quinningly · 10 years
Harley's enthusiasm almost sinks when Catwoman brings up the museum. She ponders on what kind of stuff she could find in a place like that, aside from the artsy parts. Depending on the kind it is, there's a chance there'll be jewels, but the super rare kind! That can bring in big bucks for her and her gal pal!  Maybe she can score a nice painting of her own to hang up at home.
"Count me in, Kitty!" With Catwoman by her side, she felt like she could conquer anything and everything! Though, several things concerned her when it came to their devious scheme.
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"What about the security? I mean, I know we can't just walk in through the front door. 'sides, knowin' how this place is, the security goons here might be a lot better than the idiots back in Gotham."
super bad girl team-up [closed]
Oh yes, this was definitely Harley. She was as hands on as ever. With a look of slight discomfort, she ducked out for under the woman’s arm and thanked her lucky stars that Harley decided to forgo the kissing.
For a moment, she consulted her memory of everything she heard about items of interest. Nothing seemed to really stand out except…there was a museum three blocks away that had received a generous donation of artifacts from Egyptian tombs. This piqued Selina’s interest quite a bit: Egyptians were famous for their worship of cats and therefore there were bound to be some priceless valuables in the shape of them.
They would fetch her a fortune on whatever passed as a black market here.
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"Hold that thought, I just figured out something better than stealing some ice. What do you think about sneaking into a museum?"
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quinningly · 10 years
"No, no." Never unpleasant! Darling Ivy would never be like that, even if she had the putrid smell of wilting flowers. "You just remind me of my best friend, is all."
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"Well, I guess you could say somethin' like that. There's all sorts of baddies and heroes at Gotham City, like me and my Puddin'! But the goodies though, the only thing that pops out about them are their costumes and the toys that they use." Speaking of which, she really should invest in a utility belt one of these days.
[ ✿ ] — The jester’s look of sheer bafflement is in no way lost on Rosemaster, who quietly watches on with the slightest bit of bemusement. A case of mistaken identity? Well, she couldn’t say that happened often— not quite in this way, anyhow.
Brushing it aside with her usual grace: ❝ ℕo one unpleasant, I hope. ❞
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❝ …Ꭷne after the other, to be perfectly honest. ❞ In a repetitive, unwavering cycle, never changing, never broken… It made her weary just thinking about it. ❝ ℐ’ve never seen such a colorful cast of characters before. Lends itself to some variance, wouldn’t you say? ❞
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quinningly · 10 years
"Aw, Kitty! You were worried 'bout lil' ol' me! I'm so touched I could kiss ya right now!" But for now she just squeezes her with another hug. Even with the sleazy scientists watching them and toying with them to their heart's content, nothing could destroy a moment like this. Not now, not ever.
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Harley lets out a series of giggles as she leans on her friend's shoulder, clutching her side with her free hand. "Oh, that was rich. You sure have a great sense of humor, Kitty." She wipes a tear brimming from the corner of her eye and smiles.
Then, she jumps with joy and grabs Catwoman's hands, pulling her along. "Yay! Yay! I knew you woudn't leave me all alone! I can always count on you!" She always felt that Catwoman was a material girl, next to wanting cat toys and the like. Now that she has one of the best thieves around, there's no way this could go wrong! "Well, Kitty? Where do ya think they got all the pretties? See, I kinda had one in mind, but I think you have a better taste than me." Which is more than likely true. "So, show me the best place there is to get these things!"
super bad girl team-up [closed]
When she saw the familiar girl, she couldn’t really believe her eyes. Truthfully, she could only reason that the people who held her here were playing tricks with her memories— it had happened before in another time and another place.
But when she finally went in for a closer look, she knew there could be no mistake. The way she moved, the way she talked, even the way she addressed her was indicative of the same Harley Quinn she knew and had an odd friendship with.
And now she was being enticed into helping commit a robbery. Good old Harley. She sighed and shook her head. “I had to be sure it was really you— can’t be too careful in this place.” Especially with all the idiots here who fancied themselves heroes or something to that effect. Always keeping her on her toes, just like that Bruce Wayne.
"Would you believe me if I told you I had some laundry to do?" No? Well, guess she was guilty as charged then. "Well, I won’t tell if you won’t." Selina smirked.
There were many reasons floating in the back of her mind about why agreeing to rob a jewelry store was a bad idea, but…well, she was sure Harley would do it anyway. The least she could do is make sure she didn’t get herself into trouble. The woman crossed her arms and mulled it over before finally answering. “Oh, alright. Though it’s hardly fair— you know I can’t say no to some jewels.”
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quinningly · 10 years
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No. Way.
The resemblance is uncanny, almost. Harley does her hardest to stop herself from throwing herself at her and squeal with joy. She rubs her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things, just in case. Nope. Wrong flower. "Uh... Sorry, I almost mistook ya for someone I know."
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She then folds her arms, "Must be nice just dealin' with just one hero runnin' around." Then again, she couldn't bring herself to agree with her own statement. Batbrain was always a pain by himself, and even more so when he brought along the Boy Blunder or Bratgirl. And you had Superman and Green Lantern and Aquaman and--
Well, you get the idea.
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[ ✿ ] — ❝ ℐt’s a funny thing, isn’t it? I only ever had to worry about the one. ❞ And the one after that, and the one after that, and the— but that’s another story.
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quinningly · 10 years
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"It used t' be, but I don't think it's happened lately. I gotta admit, you heroes get pretty heated when you wanna show who's the best or most powerful. It's cuckoo, even for me!"
Hold the phone-- 
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"Criminy, Wonder Woman! You're actually interested in that?" Well, she is an Amazon, but would she really be interested in fighting other heroes just to prove how strong she is? "T-trust me, I'm pretty sure you can kick anybody's butt when it comes down to it." Hopefully she doesn't think of throwing poor Harley into the slammer this time.
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"Is that a common occurrence? To have heroes fight to determine superiority? I would not be against seeing such a spectacle."
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quinningly · 10 years
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"What's with t' sudden influx of superzeroes. Next thing ya know, we're gonna have another fight on who's the better hero. Then again, that would be entertain' to watch."
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quinningly · 10 years
super bad girl team-up [closed]
The old saying reprises in Harley's mind: 'desperate times call for desperate measures', and being low on funds is definitely something that needs fixing. It's difficult being able to live with roomies who weren't fond of sharing their room with hyenas, let alone being able to feed them. So, she figured she would go and cause some mischief, throw some color into the town for once. But what would be the perfect place to get the sufficient amount of money to live on for a time? Of course, there's the bank, but she'd rather steal from small stores before hitting that place up.
In either case, Harley packs up the mallet given to her upon her arrival along with other gag weapons that would help her along the way and went on her way to the Shopping District. She manages to get glances from the other citizens here and there because of her outfit, but luckily decided not to give much attention to her. She finds the perfect place to start her mayhem; a quaint book shop with little people occupying it. She sneaks her way at the alley near it and takes out her pop gun, making sure it's ready and loaded. She's then caught off guard by the sudden crack that echos right above her.
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"Holy crud! I haven't even done anythin' yet and someone's already on my tail!" Who could possibly have the same intentions as her? Someone must be really desperate if they want to rob a book store, too. Harley then hears soft clicks land near her and she quickly drops her gun. "Ya got me, copper! I wasn't tryin' to pull anythin', I swear! Please don't take me into the slammer!" She says, feigning innocence and slowly starts to turn around to go face to face with whoever's behind her.
Boy, they are gonna be seein' starts as soon as I sock 'em right in the--
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Harley jumps when she sees it was none other than Catwoman standing before her. "Gee, Kitty, ya almost scared me! I thought someone was gonna try and take me down because o' my outfit." She smiles at her friend as she laughs out loud. "Whaddya doin' here anyways? Ya gonna go and do what ya usually do?" 
Wait a second, Harls! This is Catwoman, your buddy, your gal pal in crime! You gotta get her to tag along with you and you'll get more than just the petty cash a bookstore has to offer!
Harley then clears her throat and straightens herself up, "I was just on my way to go 'n rob a jewelry place myself. I was just stoppin' here to make sure I had everythin' ready. Hey, maybe we were both thinkin' of the same thing!" She skips over to Catwoman and puts her arm around her, "C'mon, Kitty, whaddya say? How 'bout we team up for old times sake, huh?"
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quinningly · 10 years
B, I , R, D
B:A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
I'd have to say Harley/Ivy
I:Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
There's been a lotta fandoms where im like. no. Im not gonna say which ones but it's mainly due to drama and ridiculousness that has gotten outta hand.
R:A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
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i can explain
D:What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
do these count
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quinningly · 10 years
Fandom-Related Questions
A: Your current OTP.
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't.
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it?
G: What was your first fandom?
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows?
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to.
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why.
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
S: What's a headcanon you have?
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships?
U: What are your favorite male/female ships?
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
Z: What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
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quinningly · 10 years
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"Ha. Who needs a kiss on New Year's. All I need is my beloved hyenas and friends and I'm totally fine. But a kiss from Puddin' would be nice, too..." 
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quinningly · 10 years
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"I do try my best to be a good girl, especially since Mistah J and Red ain't around, but now that you're here, how can I not!"
"I’m surprised to see you here. Staying out of trouble, I hope?"
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quinningly · 10 years
"Home again, home again. Jiggity jig."
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"Well, least I got Bud 'n Lou and that wooden mallet. Wonder what I should do now."
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quinningly · 10 years
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"That's my name! Try not to wear it out, Kitty!"
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quinningly · 10 years
Come into my ask box and say something to my muse you think would scare them
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quinningly · 10 years
celeritatemotus replied to your post:¬_¬ gimmie some tips on making friends xoxox
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these tips are 100% guaranteed to obtain friends and are quinn approved
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quinningly · 10 years
¬_¬ gimmie some tips on making friends xoxox
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"Ya wanna make friends? Just play a prank on 'em! Throw a pie at their face! Make 'em sit on a whoopie cushion! Hit 'em with a rubber chicken! Never explain the joke or give away the punchline! They're not your friends if they don't laugh at your antics!"
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quinningly · 10 years
¬_¬ passing medical school and becoming a doctor
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"In this day 'n age, it'd be a total miracle to get through school and becomin' the doctor you always dreamed of. Trust me, it ain't an easy task. If it starts to get difficult, then just kick your tutor in the keister and do whatever ya can to sabotage 'em. All they want is your money and they don't deserve a single cent. All that matters is that you follow your dreams."
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