queenwhosstuff · 4 years
Day 286 of quarantine I have discovered www.webstaurantstore.com
It is, I BELIEVE, a website intended to be used by restaurants for bulk ordering food and utensils. And this is bringing me such unbounded delight scrolling through and recognizing that I, a single individual, ALSO can order ridiculous obscene enormous offensive-to-all-common-sensibilities shipments of BULK FOOD, to my LITTLE LITTLE APARTMENT, for PENNIES on the dollar. I have this god given power to flood my entire living space with bulk grains and it is one single button click away from my reality.
30 POUNDS of chocolate for $100. 20 POUNDS of peas for $13?? $13!!!! I will wake up every single morning from now on knowing that a box of donuts and a sack of dried split peas heavy enough to bodily injure someone both carry equal monetary weight. 25 POUNDS OF ONION POWDER for $50. Do you understand the enormity? the accessibility? the potential here? With the single click of the button I can put myself in a position of bequeathing more than a humanly comprehensible amount of onion powder in my will. AND IT WOULD ONLY COST ME $50 TO MAKE THIS A REALITY.
But what gets me
What truly gets me
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is the 50 POUND BAG OF RICE 
Do you know how much that kills me? How much I’m losing my mind? that I can order MYSELF WORTH OF RICE for something to the tune of $50? I can OUT-RANK MYSELF WITH RICE, DEMOCRATICALLY OVERRULE MYSELF WITH RICE, IN MY OWN APARTMENT for the fucking PENNIES that is $50
I’m so sorry for the normal person I’ll be after quarantine because the cabin-fever version of me I’m inhabiting right now is perhaps just uninhibited enough to follow through on this dream I’ve just discovered of out-ricing myself.
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
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Crystal Gem Sprites 
I had planned on starting a Patreon focused on Blender tutorials but I started school recently and I just haven’t had the time for it. 
My first project was going to be rendering crystal sprites but I never got the chance to finish it (all the component parts are done. I just have to edit them together) 
These are some of the examples I had made using the technique. I plan to get the tutorial done eventually – and I upload the source file (and the models for these sprites) when I get to it! 
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
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Ready to get dyeing?  Using a polyester dye is a great way to permanently color any synthetic wig.  IDye Poly and Rit’s new line of synthetic dye called Dyemore are two great options for wig-coloring - click below the cut for a more in-depth Dyemore review, as well as instructions to jump start your journey into wig dyeing.
For folks who want a physical, true-color version of this chart, you can find it in Cosplay Culture Magazine’s August-September issue!
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
Any advice on making long hair look masculine? I'm gonna be using my natural long hair, but I'm constantly getting mistaken for a girl, haha! Everyone I talk to says it's the hair that throws them off. I plan to do masculine contour makeup, but what else can I do to keep people from thinking I'm a girl? :0
Hello there!
Sorry this took so long to answer. I’ve been busy. :|
In our society, long hair is coded as feminine, so if you already read as feminine, your hair will only add to that. Aside from changing other aspects about yourself to read as masculine, there isn’t terribly much you can do to stop long hair from being feminine in our society. However, you can try styling your log hair in a more masculine way.
I don’t know what your hair looks like, but I’d recommend looking up images of men with long hair for inspiration. There’s one thing that seems to be a pattern with masculine long hair: it’s not too long (more like what we would call “medium-length” on a woman, so around shoulder length or so), and is usually either parted in the middle with the sides swept back from the face, or is not parted and combed back entirely. You’ll need some product in there to help keep it swept back. If you have bangs, you’re pretty much out of luck unless you can somehow hide those. Men’s long hair tends to be all one length, though I do see a few images with face-framing layers, though it seems to frame the face in a square shape, not an oval or round shape. When worn up, it’s usually in a somewhat messy ponytail or loose bun (the ubiquitous “man bun”).
At that point, it’s really about styling it to look more masculine – all one length, if possible, and keeping it swept back seems to be key. Just looking at a google image search for “long hair men,” it’s rare to find a hairstyle that /isn’t/ swept away from the face or slicked back, and that has multiple lengths.
Also: http://genderfluid-youth-support.tumblr.com/post/127429536917/how-to-look-more-masculine-with-long-hairNothing I didn’t already say, really, but it has pictures and you might find it useful.
If you are worried about being read as feminine, be sure to also work on your body language, since that can be a giveaway.
I hope that helps! :]
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
Jar curse
You’ll need:
- A jar you never want to use ever again
- A piece of card with their name written on it- fold it a bit to make it nice and strong to stick needles through without hurting your hands. This is your taglock for them
- 9 Sewing needles
- 9 Tacks
- 9 pieces of paper with their name and their bad deeds written on it. Things like their name followed by “Abusive behaviour”, “Know it all”, “Show off”, “Gossiper”, “Disrespect”. etc. 
- Fire proof bowl
- Water in case you accidentally set your altar on fire (believe me if you’re not careful these things happen)
- Chilli powder
- Pepper
- Vinegar
- Your spit
- Cigarette ashes
- Black candle
- 2 plastic bags
The cursing bit:
- Cast a circle and invite your elements and deities if you work with any.
- Grab the taglock and think about how hurt and angry this person makes you feel. Direct the angry energy you are feeling into each of the 9 pins and tacks and stab the paper. Keep the tacks and needles stuck in the taglock.
- Put the taglock into your jar
- Summon all your anger and spit three times on the taglock
- Take the 9 pieces of paper with their name and bullshit behaviours on them and burn them inside your fire proof bowl. Keep the water handy in case the burning gets out of hand. As each paper burns say “I curse you [Insert name]. Your abuse will return back to you 9 fold.”
- Dump the paper ashes into the jar.
- On top of the ashes dump the chilli powder, pepper and vinegar and cigarette ashes. Say I curse you [Insert name] may these substances sting and burn as you have stung and burned me.
- put the lid on and shake the jar up. Focus on your target. Imagine a ball of black energy is forming inside you. Inside that black ball of energy, put all your painful memories of that person, their negative words, their bad attitude, their abuse, all of your hate and tears and pain, your internal screaming, everything about them that makes you angry. Channel that hateful energy out through your hand chakras and into the jar. Take plenty of time to do this and don’t stop focusing on it until you feel there is nothing left you can put in. The jar’s energy should feel really awful. 
- Double bag the jar in the plastic bags and tie them shut. Take the bag outside in your back yard. If you have any left over residual hateful energy, now is the time to get rid of it. Summon any left over anger, scream and yell at the jar if you need to.Swear at it, anything. Then as forcefully as possible throw that jar and smash it. The energy will be released from the jar and find it’s target.
- Close the circle and smudge the hell out of yourself and anywhere in your house that the jar was.
-Leave the bag out overnight and collect the debris the next day inside the sealed plastic bags with no mess to clean up. That persons behaviour deserves a rubbish tip, so in this case I wouldn’t feel bad for throwing it in a bin and having it sent to land fill. Just get that shit out of your life and send it to a disgusting place of no return.
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
PSA for Ballet Aus from a Dancer
So as a dancer who has done ballet for around 14 years now and other dance types for 3 years, just thought I’d voice what annoys me about art and weitings for ballet aus. Some is just little stuff and some is like major repect gestures to the art, but like either way it doesn’t mean the pieces are bad at all, just at times more like they’re a “Black Swan Au” or a “Dance Academy Au” rather than actual ballet au content…
Pls don’t hate me…❤️
Please get the terminology right. This is the mechanics, the names, and the spelling. I’m not the best speller in french myself (i take spanish man,) but it’s more just a pet peeve of mine.
Not all dancers are either snobby control freaks or gossipy social butterflies. Yes, we like the stage, but we also can be big goofballs in and out of the studio.
Piggybacking off the last one, not all ballerinas have perfectionism or eating disorders and stuff. Actually, we have to eat more in order to keep our weight and energy even.
Please make the boys accurate portrayals. Yes, it looks great to see boys in pointe shoes or up on their toes, but unless they’re Austrailian (or in a few other lesser known areas,) they wouldn’t learn pointe at all. However, they do wear makeup on stage and they also follow the same basic principles girls do for it.
Another big one for artists: if your character is shown in flat shoes, please don’t make them up on their very top of the toes. This just makes me feel uncomfortable because that would huuurt. Flat shoes=demi pointe, end of discussion.
Not all dance injuries are career ending. It’s normal for a dancer to have had these following injuries at least once in their entire dance career if they do it often enough: shin splints, tendonitis, pulled muscles EVERYWHERE, shoulder blade pain/dislocation, chronic knee pain, chronic back pain, pulled/tight achiles (especially men), and sooooo much more
It’s…not always romantic…like I looooove romance but it’s also great to show a friendship, working as a team, and the determination of certain characters through the sweat, blood, and tears ballet causes to give into that perfect performance 👌🏽
Sooo…yea that’s all I got for stuff to alter, other than that, KEEP DOING BALLET AU WORKS PLEASE I seriously love these aus and the art has amazing anatomy for the calves and feet, the graceful arms, the blissfully focused expressions. And then the fics fill all my terminology needs, or if they throw in some FACTOIDS oh god I went to ballet heaven if you know about classics like Don Quixote and Le Sylphide or beautiful dancers like Rudolf Nereyev and Megan Fairchild YAAAASSS
…ok I’m done now byeee!!!
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
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[Manga Coloring Tutorial]  - Difficulty - 1 2 3 4 5
A tutorial on how to color mangacaps. I will cover the basics on cleaning, coloring, and shading but I won’t be going too in depth. You will need basic Photoshop knowledge and lots of patience since this will take quite a while. I used CS6, but that doesn’t really matter.
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
Hi, first I just wanted to say thanks for this blog! It's very helpful! And, I hope it's not too much trouble, but I was wondering if you knew about a good mangacap cleaning tutorial? The one you linked to in one of your actions isn't there anymore. Thank you in advance!! ;w;
Errr, I couldn’t really find it so I’ll explain it really quickly here.
First, click on the channels tab. It should be next to the layers. Then, click the little dotted circle in the corner, like so. Afterwards, hit delete and you should get something like this. Add a white color fill layer and you’re done.
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
guys, think of this…
conditional superpowers, where you have a superpower that only works under specific conditions. 
Superstrength? Only if if it’s more than two hundred pounds. You struggle opening a pickle jar, but not with throwing a car a few blocks. 
Elementalist? You can only control water when it’s raining, don’t even think about the humidity in the air. 
Flight? You’ve got to drop at least twenty feet, before you can even think about flying an inch.
Super speed? You need to run a flat mile, before you can travel at supersonic speeds.
X-ray vision? Only works on places you’ve never been before.
conditional superpowers, dudes.
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
this is my new fav video
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
howdy! i really love your art especially the way u choose colours. any tips for choosing colours of drawing hair? maybe some brushes? basically anything ur arts just rly cool
uhh well
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i use a regular SAI marker brush to smudge on the highlight colour then i use the same marker to erase the edges of the highlight
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for colour picking I USUALLY EYEBALL IT AND GUESS then do what i think looks best but u can also use the base colour of the hair and put layer mode on Shade and then the highlight layer mode is set to Screen n it works fairly well for some lazy hair
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
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i actually really love drawing hands and only recently have I enjoyed it haha
I’m still not very good at it nor do I understand a single thing about anatomy but here’s some small tips I hope help!!!
tbh ive been waiting for someone to ask for a hand tutorial
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
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hair tutorial!
i made this a while ago but i forgot to post it here;;
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
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• like or reblog if you save 💕
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
OBJ to PMX - long way 'round
IMPORTANT NOTICE: For 3D files that are not obj, likely from other creators, make sure the part is either free for use [be moral and credit the source] and that you are allowed to edit/convert the part! Don’t be a dick.
This is for;;
when PMXe doesn’t let you directly import .obj into the editor to save as “.pmx”.
when Blender doesn’t let you export .obj to .pmx even though you have the mmd_tools plugin.
when you have a part that is not .obj.
Process basically goes;;
Method A: [file format of your chosen part] > .”obj” > ”.x” > “.pmx” 
Method B: “.obj” > “.x” > “.pmx”
Explanations/Steps are below!
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
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queenwhosstuff · 4 years
OBJ to PMX - long way 'round
IMPORTANT NOTICE: For 3D files that are not obj, likely from other creators, make sure the part is either free for use [be moral and credit the source] and that you are allowed to edit/convert the part! Don’t be a dick.
This is for;;
when PMXe doesn’t let you directly import .obj into the editor to save as “.pmx”.
when Blender doesn’t let you export .obj to .pmx even though you have the mmd_tools plugin.
when you have a part that is not .obj.
Process basically goes;;
Method A: [file format of your chosen part] > .”obj” > ”.x” > “.pmx” 
Method B: “.obj” > “.x” > “.pmx”
Explanations/Steps are below!
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