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I am duty bound to protect this stuff with my life
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I think yall honestly are so desensitized to black pain that yall dont realize how much of what you do actually hurts, like you're so used to the hypervisibilty of black people that you forget that..we are people with the same thoughts and emotions you have.
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Do you like games? Trapped at home? Wanna have a fresh experience starring people of color front-and-center?
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Let’s talk about ValiDate: Struggling Singles in your Area. A dating sim with a twist.
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Currently one of the top games on Itchio’s dating sim category, written, drawn, fully scored & produced by a diverse team of creators of color, it recently hit funding on Kickstarter, and with 19 days to go you can still help it become fully-realized with all the cool CG art and extra content it deserves!
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From the Kickstarter page:
“ValiDate is a visual novel in which you maneuver yourself through the twisting paths of young adulthood.
Set in the Jercy City area, twelve struggling singles in their twenties navigate through the trying ordeals of capitalism to find meaning in their lives. Includes a hint of love, cosplay, and even mediocre mixtapes in the mix.
With 12 playable characters and over 30 routes to choose from, there will be about 20-30 hours of content, depending on how you play it. We don’t know if you be reading fast or not. Whether your decisions are good, bad, or just tremendously shitty, you’re going to have a great time falling in (or out) of love with these characters.“
The twist, if you didn’t catch it, is that instead of playing as a singular protagonist, you’ll be able to play as *12 distinct characters* trying (and failing) to romance one another, as their lives intersect in unprecedented ways.
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At the time of writing, you can play as 4 of the main characters (with a demo update coming soon to showcase a bit of Malik’s route) & meet a couple more! they are:
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Thanks to the Kickstarter campaign, you’ll now be ALSO able to meet:
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12 playable characters with 30+ routes.
The ability to choose horrible decisions and see the entertaining fallout.
#OwnVoices narrative writing by an all people of color team.
Original score by the Boys.
A beautiful array of artists of color’s work to give each character their own individual feeling.
Backgrounds taken from all around the world.
Flawed characters undergoing narrative arcs handled with empathy and self-indulgence.
Achievements for every single ending.
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Since the campaign has been funded, TWO of the stretch goals have already been hit, but there’s more to come. 
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you see, i really want that fishing minigame.
Find more info, meet the team, & check their Kickstarter here! http://kck.st/2ZLTz8w
happy playing!!!! :D reblogs always incredibly appreciated.
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Help stop the gassing of Immigrants!!
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Breonna Taylor’s petition has still not hit its goal. It takes next to no time at all to sign it. So if you haven’t, please do it and signal boost.
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I’m just saying I literally went to school on a snow mobile everyday as a child and I just want that to be acknowledged
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What is actually going on in yemen:
the cholera pandemic has been going on since around 2016, and it continues to get worse every day due to the lack of public health sectors and aid, as well as the saudi led air strikes on water systems and food infrastructure
yemen currently has the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world, with over 24 million people in need of aid
the famine in yemen is said to become the worst one in 100 years and it continues to get worse ever day due to the poor funding and saudi intervention (with the support of the us, uk & france). nearly half the population will soon be dependent on aid
it started when the houthis (backed by iran) rebelled against the government and began to seize territories (taking over the capital sana'a). in order to get the houthis out, saudi began bombing yemen and thus the conflict worsened
saudi arabia (with the support of the us, uk and france) has been bombing yemen in order to get rid of the houthi rebels. this led to the deterioration of yemen's situation, as well as the death of many civilians. they target public infrastructure, water systems, schools, etc
there aren't many testing kits and the hospitals aren't equipped with treating it. basic necessities such as masks and gloves also aren't available, thus making the situation worsen (especially with everything else going on adding to it)
lately yemen has been experiencing really bad floods that have torn down homes, destroyed food supplies and killed people. these floods have attributed to the spread of disease too
yes, there is literally a plague now. it seems to have come after the floods, and has people are dropping dead. i think they still haven't found the cause but it affects your lungs. i don't know too much on this issue though, so please add if you have more information.
since the start of the civil war in 2015, yemen's economy contracted by 50% due to the inflation and devaluation of the rial. people are hungry because of poverty and lack of jobs, and while you could potentially flee war, you can't flee hunger.
the saudi military coalition currently has a blockade on yemen's sea, air & land ports which stops aid from coming in. though they apparently eased it a little, it's still there and having catastrophic effects on the situation.
here's more stuff that's happening in yemen
- no water & electricity
- high poverty rates
- food prices are too expensive
- multiple serious disease eg meningitis
- isis & al gaeda have carried out attacks
- corruption
of course this isn't everything, all of these factors have consequences, like the collapse of public health sectors but i can't fit it all in. please research and educate yourselves on the situation, we're blessed to be in a time with multiple sources
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