go a place like this, she'd have call you crazy...
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
Author: lacksubstance Genre(s): Romance/Humor Rating: M
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
Author: lacksubstance Genre(s): Romance/Humor Rating: M
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
Title: Wanna Bet? Author: anticlimatickid Genre(s): Romance/Friendship Rating: T+ Pairing: Quinn Fabray x Santana Lopez Word Count: 1.2k-ish? Summary: day 6 of quinntana week, where they argue and bet on whether caffeine actually works.
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
Author: QuinntanaEndgame Genre(s): Romance/Friendship Rating: M Summary: Quinn is married to her high school sweetheart; Puck. However, the only reason they're married is because they had a baby together and thought it was the right thing to do. But recently it's becoming more obvious that was a mistake. Being together just for their daughter isn't working for them anymore. Couples therapy is their last resort.Santana is also married to her high school sweetheart; Brittany. Recently it's become more obvious that she's fallen out of love with the semi ditzy blonde, and they just don't have anything in common anymore. It was easy in highschool when they took the same classes, were on the cheer squad and were in the same Glee club. Anymore it seems, in their case, opposites don't attract. Couples therapy is also their last resort.
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
Author: anticlimatickid Genre(s): Romance/Friendship Rating: T
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
This page will serve as a directory where you can find all the relevant links to pages you may need.
Relevant guidelines
(by type)
Fanfic Fanart Fanmix (by theme)
Day 1 - Chance Meetings & Coincidences
Day 2 - Roommates
Day 3 - Quinntana @ Work
Day 4 - Forbidden Fruit
Day 5 - Secrets & Guilty Pleasures
Day 6 - Wanna Bet?
Day 7 - Free Day
(by user, in alphabetical order, work in progress)
junkiessandbox (writerjunkie)
Nayanna Rivergron
plainlygracie (GraceButYouCanCallMeGracie)
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
Office Romance
Title: Office Romance Author: Nayanna Rivergron Genre(s): Humor/Romance Rating: T Summary: This story takes place in the Santana's Crush Universe. Santana is now a social worker and Quinn is still a psychologist, they are working on a case together, but no one knows they are together. Day 3 of Quinntana Week 2015: Quinntana Work
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quinntanaweek2015 · 9 years
Santana Gets a Roommate
Title: Santana Gets a Roommate Author: Nayanna Rivergron Genre(s): Humor/Romance Rating: T Summary: Another little drabble about Quinn and Santana being roommates for Day Two of Quinntana Week: Roommates. These little drabbles maybe continued if I feel like making them into a full blown story. Enjoy the story.
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