qingxin-anon · 10 months
Summary: A sister has gotta do what she gotta do. Slight dark undertones, implied stalking, very mild yandere behavior? But could be read as fluff or dark comedy, but questionable. Kinda dumb-
Why do I imagine Lynette being the pushy and bickering sister-in-law in support of her dear brother who hasn't cared to mention that you are partially still a stranger? And he hasn't gotten the chance to even introduce himself? But, he's a little shy and head over heels and implementing subtle tactics to bring you in.
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"Do you care for a trick?"
You've heard it before, and though you never believed in magic or magicians you turned around to see the young man bowing his hat, a hand behind his back, and an elegant posture.
Magicians are but clever in deceiving and trickery, concealment, and whatnot. You could list a few more.
However, in favor of answering his voice, you speak up, "Oh no, thank you." The least you could do was smile and walk away, and you were going to until he stepped an inch and insisted, "Please just one trick?" he pleaded with his eyes this time.
You looked away, dealing with persistent people never went well in your case so you nodded, and he grinned big. Sighing and whining internally, you fold your arms and watch him reveal the insides of his hat, you've seen it done many times.
"Don't blink!" he playfully cautioned.
You dare not.
He examined you for a brief moment then pulled out a picture from the empty hat, and quickly handed it to you with a wide smile. You had been expecting a rose or something that symbolizes passion, or love. But not what you were seeing.
A hazy picture of black and white with a figure whose face resembled a ghost. It was an eerie sight to witness first thing in the morning.
"What... What is this?"
"Oh, did I hand you the wrong one?" he feigned innocence leaning over and taking a peek, "Oops!! My apologies, even magicians make mistakes!!" he exclaimed, stealing the picture out of her hand and replacing it with a ticket instead.
"As an apology, please accept this free ticket to my magic show this evening, I would love to see you there!" and then, he vanished into the alleyway.
You did not give much thought to the incident and went on your day, the ticket at the bottom of your pocket forgotten and missed. Cruel or sad may it be, you had no business being someplace you didn't want to.
It would have stopped there normally.
But it didn't...
"Oh!! Hello there!" It was his voice again you heard on the streets, he wasn't alone this time, "I must have freaked you out with my wrong trick, I figured that's why you didn't come to my show." Faking ignorance seemed harsh so you ceased your doing and glanced at the twins, you wanted it to be swift and stress-free.
"Not really, I was busy with work and I'm not a fan of crowds, Sorry I couldn't attend it." his sister had been staring long and fiercely, an odd sibling you assumed and acted, "I hear it was marvelous, the show you put up, people are still talking about it."
"You liar." That's the first thing you heard from his sister standing by his side, glaring and throwing knives into your chest, not literally but your heart did skip a few beats.
And strangely, it seemed to agitate the magician more than you. "Ha-ahaha! She just likes to tell jokes, don't mind her!"
"Oh... Uh, I see."
The conversation had turned sour, and none of you spoke a word or met eyes if it hadn't been for the young man, you would have been stuck in the silence for much longer.
"Um... We were heading to get dessert, you should come with us." he offered, friendly-toned and cautious of how he was being viewed, Despite the kind suggestion, you would rather decline than take harmless risks.
"Thanks... But--"
"Just shut up and come with us already. You have nothing to do tonight we know."
If the earlier comment hadn't affected you, it did now. Sadly for you, his sister wasn't done yet and took a step forward to point an accusing finger at you, as if you had gone and killed someone dear to her and laughed it off in her face.
"Do you even know how sad my brother was when you didn't come to his show? You should be sorry for what you're doing to him! Why are you causing him pain?!"
Perhaps, asking for no trouble invited it instead.
"You torment him with your moody strikes! And you have the guts to ignore him! How dare you tear apart my brother's heart and act as if you're this kind lady who doesn't hurt-"
"Lynette!!!" Confusion couldn't dare to describe how you were feeling, the scene looked like a family quarrel, and you weren't even a part of it.
You felt like a wife scolded by her sister-in-law. Would saying anything work to quell the tension brewing in the air or even the eyes watching them? If you had to make a bet, the people were having the time of their lives watching the drama unveil.
"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow... I've never really talked to your brother-"
"You're coming with us!!" The only thing left for her to do was drag you there herself, that would be humiliating.
You felt like a part of the family alright.
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
[𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡'𝙨 𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙗𝙪𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙙𝙖 𝙥𝙤𝙥𝙨]
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𝘗𝘙𝘖𝘔𝘗𝘛: 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘫𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘶𝘢𝘯
g/n reader
: both jing yuan and reader are young children here, jing yuan is pining (ineffectively) at the reader
: approximately 465 words (chat gpt said so)
Jing Yuan is late again. At this point, it is a familiar routine: he'd run in with sweat beading up at his forehead- Jingliu would throw a faded hankie at his face, urging him to wipe it off with a glance before nagging at him- "what's your reason this time?" "Did you oversleep?" "Did you go to eat your breakfast at Mr Zhang's store again? The queue is too long there. Go eat at the canteen instead- you children are too whiny about soldier rations."
The truth is, Jing yuan never oversleeps and he always skips breakfast. It isn't a military regime he put himself on at all, no. If Jingliu knew that the brat in front of him was skipping breakfast, she would order the senior guards to eat breakfast with him. He would have to suffer from indigestion for the next few weeks (the senior guards adores picking on the apple-cheeked boy) until Jingliu is finally convinced that the brat will listen.
But he won't ever listen because Jing Yuan has a long route to take that he can't afford to miss. Your route. Well, not your route. It's the route through Cloudford. For context: where Jingliu expects him to be at every dawn is miles away. But this lovesick boy remains stubborn, he travels the route to Cloudford with a boyish grin- a blush would bundle up at his round cheeks when he spots you in your familiar attire, your uniform stained with food crumbs from your rush.
"[Name]! Wait up!" And when you do stop, a pretty sight is granted to you- perhaps a morning call from the Eons? There's no way anyone can remain nonchalant and sleepy at the sight of this messy haired, toothpaste decorated face, "Are you heading to class? I heard that your Master brought over some swords he specifically commissioned from the Artisanship Commission! I saw! Let me spoil you in a bit of the fun- one of them is fully jaded, and another-"
He definitely rushed to see you.
"Shouldn't you be going to yours? Miss Jingliu would kill you if she knew that you're all the way at Cloudford right now, Jing Yuan."
His eyes crinkled from the widening of his smile at the call of his name, "She'll survive! Let me walk you there-"
"Jing Yuan. Your cloud knight training?"
Oh eons, did you not hear his plead this morning? Jing Yuan turned slowly, adjusting his attire- trying not to slouch in fear. Getting scolded in front of the other Cloud knights is not as embarrassing and as tear-jerking as it is in front of you. Not to mention, his master knows all the grimy details under his sleeves.
And there she was, in her glory- her sharp eyes piercing his through one strike. He bends over immediately, face apologetic- catching glimpse of your smiling face, clearly amused by the scene taking place in front of you.
"You have toothpaste on your face, boy," Jing Yuan's face flushed red at the newly learned information. Ah crap, did you see that? He glances at your face briefly- yeah, you definitely did. Curse his heart- he was so excited to talk to you he stumbled at basic cleanliness.
"I think it makes him cute, you shouldn't have told him, Miss Jingliu," You hum. You are one of the few unaffected by the intimidation his master poses- your frequent rendezvous with Jing Yuan hyper-exposed you to Jingliu's more reasonable sides.
"[Name], go to class. Your master is waiting for you," Jingliu turns to him, and he immediately regrets not shifting his gaze down at his feet earlier," As for you," she waits for you to go, "Confess soon. I don't want to keep chastising you on your... inconvenient hobbies."
A smile blooms at his face at that.
"Yes Master! Duly noted!"
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
Thinking about sleeping beside kunikuzushi for the first time. He watches you so intently as you make your bed, hugging the pillow you gave him tightly to his chest.
kunikuzushi who stands there as you get settled onto the bed, not bothering to move until you look over and pat the spot beside you, ushering him to sit.
kunikuzushi who put on the change of comfortable clothes you gave him but doesn't take off the gift tethered around his neck as he idly caressed his finger over the iridescent feather.
kunikuzushi who's so delighted when you allow him to blow out all the candles, the flames twinkling in his night colored eyes.
kunikuzushi who continues to sit up while you lay down, content on watching whatever you're doing even after you closed your eyes
kunikuzushi who jumps at the sound of your voice when you catch him staring and ask him why isn't he going to sleep.
kunikuzushi who... is afraid of falling asleep, fearing that something bad would happen. What if he cries and you find him pathetic and useless? What if he opens his eyes to find you've abandon him? What if—
kunikuzushi who freezes when you cup his neck, running your thumb over the curve of his chin as your sleepy eyes gazed up at him. He blinks away the mist in his eyes, swallowing the fears so deeply sown into his chest as he nods.
kunikuzushi who slowly grabs your hand, weaving his fingers with yours as he lays on his side facing you.
kunikuzushi who waits until you're completely asleep so he can curl up against you, his lashes fluttering down as he recounts the wonderful day he had with you.
kunikuzushi who finally falls asleep, knowing you'll be there in the morning. Unconsciously, his mouth quirks into a content smile, his mind wondering off to the thought of cooking you breakfast, to prove how useful he is and as a thank you for staying with him so long.
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
🎮 behind the lens !
a social media streamer au | scaramouche x gender neutral reader
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synopsis - you, better known as STARDUST, and BALLADEER have always been in competition for the top streamer spot on twitch, which is especially impressive since the two of you have never shown your faces. you’ve never been on good terms, constantly one-upping each other in matches and getting into petty arguments on twitter, causing your fans to also dislike each other. that’s until BALLADEER does a face reveal that breaks the internet with his good looks…which makes you realize it’s the same guy you went on a date with last night. the type of date that made you crave to see him again. the only problem was he didn’t know you were STARDUST and he was way different behind the lens than he portrayed himself online to you. should you keep your identity a secret to salvage the relationship or just let him go?
genre - enemies/rivals to lovers, streamer and youtuber au, college setting, crack, slight angst
status ongoing, chapters tba, no update schedule
warnings time stamps don’t matter, characters including y/n are portrayed as young adults, mentions of alcohol
sideships xiao x aether, kazuha x heizou
taglist CLOSED!
↳ playlist
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↳ stardust and friends | balladeer and friends
ACT ONE: raiding your heart !
01. kicking my feet and giggling
02. beat my ass
03. get out of my notifications
04. id donate for nudes
05. pls be ugly
06. now wait a damn minute
07. throwing up and crying
08. do you get deja vu
09. would you love me if i was bald
10. passenger princess
11. would you bark for me
12. breaking my silence
13. caught in 4k
ACT TWO: you’re live !
14. he’s cheating on us?!
15. damage control
16. chat going crazy
17. breaking character
19. drowned cat core
bonus — heizou’s theory
20. twitch con
21. city of love
22. he who must not be named
23. and there’s only one bed
24. how to get akumatized 101
25. a glimpse of us
26. the ship has sunk
27. best of both worlds
28. something in the water
ACT THREE: cut the camera !
29. gatekeeping the sexy
30. show yourself
31. hold on i’m processing
32. tba
33. please leave a message after the tone
34. you’re so fucking stupid
35. co-op irl! that’s called hanging out
36. plot twist we’re dating
37. that should be ME!
bonus — fuck me like i’m famous 🔞
extra headcanons
stardust merch
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
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synopsis. A detective who searches for his supposedly dead parents and a nine-tailed fox who searches for their reincarnation of their loved one, somehow their fates intertwined and are now entangled together.
characters. detective!kazuha,, fox!gn!reader
genre. modern + abit fantasy au, reincarnation, fluffy, angst
author notes. this is inspired by tales of the nine tailed fox which is a really good series btw!!
taglist. feel free to send an ask or reblog this post asking to be tagged~!
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i. prologue
ii. tba
iii. tba
+ more!
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© winterrn1ght — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works!!
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
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♡ — Reader: GN
♡ — Characters: Kazuha, Scaramouche, Xiao
♡ — Synopsis: the first "I love you"
♡ — Content: fluff, light angst(?), injuries in Xiao's, Wanderer era Scara but I'm calling him Scaramouhce anyway because I can, established relationship
♡ — A/N: I can't do titles. I'm sorry. Please enjoy reading though!
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Ever the poet, KAZUHA has no qualms with expressing his affections through the most flowery of words. Piles upon piles of love letters stashed away in your nightstand's drawer are a testament to his feelings for you, and by simply reading them, you can tell that whenever he is away at sea, his wandering mind can't help but drift away from reality to the thought of you.
To cope with his longing, he writes. He weaves haikus out of meticulously-chosen words, painting vivid pictures of you in all your glory, confirming that distance truly makes the heart grow fonder.
However, despite his eloquent musings to you, Kazuha has never once said the three words that you have been waiting an eternity to hear. They're not quite as grandiose as Kazuha's intricate poems, but the meaning they hold for lovers is remarkable. The words "I love you" have the power to create new universes out of nothing, to place stars in an empty sky, and to make the mundane hues of the world a little more vibrant.
And that's precisely why Kazuha has held off on uttering that simple phrase for so long. He's acutely aware of its significance, so he wants to make your first time hearing it from him special. You mean everything to him, and in his eyes, you deserve nothing less than the best he can offer.
However, as Kazuha stares out at the sunset over the sea with you by his side, those three words run rampant within the depths of his restless mind. His hand rests on top of yours as you watch the last rays of daylight paint streaks of bubblegum pink and marigold orange across the vast canvas of the sky. He feels his heart pounding as he catches a glimpse of you in the dying light of the sun. He nearly forgets how to breath. You're ethereal.
It is a magical moment spent in an irrefutably elysian place, and when Kazuha leans his head against your shoulder, he realizes that it's finally time to break the wall and speak the clause that you have been dying to hear.
He feels at ease with you. You are the one who brightens his day. You are a home for him to return to after his voyages across Teyvat. You are the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with. So with that epiphany in mind, Kazuha softly whispers your name to garner your attention. When you turn your head to glance at him, Kazuha finally allows himself to confess his sincerest sentiments.
"Forgive me for speaking these words in what seems like a moment of impulsivity," he starts, averting his gaze slightly to obscure the rosy tint dusting his cheeks, "but the truth is, I've kept them to myself for far too long." Kazuha pauses and takes a deep breath, composing himself before he utters the last of his thoughts. "You mean the world to me, dove. I love you."
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Words of affection from SCARAMOUCHE are like breathtaking nights where meteor showers illuminate the skies above — rare, but they never fail to evoke a feeling of contentment within you. Scathing insults leave the tip of your lover’s sharp tongue more often than not, making affirming phrases expressing his infatuation with you feel like luxuries. You try not to take it to heart — after all, you know him well enough to see through his harsh act and realize that despite his mean attitude, Scaramouche adores you more than anyone else.
Instead of acting as though you are nothing to him like he does with the countless masses of people he views as worthless, your lover actually gives you the time of day ⁠— sharing surprisingly lighthearted conversations with you during stolen moments and seeking your company whenever he has free time. He reprimands you whenever you injure yourself or find yourself in a dangerous situation, but instead of sounding angry, the hidden breaks of his voice betray his fear.
The way Scaramouche comes back to you time and time again is enough to prove that he is deeply enamored with you. His fragile puppet heart, full of cracks and fissures, has been entrusted to you, and you have long since vowed to yourself that you will do everything in your power to protect it.
But no matter how much faith your lover places in you, he still can't seem to shake off his fear of rejection, and after all the heartbreak and abandonment he has faced throughout his life, you can't blame him. He has never spoken the words "I love you" because he is afraid of letting you in, lest you break him by leaving him all alone like everyone who has come before you.
In some ways he feels caged. He can't bring himself to stop loving you, the only one who is able to alleviate his pain and make him feel human, but he can't bring himself to directly convey his love for you out loud either. His dilemma causes a feeling of guilt to steadily build within him. He knows that the only way to free himself from his prison of illusions is to tell you what you mean to him, but he’s still not ready.
Sometimes he almost resents you for making him feel so conflicted, but now, gazing upon your sleeping form lying on the couch within the living room of your house, Scaramouche feels nothing short of pure adoration and wonder. He has been busy helping Nahida over the past few days, so he has been returning home late each night. However, you wait for him every time without fail. Scaramouche finds it almost bizarre that you’re still capable of treating him with such care and attentiveness after having to put up with his feeble displays of affection, but he’s not complaining, rather, he is touched by your willingness to stay with someone like him.
Indigo pools filled with moonlight collected straight from the tranquil atmosphere of the night scan the room for a blanket. When your lover finds what he is looking for, a quilt that appears as though it has been dipped into a pot of melted rainbows, he drapes it over over your frame. After ensuring that the icy fingers of the midnight air won’t cause you any discomfort, Scaramouche simply stares at you. His eyes soften as he leans closer toward you.
"This is absurd," he whispers to himself before placing a chaste kiss on your forehead. Is he seriously talking to you while you're asleep as if you'll hear him? Love has surely bewitched him. "But… thank you for everything. I love you."
He tests the phrase out as stars dance overhead, rejoicing his ardour-filled declaration of devotion. As he observes your sleeping face, he decides that the words just feel right when he directs them at you. Under the dim glow of the all-seeing moon, Scaramouche finally gathers up the courage speak the truth, and he hopes that perhaps one day, he will be able to tell you all that he feels under the light of the radiant sun.
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Despite his blunt and cold exterior, XIAO is a fair lover. He will hear you out whenever you have something to say, and he is willing to negotiate with you if the two of you have differing views. However, there is one thing that he will never compromise on: your safety.
So when you seemingly disappear into thin air right under Xiao's nose without warning him first, he can’t help but feel uneasy. You know how much he hates not being able to protect you, so you never fail to tell him where you're going. This is entirely unlike the you that Xiao has grown to adore.
In spite of his misgivings, your lover tries his best to remain undeterred. He wants to believe in your ability to stay out of danger, and deep down, he's aware that you're not completely helpless. However, he can't quite shake the feeling of apprehension that tells him that something isn't right.
His worst fears are confirmed when he hears a desperate cry of his name rushing on the wayward wind. It's you. A shiver runs down his spine as his blood turns inexplicably cold.
You're in danger. You need him. Now.
Without hesitation, he follows the sound of your voice, which leads him to you. As he rushes to find you, adrenaline begins to course through his veins, and his troubled heart pounds frantically, threatening to leap out of his chest.
When Xiao arrives on the scene, his amber eyes widen as they lock on your form. You are slumped against a tree, panting heavily. Nothing but your laboured breathes can be heard in the empty clearing that you are sitting in. It's eerily quiet. The dissonance created by your pitiful state and the serene atmosphere feels disturbing.
Once your lover overcomes his initial shock, he wastes no time in making his way over to you. He sees the way you lift your head as you hear the sound of grass rustling under his footsteps. Xiao breathes a sigh of relief when he realizes you're lucid enough to take note of his presence.
"Why are you here?" Xiao asks you in a grating tone as his eyes scan your body. A subtle flame of poorly-concealed rage springs to life as he notices beads of crimson spilling out of a nasty gash etched across one of your legs. Torn fabric surrounding the wound is dyed shades of red by your blood. You're hurt.
"What happened?" he demands when he is met with silence.
"Ran into a ruin hunter," you tell your boyfriend between desperate gasps of air. Each ragged inhale wracks your body, and Xiao notices your eyes beginning to droop of their own volition. "I'm — I'm fine though." A frown paints itself across Xiao's face as he hears your words.
"Don't lie," he snaps, making you flinch. A small sliver of guilt lodges itself within his heart, but he does his best to ignore it. "You're injured," he says as he runs his fingers along your leg. He feels you shiver under his touch and immediately pulls back.
"Alright, I'm sorry," you manage to breath out, averting your gaze so that you're not staring straight into Xiao's honeyed irises that seem just a touch too cold at the moment. You take a second to regain your composure before speaking again. "I should have told you where I was going but," you start, hesitant to tell Xiao what you had been doing.
"I was picking flowers for you, and I wanted to surprise you," you finish sheepishly, reluctant to admit that you had gotten yourself injured over something as trivial as preparing a gift for your lover. When you muster the courage to glance at Xiao, you notice that his eyes have widened, and they appear to be filled with glimmers of regret. "I'm sorry if I worried you."
"You did all this for me?" Xiao seems shocked, but at the same time, his gaze softens. He freezes for a second before shaking his head. "I should be the one apologizing. I wasn't here to protect you."
You offer your lover a weak smile before opening your mouth to say, "I forgive you."
Xiao breathes out a sigh of relief before carefully picking you up. A comfortable silence settles between the two of you as Xiao carries you bridal style and starts walking in the direction of Wangshu Inn. As he looks down at you in his arms, he feels words forming on the tip of his tongue. He contemplates allowing them to leave his lips, and in a moment of weakness, he gives in.
"Next time, call out my name as soon as you find yourself in danger," Xiao tells you, breaking the hush that once hung in the air. You nod as you bury your head in the crook of Xiao's neck. "I'll be there because —" Xiao hesitates. However, when he thinks back to how the greedy hands of death were a hair away from taking you away from him, he finishes his sentence.
"Because I love you."
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I am definitely not biased toward anemo boys. Anyway, thank you for reading! Have a nice day :)
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
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♡ — Reader: GN
♡ — Character: Scaramouche
♡ — Synopsis: After all he has been through, Kunikuzushi finds it difficult to trust. However, a single push causes his indifferent façade to shatter.
♡ — Content: Scaramouche is referred to as Kunikuzushi, hurt/comfort, fluffy ending, nightmares, clingy Scara, vague spoilers for Scara’s backstory, established relationship (but it's in its early stages)
♡ — Word Count: 883
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Kunikuzushi has a strange tendency of edging his way around intimacy. He has his back to you each night as you fall asleep beside each other in your shared bed, and whenever you ask to hold him, he rejects your advances without hesitation.
Sometimes his words hurt. They drive venom-coated daggers into your fragile heart with the utmost precision, never failing to make you wince as the pain of your lover’s refusal sows seeds of doubt within your mind. However, after pursuing Kunikuzushi for what feels like eons, you know better than to take his harsh remarks at face value.
Deep down, he’s still afraid — afraid of love. Despite the fact that your gentle touches and reassuring words have acted as remedies to the illness that afflicts his heart, he still can’t help but fear losing you. Loving you just to lose you is the last thing he would ever want, so he keeps his distance, not ready to fully commit just yet.
There are still moments where he’s softer — showing the side of him that you have come to adore through touches as fleeting as autumn leaves and bashful compliments spoken in a voice as soft as a calm zephyr, but it always feels like there’s an invisible barrier that Kunikuzushi is too afraid to shatter. For now, you are nothing more than casual lovers, and while you are awaiting the day Kunikuzushi will finally break the wall and give you his entire heart, Kunikuzushi is trying his best to ensure that you won’t get too attached to him.
To him, the pain of abandonment is an old friend. It lurks in every shadow, every moment of silence, and every intrusive thought, perpetually bringing up the question of what he would do if you ever left him. He doesn’t want the hurt of your betrayal to sting, but above all, the feeling of being forsaken by someone you love is something he would never wish upon you.
So whenever he has to reject your requests to pull him close while you fall asleep, he reminds himself that he’s doing it for you. After all, if he stays away, then you’ll love him less, and if you love him less, then it won’t hurt as much when you inevitably part.
Despite his intentions, he is blind to the suffering that he is making you endure in the process. You, the innocent, courageous, and patient soul that somehow learned to love someone as abhorrent as him. If his heart was honest, he would admit that he wants nothing more than to keep you close to him, but Kunikuzushi cares not for verity in the face of loss.
However, everything changes one morning when you awaken to the feeling of breath tickling your skin. You feel arms wrapped around your waist and a comforting warmth pressed up against you. When you open your eyes, you feel as though the air is knocked out of your lungs by the endearing sight before you.
Your face is mere centimetres away from Kunikuzushi’s. His eyes are closed, and he looks as though he is suspended in a state of pure bliss. Sunlight tints his pale skin a golden shade, making him appear the liveliest you have ever seen him. It’s all breathtaking beyond measure, but what makes your heart seize up the most is the small smile that adorns his visage. It’s subtle — barely noticeable, but it’s there. He’s angelic.
Kunikuzushi begins to stir far too soon for your liking. You try your best to pull away, fearing rejection in spite of the fact that he is the one holding you, but to your surprise, Kunikuzushi’s grip tightens as he whispers a subdued, nearly-inaudible, “stay.”
He’ll never admit it, but he had a nightmare the night prior. Darkness spun of his deepest insecurities and anxieties tormented him for hours on end, and in the midst of it, all he could think about was how he needed you by his side. When he woke up, his first course of action was to frantically search for you. He only managed to calm his breathing and brush the strands of hair sticking to his forehead away after confirming that you were still beside him, sleeping soundingly without a care in the world.
After reliving his most distressing fears, he lets himself admit that the thought of you helps him overcome the worst of them. In you, he is able to find solace, even in the midst of perturbed moments, so he finally allows himself to succumb to his desires. 
Kunikuzushi breathes in your comforting scent as he buries his head in the crook of your neck and pulls you even closer to him. He closes his eyes, sighing contently as you make no move to get up or question him. The puppet now knows that in your presence, he can be his true self without fear of abandonment; you understand him — all his hopes, all his fears, and all his deepest wishes, so for the first time in centuries, he allows himself to trust.
As he drifts into an enchanting slumber filled with the most joyous of emotions, the tension in Kunikuzushi’s body alleviates ever so slightly. Everything feels like an exuberant dream when he is with you.
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I mostly speedran this, so I'm not 100% sure if it's decent. Thank you for reading, and please take care and have a nice day!
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
Streamer Luck 🍀
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Pairing: Wanderer x GN!Reader
Featuring: Wanderer (Genshin Impact)
Genre: Fluff, Modern AU
Summary: Streamer Wander drabbles lmao enjoy <33
Reader’s Pronouns: They/Them
Warning: wanderer (just brace yourself) bro is actually astronomically down bad, sorry id there’s any spelling or grammar mistakes i am delirious rn
Disclaimer: ⚠️ ONLY A WORK OF FICTION!
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i. ‘wym you’re not single and rotting in a basement?’
Wanderer has been playing for hours on end, you could barely keep up with it.
He hasn’t come out of his room for hours and you were starting to get worried about his appetite, and his emotional well being.
Because you were such a good and doting partner, you decided to make Wanderer’s fave dish, and deliver it to his room.
Knocking on his door, he lets out a brief hum, signaling that it was good to come in. Careful not to get to close to the camera, not wanting to reveal yourself to his audience just yet.
Chat noticed the presence of another person in the room, and immediately bombarding Wanderer with questions like “who tf is that???” and “where did they spawn from???”
“Darling you’ve been streaming for 6 hours, take a break and eat first okay? Just call me when you need anything else.” You state, trying to resist giving him a peck on the lips.
Your boyfriend pauses his game, looks at you, then chat, and decides to pull your waist to his level to give you not one peck, but multiple.
Taken aback but not at all surprised from your boyfriend’s sudden show of affection, you lean into the kiss, missing the feel of his lips on yours.
Chat absolutely EXPLODES when they saw that, but Wanderer did not give two shits, and decided to kiss your hand, while deeply looking into your eyes
“Thanks Honey, I’ll take a break and eat this, thank you so much for looking out for me :)”
“No problem darl, just come out when I call you for dinner okay?” “Yes honey” And with that you leave the room, leaving Wanderer with him and his chat
He scans the messages, multiple times he sees “SO DOWN BAD LMAOO” and “did u kidnap them or something to take are of you”
A little irked at chat, he angrily replies “No I am NOT down bad (he is) and NO I did not kidnap them. They’re my partner. Why is that so hard to believe?”
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ii. honey face reveal when?
Ever since you’ve made your existence known to Wanderer’s fan base they’ve been calling you Honey, mostly mocking him about the nickname he has for you. (they do find it cute tho fr)
They tell him to bring you into the stream more, saying that they missed your voice and your sweet personality, honestly they don’t give a fuck about him no more they just wanna see you
Wanderer gets annoyed (again, this man is always mad at his chat somehow), and says that he can’t force you to show yourself to them, which his chat respects.
“Also their sweetness and cuteness is for me only, not my fault that you guys are lonely and don’t have a partner. Imagine that, what a massive L” he says to his chat, and they start arguing with him again. (someone save his fan base)
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Seeing that your boyfriend’s fans really liked you, you decided to tell Wanderer that you’re finally comfortable with sharing your face to the internet, which he was really happy with. Because god he really wanted to show of the love of his life to the world, and smash it in their faces that only he could have you.
You suggest to him that you do a cute little baking stream together as your face reveal, and he couldn’t deny the adorable smile on your face while suggesting it to him, so of course he obliged.
While he was setting up the cameras and you were setting up the ingredients you felt really nervous, thoughts of ‘what if they don’t like me?’ plagued your mind, and Wanderer sensed your uneasy demeanor. He came up to you and gave you a kiss that meant ‘don’t be nervous honey, i’ll always be here for you.’
He turns the stream on and immediately people start to come in, surprised at the change of scenery.
‘Wanderer doesn’t live in his basement confirmed?!?!’ a TTS message read, and he gave the camera a glare
Chat immediately noticed you and started chanting “HONEY!” “OH MY GOD ITS HONEY FINALLY”
You gave a meek wave to the camera, still a bit nervous, but with Wanderer’s hand on your waist you knew you had nothing to worry about.
“Hello everyone,,,,I’m y/n, you probably know me as ‘honey’ and i’m…..wanderer’s partner” you say with small smile on your face, eyes turning into small slits
In conclusion, the stream was a success and chat was absolutely smitten with you.
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bonus: iv. Honey takes over the channel 😱
Now that you’ve gotten more comfortable showing yourself on stream, you sometimes played games with Wanderer too, like co-op in this game called Genshin or other games that allowed two person players.
Sometimes, you even started streams yourself whenever you wanted to share something to his audience, or get advice from them when you start a new game.
Wanderer of course sees these streams and he just has the lovey dovey-est smile in the world, you swear you saw his eyes turn into hearts.
Damn, his streamer luck is insane.
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
Hey, here’s a fun selfship game:
If some magical force made your f/o real, would your family approve of them?
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
Character(s). Xiao, Scaramouche, Kazuha x Reader (Separate, ofc). Mentions of Venti, Heizou, and Aether.
Synopsis. In which they keep on denying for having feelings towards you but then becomes hella possessive and gatekeeping experts when someone shows interest.
Modern AU!
Tsundere! Scara and Xiao, as usual, and Shy Kazu bebi.
NOT PROOFREAD, please don’t expect.
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Image Source: https://pin.it/2Rcqeh4
He’s just tolerating you.
Or so he says. But Aether always finds it amusing how you can pester Xiao from time to time and get out of it with just a sigh from the golden eyed lad.
Like today, for example.
- As an introvert, powernap at the university’s roof top is like a holy grail for Xiao. He treasures it so much that the moment the bell signifies lunch, he’ll dash out of the room in a heartbeat. His friends know better than to disturb him else they receive some icy words. But somehow, much to Venti’s amusement, Xiao let you crash his solace and talk his ears out on days that you feel like doing so. Pretty privileges. Venti thought, before gushing it out with their friend group.
Heizou tried to make him confess that he is head over heels for you. He just finds it so funny how Xiao keeps denying his very obvious crush on you. Come on, he’s pretty sure that he’s not the only one who notice how Xiao’s sharp eyes keeps drifting back to you every time.
“You don’t look at me like how you look at her!”
“No. It’s just that it hurts my eyes when I see you.”
It’s the talk of the group for like a week. How they would see Xiao being such a gentleman when you’re in the room, his patience longer than they’ve ever seen, and more.
“Just admit it lover boy. You simp for (name)” Scaramouche pointed out. A sinister thought playing in his mind.
-  “I told you, I don’t. She’s just much tolerable than the rest of our classmates” The questioned man rolled his eyes, not entertaining the idea because even if he does, he’s a hundred and ten percent sure that you’re not in love with him. “Well, if that’s true, I guess you wouldn’t mind if I go after her?” the indigo haired man piped, only to be met by daggers sent through Xiao’s eyes. Eerie silence filled the room until Scara raised his hands in the air, satisfied smirk decorating his lips, “I’m kidding.” (Much like what he had done in this one.)
“Thought so.”
This man is so obvious it hurts.
And also, he’s extra mean to you. He wants your attention babe, believe me.
“Hah! I can do that better. You suck.”, “What? Speechless because you’re so in love with me?”
No, it’s the other way around and HE KNOWS IT.
But like, you don’t believe his attitude towards you because his actions say otherwise.
- “You’re an idiot. Acting so high and mighty while being pathetically weak.” And then he proceeds to help you pick up the books that have fallen from your grasp and took the remaining ones on your arms to carry it himself.
- “Heh. You think he’s gonna like you back by helping him out? No way you’re uglyyy” “I don’t like him idiot. I have to do this, so he’ll pay me nice and good” you rolled your eyes and he sighs in relief.
He’s actually pretty close to you since you’re friends since middle school.
Venti and Heizou will call the two of you an old married couple because of the continues bickering. Of which Scara will return with disgusted look because no, He can’t have it get to him because he will lose you if he does.
But his friends know otherwise. They notice how careful the man when it comes to you, how observant he is when you’re involved, etc. And besides, Venti just feels it.
And Venti turns out right (again) when their group passed by two students who are obviously gushing over you and one of them spot Scara.
- “Just confess to (name)! You wouldn’t know until you try.” One of them says, and Scara’s ears perked up at the sound of your name. “But aren’t they like with that scary dude?” cue Venti and Heizou snickering in the background. This resulted to the two met gazes with them. Their knees tremble at the sight of your bestfriend. He’s usually playful eyes now dark and looming, and it’s directed at them.
“Yes,” he started menacing look present in his lovely, porcelain face. “they’re taken by the scary dude.”
The two ended up running and Venti and Heizou needs to be stopped by Aether for them to stop laughing.
“Hey scary dude. I thought you didn’t like her?” Vent teased, and Aether just sighed.
“Shut up”
Kaedehara Kazuha
This man is a gentleman you wouldn’t notice anything if you’re not as observant as Heizou.
He smiles so gentle with anyone, he talks with utmost respect, this guy right here is the epitome of prim and proper.
“But he’s always giddy when he’s talking to them” Heizou pointed out to Venti one day, to which the latter ended up agreeing to. Because now that he mentions it, Kazuha really seems so excited talking to you.
His eyes literally sparkles when you’re in the room, and his smiles are wider and brighter than usual when talking to you.
And in addition to that, Kaedehara Kazuha always go out of his way for you.
- “Kazuha?” The man turns to you, a tender smile immediately making its way to decorate his face, “Yes, (name)?”. “I made a (a dish with gourd in it). Would you like some?” And oh, the man will munch on it like it’s his most favorite thing on the whole Teyvat, only it’s not. He hates bitter gourd. But to make you happy? Give it all to him and he’ll eat it with the sweetest smile.
The lad also does everything in his capability to be near you. You need something from the cafeteria? He needs to buy something as well. You suck at this one subject? He’ll offer to teach you. You accidentally have no partner in light stretching for P.E? He, too!
But it seems like this fact hits Venti and Heizou earlier than him, as they can also see clear signs that Kazuha is not aware of his own feelings.
That’s why they took it to their own hands. They must help their friend in need you know! So, they did the most obvious thing one should do,
They asked him.
- “Zuhaa,” Venti piped in as Heizou placed his arms around Kazuha’s shoulder. “We’re wondering, do you perhaps fancy (name)?”. They received a soft chuckle from the lad. A very composed answer left his lips. “(Name) is certainly beautiful and wonderful individual,” he smiles and cleared his throat. Bashful and shy from his words, “But I am afraid I have to say no to you question.” The other two expected this. ALL they’re friends are like this, Kazuha is not the first one, so they know what to do. “Ohh That’s great!” Venti exclaimed, as if excited at the new found information before turning to Heizou, “You can pursue them then!”
Kazuha’s heart almost stopped at his friends’ words, so Heizou like you? Of course, he does. You’re beautiful and kind and gentle, and more. It’s only natural to like you. But he wants you! And words left his lips before he can keep it shut.
“No, they’re mine!”
Awe, the usually composed and collected Kazuha now red and ashamed of what he has done. The back of his hand failing miserably at trying to hide the red hue that painted his face down to his neck.
The other two looked at the outburst of their friend before erupting into laughter.
“Not if you don’t confess soon enough” Heizou said in between laughs and Kazuha sent him a sharp look. Face still beet red.
“Don’t do that again” he warned the other two, now caught up on their antics.
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
he makes you cry
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expl: he doesn't usually care about others' feelings, so how was he supposed to know what he did to you was mean?
a/n: appalled that this is my first time doing my favorite geo boy, appalled and ashamed; also exhausted this might not be my best work, requests sent will be fulfilled soon, i just need some rest! just got hired at a job that i went for an interview with today, so work will slowly be coming out later and later, sorry!
ask me anything
second-person writing no pronouns used, 2,818 words
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Xiao was not fond of caring about others' emotions, nor did it ever occur to him that he should care. He tried to keep his life as simple and as peaceful as possible because he deserved it after everything he went through before. Which was why he was so confused when someone would cry in front of him. Xiao never cried when times were hard, what made those salty tears escape human eyes so easily?
Most of the time, he never saw people cry, and if he did, he ignored it. That's how he was taught to deal with emotion, he'd ignore it.
It began when you were up in your room at the Inn, minding your business and trying to figure out how to make the woven bracelet that the Traveler had taught you. Frankly, it was pretty difficult, and when the Traveler was teaching you, you were so busy watching them that you never actually learned.
The hours were beginning to fly by and you could hardly make out the original pattern you were trying to replicate. Repeated failures over and over and piling yarn began to stack up on the bed next to you. It was when you had finally gotten it down to only mess up again because something distracted you was when you finally snapped.
Throwing the bracelet across the room where it rested under the table, streams of hot tears began to roll down your cheeks in frustration. You were doing everything right, why wasn't it working!
It happened to be the same time you were leaving your room when Xiao was strolling down the hallway. The two of you made eye contact and his eyes flew to where the tears were running toward the bottom of your neck. His eyes widened only a little bit and his mouth opened and closed like a fish only to not know what to say.
You also stood still and stared at him. Why? Maybe you were just waiting for him to comfort you or you were curious about what he had to say. But when it was clear that he'd keep gapping like a fish, you started to walk off again. Only for him to grab your wrist before you made it too far and pull you a bit toward him.
"Are you okay?" He asked in a soft voice, hardly making eye contact with you and finding his shoes on the floor more entertaining. It was shocking to see him show such concern in general, but you remembered why you were upset and started to ball again. Pushing yourself into his chest and crying warm tears into his shirt.
His hands fumbled on the sides of you for a while until he rested them softly on your hips. Awkwardly patting you in a form of reassurance he'd never shown anyone before.
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His face was pretty flat when you began to show signs of distress and sadness. Albedo was too focused on his experiment to even realize that something went wrong on your end. The sound of a beaker crashing to the floor sounded across the room, but he still kept looking forward, hardly hearing anything at all.
That sound kept up for a while, you were pretty sure you broke at least 5 beakers in the time it took for you to get them from the spare cabinet. It wasn't until the 6th beaker that you managed to catch did Albedo actually turn around to see what had happened.
His experiment seemed to be going fine, the color of the liquid sitting at the bottom of the beaker matching the picture right next to it perfectly. You sighed when you saw he had already beaten you to make the antidote.
"I don't know how you do it 'bedo. This one is probably the most difficult I've done." You said before wiping your forehead which was littered with sweat from how hard you'd been concentrating.
"Just try again, I'm sure you'll be able to complete it." He said, his encouraging words going little to no length and falling straight to the floor. It didn't help that the trashcan full of your previous broken beakers was so close. It was extremely discouraging to see how much damage you've caused just trying to learn how to brew the antidote.
Then Albedo took his leave, putting his things down when he realized the clock read 9 PM. Bidding you goodbye, he looked back one last time with his handle on the doorknob and spoke. "Humans sometimes do not carry the skill to complete such a difficult task, do not push yourself to do something you simply can't achieve."
And then the door shut. All you did was stare at where he previously had been, his words repeating in an endless loop shrinking infinitely into your mind.
"Huh?" Was all you said before a warm feeling rushed down your cheeks and landed on the toe of your shoes. Did he just call me stupid? You thought to yourself. The frustration you felt along with the fact that he just said that, caused a rush of salty tears to leave your eyes. Your eyelashes stuck together as tears mended them together.
You continued to stand there and cry, until the door opened again and the alchemist stuck his head back in the door, announcing he forgot something towards the floor. That was until he lifted his head up to see you standing there, crying. For once, he stood still and just stared at you unable to conjure any words for the scene he was witnessing.
The sniffles and the silent sounds of tears padding the floor were all that was making sound in the room. As Albedo continued to stare at you like the two of you were playing a game of freeze tag.
"I'm stupid aren't I 'bedo?" You said, which made him flinch when the sound of the nickname you gave him came out in a harsh and rude manner. "Too stupid to figure out the dumb potion because I'm just a mere human in your eyes."
"What're you talking about?" He said, with the quietest and most emotion-full voice you've ever heard him use. Albedo continued to step closer to you, almost as if he was never moving at all. When he finally did reach you, his hand brushed against your cheek and his eyes held so much concern it could fill up the sea.
"I don't think you're lesser than me, is this about what I said? I didn't mean it like that..."
You kept sniffling while looking at him, still stubborn for more than what he was giving you. His arms reached around you and held you close, something he often did when Klee would sob, which he learned from Jean.
The two of you stood like that for a while, until the blazing sun rested its eyes in the distance, and the sorrowful moon began to creep up the valley.
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"What is wrong with you??" Tighnari's harsh voice came out in a way you only heard once in a while. His irritated look glared at you from where you stood, all you had done was knock down a few books, but it looked like other things were really beginning to upset him.
You expected to greet the forest ranger and spend some time together, seeing as the both of you made those plans a while ago, but it seems that he was really busy with something that he was supposed to finish a while ago.
He whipped his head back to look at the beakers on the table, making a very loud and audible sigh at your appearance here. "I'm busy, so make another time for..." He waved his hands around dramatically and quick, "Whatever it was you were planning and leave me be."
You stood silent for a while, shocked that he was giving you such an attitude, but at the same time, you had no idea how to respond to what he said. So, you did just that and didn't respond, turning on your heels and leaving. Unfortunately, Tighnari didn't hear you leave and assumed you were still sitting there waiting for him like usual. So when he turned around and opened his mouth to address you and apologize, he stopped in his tracks to see you weren't there.
When you saw Tighnari again, it was actually just his voice you had heard and your eyes didn't flicker to see if it was actually him. Collei was holding some sort of dinner for the forest rangers in the area, to both thank them and congratulate her for beating Eleazar. But you finally did see him when it was too late, and you were bumping into the forest ranger with food in your hands.
A shocked gasp came out of your mouth till the echoed noise of a bowl rumbled onto the ground and crashed down, the food flying along with it. Your distressed state increased, and you immediately flew down to try and clean it up.
In fact, you were so busy trying to clean the bowl of food that had spilled over that you didn't even realize the forest ranger was standing behind you with his hands behind his back. Until the call of your name was repeated for the 3rd time, did you turn around to look at him, tears in your eyes from how frustrated you were?
Tighnari's eyes widened before he immediately dropped to his knees and put his hand on your shoulder for comfort. It shocked him to see you in such a vulnerable state, especially with how cheery you always seemed around him.
"What happened? Are you alright?" Tighnari said, before moving his eyes down to the food splattered all over the dirt. You didn't even realize how much helping out at the party would stress you out. As soon as Tighnari muttered the words are you alright, tears flooded out more and more as you tried to hide your face in your hands. Your shoulders and body shook with how much you were crying. Tighnari moved closer to you and shielded you with his body.
Not only did he treat you terribly before, but the first time he sees you in days, you were crying? His heart felt like it could break then and there. His hand came around your back to soothingly rub circles on it while you continued to sob. His ears even flattened a bit on his head in guilt.
When Collei had come around the corner to see the pasta salad splattered on the ground, and Tighnari hugging you with his tail between his legs. She smiled and sighed a bit, before walking away to leave you two be.
It felt like a long time while the two of you sat like that, his hand never stopping to rub your back. You finally pulled away to look at him and Tighnari rested his hand on your cheek in a comforting manner.
"I'm sorry I treated you like that, I was irritated and you came in at a bad time. I never want to hurt you." His guilt-written face and ears practically flattened to his head making your heart beat in a painful rhythm.
"You can make it up to me by helping me clean this up?" You said as a sly grin grew a little bit on your face. He smiled back and rolled up his sleeves to begin cleaning.
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Scaramouche was a mean boy, everyone knew that he had no filter and he acted as if he didn't care about anyone when in reality it was the exact opposite.
"You're pathetic!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, looking at your shocked expression and stance from across the room. You had just failed to do the task that Nahida assigned you again, and it seemed like the newly-found anemo holder was growing more and more impatient watching you fail over and over.
"Excuse me?" You spat back, clearly irritated with his outburst and pushiness. Scaramouche scoffed again before trailing over to where you were, Nahida watching the interaction from her desk.
"You've been doing it all wrong, and that pathetic idiot brain can't seem to comprehend that." His fingers flew a swift flick to your head, pushing you back a centimeter. "If you keep failing, shouldn't you be trying something else instead of pushing the same solution over and over? Moron."
His insults over and over were hurting, sure, but you were used to it. When you felt good. Right now, this was the last thing you needed after failing again and again. At one point you even glanced over at Nahida after failing and saw her face look a bit reluctant about your skills. Which increased your anxiety tenfold.
"I never knew someone could be so stupid. I even worked with morons every day in the Fatui, but none match up to how idiotic you are." Scaramouche just kept blasting insult after insult at you. What was with him today? Was he really that peeved you didn't wait for him in the morning to walk over here?
Moving aside and putting your hands up defensively, you made way for the prince and his smart brain. He moved in front of you and began looking down at what you were doing. It looked like Nahida was still working with you on Fermat's Last Theorem, which was an extremely difficult math equation, back in the 17th century. Scaramouche made a noticeable eye roll before sitting down to begin writing out how to solve it.
What he didn't see was your reaction to the last flinching insult he threw your way. He didn't witness the tears swell up in your eyes and he also didn't see you walk away and leave the sanctuary. Only witnessing your presence gone when he looked up to turn another sarcastic comment towards you. Scaramouche's eyes widened for a fraction of a second before looking around him to see where you went. He turned towards Nahida when he couldn't find you and she looked up at him before looking back down at her papers.
"Tsk, whatever." He pushed his seat back and sat up to leave, wondering what he should have for dinner instead of concerning himself with where you went. It wasn't until later in the evening when he saw you again, sitting back at the desk, not uttering an obnoxious sigh or an irritating "What does this mean??"
He eased himself over to you with his hands in his pockets before leaning behind your shoulder to see what you were doing. You were working on the problem again, but his copy of it was nowhere to be seen, that is until he looked towards the trash and saw his handwriting on the paper barely crumpled and resting near the top of the bin.
"You threw away my paper?" He said with irritation lining every letter. You kept writing though and paid him no mind. The silent treatment seemed to be really riling him up because he continued to berate you over and over as you sat there taking it and continuing to work.
It was only an hour later that it really started to bother him with you being quiet. Maybe what he said earlier was too harsh, he didn't really feel that bad, but if it meant you weren't going to speak to him then he had to do something.
Leaning over you again, he placed his hand on your upper arm, grabbing your attention from the unusual act. His eyes met yours and held the stare for a couple seconds before he spoke,
"I'm sorry." That was all he said.
You raised an eyebrow at him, before squinting your eyes in confusion and responding.
"Sorry for what..?" The sarcasm dripped from every syllable and landed on his fragile ego.
His eyes widened and he took his hand from your arm, frowning and shouting back,
"I don't repeat myself! Accept the apology I gave you."
"You're such a child, does saying sorry really hurt that bad?"
"You heard me!"
Your eyes rolled and you turned back to your paper as if you were going back to ignoring him, his eyes softened again and he grabbed your arm once more.
"I'm sorry I said those mean words to you. I didn't mean it, I don't like it when you leave without me and I don't like it when you're upset."
When he grabbed your arm, you didn't turn to face him again, but after hearing the words he spoke, you turned again with a smile on your face and leaned closer to his.
The blush was evidently growing the more you leaned in, and you could see his adam's apple bob with nervousness.
"I accept your apology Kunikuzushi."
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
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♡ — Reader: GN
♡ — Characters: Aether, Albedo, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Xiao
♡ — Synopsis: what is it like sitting next to them in class?
♡ — Content: fluff, high school AU, modern AU
♡ — A/N: classes were just better when I sat next to silly people. That's probably where I got the inspiration for this from. Have fun reading!
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AETHER is the living definition of overcommitment. He's quite popular among your peers, so it's only natural that people are queuing up to ask him to join their clubs. Unfortunately, he's a bit people pleaser, so he can never find the heart to turn them down. From music to volleyball, Aether is involved in almost every extracurricular that the school has to offer, and as his desk partner in history class, you begin to notice the toll it’s taking on him.
It shows in the way he's always late and gasping for air as he sits down beside you. It shows in the way he turns to you and tiredly waves at you each class, offering you a weak smile that makes your heart skip a beat. And it shows in the way his honeyed eyes droop as he fights the temptation of slumber, all while your elderly teacher's droning voice lulls him into a state of tranquility.
He's fighting a losing battle, and he knows it. Each time the boy gives in to his weariness and lays his head on his desk to inevitably drift into the realm of dreams, his expression softens. He looks so content. You can never muster the willpower to wake him up, so instead, you leave him be and diligently take notes to share with him once class ends. After all, even someone as busy as Aether needs to set aside some time to rest in their strenuous schedule. The dark circles under his eyes tell you all you need to know about the amount of sleep he gets.
But there's no way the frigid surface of the table he uses as a makeshift pillow is comfortable, so one day, on an impulsive whim, you offer up your shoulder as a headrest instead. Aether agrees gratefully, and from then on, the sweet boy leans against you as he rests. His warm breath sends tingles down your spine, and his soft hair tickles your skin, and although his proximity makes it harder for you to take notes, you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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ALBEDO, the boy who sits next to you in chemistry, is studious yet eccentric. He’s known for achieving nearly perfect grades by utilizing his unrivalled intellect, and he’s always the first person his peers go to for help with their schoolwork despite the fact that he’s rather introverted. As a result of his reserved demeanour, he almost never offers his aid to others first, but you’re the exception. 
Whenever you look as though you’re struggling, Albedo won’t hesitate to assist you. He almost appears a little too excited to talk to you, giving advice anytime he sees an opportunity to. It's gotten to the point where even your classmates have picked up on his eagerness to speak to you, and they have started speculating that the bright boy is infatuated with you. You can't deny the fact that the thought causes your heart to flutter, but you try your best not to get your hopes up, just in case your peers are mistaken.
Besides, Albedo is rather difficult to understand anyway, so it won't come as a shock if it turns out that his intentions are simply being misinterpreted. One example of said contradictory behaviour on Albedo's part has to do with his participation during lessons. Despite his stellar academic performance, he has a habit of zoning out whenever a topic doesn’t interest him. In those instances, you notice that he pulls out a sketchbook and flips to a page half-filled with doodles and begins to meticulously scrawl on the paper. Soon, snowy white is dyed shades of grey and black, undergoing a metamorphosis that transforms it into the finest of portraits. You’re always curious as to what Albedo is drawing, but you’re never able to catch a clear glimpse. Whenever you look his way, he hastily shuts the book, concealing its contents as if he is guilty of a crime.
Unbeknownst to you, the ocean-eyed boy beside you is doodling the one he is infatuated with: you. His feelings ebb into his sketchbook, and his art captures every dip and curve of your face, encapsulating all your radiance with immaculate precision. And yet, he never overlooks your imperfections either — with his pencil acting as a catalyst, he records them in great detail. Albedo is in love with every single aspect of you, even your flaws, which arguably garner more adoration from the boy than any of your other features because they make you distinct — the brightest star in a galaxy full of wonders. Perhaps one day, he will be able to show you his works, but for now, he is more than content with silently admiring you.
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Peculiarity is a trait best embodied by KAEDEHARA KAZUHA, the boy who sits next to you in English class. On the surface, he seems normal enough — although one could argue that he is abnormally pretty with his snowy white hair and eyes the colour of autumnal maple leaves. However, he is also strange in other ways. Six months of conversing with Kazuha have led you to the conclusion that he is most definitely odd, but not necessarily in a bad way.
Unlike most of your peers, Kazuha often appears to have his head in the clouds, daydreaming in a world that he has made entirely his own. There are times where he stares out the window, sighing wistfully as he gazes at the vivid azure sky overhead. On other occasions, he writes poems in the worn notebook he always carries around, hardly minding the way you look over his shoulder to get a glimpse of what he's writing. Most puzzling of all, however, is his tendency to absentmindedly stare at you in the middle of class. He doesn’t even have the shame to look away when you glance back at him. He just maintains eye contact and smiles at you, causing you to avert your gaze first.
Despite the fact that Kazuha is rather odd, he is still a polite and compassionate person. Whenever you allow him to proofread your assignments, he compliments your work in embellished words that bloom with praise, and he offers advice in a way that feels warm and genuine. You feel at ease with him — unafraid of being judged. However, sometimes guilt gnaws at you when you ask for Kazuha's help because he's always the one assisting you. He has nothing to gain, but he continues assisting you out of the kindness of his own heart.
That's why when Kazuha asks you to read over some of his poetry for the first time, you agree without hesitation. A quick scan of the page Kazuha directs you to causes you to raise your eyebrows. It's a love poem that is cryptically addressed to ‘the one I adore’. You can feel the affection Kazuha harbors toward the person mentioned in the poem just by reading it. When you ask Kazuha who it's for, he simply chuckles and asks if you like his poetry, effectively dodging your question. You decide to let him off easy and give him a half-hearted answer, pretending that you aren’t jealous of the person he likes.
Over the remainder of the year, Kazuha continues showing you his poetry and requesting input from you. Each time you read his impeccably-crafted works, you feel your heart race. His poems are spun from the stuff of dreams — sweeter than the cotton candy clouds that hang in the sky outside the classroom window.
Sometimes you like to entertain the idea that they could be for you, but you always shut the notion down before it can grow into a fully-developed thought, too insecure to believe someone as handsome and thoughtful as Kazuha could ever hold such feelings for you. 
When it comes time for the final English class of the year, you swear that you’ve read almost every form of poem in existence from sonnets to haikus to odes. On that particular day, you notice something different about Kazuha. He seems more fidgety than usual, and he has entirely lost his ability to zone out, instead becoming hyperaware of his surroundings. The smallest movements you make cause him to whip his head around to steal a glance at you.
You discover the reason behind his atypical behaviour at the end of class when he hands you a simple white envelope. When you open it, you find pages upon pages of poetry, causing you to experience a sudden epiphany.
The one he loved was you all along.
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Raiden Kunikuzushi — more commonly known as SCARAMOUCHE — is living proof that pretty privilege exists. At least, that’s what you believe.
He’s infuriating. No matter how abhorrent you find the way he treats his friends (who are honestly more akin to acquaintances), they never stand up to him. They simply allow Scaramouche to walk all over them. It's like he's put them in a trance with his breathtaking eyes, which are filled with starlight and tinted an indigo reminiscent of the awe-inspiring night sky.
But despite the fact that he is admired by many, his relationships are purely superficial. To his peers, he is nothing more than a sight for sore eyes, and that is what keeps the bitterness of envious sentiments from swallowing you whole. You’ll never be jealous of Scaramouche because his popularity stems solely from his looks. 
His situation evokes a feeling of pity within the depths of your soul. The notion of your contempt for the boy still remains ingrained in your mind, but you also can’t help but pity him.
Perhaps that is what pushes you to sit beside him in your physics class on the first day of school when you notice that he is all alone. You have your reservations, but the way Scaramouche is scowling makes you think he’ll explode out of sheer rage if you don't take action.
Things start off slowly. He doesn't speak to you at first. You simply see him glancing suspiciously at you in your peripheral vision, as if he believes you have ulterior motives. However, the awkward tension becomes too much for you far too quickly, so on a typical day of classes, you decide to take your chances and pass him a note in the middle of a lesson, asking him how his day was.
When Scaramouche first sees your note, he frowns. It almost appears as though he's in disbelief because someone has taken an interest in him rather than his looks. Nonetheless, he decides to entertain you and promptly responds to you, writing a reply underneath your message in impressively neat handwriting. This sparks a conversation. One instance of the two of you passing notes in class turns to two — and two to three until you and Scaramouche are discreetly conversing each class.
Your inconspicuous discussions with Scaramouche lead you to learn more about him as a person. Whereas before you thought he was just a shallow pretty boy, now you know that he’s both cunning and witty. He never fails to make you laugh with his sarcastic comments, and despite the fact that he seems rather mean-spirited at times, you discover that once he opens up, he is more than capable of caring for others. Case in point: on days where you're feeling down, he (attempts) to tell you jokes to make you feel better, and he gives you the candy that his mother packs for him, claiming that he "doesn't like sweets anyway."
If only other people could take the time to get to know the real him. Underneath the veil of entrancing vanity and mystery that surrounds him, Scaramouche is a surprisingly entertaining and contemplative person.
However, for now, it seems that Scaramouche is more than content with the relationship he has with you. He doesn't care for any of his two-faced "friends." The only one he needs is you.
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Fate has rather unconventional methods of bringing people together. There are times where you believe it is sentient, cutting, weaving, and pulling on the delicate threads that bind humans together with its steady hands.
Fate must be alive and working its magical because there is no other plausible explanation for how things ended up this way. All that is to say, some otherworldly force must have noticed your desperation to get closer to your longtime crush, XIAO, and finally decided to take pity on you.
It's crazy to think that one minuscule decision can shape the course of your entire relationship with someone, but your own experiences are indicating to you that there is some merit to the claim. After all, your computer science teacher's spontaneous choice to seat you next to Xiao is what kindles the first sparks of your relationship with him.
It all starts with music. At first, Xiao doesn’t attempt to converse with you. He seems adamant on retaining his introverted ways. It's not that he doesn't want to talk to you; he's just inexperienced when it comes to socialization. So instead of making an effort to talk to you, he simply grabs a pair of earbuds and listens to his favourite songs whenever the teacher gives the class time to work.
This all changes when you muster the courage to ask him what he’s listening to. The way his eyes widen that fateful day, gazing at you with surprise evident in his pools of amber, is something you’ll never forget.
After all the silence on his end, you still want to talk to him? He is touched by your resolve, but he is also afraid of being too blunt, so instead of giving you an overly-verbose response, he asks you if you want to listen with him, offering you one of his earbuds. Xiao's heart jumps when you accept with an endearing smile. From then on, the two of you bond over music, and Xiao begins feeling comfortable enough to speak to you.
Gradually, years of distance and rigid formality vanish. Hushed conversations at the back of a sunlit classroom, shy waves from across cramped hallways, and accidental touches of his hands to yours replace the barriers that once separated the two of you. A once hopeless situation gives way to a radiant future as you finally begin getting closer to the boy you've pined over for as long as you can remember.
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I like to imagine that Xiao would secretly be a fan of TWICE (yes, the Kpop girl group), and the reader would be in for the shock of their life when a hardcore punk song ends, and they just hear "shy shy shy" lmao ANYWAY!! I hope you enjoyed reading this! (P.S. sorry if there are mistakes; I feel like I'm making this worse each time I edit it)
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
pink is a good color and that’s that
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
Albedo Masterlist
When another guy flirts with you
Love at first sight
Not seeing you for weeks
Forgot your birthday
Levels of intimacy
Seeing you get hurt/injured
Dating Voicelines ABC
Saving you from drowning
Will you marry me?
Accidentally touching your b00bs
You say “I love you” for the first time
When you get a lot of attention from others/Jealous
Asking “What would you do if I disappeared?” (mild angst)
How he falls in love with you
“Y/N is giving free hugs!” 
Kiss your Genshin boyfriend to see his reaction
Genshin Voicelines about their reader S/O
Break-up prank (mild angst)
Interrupted Make-out session (suggestive and steamy)
The sides of him only you get to have and see Series
soft and gentle
Protective Lover Series
His reaction when someone badmouths you
Special Holidays
Christmas 2021 Special
Modern AU
Modern Day Boyfriend
First time asking for cuddles
Angst Series
Breaking Up Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 - Final
“Let’s stop seeing each other,”
Death and Regrets
Handwritten Notes
Handwritten Notes Series: He leaves before you wake up
Handwritten Notes Series: A Sorry Note
Handwritten Notes Series: Flirting and Slipping you their Number MODERN AU
Volleyball Team AU
The Genshin Volleyball Team introduction
He introduces you to the team
Cheering something embarrassing during their game
How it’s like to be their manager
Manager reader gets hit on/harrassed
Genshin AU Volleyball Team art by @simplypotz
How you got into a relationship with them/Flirting but not in a relationship
Asking for his jersey to wear in a game
Seeing you wear someone else’s jersey/jacket
Pre-game routines with you
Reuniting after a month apart
Interviewer asking about their S/O
Doing it raw for the first time
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
‘ i just wanna be yours ’
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↬ synopsis: scaramouche notices your new hairstyle and childe convinces him to talk to you.
↬ ft: scaramouche
↬ genre: fluff ; highschool au
↬ warnings: swearing ; bullying childe ; 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
↬ notes: SCARAMOUCHE IS SO HAJAJJA ; first post on this account!! ; tell me if there's any mistakes ♡
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Scaramouche is a lovesick fool.
Of course, if asked, he will adamantly deny it til the day he draws his last breath. But he knows, his self-proclaimed best friend Childe knows, hell, he thinks his own mother knows. But the day he admits it is the day the sun rises from the west.
Being in love with someone you’ve never spoken to is a torturous thing. It eats away at him when he watches you socialize with your friends on the other side of the classroom. Childe’s sat next to him, incessantly rambling sbout something or other.
The way you smile has his heart running a marathon, he’s so gone for you and it’s actually embarrassing.
At some point, the ginger stops talking about what life would be like without toes and follows his best friend’s line of sight to find you at the end of it. Childe rolls his eyes and slumps back in his chair, he’d wait til Scaramouche was listening to talk about toes.
“She changed her hairstyle.” The indigo-haired boy mutters, to no one in particular obviously, but Childe just has to pick up on it.
“Really?” He says, trying to keep his tone even.
“Mhm, it suits her.” Scaramouche responds, still in his daze-like state.
Childe weighs up his options. He could tell him to just tell you that, to see how it goes. But what if it goes south? He isn't ready to lose a limb. He could just shut his mouth and pretend Scaramouche didn’t even say a word. Of course, somehow, Childe deems it worth a limb to get his stupid best friend to talk to his crush.
“Why don’t you just tell her that?”
Now this, this snaps Scaramouche to attention. His head moves so quickly that Childe worries that he'll get whiplash.
Scaramouche stares at Childe like he’s just grown a second head. “Are you fucking with me?”
To this, the ginger shrugs and motions over to you. “If you don’t make your move soon, someone else will grab her, mouchie dear.”
Scaramouche restrains himself from growling at the nickname, and slapping Childe for the absurd suggestion. The blue-eyed boy is thoroughly unaffected by the scowl directed at him and continues,
“I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? She might like you back for all you know. You’ve literally had this crush for centuries. It's getting old.”
Scaramouche falls silent and seems to mull over his words. Childe’s right to some extent, it was never going to go anywhere if he didn’t throw himself out there first. But the ginger was wrong about something.
“8 months you moron. Not centuries.”
Childe’s won. He still has all his limbs and is 99.9% sure he’s convinced Scaramouche to say something to you. He feels so smug as he watches his friend stand up and move toward your desk.
When Scaramouche arrives at your desk his body moves before he can stop it and he taps your shoulder.
That’s it. That’s all he says. He’s sweating bullets and his hands are clammy from his anxiety. He catches Childe mouthing at him, and is pretty sure he says ‘You got this!’ and gives him a thumbs up.
Your friends have already figured out what was going on and have scuttled away to entertain themselves and give you both some privacy.
“Your hair looks... strange today, [ name ].”
He mentally curses himself. Out of all the words in his vocabulary, how is 'strange' the one that his brain approves and allows to leave his mouth?
In his peripheral, he sees Childe facepalm and dramatically mouth ‘Mission abort! Run now you bastard!’.
Scaramouche hopes that the earth opens up and swallows him whole. He wishes that he could turn back time and smack Childe in the face. He longs for the comfort of his own seat on the other side of the room.
But by some twist of fate, his feet stay glued to the spot long enough for you to grace him with a response.
A laugh.
You’re laughing? Do you find him funny? Is he dreaming? Hallucinating?
“I got it done yesterday.” You say through laughs, “You like it?”
Scaramouche doesn’t trust his voice enough to not crack and embarrass him further, so a quick nod is what you get in response. His heart is running a million miles an hour and his face feels like it's on fire.
Your grin is so worth it. He wants it imprinted on his eyeballs. He’s so entranced by it that he almost misses Childe and some friend of yours, Yoimiya he thinks her name is, making kissy faces at you.
“Thanks, I'm glad. I was worried I looked like a clown.” You joke, running a hand through your hair.
You? A clown? Don’t joke. Childe looks like a clown. You definitely do not look like a clown.
“You don’t” he blurts before his brain can catch up, “You look really pretty.”
You raise your eyebrows and an amused hum passes your lips. His heart is in his throat and he swears you can hear how fast it’s beating.
Then, as if it’s the easiest thing in the world, you rise from your seat and press a kiss to his jaw before sitting back down.
“Thanks, you wanna go out later?”
He’s at a loss for words as he tries to process what the fuck just happened. This has to be some ridiculous dream he was having.
He looks quickly over at Childe for assistance and he sees him and Yoimiya aggressively nodding their heads and mouthing ‘Yes?!? Say yes!’. Too put out of it to even formulate a sentence, he places his trust in them and answers, “Yeah.”
Being the best wingman to ever walk the earth, Childe appears by his side and pulls him away after flashing you a grin.
“See?!?!? I love being right! She’s SO into you mouchie!”
Scaramouche can barely hear his friend over the loop of events playing in his head. You literally kissed his jaw? His eyes make their way back to you and his lips quirk upon seeing your friends gush over your interaction.
“Oh my God. She kissed me Childe.” He sighs, too engrossed in his thoughts to notice the pictures the ginger was taking of him.
“I know! I saw! Moral of the story is: Always listen to your bestest buddy Childe.”
He gets slapped.
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qingxin-anon · 1 year
Sumeru ships are really ticking off all the tropes huh
Cynonari: highschool sweethearts / that one disgustingly sweet married couple
Dehyarzad: forbidden romance, master x knight
Haikaveh: Roommates to lovers / Exes with lots of baggage
NiLumi/LumiLou: Art kid x Jock
Candehya: Mutual pining with a dash of slow burn lmao
Kazuscara: "I was emotionally attached to your dead ancestor so now I'm trying to get close to you but accidentally caught feelings" au
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