quicksilver16 · 2 years
I spotted a reply to one of my posts:
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And my knee-jerk response was "no, you should hear my friends talk about their lives--"
And it made me remember something.
Back in high school, my IB class did a lock-in-- where the group of students gets locked into one part of the school overnight on a weekend-- and after junk food and video games lost their appeal, we got to talking.
Only I didn't really know anything about almost any of them. They were all friendly enough, but I kept to myself for the most part, so we didn't have much to talk about once standard small talk ran out.
So I asked one of the other people sitting with me: "what's your story?"
Your life story.
And he told me. Sixteen years or so condensed into maybe a half hour. And it was the most fascinating life I could have imagined: the places he'd been, the things he'd done, the experiences that defined him. It boggled my mind.
When he finished and turned the question around to me, I thought mine sounded really boring in comparison, but he listened open-mouthed to the entire thing. Other kids were gathering around us by now, listening in. And when I finished mine, I turned to another one of them and asked the question to them.
And just like before, my mind was blown. A completely different life, completely different focal points, defining experiences, goals the likes of which were deserving of an anime. And the same happened with the next person we asked, and the next.
By the time each one of us had finished telling their story, it was time to go home for the morning. The video games had been abandoned hours ago. None of us had slept. We were too caught up in each other's lives.
All of which is to say:
Thank you. I do lead a very interesting life.
So do you.
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
Even when people have Alzheimer’s or dementia they don’t ever lose their humanity. My grandma had really bad Alzheimer’s in the end and even though she didn’t know any of her family anymore she was so kind and gentle with my baby nephew. It means something, I think, that caring for others is so ingrained in our psyche that not even disease could make us lose that
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time an ethereal being realized they're in love with the person they've been dating for centuries but still refuse to acknowledge as their friend, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that Neil Gaiman did it twice.
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
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crab uber
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
Disability tips and ideas from abled people: "buy a robotic hand that will flex for you so you can open and close your hands" "stair climbing wheelchair!" "Here's a robot that will use AI and complicated technology to feed you"
Disability tips and ideas from other disabled people: "get a bidet hose so you can freshen up when full showers are too hard" "stick the fork handle in a piece of pool noodle so you can actually grip the damn thing, if that doesn't work, tape it!" "you can totally tip your chair back on the anti-tip wheels and recline if you need to, just don't try and propel like that."
The difference is low vs high tech, cost, and general usability. Disability tech and aids need to pass a certain line of "is this more help than hinderance?" before they become useful. Cost, ease of use, need, and a couple other things all influence that.
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
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Your daily reminder of what Democrats are fighting against in 2022 and 2024
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
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"But helping poor people should be voluntary."
And even when it is, people still have a problem with it.
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
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We must reframe the narratives/dialog.
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
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White terror enjoys a systemic double standard.
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
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.0015 recidivism. We need prison reform.
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
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(via gtrupd50zsd91.png (PNG Image, 960 × 896 pixels))
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
Nothing fills me with rage quite like seeing "no overnight visitors" on an apartment advertisement, like, who the fuck do these random landlords think they are, to deny someone the ability to host a friend or a sibling for the night, to even feel comfortable dictating the terms of a paying tenant's sex life, like seriously fuck off all the way to hell
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
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I agree via antiwork
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quicksilver16 · 2 years
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'Give back the wealth you stole' by paying your corporate taxes. No more corporate welfare.
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