quarantinefitness · 4 years
June 4th
second part of yesterdays routine 😌
i didnt cook as much as i wanted to, so my eating is not that good, im trying to control it with portions. hence not posting it😬
since the studio opened i will probably post more pole stuff, hope you dont mind😘
oh and my weight is back to 72kg but its probably muscle, i dont see any extra fat on myself
im almost 2m in those heels. Fear me (on the right)
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
Finally my studio opened up! i have to change my url from quarantinefitness..🙈
im so happy and so sore after class! (couldnt even stand up properly i was so out of it at the end😂) Loved it so much❤️
bare in mind im no dancer, just started to do this a few months ago
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
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Tagged by the amazing @therambl3r!
some body positivity with messy hair and messy background😁
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
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May 26
Another exam done, and another comes tomorrow... wish me luck!
didnt have time to workout unfortunatelly, had to study a lot and i'll probably pull an alnighter.
had some cereal for breakfeast, grilled chicken with rice for lunch and a little carbonara for dinner... and dark chocolate... needed the sugar and sweetness for my brain and comfort😭
and this is the last day for the yogachallange, so i have to come up with something to post my daily stuff with😁
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
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May 25
so exams period started today, my anxiety is skyrocketing and affecting my eating.
gulped down a big amount of zero coke, my brain was screaming for something sweet after an all day studying.
on the other hand my main meals werent a bit filling either... toasts and sandwiches...
hope tomorrows gona be better!
keep up everyone!❤️
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
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May 23
had some toasts with tzatziki for breakfeast, and bean gulash soup for lunch and dinner. i had some sweets too but not so much.
1 hour beach body workout in the morning and 2 hours of table tennis with family :)
and todays yoga pose is called crow i think? It took me while to nail it
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
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Almost 2 weeks difference but with the same weight
even if the scale doesnt change your body is changing, dont give up! :)
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
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May 21
i cheated with a slice of pizza, but after todays workout i consider it fine:D
1hour beach body workout and an hour shoveling at my uncles place. both my arms and legs are dead
todays yogachallange was a reeaaally hard, and its not perfect BUT i could staighten my legs! I thought i wouldnt be able but loook! it made me super happy❤️
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
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May 20
sorry for the few posts, my days are not as consistant anymore.
anyhow, i had some eggs for breakfeast, soup for dinner and leftover fried vegetables for dinner. some pistachios for snacking and a protein shake (finally a new flavor, and its chocolate! I wanted to chug the whole thing its so good)
i’m still sore from the beach body workouts, if i sit down, im staying there forever. however, exotic pole is coming up, looking forward to it! i need to get used to the 8 inch boots after the smaller ones.
and todays yoga challange: bridges
ps: notice how my stiff shoulders f up the curve... so sad...
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
May 16
had a protein smoothie for breakfeast, lightcarb vegan pizza for lunch and 2 beers for dinner^^'
not my proudest day, but im feeling good with letting it loose a bit once a week.
had a 2 hour tabletennis match with family, if that counts as workout
todays yoga pose is the worst so far, the grass was slippery...
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
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May 15th
had some cereal for breakfeast, ceasar crumbs(???) for lunch and cottage cheese with bread and green onions for dinner
snacked on some apples and a small portion of pistachios
todays workout was 2 hours, upper body strenghtening and stretching
and todays yoga challange pose~
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
Reblog if it is alright if I come to your blog and anonymously confess something to you.
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
May 14th
pancakes for breakfeast, veggie soup for lunch and apples with cheese for dinner
a small portion of pistachios for snacking
aand 2 beers to close the night~
i did a beach body workout in the morning, and sunbathed later at grannies garden. apparently im so white i glow in sunlight
my poledance place started a yoga challange where you can win monthly passes. you just have to reproduce the pose the the teacher sends you so here is day 1 and 2 c:
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
May 13th
i made some pancakes in the morning with yogurt, fried sweet potatoes for lunch and a small sandwich with cottage cheese for dinner.
snacked on some mango and a banana between classes
aand todays workout is exotic floor work~ /no pole at home, not even 2 m^2 of space.../
disclaimer: am no dancer, never was, be kind. i learnt hia choreo today, without a mirror :c
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
May 11th
soo yeah, had some cereal for breakfeast, roasted veggies for lunch, and a small portion of pasta with pesto for dinner
sorry i didn't bother with the format
super tired
anyhow, here's my split again, i think my hips are more rotated than last time so hooray💪
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
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so 3 weeks passed since quarantine, and are those abs showing..?🤭🤭
i'll try to take the same picture with same clothes next time
keep up everyone!
73,3kg - 71kg
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quarantinefitness · 4 years
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