qiulong · 2 months
also, knowing that yanting jun took lingsha in when her master was banished to the zhuming.... i wonder if they are also implicated with the sanctus medicus 🥴
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qiulong · 2 months
anyways, i knew that the vidyadhara have considerable power over the alchemy commission in the luofu, but its quite interesting that it's (assuming) that the same goes for the zhuming and i guess other flagships
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qiulong · 2 months
rlly funny that yanyan is like the only vidyadhara who likes fire
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qiulong · 4 months
now that i've revamped my multimuse blog, instead of blade's blog this will be attached to, i will have it attached to my multi instead !! @shengyins
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qiulong · 4 months
ok ok so i really dont want to spend too much time on names since i have bigger fish to fry in regards to yanyan so i think for now i will use
zhuo yi - 琢意 , meaning 'to carve a desire'.
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qiulong · 4 months
i know this is a sideblog but damn should i move them ... i think i'll move them to their own space once we get more info about xz high elders or just zhuming lore in general i just cant justify making another blog when i already have so many LMFAOOO
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qiulong · 4 months
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qiulong · 4 months
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quick bio!
NAME. working name for now is 琢意 ( zhuo yi ), or 墨音 (mo yin) (might change tbh just call them by their title for now lmao) NICKNAMES / TITLES. 炎庭君 - yanting jun / ardens regia , xianjun , dianxia* , yanyan AGE. 400~ GENDER. genderfluid. she/they/he SEXUALITY. pansexual demiromantic. SPECIES. immortal. FAMILY. n/a. (vidyadhara i guess) ABILITIES. master vidyadhara craftsman , cloudhymn magic. wielder of the primordial flame, mental fortitude. OCCUPATION. high elder of the xianzhou zhuming , watcher of its plaguemark - the flint emperor heliobus, duties to the zhuming alchemy commission.
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the high elder of the xianzhou zhuming as we know today is a paragon of scholarship , encouraging the noble pursuit of knowledge in all kinds of discipline. although born from a singular purpose to keep their enemies in line, it does not stop the high elder from seeking answers from hushed corners, reading from their previous incarnation's endeavours as well as learning from the many craftsman , from native celestial masters alike to outworlders that may hope to become more than just mere footnote in the sands of time , yanting jun seeks to understand and the evolve.
caught between tradition and modernization , yanting jun tries not to be bound too much by the constraints of their duty , shielding the peaceful ship from the bright rays of the heliobus emperor , eternally slumbering under the watchful eye of this god. yanting jun conducts themselves in a mild-mannered nature , yet steadfast in their goals. often times they would be bound to their pavilion , an inkbrush in hand and perhaps a piece of ore in another. the preceptors aren't so easy to sway the opinion of the master , as yanting jun values objective observation over bias. they deliver sparks of inspiration without a care, drawing up blueprints and concepts both entirely new , or built off of a previous work.
as a being with authority in the same breadth as general huaiyan , yanting jun is in charge of the people under their watch, they are concerned with the wellbeing and longevity of their vidyadhara people, as a culture that must be kept alive , but must also endure the ever changing tides of the universe.
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notes: in formal addresses, yanting jun refers to themselves along the lines of "this venerable one...", as a high elder speaking to their subjects. however, amongst craftsmen, they prefer a less arrogant address.
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qiulong · 4 months
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" please by all means, tell me all about your travels. accompanying you is the least i must do for a rushed accommodation for your arrival. "
@reversescale / ♡
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qiulong · 4 months
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reposting this sketch here as i get some stuff done here heh
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qiulong · 4 months
uhm uhm starter cul ig i just wanna write so badly
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qiulong · 4 months
some yanting jun thoughts 😁:
he conducts himself in a mild-mannered exterior with singular goals ( similar to that of ningguang tbh )
dealing with the heliobus requires mental fortitude, as beings who capitalize on a emotions and humans' will. yanting jun is one that deals with what remains of the flint emperor, and they understand that it requires require care. every incarnation so far for yanting jun has had to go through this fortification. it is what has aided zhuming to become a peaceful ship.
much like huaiyan, yanting jun is a craftsman! he works with a variety of different specialties, and closely with vidyadhara craftsmen from the zhuming and other flagships. so far researching how they can use cloudhymn magic with objects and other tools. he is also a pioneer in artifex branch of alchemy technology.
because zhuming is a ship that has exceeded other flagships in technological advancements, especially with being able to get in touch with and learn from many different worlds and outworlder intellectuals, the zhuming and its people have a more "wider worldview". as do their high elder, caught in between tradition and evolution. yanting jun has a strong sense of justice as their general does, albeit a more tempered flame about it.
does use cloudhymn magic, but doesnt rely on it either. it is their responsibility as weilder of the heavenly flame to practice that authority, but ytj also likes using human creation for everyday aid.
yanting jun is somewhat of a poet, literally "distributing sparks of inspiration without a care". they'll come up with a blueprint for anything, throwing away ones that won't do him good, and likes to oversee the training of new generation artisans.
they are always building off of previous designs and newer creations. yanting jun's previous incarnations' research is stored in their palace, and current incarnations always strive to improve or discard potential breakthroughs.
merchants! make sure your products are to the high elder's liking, for the chance that their purchase at your shop may be used in their newest curios! yanting jun is particular about the quality of jade they use, if the steel is enough that not even the mightiest arrows could penetrate, and whether or not the next batch of porcelain ready to be shipped out to the rest of the hexafleet is of the finest craft.
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qiulong · 4 months
leaks talk
so according to leaks , especially from that planar set, the zhuming's ten lords have a team dedicated to capturing heliobi and basically indoctrinating them into becoming part of the artisanship commission's materials ... so ig despite being their own organization that runs independently, unlike the luofu's ten lords, the zhuming's ten lords work alongside their six charioteers, im assuming ???/ also, ig yanyan , being in charge of watching over the flint emperor just kinda. is a facilitator to all this lol
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qiulong · 4 months
im sorry but damn
vidyadhara preceptors, the rest of the xz: dan feng's research is bad
yanyan and tianfeng: yoink!
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qiulong · 4 months
ANYWAYS what i WILL say is that the fact that yanting jun became interested in dan feng's research is alarming .... idk how true this information is regarding the zhuming's HE's interest, but if df's research is about the conservation of vidyadhara , returning their ability to reproduce to solve the problem of population , then i wonder how much power they have on their ship considering what happened to the luofu's high elder... needless to say , ytj as we know right now is characterized to be something of a scholar and researcher + encourages scholarly and creative pursuit so i can imagine that zhuming residents arent tied too much with tradition . they're an ever evolving tech hub and they need to be, as the heart of the alliance's weaponry and goods production
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qiulong · 4 months
ive been obsessed over a goddamn dragon we know NOTHIGN about outside of readables and the vidyadhara lore vids. anyways if u wanna know things about yanyan just turn ur bluetooth on and pair it with my brain so u can download the information i have directly into ur brain
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qiulong · 4 months
↪   𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑮𝑶𝑶𝑫 𝑷𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝟒 .   (  a  collection  of  sentence  starters  originating  from  s4  of  the good place .  adjust  phrasing  as  necessary .  )
wow .  just  …  wow ,  it’s  perfect .
you  know ,  let’s  keep  this  moving .
reading  lights !  i  love  reading  lights .  they  are  …  great  for  reading .
it  wasn’t  even  as  bad  as  i  thought .
who  cares  if  he  doesn’t  remember  me ?
wait ,  i  need  to  say  something .
you  NEEDED  to  say  that ?
i  believe  that  we’re  destined  to  succeed .
with  this  team ,  there’s  no  problem  we  can’t  solve .
there’s  no  problem  we  can’t  create .
i  think  you  look  great .
i  know  this  can  be  a  little  overwhelming ,  but  you’ll  get  used  to  it .
okay ,  forget  about  all  of  that  stuff .
none  of  this  is  real .
clearly  i  was  in  some  kind  of  horrible  accident .
i’m  just  gonna  wander  around  until  i  wake  up  or  die .
[ name ] ,  look  what  my  brain  did !
it’s  not  real ,  &  neither  are  you !
i  feel  like  you’re  trying  to  get  under  my  skin .
i .  will .  destroy  you .
we  can’t  wait  any  longer .
stupid  ethical ,  reasonable  argument .
are  you  still  muttering ?
the  human  mind  is  truly  incredible .
you  don’t  need  to  justify  it .  again ,  i  do  it  all  the  time .
his  eyes  were  really  mean .
i  was  scared  [ name ]  was  trying  to  slide  into  your  DM’s .
i  don’t  like  being  scared ,  it’s  scary !
where’s  your  shirt ??
when  you  get  back  here ,  you  won’t  be  anything .
you  will  do  nothing  of  the  sort ,  mon  ami .
that  wasn’t  my  fault ,  i  was  texting .
that  is  so  embarrassing  for  you .
are  you  listening  to  me ?
guys  like  this  believe  the  world  revolve  around  them .
maybe ,  as  a  bonus  …  he  cries  like  a  stupid  little  baby .
hey  .  ..  hey ,  can  i  ask  you  something ?
you  have  no  control  over  your  own  impulses .
give  her  some  space .
sure .  i’m  pretty  interesting .
look ,  i’ve  had  my  share  of  disappointments .
okay ,  well .  back  to  the  drawing  board .
we  need  to  bust  him  open  like  a  pinata .
it’s  our  only  move ,  &  we’re  doing  it  tomorrow .
this  chaos  is  clearly  all  about  me .
this  is  the  universe  telling  me  we  don’t  belong  here .
walk  me  through  this ,  i’m  not  sure  i  follow .
figure  it  out  -  get  back  to  me ,  okay ?
i’m  gonna  go  punch  a  wall  with  my  head .
it’s  possible  we  need  a  new  team  leader .
think  about  what  you’re  saying ,  here .
go  ahead ,  speak  your  mind .
i  didn’t  ask  for  this !
[ name ]  can  be  in  charge ,  since  she’s  so  smart .
listen ,   all  we  need  is  a  bouncy  house ,  some  ninja  stars  &  a  bunch  of  ambulances .
did  you  get  it  all  out  of  your  system ?
you  don’t  just  get  to  quit  this ,  [ name ] .
the  things  that  are  happening  here  are  above  my  paygrade .
i’m  not  meant  for  this !   i’m  not  the  freakin’  savior  of  the  universe !
everything  i  do  blows  up  in  my  face .
this  conversation  must  remain  confidential .
[ name ] ,  um .  please  just  let  me  talk .
i  asked  you  to  give  me  some  space .
being  with  you  is  fun  but  it’s  not  always  easy .
why  don’t  we  just  take  a  break ?
you  tricky  devil !  very  clever .
why  did  i  come  up  with  this  idea ?   this  is  gonna  hurt  real  bad .
everyone  has  people  that  they’re  cosmically  bound  to .
i  thought  it  was  prudent  to  let  you  know .
oh  boy !  i’m  getting  a  stomachache .
to  be  fair ,  i  only  think  that  cause  it’s  true  &  i’m  right .
if  none  of  this  is  real ,  then  it  really  shouldn’t  matter .
what ?  none  of  this  is  real .  it  doesn’t  matter .
i  mean ,  what  do  you  have  to  lose ?
it’s  arguable  that  you  made  an  even  bigger  sacrifice .
come  on ,  bud ,  i  know  you’re  down  but  you  can’t  leave  me  hanging .
must  be  nice ,  [ name ] .
i  have  a  ton  of  experience  making  ex-boyfriend’s  lives  miserable .
judge  me  if  you  want ,  i  get  results .
i  just  feel  like  i  need  this .
you’re  allowed  to  feel  a  little  angry .
we  have  a  lot  of  work  to  do .
anyone  interested  in  a  status  report ?
you’ll  have  to  trust  me ,  this  is  a  huge  step  in  the  right  direction .
it’s  been  a  tough  couple  weeks .
your  time  begins  NOW .
sorry ,  i  was  just  trying  to  figure  out  where  to  start .
let’s  clear  our  brain  …  watch  a  movie ?
whoever  you  are ,  show  yourself .
what  do  you  want ,  creep ?
[ name ]  i  need  to  speak  with  you  alone .
sit  there  quietly  until  we  sort  all  this  out .
[ name ] ,  you  have  to  believe  me .
i’m  gonna  make  [ name ]  think  i  don’t  trust  you .
i  like  the  way  you  think ,  [ name ] .
if  you’re  a  devil ,  how  come  you’re  not  wearing  prada ?
what  are  you  gonna  use  it  for ?
if  you  ever  wanna  talk ,  just  know  i’m  here  for  you ,  girl .
i  just  feel  like  i  made  the  world  a  little  bit  worse .
starting  over  sounds  exhausting .
we  have  to  start  over .
there’s  literally  nothing  i  can  say  that  will  make  you  realize  i’m  really  me .
i  wish  i  were  saying  this  in  difference  circumstances ,  but  …  keep  it  sleazy .
sometimes  the  only  thing  a  bully  understands  is  a  punch  in  the  mouth .
sorry ,  i  should’ve  told  you  -  i  just  decided  to  stay  home .
so ,  what’s  my  first  clue ?
oh  no  …  oh ,  that’s  not  good .
this  part  of  your  plan  seems  risky .
this  wasn’t  part  of  the  plan .
you  made  things  difficult  in  a  new  way ,  but  i  can  make  it  work .
i’m  just  not  a  new - experience  kind  of  guy .
my  comfort  zone  is  the  size  of  …  that  chair .
do  you  trust  me ,  [ name ] ?
you  had  this  the  whole  time ?
you  told  me  i  should  wait ,  so  i  did .
i’m  not  scared  of  you .  because  i’ve  gone  there ,  [ name ] .
i  can’t  believe  i  almost  missed  all  this .
hey ,  you decided  to  come  after  all !
you  got  through  it .  i  almost  ruined  it  a  hundred  times .
when  i  said  ‘ throw  a  party ’  i  didn’t  mean  a  pity  party !
i’ve  had  to  scrape  &  claw  my  way  through  life .
you  never  learned  to  think  on  your  feet !
i  want  to  learn  how  to  do  something  meaningful .
that  must’ve  been  hard  for  you  …  to  go  back  there .
i  don’t  like  to  think  about  who  i  used  to  be .
almost  everything  i  do  i  do  without  thinking  or  worrying  what  will  happen .
let’s  dance ,  baby .
ugh !  can  you  just  skip  to  the  end ?
just  tell  me  how  they  screwed  up ,  &  put  me  out  of  my  misery .
this  feels  like  some  sort  of  goodbye .
how  was  that ?  did  i  cheer  everyone  up ?
face it ,  [ name ] ,  you  lost .
people  improve  when  they  get  external  love  &  support .
you’ve  already  given  me  so  much .
earth  is  cancelled .
it’s  not  two  of  us ,  it’s  all  of  us .
step  one ,  get  a  plan  …  step  two ,  do  the  plan .
if  we’re  gonna  pull  this  off ,  we  need  [ name ]  back .
you  think  that’ll  go  well ?
everything  always  has  to  be  your  way !
how  dare  you  bring  that  up  again ?
every  problem  has  an  answer .
not  that  old  story ,  it’s  so  embarrassing -
we  have  to  break  up .
why  are  we  together ?
where  i’m  from ,  most  things  blow  up  eventually .
by  the  way ,  i  wasn’t  cheating  before  …  or  eavesdropping  just  now .
this  has  been  fun ,  as  always .
there’s  a  real  possibility  that  i’m  in  love  with  you .
if  soulmates  do  exist ,  they’re  found .  not  made .
turns  out  life  isn’t  a  puzzle  that  can  just  be  solved  one  time  &  it’s  done .
can  you  give  me  a  second ?
i  don’t  know  if  i’ll  see  you  again ,  or  …  what  i’ll  remember  if  i  do .
the  words  are  nice ,  but  the  tone  is  scary ?
i  know  you .  &  i  love  you .
eventually  we’re  gonna  be  together  forever .
it’s  better  we  just  rip  the  band-aid  off .
forgive  me  if  i’m  a  little  skeptical .
i  had  a  lot  of  time  to  think .
if  things  are  going  to  change ,  i  have  to  change  along  with  them .
i’m  an  artist ,  which  means  …  it’s  my  job  to  be  scared .
oh  no ,  i  knew  it .  you  hate  me  now .
you  essentially  had  to  raise  yourself .
okay ,  so  …  you  still  love  me ?
yeah ,  we’re  very  different ,  but  we  already  knew  that !
there’s  no  one  else  i  wanna  be  with .
what  do  you  want  from  me ?!
i  know  you’re  upset ,  you  have  a  tell .
i  don’t  see  any  version  of  eternity  where  you  don’t  get  bored  of  me .
this  is  not  working ,  you’re  bad  at  this .
wow ,  same  old  [ name ] .
first  of  all ,  you  know  what  …  uh ,  shut  up !
honestly ,  [ name ] ,  i  don’t  know  what’s  to  become  of  you .
i’m  sorry  i  said  that ,  before .
she  knows  you  &  loves  you ,  &  that’s  all  that  matters .
against  all  odds ,  i  know  what  you  mean .
i’m  sorry  that  i  kicked  you  out .
it  wasn’t  about  you .
i’m  not  gonna  let  myself  be  degraded  by  you  again .
i  took  you  for  granted ,  &  that  was  wrong .
i  can’t  have  any  of  your  dingleberry  stink  on  me .
so ,  uh .  i  was  being  stupid .
i  thought  i  got  rid  of  you .
my ,  my ,  my  …  we’ve  got  some  history ,  don’t  we ?
it’s  real  this  time ,  i  promise .
might  as  well  do  some  traveling .
[ name ] ,  i  have  been  training  for  this  day  my  entire  life .
what  time  is  it ?
i  made  dinner !
real  talk ,  it  didn’t  go  great .
i  could  never  forget  you .
remembering  moments  with  you  is  the  same  as  living  with  them .
can  you  just  remember  the  happy  times  &  forget  the  bad  stuff ?
you  are  my  role  model .
you  have  a  rockin’  bod .
don’t  sell  yourself  short ,  [ name ] .
[ name ] ,  i’m  gonna  miss  you .
i  don’t  want  to  leave  you ,  but  i’m  …  ready  to  leave .
i  was  alone  my  whole  life .  i  told  myself  i  liked  it  that  way ,  but  i  don’t .
i  like  being  with  you .
meet  you  at  the  restaurant ?
i  owe  it  to  you  to  let  you  go .
i  was  never  good  at   being  sad .
none  of  this  is  bad .
i  need  you  to  do  me  one  last  favor .
say  goodbye  to  me  now ,  &  leave  before  i  wake  up .
your  system’s  working  perfectly .
thank  you  so  much ,  [ name ] .
care  to  join  me  for  a  bit ?
the  true  joy  is  in  the  mystery .
do  you  mind  if  i  stay  here  until  you’re  gone ?
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