In support of queer libraries/archives, the librarians/archivists who run them, the creators who fill them, & the users who love them, since 2010. Now at
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
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Site migration
Que(e)ry has hosted its main website here on Tumblr since 2010 but recently found our site had been terminated without warning or explanation. It was restored, thankfully. But now, even before Tumblr's revised policy on adult content going into effect December 17, we already notice a number of our posts incorrectly flagged as explicit or "adult" because they contain LGBTQ-themed content. Both as queers and as information professionals, we recognize that every platform we use comes with problems, but we no longer feel that Tumblr is a responsible or reliable home for our site. Both the new policies and the algorithmic methods for enforcing them are misguided and will especially impact the queer and trans folk, fetish and fan communities, and sex workers who have used Tumblr as a tool for expression, activism, community, and livelihood. Also, we don't want to risk losing our content again, if Tumblr decides to terminate our account or delete posts. Thank you for your patience while we migrate our content off of Tumblr onto its new home on google sites.
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Memorial Day Weekend inspiration, courtesy of the late, great Celeste West. Have a fun one, friends.
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Que(e)ry’s back at ALA Annual in New Orleans!
Sunday, June 24 8pm-10pm (after the GLBTRT Social)
Tigermen Den
3113 Royal St., New Orleans
$5 suggested donation (NOTAFLOF) / drink tickets additional / CASH ONLY
Music by #DJZibaZ
Queer-Lit Selfie Booth
Proceeds benefit the LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana and Last Call NOLA
After-after party at the Country Club: We’re ending earlier than usual this time, but pack your swim gear if you want to keep the party going next door at the Country Club’s pool and bar (634 Louisa St., open until 1am)! They are generously offering discounted entry to Que(e)ry supporters. Show your Que(e)ry hand stamp for a half-price entry pass on Sunday night, and bring a valid ID (21+ only). Towel and locker rentals available, $2 each, or bring your own towel. Check out their website for more info.
Tigermen Den is wheelchair accessible and has gender-neutral restrooms.
See the Facebook event page for the latest updates!
Also check out these other events for ALA attendees:
Friday, June 22:
GLBTRT preconference: Diversity 2.0 (ticketed event), 9a-4p, MCC346-347
Saturday, June 23:
Zine Cultures as Critical Resistance, 9-10a, MCC 395-396
Protecting Advocacy and Public Discourse around Diversity and Social Justice, 10:30-11:30a, MCC 295
GLBTRT Membership meeting 10:30-11:30a, MCC 201-202
LGB and Especially T: Serving Queer Teens, 4-5p, MCC 392
Gender & Sexuality in Sci Fi/Fantasy, 4-5p, MCC 395-396
Sunday, June 24:
LGBTQAI+ Books for Children and Teens, 11-11:30a MCC ALA STore
Trans* Customer Service 101, 2:30-3:30p, MCC 388-389
GLBTRT Social, 6-8pm, Good Friends Bar
QUE(E)RY, 8-10pm, Tigermen Den
Monday, June 25:
Stonewall Awards, 10a-12p, Marriot, River Bend Ballroom
GLBTRT Chair’s Program, 2:30-4:30p MCC 281-282
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ALA midwinter in Denver
Going to ALA Midwinter 2018 in Denver? Check out these events and resources:
Friday, Feb 9:
7:30-9:00pm: Feminist Task Force Meeting, CCC#110
Sunday, Feb 11:
1-2:30pm: Trans intersectionality discussion group, CCC #711
1-2:30pm:Building GLBTRT Archive and Planning GLBTRT Jubilee, CCC #106
3:30-5:30: ALA President’s Program: Are Libraries Neutral? CCC Ballroom 2/3
4-4:50: We Need Diverse Books: To Niche or Not to Niche? Shelving Diverse Books, PopTop Stage, Exhibit Hall
6:30-9:30pm: GLBTRT Social and Stonewall Adult Award Winner Announcement, Blush & Blu Bar
Ongoing Events:
Friday-Monday: 7-10am: EveryLibrary Stacks for the Stacks Pancake Fundraiser
Local resources:
Terry Mangan Library, GLBT Community Center, Denver
It Takes A Village Colorado
Gender Identity Center of Colorado
Minority and Women-Owned Businesses in Denver
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Que(e)ry's back in town, and we're teaming up with Libraries Resist to fundraise for the Interference Archive!
Sunday, December 3, 8pm-??? The Rosemont, 63 Montrose Ave., Brooklyn NY FREE
DJ Low and Tight -- DJ Accident Report -- DJ Crush Happy Hour til 9pm / Raffle Prizes / Queer Librarians Donations encouraged; proceeds will support the Interference Archive, who have moved to a new location in Brooklyn this Fall! The Interference Archive is a volunteer-run organization which seeks to explore the relationship between cultural production and social movements, through its archival collection, publications, events, exhibits, and programs.
RSVP on Facebook
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We’re back in Chicago for the ALA Annual Conference 2017! Come party with us and Off Chances, after the GLBTRT Social!
Sunday, June 25, 8pm-Close
Danny’s Bar
1951 W Dickens Ave, Chicago, IL Off Chances DJs Nina Ramone and The Lady Speedstick Raffle prizes | Hot AF librarians $10 suggested donation / 21+ All proceeds benefit the Center on Halsted You don't have to be a queer librarian, you just have to dance with one! CTA: Blue Line to Damen; Bus: 50, 73. *No: This venue is not ADA accessible *This venue has gender neutral restrooms *Bar is cash only
RSVP on Facebook!
And while you’re in town, check out these other ALA and local events and activities:
Friday, June 23
5:30pm-9:00pm: Pride Kickoff Party at Center on Halsted
Saturday, June 24
8:00am-10:00am: Film presentation: Upstairs Inferno
10:30am-11:30am: Out and Proud: LGBTQ Literature
1:00pm-2:30pm: Protest and Preservation
2:00pm-6:00pm: Chicago Dyke March
3:00pm-4:00pm: Intersections and the Experience of LGBTQ Library Folks
4:00pm-11:00pm: Backlot Bash Women’s Festival
Sunday, June 25
12:00pm kickoff: Chicago Pride Parade
1:00pm-2:30pm: Library Leaders on Queerness at Work
4:00pm-10:00pm: Backlot Bash Women’s Festival
6:00pm-8:00pm: GLBTRT Social
Monday, June 26
10:00am-12:00pm: Stonewall Book Awards Program
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Join Que(e)ry on Sunday evening following the GLBTRT Social at ALA Midwinter 2017, for continued librarian camaraderie, drinks, ping pong, music, and brainstorming for another great Que(e)ry event at ALA Annual 2017 in Chicago!
Sunday, January 22, 2017 8:30pm-midnight Sister Louisa's Church of the Living Room and Ping Pong Emporium, 466 Edgewood Ave SE, Atlanta.
21+; ATMs on site; gender-neutral restrooms.
Free, but we will accept free-will donations at the party to support:
Southerners on New Ground and Charis Books and More Bookstore
Transit: Just north of the MLK Marta Station, South of the Inman Park Marta Station
We also hope you’ll march with us and hundreds of other library workers in the Atlanta March for Social Justice and Women on Saturday, January 21!
The march begins at the Center for Civil and Human Rights at 1:00pm and ends at the Georgia State Capitol Building at approximately 5:00pm.
10:30-12:15: March for Social Justice and Women Poster Making, Convention Center, Hall A3; ALA is providing limited supplies, so bring your own if you can!
12:15pm: Group travel from Convention Center Hall A3 to March beginning point at Center for Civil and Human Rights.
More details here.
Here are some other happenings at ALA:
Saturday, January 21:
8:30am-12:00pm: GLBTRT Executive Board Meeting, Westin Piedmont 5
1-2:30pm: Coalition & Resource Sharing: Using the June is GLBT Book Month campaign to build advocacy and relationships, Convention Center B406
6-8pm: Feminist Task Force (ALA SRRT) Reception at Charis Books
Sunday, January 22:
6-8pm: GLBTRT Social, Center for Civil and Human Rights
And here are some local Atlanta organizations, collections, etc. to visit, and support:
Center for Civil and Human Rights
Gender and Sexuality Oral History Project, Georgia State University
Georgia LGBTQ Archives Project
LGBT Collections, Emory University
Southern Fried Queer Pride
Project South
Health Initiative, Georgia’s Voice for LGBTQ Health
See you soon!
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Full Resource List here:
This selection of #blacklivesmatter related library, teaching, and community resources was originally posted on 7/8/16. on 7/11/16, it was replaced with a google doc version linked above for easier updating and maintenance. Contact us with any additions or comments.
Black Lives Matter #herstory and guiding principles
Black Lives Matter Syllabus
Charleston Syllabus
Ferguson Syllabus
Curriculum for White Americans To Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–From Ferguson To Charleston
Black Lives Matter web archive (
Black Lives Matter collection (Internet archive)
Teaching With the News: Black Lives Matter, Continuing the Civil Rights Movement
Talking to Kids about Racism and Justice (Oakland Public Library)
Black Lives Matter Booklist for Teens (Hennepin County Public Library)
Black Lives Matter Resource Series (Oakland Public Library)
Picture Books to Help Kids Talk about Racism
Picture Books about Civil Rights
Racial Equity in the Library
Inclusive Library: More than a Diverse Collection
We Need Diverse Books
New York Public Library Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
Teachers for Social Justice
San Francisco Public Schools
Wellesley College
Duquesne University
Gustavus Adolphus College
Arizona University
Michigan State University
Madison Area Technical College
University of Southern California
Northfield Mount Hermon School
Framingham State University
University of South Carolina Upstate
Police Encounter Rights and Safety Resources:
What to do instead of calling the police Syllabus/guide
ACLU Know Your Rights: When you are stopped by police
ACLU Know Your Rights: Demonstrations and Protests
ACLU Know Your Rights: Taking Photographs
What to Say When the Police Tell You To Stop Filming Them
Anti-Violence Project Safety Tips for Police Violence and Hate Violence
Staying Safe and Sexy at the Queer Beach
Bearing Witness Guide: Filming Police Encounters
Stop and Frisk Watch App
Contact Your Elected Officials
Organizations and Activism:
Audre Lorde Project
Sylvia Rivera Law Project
Live Free
Urban Cusp
Color of Change
Racial Equity Tools
Black Youth Project
Police Reform Organizing Project
Southern Poverty Law Center
NAACP Legal Defense Fund
Fierce NYC
Communities United for Police Reform (NYC)
Thrive Washington
Race Conscious
Showing Up For Racial Justice
Advancement Project
Self-Care, Trauma, and Understanding Tragedy in the News:
ColorLines Self-Care Resources
Helping Kids Cope With Media Coverage of War and Traumatic Events
Resources for Talking With Kids about Tragedies
Activist Trauma Support
Breaking News Consumers’ Handbook on Active Shooting Incidents
Self Care for People of Color after Psychological Trauma
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Update: In the wake of the tragic mass shooting at Pulse in Orlando in the early hours of June 12, our hearts go out to the victims, the injured, to their loved ones, the emergency responders, and to the LGBTQ and Latinx communities and spaces targeted by this attack and too many others like it.
Visit and for information on resources, events, and ways to help.
We invite you to support the Community Fund organized by the GLBT Community Center of Central Florida for victim relief.
Contribute your librarian skills to our Pulse Orlando Syllabus of resources, to the Pulse Nightclub Shooting Web Archive, and to the One Orlando Collection Initiative to preserve both the digital and physical memory of this incident.
And for those who will be in Orlando for ALA Annual:
Come share some love at Que(e)ry’s “Hug a Homosexual*” event on the Convention Floor at the Zine Pavilion on Friday 5:30-7:00pm.
There will be a memorial event for victims of the Pulse shooting, led by representatives of ALA, REFORMA, and GLBTRT. Saturday, June 25, 8:00am at the Convention Center Chapin Theater (W320),
Consider patronizing other local queer bars and clubs who are coming together to support the Orlando Queer/Latinx community following the Pulse shooting.
This ALA page is being updated with Orlando Support activities and related resources for conference-goers, including blood donation opportunities for those who are eligible, other donation and advocacy opportunities, information on convention security, and health and coping resources.
And we again invite you to consider attending the Librarian’s Thing at BB King’s, BCALA’s fundraiser for the Cynthia Graham Hurd Foundation for Reading & Civic Engagement. The Foundation was established in memory of Cynthia Graham Hurd, one of 9 victims fatally shot at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina last year. Hurd was a librarian for the Charleston County Public Library system.
See a full schedule of queer-themed conference programs and events below.
Fri. 6/24:
5:45-6:30pm: It’s Not Just a G Thing: Exploring LBTQ (and Beyond) in Middle Grade and Young Adult Literature, Exhibit Hall, Pop Top Stage
5:30-7pm: “Hug a Homosexual*” Exhibit Hall, Zine Pavilion
8pm-midnight: EveryLibrary fundraiser at Howl at the Moon
Sat. 6/25:
8-8:30am: Memorial for victims of the Pulse shooting, Convention Center Chapin Theater (W320)
1-2:30pm: We Need Diverse Books and More: Multiple Diversities: Capturing the Experience of Intersectional Identities, Convention Center, Rm. W101A
1-2:30pm: Serving up the Subversive, Convention Center, Rm. W103A
3-4pm: “The wedding heard ‘round the world: The Michael McConnell and Jack Baker Story,” Convention Center W109B
4:30-5:30pm: “Queer Zines: Where We've Been, Were We're At, and Where We're Going” Convention Center W102A 8pm-midnight: Librarian’s Thing at BB King’s, BCALA fundraiser for Cynthia Graham Hurd Foundation for Reading & Civic Engagement
Sun. 6/26:
1-2:30pm: ���No Room at the Library: The Ethics of Diversity,” Convention Center W105B
3-4pm: “Reflecting Realities: Trangender Fiction for Tweens and Teens” Convention Center W102A
6-8pm: GLBTRT Social, Blue Martini Lounge, Pointe Orlando
Mon. June 27:
8:30-9:30am: Jazz Jennings (auditorium featured speaker), Convention Center Chapin Theater (W320)
10am-noon: Stonewall Book Awards Program, Hyatt Regency Florida Ballroom
Also, we hope you’ll consider supporting these two great queer organizations in Florida:
Reading Queer: preserving and promoting queer literary culture in South Florida.
Stonewall national Museum & Archives, Ft. Lauderdale
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49 More Books by Lesbian Writers of Colour
Novels/Short Stories/Biographies
1. Mecca Jamilah Sullivan, Blue Talk and Love 2. Michiyo Fukaya, A Fire Is Burning: The Life and Writings of Michiyo Fukaya 3. Lydia Kwa, Colours of Heroines 4. Nice Rodriguez, Throw It To The River 5. Vickie Sears, Simple Songs: Stories by Vickie Sears 6. Carole laFavor, Along The Journey River 7. Nikki Baker, In the Game 8. lê thi diem thúy, The Gangster We Are All Looking For 9. Yoshiya Nobuko, Yellow Rose 10. Gwendolyn Bikis, Your Loving Arms 11. Willyce Kim, Dancer Dawkins And The California Kid 12. Ma-Nee Chacaby, A Two-Spirit Journey: The Autobiography of a Lesbian Ojibwa-Cree Elder
13. Nikky Finney, Head Off & Split 14. Dawn Lundy Martin, Life in a Box is a Pretty Life 15. Letta Neely, Juba: Poetry 16. Ekua R. Omosupe, Legacy 17. Merle Woo, Yellow Woman Speaks: Selected Poems 18. Victoria Lena Manyarrows, Songs from the Native Lands: Poetry 19. Pamela Sneed, Imagine Being More Afraid of Freedom Than Slavery: Poems 20. Luz María Umpierre, I’m Still Standing: Thirty Years of Poetry 21. Janice Gould, Doubters and Dreamers 22. Kate Rushin, The Black Back-Ups: Poetry 23. Stephania Byrd, 25 Years of Malcontent 24. Jhoanna Lynn B. Cruz, Women Loving: Stories and a Play 25. Claudia Rodriguez, Everybody’s Bread 26. Rita Wong, Monkeypuzzle 27. Sharon Bridgforth, Love Conjure/Blues 28. Doris Davenport, Madness Like Morning Glories: Poems 29 Constance Merritt, A Protocol for Touch 30. Avotcja, With Every Step I Take 31. Shelly L. Hall, Alum 32. Becky Birtha, The Forbidden Poems 33. Samiya Bashir, Where the Apple Falls 34. Akhaji Zakiya, Inside Her 35. Maria Irene Fornes, Plays 36. J.P. Howard, Say/Mirror Poems and Histories 37. Denise Uyehara, Maps Of City And Body: Shedding Light On The Performances Of Denise Uyehara 38. R. Erica Doyle, Proxy
Anthologies Etc.
39. Tibok: Heartbeat of the Filipino Lesbian 40. Afrekete: An Anthology of Black Lesbian Writing 41. Compañeras: Latina Lesbians: An Anthology 42. Chicana Lesbians: The Girls Our Mothers Warned Us About 43. Between the Lines: An Anthology by Pacific-Asian Lesbians of Santa Cruz, California 44. Zanele Muholi: Faces and Phases 2006-2014 45. Lez Talk: A Collection of Black Lesbian Short Fiction 46. Piece of My Heart: A Lesbian of Colour Anthology 47. The Very Inside: An Anthology of Writings by Asian & Pacific Islander Lesbians 48. Facing the Mirror: Lesbian Writing from India 49. Does Your Mama Know?: An Anthology of Black Lesbian Coming Out Stories
*if anyone is misidentified, please tell me and i’ll amend the list. *zanele muholi’s book is a collection of her portraits of black lesbians and transmen.
50 Books by Lesbian Writers of Colour Goodreads List
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Get your Conference On
2016 is a great year for conferences on Queer Libraries/Archives/Museum/History!
Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies Colloquium Vancouver, BC, Canada, 23 April 2016
Archives Matter: Queer, Feminist, and Decolonial Encounters, London, UK, 3 June 2016
Without Borders: LGBTQ+ ALMS 2016, London, UK, 22 to 24 June 2016
DocuQueer: Preserving Community Through Collaborative Collections Chicago, Illinois, USA 10 to 11 August 2016
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Join us on Sunday, January 10 from 8:30pm until ??? at The Alley Bar in Boston for an informal meetup, karaoke, and drinks!
Boogie on over after the GLBTRT social ends at 8pm
Alley Bar is at #14 Pi Alley, off of Court Square or Washington St. Directions here
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Survey for Librarians
I am conducting a study to investigate the knowledge, attitudes, and experiences of librarians, library staff, and library/information science program students in responding to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) information needs. The results of this study are anticipated to be included as part of a journal article and/or presented at a professional conference. I would appreciate your assistance in completing a web-based survey. Your participation is strictly voluntary. The survey will ask questions about your experience, knowledge, and comfort level in serving LGBT information needs. The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Please be assured that your responses will be anonymous. There are no questions that request self-disclosure of information that could be used to identify you. You are free to discontinue participation at any time during the survey. You must be at least 18 years old to participate. To begin the survey: This study has been reviewed and approved by The University of Arkansas at Little Rock’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB has determined that this study meets the ethical obligations required by federal law and University policies
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I think that queer readers have trouble escaping into a world that doesn’t include queer characters, because we know that we wouldn’t be welcome there. In fact, SFF that create worlds without queer characters seem to suggest that we wouldn’t even be able to exist there: our existence is not conceivable in the context we are given. When we read a story that doesn’t include queer people, a world that doesn’t include queer characters, it comes with the nagging message You don’t belong here. Whether it’s a horrific dystopia or a silly space romp, that implication makes it difficult to “escape”, because the truth is, we’re already all too familiar with that sentiment.
“Why We Need Queer Escapist Lit” at The Lesbrary (via fuckyeahlesbianliterature)
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queeryparty: Updated info below; see you soon, Que(e)ries!
Get ready for our next party in San Francisco at ALA Annual on SF Pride Weekend!
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Doors 6pm / Show 8pm-close The Make Out Room 3225 22nd Street & Mission, San Francisco $10 / CASH ONLY / ATM on-site / 21+ with ID
Entertainment brought to you by EveryLibrary:
DJ MARC Records
DJ Workalook (fka DJ Rapid Fire)
DJ Chelsea Starr
All proceeds benefit the GLBT Historical Society
RSVP on Facebook
There are lots of other queer events to keep you busy during #alaac15, many of which are free or included with conference registration!
Thursday, June 25:
8:00pm-Midnight: SOLD OUT alathinktank Pre-Party and Fundraiser for the Center for Sex and Culture (Center for Sex and Culture, 1349 Mission Street; $35; tickets required)
Friday, June 26:
8:30am-Noon: GLBTRT Pre-Conference: Rolling out the Rainbow Carpet: Serving LGBTQ Communities (Moscone Convention Center-132-N)
3:00pm: Trans Stage and Rally (Dolores St. between 18th and 19th)
4:00-5:15: Opening General Session featuring Roberta Kaplan (Moscone Convention Center Esplanade Ballroom)
6:00-8:00pm: Trans March (starts in Dolores Park)
8:00pm-2:00am: Trans March after party (El Rio; 21+, $5-25)
Saturday, June 27:
11:00am-3:30pm: Dyke Rally (Dolores Park)
3:30pm: Dyke March (starting in Dolores Park)
11:30am-12:00pm: Ignite Session: LGBTQ+ Romances for your Library (Moscone 130 N)
Noon-6:00pm: San Francisco Pride Celebration (Civic Center)
1:00-2:30pm: Curating Activism in LGBT History (Moscone Convention Center-3005-W)
1:00-2:30pm: The History and Evolving Acceptance of Collecting LGBT Materials in Libraries (Hilton Union Square-Golden Gate 2)
3:00-8:00pm: Pink Party (Castro District)
3:30-5:00pm: Transgender People at the Library: Moving from “Them” to “Us” (Moscone Convention Center-3005-W)
6:30-8:30pm: GLBTRT Social (Harvey Milk Branch of SFPL; suggested donation $5)
Sunday, June 28:
All day: “Show Your Pride” Sunday in the Conference Exhibits (Moscone Convention Center)
10:30am-?: San Francisco Pride Parade kickoff
11:00am-6:00pm: San Francisco Pride Celebration (Civic Center)
4:30-5:30pm: “But We’re Neutral!” and Other Librarian Fictions Confronted by #critlib (Moscone Convention Center-2016-W)
4:30-7:00pm: Tour of the Mission from the ALA Zine Pavilion (Samovar Tea Room, Moscone Center, ending at the Make-Out Room)
8:00pm-2:00am: QUE(E)RY at the Make-Out Room!!
Monday, June 29:
10:00am-noon: Stonewall Book Awards Program (Moscone Convention Center-3005-W)
Friday-Monday: there will also be a special GLBTQ Pavilion on the Conference Exhibit floor, along with special queer programming and resources at participating exhibitor booths, in celebration of GLBT Book Month (Moscone Convention Center)
See you there!
Links to bookmark:
OurTownSF Pride Community Events Calendar
ALA Annual 2015 #partyhard map
Getting around San Francisco (ALSC Blog)

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