oh look it's queerdayz on tumblr dot com
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A little MOGAI blog ran by Dove, an adult bodied system, who uses she/its pronouns. Not too active, so don't worry if I don't post for a while. I just take my time!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
queerdayz · 1 year ago
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A very quickly made higher quality oshian [link] flag, as the only ones I could find were incredibly low quality and looked like they had been uploaded and downloaded around 50 times.
Obligatory disclaimer that oshian is very much for black WLW and NBLW only.
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queerdayz · 1 year ago
Transeravir (transera + transvir)
[PT: Transeravir (transera + transvir)]
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[Image description 1: A flag with seven horizontal stripes, which are coloured green, orange, bright pink-red, near black brown, bright pink-red, light green, and green. End ID]
[Image description 2: A flag with four horizontal stripes, which are coloured white, light green, bright pink-red, and dark green. End ID]
A term for transitioning to both a male-adjacent, male-aligned, male-identified, and/or male gender, and a female-adjacent, female-aligned, female-identified, and/or female gender. Not to be confused with transavire, which, while they're very similar and may be the same to most people, is under the genderavire umbrella, while this term is not, and more so focuses on these being two separate experiences where one is simply undergoing both.
Honestly it's really hard for me to explain the differences here. Just know that they exist and they're important enough to me to coin a different term instead of just using genderavire :P
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queerdayz · 1 year ago
Ratkingplurlic 🐀
[PT: Ratkingplurlic]
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[Image description: Two versions of a flag with seven horizontal stripes, with the middle stripe being wider than the others. The first three stripes are coloured in a gradient from dark grey to grey, the middle stripe is light grey-brown, and the last three stripes are a gradient from brown to dark brown. In the middle of the first flag is a symbol of several brown and grey rats with their tails tied together, in the form of a rat king. End ID]
Ratkingplurlic is a plural exclusive term describing a part (or all) of your identity that feels connected to the concept of a rat king, a collection of rats whose tails are intertwined and bound together, due to plurality. This can describe any aspect of your identity, from gender, to orientation, or even just your plurality itself!
This term has been coined as part of @rabidbatboy 's coining event [link], the prompt for today being: bats, raccoons, skunks or rats. I think it's obvious I went with rats haha! I've always felt my identity has a connection with the concept of rat kings, specifically because of my plurality, so here's a term for that!
Tagging @radiomogai @obscurian @liom-archive and @plurchive !
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queerdayz · 1 year ago
Alt. ULTRAKILLgamic flag 🩸
[PT: Alt. ULTRAKILLgamic flag]
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[Image description: Two versions of a flag with five horizontal stripes, which are coloured black, red, yellow, blue, and black. In the middle of the first flag is a white symbol of V1's head. End ID]
An alternative flag for ULTRAKILLgamic, originally coined by @neopronouns, which is a gender connected to the game ULTRAKILL! I just wanted to give making my own flag for it a crack as we're heavily hyperfixtating on the game right now!
The colours are based off V1's and V2's colour schemes: Blue and red from their respective main colours, and yellow from their eyes and top surgery scars lights!
Tagging @radiomogai @obscurian and @liom-archive
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queerdayz · 1 year ago
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[Image description: A white flag with 4 concentric circles. From the outside in, they are blue, orange, red, and black. In the middle of the black circle is a white symbol of V1’s head. End ID]
A gender that is connected to the soundtrack of ULTRAKILL. This includes all the songs in the game, including music from guest artists such as HATEFUL by HEALTH!
The flag colours are based on the main album colours for the soundtracks of Act 1, Act 2, Deep Blue, and Violence (with some slight adjustments because of eyestrain worries!)
Tagging @radiomogai @obscurian @liom-archive and @recordshop-archive
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queerdayz · 1 year ago
Earthmovercharic ⚙️
[PT: Earthmovercharic]
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[Image description: Two versions of a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The top and bottom lines are scalloped in random ways, each bump being a different size. The stripes are coloured red, black, dark grey, grey, dark grey, black, and red. The first flag features a big grey circle in the centre, with a black silhouette of a Earthmover, a gigantic robot that slightly resembles a giraffe with weaponry on it's left side, in the middle of the circle. End ID]
A gender that's connected to the 1000-THR "Earthmover" from the game ULTRAKILL. This could be due to alterhumanity and/or introjection, but absolutely doesn't have to be!
The flag template used was by @buntress! Tagging @radiomogai @liom-archive and @obscurian
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queerdayz · 1 year ago
Transpringmulviboard 🌸
[PT: Transpringmulviboard]
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[Image description 1: A square flag made up of 9 squares, which are divided into 3 rows of 3 and evenly spaced with small brown dividing lines between them. The flag's squares, from left to right and top to bottom, are light pink, dull blue, near-white, dull red-pink, dull yellow, white, dull teal, pink, and light blue. End ID]
[Image description 2: A moodboard with nine square images, each surrounded by a thin light brown border. From top to bottom, left to right, the images are: two black shoes with trans themed laces, a mountain range with flowers at the front, a pastel rainbow with the trans flag colours, an old style village with flowers growing all over the buildings, the transpring flag, some white hanging flowers, a trans flag hanging in front of a window, a hill with many colourful flowers on it, and, finally, a field of flowers that are pink, blue, and white. End ID]
A gender that can only be understood though the moodboard above, which is based on the transpring flag and term. Mulviboard was coined by @neopronouns!
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queerdayz · 1 year ago
Here is a selection of pride icon bases/frames, based off these ones [link] made by @revenant-coining !
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[no ID currently due to low spoons, will try to add one later]
From top to bottom there is: Translunar, transtidal [link], transpring [link], transpring with an alt symbol [link], transolar, and transfloral [link]
These were made for myself, but anyone can use them in their edits! I don't require credit, but it's appreciated
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queerdayz · 1 year ago
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[Image description 1: A square flag made up of 9 squares, which are divided into 3 rows of 3 and evenly spaced with small dark grey dividing lines between them. The flag's squares, from left to right and top to bottom, are silver, light green-cyan, dull cream, dark dull green, brown, dark grey-blue, light green, dull yellowish green, and dark green. End ID]
[Image description 2: A moodboard with nine square images, each surrounded by a thin dark grey border. From top to bottom, left to right, the images are: A grave that has been partly flooded, several lilypads and other plants underwater, a large wall of yellowed computers and monitors, a very overgrown abandoned outdoor pool, an old computer turned on, showing the terminal, a birch tree with markings that look like eyes, a lit telephone box in the dark, a brown tinted image of under a lake with several plants, and, finally, a photo of some stairs with the camera pointing downwards to a flooded room below. End ID]
A gender that can only be understood though the moodboard above. Mulviboard was coined by @neopronouns. The name comes from two common themes in the moodboard used: water and technology.
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queerdayz · 1 year ago
Highrealityvesil ✨️
[PT: Highrealityvesil]
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[Image description: Two versions of a four stripe flag, which features stripes that are coloured pink, yellow, green, and blue. Both flags feature the vesility symbol, a white, eight pointed star, with a black, four point star in the center. The first flag has a version of this symbol that features chromatic aberration. End ID]
Highrealityvesil is a term under the vesility umbrella, where a higher reality (or multiple higher realities) affects most or all of one's identity in someway.
This term is deliberately vague and can be used for any definition of higher reality you may have
@radiomogai @liom-archive
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queerdayz · 1 year ago
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[Image description: Two versions of a five striped flag, with the first, middle, and last stripes being wider than the others. The stripes are coloured dark grey. yellow, orange, red, and light grey. The first flag has a symbol, showing an earth-like planet with a large landmass, which has both a black moon and a white moon orbiting it, with the white one having it's own, grey moon, orbiting it. End ID]
Trollrepitic is a gender connected to the troll species from Repiton, the home planet of the trolls from Vast Error (a Homestuck fanventure)
The flag's three middle stripes are the colour of a troll's horns, and the white and black stripes represents the two main moons that orbit Repiton! The symbol is Repiton and it's moons, featuring us badly trying to replicate how Repiton's land looks.
@radiomogai @liom-archive
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queerdayz · 1 year ago
miscecanis verses revolving around bun behaviors?
Hello anon! This blog doesn't take requests, as it's just used to publicly share terms we coin for ourselves. Although, you're in luck: This has already been coined here by another blog! [link]
I hope you have a lovely day!
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queerdayz · 1 year ago
Miscerobine / Miscerobot
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[Image description: Two versions of a flag with five stripes, which are coloured dark dull red, dull red, light blue, grey, and dark grey. In the middle of the first flag there is a symbol consisting of a dull blue quarter moon facing downwards, with a red four pointed star below it. The symbol is contained in light blue gear-like shape. End ID]
Miscerobine / Miscerobot is a term for miscecanis verses revolving around robot-like behaviors/beings.
Uh yeah, another one! Honestly I have nooo clue if this'll make a lick of sense to anyone outside of our system, but here it is anyway. Again, the flag uses @omegai 's verses flags as a template
@radiomogai @omegarchive (sorry for tagging you all again in a short period of time...)
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queerdayz · 1 year ago
Miscealine / Miscealien
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[Image description: Two versions of a flag with five stripes, which are coloured dark dull blue-green, dull blue-green, near black, grey-brown, and dark grey-brown. In the middle of the first flag there is a symbol consisting of a grey-brown quarter moon facing downwards, with a blue-green four pointed star below it. The symbol is contained in a near black circle. End ID]
Miscealine / Miscealien is a term for miscecanis verses revolving around alien-like behaviors/beings.
This is probably a really niche experience, but hey it's ours so! The flag is pretty shamelessly just an edited version of @omegai 's verse flags, so I hope that's okay :P
@radiomogai @omegarchive
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queerdayz · 1 year ago
Mushroomkayic | Mushroomhypic | Mushroomspinnic
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[flags are in the order listed above. image descriptions in alt text]
Mushroomkayic: A gender related to liking/enjoying/loving mushrooms without it being a special interest/hyperfixation. This can be used by anyone.
Mushroomhypic: A neurogender related to having a hyperfixtation on mushrooms. This can only be used by those who experience hyperfixations.
Mushroomspinnic: A neurogender related to having mushrooms as a special interest. This can only be used by those who experience special interests.
The templates used for the flags were made by @mixtupzr and can be found here! [link]
@radiomogai @liom-archive
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