Musings and Rantings of the Queen of Rossinia
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queenofrossinia-blog · 8 years ago
A Royal Rant On the First Amendment
Today, this article caught my eye:
(I don’t know if this’ll be a clickable link when I post this–here’s hoping!)
Minnesota Republicans: What the fucking fuck!? For the so-called “Party of Lincoln” who’s supposedly anti-slavery, y'all are sure doing a fine job of muzzling Constitutional rights! It’s bad enough that the Republicans who go into government are money-obsessed, blinded-by-ambition, well-to-do, clueless, bubble-inhabiting, royalty wannabe’s. You, ALL of you that I have ever seen or heard tell of are blind, blind, blind to the realities of life for those of us who are scraping by (or not, and are going underwater).
It’s bad enough that you seem to think that all of life’s problems can be solved by investing in the stock market and everything’s coming up roses. You strip us of every red penny you can, going and coming. You like to set everything up to be bought and paid for (so-called “privitization”), expecially that which should be publicly accessible. A minor, but still irritating, example of this in my opinion is the travesty to transportation known as toll roads.
But now, you’re putting a price tag on our Constitutional rights!!!!!!!
Now, you’re trying to say and make into law that we have to PAY to exercise our right to free speech!!!!! Fuck you!!! If y'all weren’t so dead-set on pursuing harmful policies that kill–yes, I said KILL, as in MURDER–poor folks, you wouldn’t have to worry about demonstrations!!! But, no, you go skipping merrily along, making the way smooth for your rich, fat-cat friends; and if any of the madding crowd decides to state their collective displeasure, unhappiness, and misery about the situation, all of a sudden it’s a big NO–unless you pay!
Oh, what’s that? “You little folks have no money, so too bad,” you mock at us? Well, it’s pretty obvious that your high-falutin’, big-money education didn’t cover the “Three R’s” very well, particularly the last “R”–‘Rithmatic. Listen in, if you dare.
My familial Americans, allow me to remind you about something regarding that ever-lovin’ 10% that’s at the top of the heap with all the money and power, and most especially the top 1% . It’s true that they hold all the strings, BUT. They’re only 1% , or at best, 10% . We are the other 90% . Ninety percent, at worst. Ninety-nine percent at best. Think about that for a moment. Even if I were to make the (probably totally safe assumption) that the bulk of the upper 25% might stick together, that still leaves the rest of us “REAL” folks being the balance of 75% .
Think Louis XVI for a moment.
The rich folks are very good about watching out after their own interests, oh, yes they are. And it is no accident that our political system is geared towards the requirement that one must have access to butt-loads of money in order to run for public office. Do the rich folks watch after their own? Do they cover their backsides? Oh, yes, you bet they do.
Do they watch after the best interests for the rest of us? Not so much. They’re CLUELESS, never forget, about our daily struggle. So, essentially one could make the argument that the majority of us have been completely disenfranchised. We’re talking total taxation without representation here. Oh, they’ll try to tell you that they represent you because they’re from your geographical area. Don’t be fooled by that!
If they don’t/can’t/refuse to keep your and your family’s best interests at heart and proceed accordingly, then THEY DO NOT REPRESENT YOU!!!!!!!!! They’re just looking out for themselves and their fat-cat cronies.
And one of their favorite tactics to make us impotent and ineffectual is to keep the rest of us divided and feudin’ amongst ourselves. We have had the wool pulled over our eyes. It is obvious to anyone with any grain of sense that those of us at the bottom of the heap have more in common with each other than we’ll ever have in common with THEM, the rich bitches. So, knowing that we vastly out-number them, they have pursued a policy of keeping us divided amongst ourselves for literally centuries now. They’ve instigated and fostered racial prejudice, especially amongst Poor Whites, so that we’d all be blinded to our common cause and rise up, united against them. They know that when we figure out that racial and religious prejudice are nothing but carefully-tended red herrings, the game’s up.
And now, they’re getting quite egregious about muzzling us, keeping us silent, so that they can go on their merry way of raping and stripping our country bare of every last thing that can be monetized to their own benefit and convenience. And meanwhile, you, there, be quiet! Don’t jostle our little lives! Don’t be noisy! Don’t demonstrate! Don’t protest! Unless you can pay. (Heh-heh, which you can’t because we don’t pay you a living wage, so there! Phhhhht!)
Well, you want to muzzle us. I REFUSE TO BE QUIET!!!!
Let me tell you something about rich folks. In their minds, democracy = cut-throat, “free”-market capitalism and white protestant christianity, and to hell with the sub-human masses (that’s us) who are shut out of all of their perks and priveleges. “Oh, but we earned this from our businesses and corporations.” Yeah, standing on the fortunes raped out of the people by your progenitors.
So, tell me this, rich folks. Why are you so scared of a level playing field? Why is it that this discussion can only take place with your being in your comforable position of absolute luxury, while the rest of us are dying, literally dying, from overwork and underpay? Why is it that your ever-lovin’ capitalism makes sure that you have every little thing that your heart desires, but you can’t be bothered to pay us a living wage? Why do our households have to hold down three, four, more, crappy jobs just to make ends meet? And while we destroy our health doing this, why is it that YOU’RE the ones who have access to medical care? Must be nice.
And while I’m on that subject, it really, really BURNS ME that you rich folks are holding medical care hostage, reserved only for yourselves. I’ve heard y'all talk. I’ve heard the blathering balderdash that comes out of y'all’s soft, plump lips regarding why you think that single-payer medicine would be the apocalyptical end of the world.
“Oh, we’d have to wait to be able to see the doctor!” Well, waah, waah. What do you think the rest of us has to do? IF we’re lucky enough to be able to go to the doctor, we have to wait. And wait, until our scheduled appointment time. What’s wrong with you coming down and being equal to us on this?
“Oh, we’d have to wait for our life-saving, life-extending operations and medical procedures! What if we (gasp) DIE while we’re waiting?” Well, what about the rest of us? We’re dropping dead due to lack of medical care! Literally! Take look at the latest mortality figures. People (and by “people” I mean REAL Americans, not you rich globalists) are dropping dead in their fifties! And meanwhile, you rich bitches are blithely popping in and out of the hospitals with nary a worry and living to your late nineties.
“Oh, but we can’t have single-payer–it’d mutilate the insurance companies!” Well, why are they making money off of people’s misery, I should like to know? Just so that they can pay good returns to their stockholders. If you (rich) stockholders weren’t so fucking greedy for profit, maybe, just MAYBE the fucking insurance companies would actually do what they’re SUPPOSED to do with our premiums, that is, invest them and use the resulting capital to pay for medical procedures. As it is, all the money is funnelled upwards to y'all; and in keeping with our Constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we get to pursue the happiness of dying whilst being stripped of more of our hard-earned money through those self-same insurance premiums (which don’t generate any return for us in the form of availability to medical care). Hmmm, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” = dying in misery from lack of access to medical care. Interesting. I don’t think the rest of the world realizes just how much the bulk of the United States is really a “third-world” country.
It might appear that I’m taking this point personally. Well, hell yes, you’re fucking right, I do. It goes beyond all humanity the way things are set up in this country. My husband is dead because we are poor. He needed a liver transplant. He didn’t get turned down because his body was too weak (it wasn’t–he was as strong as an ox; there’s a reason why some of his friends called him “Moose”), but because we were poor. We had go to a hospital out-of-state for this, and when we came they said, “Oh, no problem we’ve worked with the system before.” But after milking Medicaid for all kinds of money for his tests and check-ups, when he got down to the serious business of complete liver failure, all of a sudden it’s “Oh, we don’t work with Arkansas Medicaid. What made you think that we did?” Well, DUH, that’s what you told us when we were first sent to you! And then they refused to authorize an ambulance to take him to another hospital in yet another state, and I had to rent a car and drive him there myself, while he was bleeding from EVERY bodily orifice, including his eyes and ears (yet, the hospital said he wasn’t sick enough for an ambulance). He died two days later.
And to add insult to injury, the rich fat-cats have the court system set up to shut the rest of us out. I had the proof necessary to sue the first out-of-state hospital for medical malpractice, and had the doctors at the second in-yet-another-state hospital begging me to sue. But, the first out-of-state hospital got off because my suit was adjudged to be “frivolous”.
And now, on top of that, last year the Republicans changed the law so that they have now taken away my widow’s check. When my husband died, I was told that as long as I didn’t get re-married that I would get my widow’s check. So much for that. And I’m still trying to raise my family.
So, yes, you could say the question of universally-available, single-payer health care is a personal issue with me.
Meanwhile, we working folks destroy our bodies holding down jobs. The rich bitches say that if the job’s so terrible, nothing’s stopping us from getting another job that does better. Except … they’re all the same! There is no “better” to be had.
And in theory, one can “improve” one’s situation by pursuing higher education. But at what cost? To get out of school so head-over-heels in debt that you’re literally paying off the loans until you retire? And the rich folks criticize us because we don’t “save for retirement”. How? Fleeping HOW? And let’s not forget the Republicans’ attitude towards eliminating the so-called social safety net, especially Social Security, the retirement fund for poor folks. Safety net? What safety net? Where? I just wish!
Their solution? Go get aid from your local churches. Well, I follow a minority religion (Northern Tradition Paganism), and I have no desire to have christian theology crammed down our throats as the payment for assistance. I especially do not want my daughter to have to deal with the misogynistic bullshit that comes flying over the pulpit: “You women are the source of sin and all things evil because Eve.”
And this notion that you’re only good if, and only matter if you’re a christian, and all of society’s ills can be cured by christian churches—don’t EVEN get me started on that!
Oh, and you so-called “christian” Republicans? Why don’t you go back and read your ever-lovin’ New Testament?
Rich folks, your general stupidity never ceases to amaze and dismay me. You’re having fun getting rich by raping money out of a sick workforce. Does it not occur to you how much more productive and–dare I say it?–PROFITABLE your businesses would be if the workforce and employment pool you had to draw upon were healthy?
And I’d like to point out to you supposedly-Constitution-lovin’ Republicans that the Constitution very clearly states that we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Just how happy do you think we are, being sick and in extreme pain, and dropping dead in our fifties? How can we “pursue happiness”? How can we be “entrepeneural” (sp? I hate the implications of that word so much I can’t even spell it) and be “productive” if we’re literally throwing up from pain every day? And y'all wonder why there’s an epidemic of pain pill dependency in this country.
But, oh, never mind, you crowd there, just be quiet. If you want to kick up a fuss and exercise your First Amendment rights, you now have to pay! Yay! And, while we’re at it, we will continue to make it harder, and harder, and impossible for you to vote. How’s that splintery broomstick feel as we angelic rich folks ram it up your collective bums?
According to the above-linked article, there’s other states to be added to the List Of Shame: North Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Indiana, Colorado, Virginia, and Washington State.
As a side note, I must say that I am not at ALL surprised that Virginia’s on that list. That’s a fucking police state, right there. I hope I never have to go to that accursed state again.
And for all of you, you government-tit-sucking, we-don’t-want-to-pay-any-taxes and give-us-loop-holes rich folks:
Fuck you.
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queenofrossinia-blog · 8 years ago
A Royal Rant About Groping
I must say, that as the Queen of Rossinia (@queenofrossinia here on Tumbler as well as future designs on expanding our royal realm’s rightful frontiers intoYouTube land–more on that later), I have been observing the peripherals of this present election season with a certain amount of monarchal alarm. As historical as it is to be having a woman representing a major-party ticket from the top of the ticket, it’s one thing to be writing song parodies about the present presidential candidates (see the attacks of the Song Demon elsewhere here), it’s quite another to watch real-life shenanigans carried out by same.
To wit: It has recently come to our royal attention (through the good offices of our Royal Chronicler) that one of these afore-mentioned candidates has been recorded several times making, ah, shall we say, questionable remarks? Describing their daughter as being voluptuous, and describing how they physically “greet” beautiful women, etc. We can most assuredly tell you that it ain’t the woman at the top of her party’s ticket that we’re talkin’ about here.
Subsequent to this, I heard some people speaking out in DEFENSE of this behavior! Say whu-u-ut?
Let me explain my situation here. Here I am, in the buckle of the bible belt, smack-dab in the middle of fly-over country. Scads of baptists and evangelicals gallivantin’ all over the landscape. Dozens upon dozens of Trump/Pence yardsigns to be seen all over the place. NONE for any of the other candidates. (I literally do not know what the other candidates’ yardsigns look like.) This is a state that WILL be carried and easily so by the not-woman candidate and famous recording artist. (I wonder: Is his membership fees to ASCAP up-to-date?)
The social norms here enshrine some truly benighted points of view. In one of the churches that I play music for, people were standing up during the testimony part of the meeting this past weekend (that being October 15th and 16th) and bearing their testimony–with tears in their eyes and a catch in their voice–bearing their testimony about how the woman candidate at the head of her ticket and the mean ol’ press (which is obviously her hand-puppet) are ganging up on the poor ol’ not-woman candidate.
So, to all the men-folks out there who think a pussy-grab or breast squeeze is not a big deal, and indeed, is perfectly okay–this Royal Rant’s for you.
I’m going to try to turn the tables for a moment.
When I was a kid, one of the things one could see on Saturday afternoon television at around 4:00 or so (along with all of the other sports-related offerings) was an event known as Roller Derby. Now, this event was odd, because not only did it feature women exclusively, this sport featured BAD ASS women exclusively. So, I’m going to have these Roller Derby Ladies help me out here.
Imagine, if you will, a world filled with Roller Derby Ladies. Only, they’re consistently four-to-six inches taller than you, their shoulders are about four inches broader than yours, and they have triple your upper body musculature. The Roller Derby Ladies also enjoy vocalizing their opinion of your boyish charms, because of course they’re certainly are not going to be going on about your manly charms since you are only half-grown sized to them.
These Roller Derby Ladies enjoy speculating amongst themselves (loudly enough on purpose to be heard by you) about the proportion and shape of your anatomy under your clothes and then reach out and pinch and feel of you to see if their speculation is in the ballpark.
And to get to and from your job, you must walk–unaccompanied–amongst largish numbers of the Roller Derby Ladies. Or you’re riding on a city bus and a Roller Derby Lady sits down next to you and feels of your inner thigh. And generally about once a month or so, someone grabs you by the balls and squeezes their fist down all the way just to laugh at how you double over and gasp–that gasp means that you’re aroused and are liking this–and while your mouth is still open from that gasp, your chin is grabbed and lifted and a thick, slobbery, faintly-onion tasting/smelling tongue is thrust into your mouth and tweaks your uvula. Because, obviously your open-mouth gasp was a come-on and you were not only asking for it, you were BEGGING for it. Oh, and this Roller Derby Lady is about twenty years older than you and has a big beer gut. And she has flipped your clothing out of the way and has forced her hand inside your clothes, still forcibly mashing your balls whilst mouth-raping you, calling it a pussy grab and a French kiss.
When the Roller Derby Lady is done, she looks down at you with a proud, smug expression, like she’s really accomplished something, and then walks away laughing as if nothing happened. It’s no big deal, just Roller Derby Ladies being Roller Derby Ladies. At this point you get to go on to your job, whether you like it or not. And if you try to report this, you run the risk of getting fired from your job and not only does no authority take you seriously on the matter, the Roller Derby Lady assures everyone that you’re lying–or at the very least wildly exaggerating because all she did was give you a little peck on the cheek. The authorities believe her, no questions asked, and if you try to press the matter, they might ask you how hard you ejaculated for the Roller Derby Lady, since obviously you were turned on by all of this.
Meanwhile, in addition to the physical, mental, and emotional violation of your very person, let us not forget that you get to walk around for the next week or so with swollen, sore, and bruised balls; and every step you take makes you flash back and see in your mind’s eye the self-satisfied Roller Derby Lady and you remember–vividly–the taste, smell, texture, and sliminess of the Roller Derby Lady’s tongue in your mouth, causing you to gag and mouth-vomit every time.
And to think, all I have described at this point is a typical pussy grab/breast squeeze.
Shall I go into date rape next?
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queenofrossinia-blog · 8 years ago
A Second Pair of Earrings
Hi! I am the Queen of Rossinia (@queenofrossinia here on tumblr), and in addition to my other threads (Royal Rant and Odin’s Oddbits), I am starting this new one. So, why on Earth would I call it “A Second Pair of Earrings”? Well, here’s the backstory …
In addition to being an Heathen/Pagan, I am also a musician; particularly, a keyboardist. Specifically, when I was in college I was an Organ Performance major and a Harpsichord Performance minor. A-HEM!!!!!!!!!! Get your ever-lovin’ mind out of the gutter! I HEARD what you were thinkin’! AS I was sayin’, I say, … excuse me, the peanut gallery can quit tittering now … at any rate, as a result I am one of the organists at my local LDS church (also known as the Mormons); that being the only way I can have access to an organ (the keyboard instrument! ) with a full pedalboard that I can go visit during the week and Bach out on. Bach: my drug of choice.
Sooooo, as a Happy Hillbilly Heathen, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that I don’t agree with very much that comes sailing over the pulpit. I recently found out that “good” Mormons are only supposed to wear one pair of earrings. At least good Mormon women–otherwise known as the sisters–are supposed to wear only one pair of earrings. But since the good Mormon fellas–otherwise known as priesthood holders–are supposed to lead the women in all things, I can only assume that the one-pair-of-earrings prohibition is so that the priesthood holders can lead and wear two pairs. (Peanut Gallery: It’s bad enough what you were thinking about my playing the organ; you can just SETTLE DOWN with those thoughts about holding the priesthood–I can hear you!)
So, here I am with a modest two piercings in each earlobe, a pierced nose, and with a fondness for earcuffs. I have worn the occasional small adornment in my nose (received with compliments from some of the younger, more daresome sisters). However, now that I have heard the rumor that I’m supposed to be limited to only one pair of earrings, coupled with the fact that my piercings have been feeling neglected, I’ve been plotting my course of action.
For the time being I’m going to go all out with two pairs of earrings, a pair of earcuffs, and a nosebone. Now, if I get called out on this, I can anticipate a few courses of action: (1) Blithely ignore the hints/“counsel” and continue wearing whatever jewelry I darn well please; (2) Wear the one required pair of earrings, but in the two piercings of one earlobe balanced with an earcuff on the other ear (Hey–it’s STILL only one pair of earrings!); (3) Wear the one pair of earrings, only put them in mis-matched piercings–heck, I might even make it a mis-matched pair of earrings: a small loop in one ear and a bangly in the other; (4) Similar additional mischievous options as they occur to me–perhaps borrow one of Princess of Rossinia’s (@princessofrossinia here on tumblr) septum rings? They clasp on and don’t call for any additional piercings; (5) Be sure to wear some of my toe-rings whilst wearing sandals–that doesn’t call for any piercings either; You get the picture, I’m sure.
You see, I have the really funny–and odd!–notion that since we’re talking about my body here that I have the final (and only) say-so on these matters. I have never been under the personal authority of any priesthood holder in my entire life. As a widow, I am not under any man’s thumb. I don’t anticipate that changing any time soon. I figure that as long as I am dressed reasonably modestly that no-one has the right to say anything one way or another. And my ear-bobs are pretty and color-co-ordinated with whatever I’m wearing.
Now, it is my understanding that the general authorities (that being the church’s head honchos of various callings and capacities collectively as a group) are of the opinion that wearing one pair of earrings is “adorning my ‘temple’” (that is, my body), but wearing TWO pairs of earrings constitutes being ashamed of my “temple” and mutilating/defiling it.
Meanwhile, what have they got to say about, oh, I dunno … say, elective plastic surgery? Boob-jobs? Butt-jobs? Botox injections? (I cock my head, listening very intently.) (Dead silence. Crickets, even.)
Now, don’t get me wrong, anyone has the right to modify their body how they choose. But it seems just a LEETLE bit hypocritical to me to label an extra set of piercings in one’s earlobes as defacing one’s “temple” and being ashamed of it; and at the same time be perfectly okay with breast-enhancements and wrinkle-erasures. I would submit to them that if one feels the need to get a set of bigger boobs and look half one’s age, that that might indicate a certain amount of shame regarding one’s “temple”. And since this could involve a certain amount of slicin’ and dicin’ on the operatin’ table, can we review the definitions of defiling, defacing, and mutilating, if that’s how you wish to think of such things? Just sayin’.
As it is, I consider my earrings, etc., to be ADORNMENTS to my “temple”, thank-you-very-much.
So, I guess you could say that the second pair of earrings encapsulates very succinctly the various things I find wrong with the church, and that is why I have chosen to call this thread “A Second Pair of Earrings”. So, yes, a lot of the topics I plan to be discussing here would be considered “anti” by the majority of TBM’s (stands for “true-blue Mormons” or “true-believing Mormons”). But you know what? The church states that it supports the law of the land, so I reckon they can support this: my First-Amendment rights regarding freedom of speech.
Catch ya next time!
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queenofrossinia-blog · 9 years ago
A Royal Rant on The Great Song Demon
The Great Song Demon has struck again. Apparently this being has decided to take advantage of the fact that over here in these United States we are in the middle of election season, with the two main candidates being … well, moving right along; as I was saying The Great Song Demon has struck again, this time with an Hawai'ian flavor.
Back when I was a kid, a popular Hawai'ian song was “Tiny Bubbles”. However, due to election year ague, the words have gotten warped in my head, and now sound like this:
Tiny fingers, On his hands; And his hair, That is so grand!
Tiny fingers, Makes him warm all o-ver; (Note to self: I wonder how they do that?) With a feeling that he’s gonna Run them through his Hot, hot sand. (Now, where was YOUR mind at? His resort in Florida has hot sand!)
So here’s to his ginger hair, And here’s to his fingers fair; And most of all, here’s to his Tiny um-hmmmmmmm,
Tiny fingers, On his hands; Makes him happy, Makes him feel so grand!
Tiny um-hmmmm, Makes him warm all o-ver, ‘Cause of all of his ex-wives, Signed an N.D.A.* !
(*Stands for “non-disclosure agreement. I wanted to sing "Signed an agreement of non-disclosure to sorta rhyme with "over” , but I couldn’t get the syllables to work out. Oh, well! It’s all in good fun.)
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queenofrossinia-blog · 9 years ago
How can some men be so fucking ignorant???? Blows me away. Had a boyfriend once w/similar attitude. Sheesh.
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queenofrossinia-blog · 9 years ago
TOES!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luv U!
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My big bro and I when I was a wee little babbu! https://instagram.com/p/BFJjHBhNAFz/
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queenofrossinia-blog · 9 years ago
Arizona Diskette? Sounds like something you stick in a computer...
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Usually these things are kinda dumb but Holographic Hotline sounds pretty tight
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queenofrossinia-blog · 9 years ago
Rosbre Vapas. Okay!
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queenofrossinia-blog · 9 years ago
Right on, sistah.
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Watch: Samantha Bee takes on untested rape kits and the cops and politicians who want to destroy them.
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queenofrossinia-blog · 9 years ago
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queenofrossinia-blog · 9 years ago
ROTFLMFAO and drooling!
@bubblebutt-markimoo Hello friend, I can
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that you like Mark’s eyes…
It’s very
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to know that.
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queenofrossinia-blog · 9 years ago
Go to Canadian Red Cross and do what you can.
– people are basically driving through the fires themselves to escape. This is no joke. This is not an understatement. This is a catastrophe. Please signal boost that post. Help Fort McMurray. And honour the firemen who are fighting without sleep. Thank them. Thank WestJet and other companies for letting pets sit with their owners on the planes. Thank Labatt’s for stopping beer production to give a lot of water to the firemen and evacuees. Thank the men and women donating to this cause, be it money or goods - be one of those people. 
 Text REDCROSS to 30333 to donate $5 to the cause, or text FIRES to 45678 to donate $10. You can donate to the Red Cross Alberta Fires Appeal here to give whatever amount of money you choose, which is going to be matched by the government for every dollar, Trudeau promised.
Spread the word. Let’s help Fort McMurray - even if you have no money, by getting these posts to people who DO, you’re saving lives, homes, families, etc. For all of you out there - I’m here for you. My inbox is open, my IM is open - everything. If you need me, you can come to me, my fellow Canadians. You are not alone, we are here for you, and we love you. ]]
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queenofrossinia-blog · 9 years ago
Not much I can do in Arkansas so I'm broadcasting this further.
Canada loses an entire city due to wild fire -- Yes you read that correctly.
Within the last week Canada has lost an entire city due to wild fire and it is rapidly spreading, and expected to double in size. Fort McMurray has been ablaze all week and the fire is spreading towards Saskatchewan. Attempts to put the fire out have been failing because the fire is so hot water it is evaporating before it can do any good. 
Dry and extremely windy conditions are fueling the blaze, which has already scorched more than 1,560 square kilometers (602 square miles) and displaced tens of thousands of people.
These people are no longer evacuees … They’re refugees. 
Rain is to be expected next week, but a downpour is needed to tame a monstrous fire – which is the size of Hong Kong and is almost 25% bigger than New York City – that has displaced about 88,000 people, wiped out 1,600 structures including homes, schools and hospitals, and sent plumes of smoke as far away as Iowa.
Here is a link if you want to help, please share this, this is a huge tragedy and these people need help. 
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These aren’t screen captions from a movie this is happening RIGHT NOW less than 1000 miles away from my own home. 
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queenofrossinia-blog · 9 years ago
Royal Rant on double standards, completely and totally p.c. Ha.
If there’s anything, anything I can’t stand, that’d be a double-standard. To have one group of folks to have special privileges just because of who they are over someone else makes my blood boil.
For example, why do some folks think it’s perfectly okay to have manger scenes on the town square at Winter Solstice, but if anyone else puts up a display representing their Winter Holiday (whatever it may be), there’s outrage all over the place? “Why, they can’t do that! It’s christmas, and he’s the reason for the season!” Give. Me. A. Break.
Or, in complete contradiction to the law, could someone please tell me why it’s okay for the local 4-H Club to be run like it’s REALLY the agricultural extension of the baptist church? (True story, that.)
Or why is it okay with the mormons to sponsor boy scout troops all over the place for the boys, but won’t touch girl scouts with a ten-foot pole? Why not sponsor girl scout troops too? Don’t you think there’s girls out there who also want to learn wilderness lore and woodscraft?
Or, why is it that the dominant abrahamic religious authors and publications insist on having their stuff capitalized when in print, yet refuse to return the courtesy? If I had a nickel for everytime I’ve run into this, I’d be a rich woman. They say that they don’t capitalize “paganism” because it’s just an adjective not based on anyone’s name. Okay, if that’s the case, then why don’t you capitalize “Buddhism”? And I’m not talking about pulp rags here, I have published, bound books by christian authors doing this shit. I have till yet to find a christian (particularly the conservative ones) author who doesn’t do this. If there are some out there who don’t, I haven’t run into your work yet and I will apologize to you personally.
You will note that I don’t capitalize “christian”. Why should I? “christ” is not a name. It is a title, meaning something like “anointed one”, similar to the title of “king”. Shall I capitalize every time I use a word like “kingly”? No. So, “christian” doesn’t make the cut either. I’ll be willing to bet a galleon to your doubloon that I’m going to get some blowback from this. And you know what? I’m looking forward to it–like a Klingon! (I bet you thought I was going to say “like a boss”! Well, that too!)
Now, the “justification” that I have always run into for this is that since Jesus is the only real, true god, and no one else is, he’s the only one that merits capitalization, and no one else does, ‘cause if I capitalize somone else that’d be the same as breaking the second commandment. Once again, Give. Me. A. Break.
See what I mean? The privileged, entitled group throws their weight around all over the place, and woe betide you if you try to step up in the public space in a similar fashion if you’re not of like mind! If you’re in a minority group and want to be out and proud, watch out!
And while I’m close to the subject, why is there no room for the non-christian elements of our history to be given equally honored place in our schoolbooks? Why it is that every white American character in our history books is always christian? Well, oops, I know the reason for that, I just realized. It’s because the victorious side (whether honorable or not) writes the resulting histories. And since xtians did a good job of genociding all the other beliefs off the map, they got to write the histories. Grrrrrr.
And if I may touch upon one last thing: proselytization. Why in the flying heck do you need to go around stuffing your god down everybody else’s collective throats? Why all the aggressive missionary work? Can you not see how that not only demeans your god, but also weakens this being? If a god is truly strong and independent, then they can speak to people themselves! YOU DON’T NEED TO DO IT FOR THEM!!! Missionary work is like foodstamps for god. Let that god get their own damn groceries/converts! Now, trust me, I am glad foodstamps are available. BUT, if you’re an all-powerful being, what would you be needing cosmic foodstamps for?
It’s bad enough that that particular god (I’m referring to the culturally dominant abrahamic god here) encourages spiritual vampirism, but let them operate under their own steam; don’t just keep handing over unwitting victims to them. I’m using “them” here as a gender-nonspecific singular personal pronoun. I do not like to use “it” when referring to deities, as they are not inanimate beings.
I have more thoughts on all of this, and may write more on this later; but this is all I have mentally organized right now. Thanks for reading, and have a good day!
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queenofrossinia-blog · 9 years ago
Royal Rant . . . with poetry!
In Arkansas I’m the One Lone Ace, The One Lone Ace am I; While everyone else plays hetero games, my spirit flies to the sky.
In Arkansas I’m the One Lone Heathen, The One Lone Heathen am I; I greet the Gods, x-tians say leave ‘em, or your soul’s gonna fry.
In Arkansas I’m the One Lone Klingon, The One Lone Klingon am I; People say grow up, get your age on, And then roll their eyes.
In Arkansas I’m the One Lone Polyglot, The One Lone Polyglot, I; I add new vocab’, I learn all day, And drown on cocoanut pie!
Some may laugh and some may stew, I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do; I’ll laugh and play, be happy all day, ‘Cause they don’t have a clue!
Footnote: I know that theoretically speaking there are other Aces, Heathens, Trekkies with a thing for Klingons, and folks who enjoy other languages somewhere in Arkansas, but they’re not in my county, I can tell you; and there’s certainly not anybody with a combination of two or more of these traits to be had in this part of the country. As a result, I have always chosen to embrace my otherness. I would hate to be all boxed in like the people I see around me are.
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queenofrossinia-blog · 9 years ago
Oh, I'm all in on this! Have fun reading my blog, and I look forward to reading yours! (If you like, just skip past all the cat-n-kitten gifs.) Take as long as you need on the drawing, the main thing is to enjoy the experience, not win a race.) *toasts you with a bottle of hard root beer* Have a good day!
Everybody that reblogs this by May 10th will get a traditionally drawn character based on what I think you look like after scrolling through your blog
Edit 2: OK, so a lot of people are doubting this, but I’m not going to just skip out on this. I know it’s a lot of people, but the whole reason I’m doing this is because it sounds like fun, and it will be good drawing practice. I’m not starting it immediately, and it might take a while to get them all out, but I AM going to be getting all of these done! I’m going to keep my promise, and this is a legitimate thing.
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queenofrossinia-blog · 9 years ago
Granted, I don't know anything about the characters mentioned here, but I can tell you that sometimes the artist is working with constraints and boundaries you know nothing of. For example, one may be working in a medium that does black-and-white best, but sucks on any nuance inbetween (ball-point pens, for example); or if working with a medium with colors, it could be that the *right* color isn't available in that medium (flesh tones from felt-tip markers? Give me a break.); or, this might be a person whose budget is maxed out and they can't get additional art supplies just now, but WANNA DRAW ANYWAY!!!! (oh, I don't get that, at ALL--Not!); or, the artist might be other-gifted in regards to their sight and how they perceive things, they may actually be seeing it this way (Goya, anyone?). At any rate, I second what @princessofrossinina says, "Hey leave her the hell alone" with the addition of these two cents' worth: Being judgemental is the mother of racism and is therefore, worse. Quit fucking thinking you know enough about a situation and the people's world in the situation to be able to tell them "Thou shalt not." 'Nuf said.
@sssammythree is racist
@sssammythree is racist because she draws Evan with white skin. She’s a disgrace to this fandom. Evan doesn’t have white skin, he has a darker pigment than white yet she still draws him with white skin. I’ve asked her nice the first couple of times. Do you draw Marcel with white skin too? You’re sick sssammythree.
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