quietpeleticr-blog · 7 years
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to say claire was freaking out was an understatement, but she hid it well. after all, how she ended up in new york city of all places without even knowing how was already more than enough reason to worry. jody was going to KILL her; no question. she quickly spun around, hearing footsteps behind her. ❝ — who goes there?! ❞ she asked, her hand immediately rushing to her jacket pocket for her gun, but of course she didn’t have it with her.
Sophia frowned before she was walking out of the shadows, her small pocket knife in her hand which she was only going to use for protection. “I didn’t mean to scare you, I was just walking home.” Her voice was small, while she was putting the only thing that could protect her away. “I’m Sophia, and you are?” She questioned, attempting to be friendly.
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quietpeleticr-blog · 7 years
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        “ unless you’re here with a FABULOUS mixed drink, something stronger than advil, a grand NEW spell for traveling induced headaches, disgustingly hot, or have eliot – fuck off. ”
“I don’t have any of those things, I’m sorry. Maybe, we can find this Eliot though since everyone is showing up here.” She said, eyes bright with helpfulness even though she doesn’t know the women.
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quietpeleticr-blog · 7 years
Even though it had been a month she still didn’t enjoy being in the house. The enclosed spaces left her nervous and she found ways of calming herself by going to Central Park. Sitting on a bench, she put a bit of food for the squirrels nearby and sighed. “The stars are beautiful, huh?” she mused to no one in particular
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Sophia looked over at the other blonde, a small smile lining her face. The young Peletier missed the stars at night, especially since they were always moving after their camp became overrun by walkers. “I missed the stars, it’s been a while since I was able to stargaze. They are very bright tonight which is a good thing.” Her soft voice rang out, breaking the quiet atmosphere.
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quietpeleticr-blog · 7 years
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Sophia was still in the mindset, that it wasn’t safe here as everyone seemed to act. It was bothering her that there were no Walkers around, as she had grown used to running from them at every turn. The blonde was still cautious over everyone, not knowing if they were bit or scratched or anything. She was hiding in an alley trying to clear her mind of the walkers, of losing her group, and just wishing she could stop thinking. What the small blonde didn’t know was there was another person in the alley with her, until she turned her head to see another blonde. Sophia jumped up before she just watched the other for a moment, until her quiet voice rang through the alley. “Who are you? Why are you in the alley?” She questioned, confusion lacing her words.
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quietpeleticr-blog · 7 years
Blending into this world wasn’t hard. To go unnoticed and slip through the crowd. After washing up and hiding her weapons neatly, people no longer gave her a second glance. She’d even taken up a job at a small bakery, making enough money to get by. To distract her. Back there, Carol had so much to handle. Between the walkers and keeping the group safe, she didn’t have time to dwell on things. Here, it seemed to be all she could do. She knew people could come back to life, she’d seen it herself. She tried not to set her heart on Sophia returning. She didn’t want to break her own heart over again. Still.. that didn’t stop Carol’s eyes constantly scanning the people around her. She told herself it was just the survivor in her being cautious, and it was, but she always lingered on every blonde just a little longer than necessary. Keeping her head high, no longer meek or scared, Carol slipped through people and kept on her way before feeling someone bump into her.
Turning, Carol reached out a hand for a moment in case the girl stumbled, but she froze as she took the girl in. She couldn’t be certain.. but.. she looked like her. Older. Much older. Still, her heart caught in her throat, some primal mother instinct screaming at her. Then the girl- Sophia- spoke and suddenly Carol’s vision was blurring. “Sophia?” She choked despite the lump growing in her throat. Unable  and unwilling to stop herself, she pulled her daughter into a tight hug.
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Sophia didn’t move or even blink, fearing that if she did as much her mother would be gone and she’ll be back in the woods all alone. It was scary to even think about, being lost in the woods, but it was her fault for leaving the hiding spot Mr. Rick put her in. Her blue eyes widened while tears filled her eyes, it seemed like so much time has passed since she last seen her mother or even anyone else from their group. When her mother wrapped her arms around the blonde woman, the tears that were collecting in her eyes fell over damping the shirt her mother was wearing. Sophia held on tightly to the older woman, nodding her head when her mother asked if she was really Sophia. “It’s me mom, I’m really here.” Her voice was muffled slightly, since her head was in the crook of her mother’s neck. She was confused a bit, as to why her mother never found her but she decided not to ask.
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quietpeleticr-blog · 7 years
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Sophia didn’t remember much of what happened when she was separated from the group, she remembers Rick, Carl’s dad telling her to make her way back to the highway once he led the walkers away. She remembers the exact words he said ‘Run back to the highway, keep the sun on your left shoulder’ and for a while the blonde had done that before she veered off into a different direction once she saw a walker blocking her way, after that everything just went blank. Sophia shook her head at the memory before a thought ran through her head. ‘Where’s my mother, is she alive. Is she safe, is she looking for me?’ This is what led to her running through the streets of New York, searching for her mother’s familiar face. The small blonde teenager accidentally bumped into an older women, and when she turned around her words got caught in her throat when she caught sight of the women. “Mom?” She questioned, eyes wide while she stared at her. She looked older, different but not different to the point where Sophia wouldn’t recognize her. 
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quietpeleticr-blog · 7 years
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Like for a starter from Sophia
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quietpeleticr-blog · 7 years
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the wind had been heavy that day, but sherry hadn’t even noticed until her scarf was suddenly blown away. she gasped and began jogging after it, but slowed down almost instantly, knowing she couldn’t overwork herself. it wouldn’t be good for her or the baby, even only weeks into the pregnancy. she breathed out slowly and placed her hands on her knees, hoping the wind would stop so she could easily walk over and retrieve it.
Sophia was exploring this new place, a place without walkers that wanted to kill her. Remembering the walkers it brought questions to her mind and memories that she long since buried or couldn’t fully remember, the main question running through her head was ‘where are the walkers, is this place actually safe’ and the most important question she asked herself was ‘where is my mother?’ The blonde closed her eyes for a moment, to get rid of the memory of her being chased by walkers from the highway. She slowly opened her blue eyes before they were being covered by a fabric, a small hand reached to pull the fabric away from her face. A small sigh escaped her before she began her search for the owner of the scarf, the first person the blonde spotted was a dark haired female which caused Sophia to walk closer. A shy smile appeared on her face the moment she reached the women, her head tilted so her eyes were looking at her shoes and almost curling into herself to make herself look smaller. It was always something the girl had done ever since she was younger, and it got worst once the dead started walking. “Excuse me?” The small teenager questioned, voice a bit on the quite side. “Does this belong to you? I think the wind must’ve blew it away.” Blue eyes glanced up than, before they were being downcasted back to her shoes while her hand held out the scarf.
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quietpeleticr-blog · 7 years
With her birthday coming up, Jess was a little down in herself. She bit her lip before looking over to the person near her. “Out of curiosity…. Do you have any idea where they sell some good cake around here? If not, that’s alright. What’s your favourite type of cake?” Jess could always bake herself one, but this seemed better.
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The blonde wasn’t as trusting as she was when she was younger, which explains why blue eyes were narrowed a bit on the other blonde. A small sigh escaped her lips before Sophia pushed herself off the doorway, before a smile as innocent as she once was appeared on her face. “I haven’t had cake in a while, daddy never felt the need to have one but than the dead started coming back which led to us having to ration food. I suppose whatever flavor you get I’ll enjoy, if you wish to share?” Her voice was small, and timid while she rocked slightly on her heels with a small gleam of hope in her eyes at the prospect of having cake.
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quietpeleticr-blog · 7 years
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«I miss the Cassie I was. A totally normal High School girl»
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quietpeleticr-blog · 7 years
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@chloegmoretz via Instagram Story | Last weekend and I’m doneee
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quietpeleticr-blog · 7 years
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“That’s not my little girl. It’s some other… thing. My Sophia was lost in the woods. All this time, I thought. But she didn’t go hungry. She didn’t cry herself to sleep. She didn’t try to find her way back. Sophia died a long time ago.” - Carol Peletier
(requested by joshrosza)
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quietpeleticr-blog · 7 years
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TWD Meme: 3 Minor Characters ↳ [ Sophia Peletier 3/3 ]
She’s dead Rick. Sophia. Dead. Somebody else’s slideshow.
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