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puregoobs · 10 years ago
150719 Hara Fanmeet Q&A
Translation by @raventree90
Hara had another schedule after the fan meeting, so it started a little early, fans who went to the live show had to get bad seats.
Hara asked the other bunch of people, "who are you guys behind us?"
“We are Seventeen Fans!”
“Ah, you are Seventeen! I like Seventeen! We're doing a fan meet for a while, please excuse us!”
Then fans sang a solo debut congratulation song (converted from birthday song)
At first, Hara was sent a sugar cake, which was a cake that fans gave her to cheer up her solo debut.
She had a photo time with her cake, but it was quite heavy so she put it away. She said, “let’s finish photo time first, so we can talk and have some fun.” Then she sat on the speaker and had question time.
Q&A Time
1. Fan : Who got the idea that Hara should wink on stage?
HARA: “That was my idea! I am professional!”
2. Fan : “Will you have Choco Chip Cookie Stage on Karasia?”
HARA: No, I can��t because it is Korean version
3. Fan : What are the good and bad in solo activity compared to group activity?
HARA: It takes less time for the make-up and I can eat whatever I want. However, I felt lonely at the end stage of the show even though SNSD and Sistar unnies take care of me.
Fans : And us too!”
4. HARA: What do you think about the song chocochip cookie? Fans: It's the best!
HARA: Don’t lie!(Laugh) I saw the reviews for the song, I think there are likes and dislikes about the title. I think those who didn’t like me also didn’t like the song At first Haragu was the title song, but it was changed. I think I had good songs in the album but I wanted to be stand out in this girl group war since all of them came back with dance songs. Don't you think after listening to the song you just get that feeling? I think so.
Fan: I am addicted to your voice! Dewy voice!
HARA: No, I don't think so
HARA: Anyways, I thought (because of my reputation) I would be insulted but people actually liked the song much more afterwards. I hope that this is the type of song that gets better the more you hear it
Fan: 어때 stage was awesome HARA: 어때? Yeah On the day of my first stage, we prerecorded three or four times but the last take didn't air. That day my expression was out of this world. However they used the first take (after the camera rehearsal) so I felt really sad, depressed. Fan: That's the PD's fault HARA: It's not director's fault. Damn it DSP ... that's how you people say it, right?
Fan: Unnie you are like a soft drink! Soda! HARA: Like soda?
 HARA: Anyone who came from Japan?
Many fans raised their hands.
HARA: When do you go back to your country?
Fans: Tomorrow
HARA: You are all rich because you can travel back and forth between Korea and Japan
HARA: Nihonjin Sugoi (t/n: Japanese people are great)
Korean fan : Kongokujin Sugoi (t/n: Korean people are great)
Hara Laughed
6. Fan: What do you want for your (Karasia) solo stage then?
HARA: I'm gathering ideas. Can you please send me on twitter which song is good for solos?
Fan: Can I recommend pop songs?
HARA: Of course you can but not Korean songs.
7. Fan: Do you have a Choreography Practice Video?
HARA: Yes, I already made one but in the video there is a name tag on my chest
(she thinks it’s not pretty)
Fans: We don’t care! Upload it!
HARA: You wouldn't mind..?
Fans: Please upload it tomorrow
She looked at her DSP manager and asked her to upload it
8. Fan: Do you have any unreleased songs that wasn’t included in the mini album?
HARA: Yes I have many but they had a different concept from Alohara
Fan: Can you release them through the radio?
HARA: No, I can’t because they're unreleased songs
Fan: How about releasing them as digital singles?
HARA: I’ll consider it
9. HARA: I woke up early everyday for the prerecordings and because the fans cheered for me I got strength.
10. Fan: How about holding a concert in Korea?
HARA: I said that on the broadcast! (Hara On and Off)
Fan: We want it, how about a small stage concert?
HARA: Hmm… we can consider having one at the end of the year.
11. Fan: What about a fan sign event?
HARA: You are right. I don’t know why… Damn it DSP!
And she looked at the DSP staff.
12. Fan: How long will Alohara stage go on?
HARA: I think next week is the last stage because there are too many groups coming in,
I’m squeezed out because of them, also there are Karasia Concerts so I can’t be a burden for my members
Fan : Will you have your solo stage on 가요대전 (end of the year special)? HARA : The PD will decide and it isn't determined yet.
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puregoobs · 10 years ago
The Flaw of Netizens
A logical fallacy is a flaw in the chain of reasoning.
In regards to this: http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.ae/2015/02/seungyeon-shows-off-her-limited-luxury.html
1. [+987, -75] Look at her flaunting like that, she's clearly making more than she deserves
Yes, Seungyeon went on a car driving program where she revealed what car she owns. I'm certain previous guests on this show also showed off their vehicles no more or less than Seungyeon therefore that can't be considered flaunting if flaunting is of an defiant nature. She was simply following the show's usual procedures. It's the second part that's actually an ad hominem, which clearly attacks Seungyeon's work ethic and personal worth. Why don't this netizen do their research and find out exactly if she really is making more than she deserves. Here's the formula: Seungyeon's worth is her bank account divided by the countless hours she's put into KARA which spans from pre-debut training days to post-debut (almosts 8 years) times the bullshit one suffers through from asinine comments like these. Do the math and this netizen will find their initial calculations simply illogical.
2. [+699, -44] This is why fangirls and fanboys are so pathetic... They take the money their parents work so hard to make and spend it on idols. I doubt they ever even bought their parents a proper birthday present while they spend extravagant gifts on idols all for that one Twitter message of them saying thanks~ love you~. Tsk tsk, go study in that time.
This comment actually has nothing to do with Seungyeon and instead shifts the issue onto fans. It also poorly tries to imply that Seungyeon is the root of all evil if we follow this netizen's logic. Observe:
Seungyeon is an idol. Idols get money from fans. Fans get money from not studying and disrespecting their parents. Seungyeon is destroying the youth of Korea. Seungyeon is the root of all evil.
4. [+40, -6] And all she needs to do is cry about having it hard on TV one more time and her fans will open their wallets and go to her next concert...
What a strange cause and effect to postulate. If Seungyeon cries on television, Seungyeon will get a concert. As a Kamilia, I will actually have to agree on this one because if Seungyeon has to cry in order for another Karasia to happen, SO BE IT. We Kamilia know that she cries for us. It's ok. We'll gladly buy tissues and tickets for her.
6. [+27, -1] ㅋㅋㅋ She can't sing, dance, or act but she still makes this much money ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
This seems to be a hasty generalization of Seungyeon's talents based on her appearance on Top Gear, a show about driving cars, which didn't even showcase her singing, dancing, or acting. So well done, netizen, on judging Seungyeon so quickly and accurately. How would we know what to think of her without your wise input??
7. [+27, -6] Grates my nerves whenever celebrities whine about having it hard on TV...
Good thing this netizen is watching Seungyeon on Top Gear because she's doing well. Just look at that car. She ain't complaining.
5. [+756, -13] She owns a building too ㅋㅋㅋ All that talk about working your way up from rock bottom is bull
She owned a building before she was in KARA?! Oh wait..I think that's just plain erroneous. Get your facts straight netizen!!
9. [+456, -30] Han Seungyeon works hard but I work hard too and all I drive is an 8 year old used car... sucks that it doesn't matter how hard you work sometimes.
This could be a false analogy at work. What this netizen is trying to do is convince us that hard work doesn't get you a nice car by using him or herself as a comparison. This isn't a fair comparison unless this netizen is also a hamster-like, nicely proportioned, lead vocalist in the entertainment field. If not, then he or she is just comparing apples to oranges.
Don't forget the good!
5. [+34, -4] Good for you. I'm honestly jealous. I'm the same age as her but she's already saved enough to buy a nice car like that while I'm living paycheck to paycheck every month.
Hang in there. Seungyeon had it tough at times too.
4. [+4,142, -71] Must've saved a lot to buy it
Well she doesn't go on dates so that's one less expense she has...
6. [+615, -19] Doesn't she own a building too... damn, KARA must've made so much in Japan
Well, conquering a foreign market can do that to you.
2. [+7,737, -65] KARA was the original work your way up from rock bottom idol group, what a success she's made..
Well put.
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puregoobs · 10 years ago
In which I talk about early stage Kara aka the first Kara4 aka THE FIRST BLOOOOOMING!!!
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puregoobs · 10 years ago
140926 Korean Reading Festival with KARA Playlist
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puregoobs · 10 years ago
140819 Cultwo Show with KARA playlist
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puregoobs · 10 years ago
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A Korean Kamilia's personal polaroid collection
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puregoobs · 10 years ago
140926 대한민국 독서대전 KARA Entering the venue 
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puregoobs · 10 years ago
140924 카라 카페 데이트 KARA Cafe Date Marker Episode 
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puregoobs · 10 years ago
20140830 카라(KARA) Day & Night 팬싸인회 Yeouido Full Cut Potato quality
Opening (HD) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_YFutTaSvc
Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJv1UfJCUMY
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTx83DG8saQ
Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsGXWqciC1A
Part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-bsbhSQGfQ
Ending (HD) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qp5JaNIZwg
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puregoobs · 10 years ago
In which I watch them from afar...
Actually all they do is play on their phones.
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puregoobs · 11 years ago
Kamilia Day Notes
Kamilia day fanmeeting 2014, I took notes. All this is outdated now but it was a very emotional day.
Aisle seat FTW
Some sort of singer songwriter cd while waiting for the fanmeeting to start. Female, slow. Why? Has sort of sedating effect, maybe to calm down angry fans.
btw Gyuri face daebak  iono why I put that there
The hell is this chiming. Last curtain call.
Last song playing before they started "I am waiting here for you to come home. And I watched them burn when will I ever learn? If I wait it doesn't mean you will return." It's Waiting by Norah Jones, kinda fitting the situation at the time don't you think?
Heart's thumping, fears at the ready.
Seungyeon's message appears on screen basically saying thanks and sorry.
Wants to protect the three people she knows and love.
They perform Dear Kamilia
Bass be thumping in the back of my chair
Gyuri looks saddest then Hara then SY
Hara holding it in
Gyuri speaking with emotion
Hara and SY body hold their arms in, respectively, while Gyuri speaks. Feeling vulnerable.
Gyuri feels too far from Hara and SY so they move in closer. Hara sniffling.
Gyuri voice breaking, SY and Hara put their hand on her back for support.
Hara covers her face.
Staff hands a tissue to Hara
SY only looks down.
Gyuri says something funny? optimistic? Audience cheers and I don't know why.
Gyuri, "Please wait a little" and then thanks the fans
"Because people are hurting, I'm hurting."
"Just believe a little."
Seungyeon's turn to speak "Same as Gyuri"
Gyuri comforts Hara, rubs her back
Gyuri uses the tissue.
Seungyeon made a joke?
Hara's turn to speak. She opens with "Hey how are you?"
"Please believe."
"As I see your faces, how can I talk confidently?"
SY starts and tears up too.
Gyuri, "We'll show you."
The background while they spoke were Pandora and Damaged Lady album pictures.
Moving on from the talk portion, SY shows her picture of her horseback riding. Apparently Hara took the picture.
Picture of SY doing pilates, hanging on bars, half splits.
Seungyeon said because of stress she does exercise but haven't lost weight but instead gotten prettier.
Shows pics from Her Lovely Heels, super cold, padding everywhere, and that one picture from the bus.
Hara pictures: the Bali instagram beach shot.
She wants to take a trip with the unnies.
Says something about a bikini and Gyuri goes wut.
Gyuri's pictures: Brazil pics, her slipping in water, wearing helmet for hanging line. Gyuri in hat doing something. 
Dance practice photo. She takes lessons in her free time.
Working hard to upgrade.
Picnic with family at the river. River with dog.
Then it's Gyuri party time as prepared by SY and HR.
Hara lights the candles.
Strawberry cake from Paris Baguette shaking my head
She cuts the cake and done
Hara says to Gyuri that she'll buy her food
Gyuri replies "Buy me a trip to Hawaii."
Hara is like, "I'll talk to you later."
Seungyeon suggests they do 새일빵 and does a punching motion. Saengil Bbang is a birthday prank in which you basically punish the birthday boy or girl. Needless to say it's not fun for them.
Gyuri does head twirl for her "surprise." I don't even remember what this means anymore.
They announce fanmeeting raffle prizes. Girls are very excited. Hotel and planes are mentioned. It's a trip to next week's fanmeet in Japan. Actually this was a lie, we later find out the trip isn't for the fanmeet, it's for 3rd Karasia which wasn't announced yet at the time.
First pull was a Japanese fan so they try for a someone else.
Unnie won! My Kamilia unnie.  I lose my shit. I hug her on her way to the stage.
She reaches out to shake Hara's hand.
Video clip of Kara working hard in practice. Studio, dance, Kara 3 Step formations.
Gyuri sings Rolling in the Deep. She changed into shirt, jeans, nice jeans.
Gyuri travels the stage.
Hara's stage. She's sitting, made a mistake in the high note? She knocked on her head. Heart sign.
SY runs in, says good job to Hara. Gyuri runs in after and says good job but with her timing is late, is funny.
SY's does a more sexy sensual version of Step
GY and SY on side for rap portion. Gyuri in middle a lot.
Hara says Step is hard.
At end of Step, Hara teases Gyuri for being tired.
More talk. SY is all choked up. She's cute when she cries.
Gyuri drying her tears with tissue.
What Gyuri say? Soju? Beer? Later I learn they were talking about how in the far future they would like to casually drink with their fans.
Gyuri pats Hara's side.
SY prepared gift?
Walked off hugging each other.
Video of them preparing candy for fans. Shows them eating candy.
While they were giving out candy, a rouge fan holds up a sign on stage, gets dragged off by security.
Butterfly shaped confetti.
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puregoobs · 11 years ago
Gyuri's entourage on 140721
SBS 모닝와이드 규리 퇴근길
When I stalk, I stalk from far away.
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puregoobs · 11 years ago
Her Lovely Heels Episode 5: More Fast, More Furious!
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puregoobs · 11 years ago
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!!! Gyuri receiving my letter as being given by my Kamilia unnie. I gave my stationary to another Kamilia and so he wrote letters to all 3 members and so you see Seungyeon holding hers.
Proud I am because I bought that stationary in Japan and brought it over okay. Isn't it kawaii?
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puregoobs · 11 years ago
Actually today was the last recording for Gyuri and Seungyeon at The Show. They will be leaving their positions as MCs to do some other shit. I don't what exactly they have in store but as long as it's a semi-regular gig that allows fans to attend, I'll be happy. If not, then I have to rethink my stalking strategy.
So Kamilia were waiting outside the building when Gyuri and Seungyeon walked through the hall inside. We were all waving at them but they had their backs to us so they didn't even notice. Their manager however was the only one who looked back and waved at us. After that, we were like wtf the manager? Dammit 88 line! I saw Gyuri wore these green thick platform sandals as she walked away. That gurl needs reconsider her life choices.
Since it's their last recording, Kamilia got to be a special private audience for when Gyuri and Seungyeon film their MC parts. That was really fun. We got to sit and yell stuff at them like at a baseball game. We sat really close to them so they could hear us pretty easily. For example, Seungyeon at one point covered her eyes with her MC card to block the strong stage lights but then this one Kamilia (who is hilarious by the way), told her to put it down because we can't see her pretty face. 
Even I got to yell at Gyuri. I literally just said her name to get her attention. I waited a beat to say Happy Birthday but then my Kamilia unnie on the far side of me said it before me because she thought we would say it together. The funny thing is she started off strongly but then the Birthday part died down in embarrassment because she was saying it alone. We all had a good laugh. It was like a sad one two punch.
"HAPPY birthday...."
Awkward. But funny.
Then came the part where Gyuri and Seungyeon had a job to do. They both messed up their lines once each. FOR SHAME. No wonder they're leaving. Can't do a simple job like reading off cards. No I kid, after they flubbed their lines, everyone was yelling 괜찮아 meaning "It's ok!" After that, they nailed their lines and moved onto the next segment.
Kamilia is family. And by family, I mean mob. We all think the same thing really. When Seungyeon did this cutsey aegyo bit in one of the segments, we all literally went
It was hilarious. 
And then one of the lead Kamilia had to go up to the manager to hand in fan letters, the manager told him to give it directly to Kara. So he shyly went up to Seungyeon, who is his bias I think, and he covered his face so he didn't have to look at her directly and handed her the letters. As she took it, all the Kamilias were loudly cheering and teasing the guy. Don't worry, this guy is a Karagrapher and fan from the very beginning and we all know him so he could take the joke. Way to go buddy!
When they did their last lines, we all started shouting things again and I accidentally started off the Happy birthday song for Gyuri. I didn't mean to but the fans had planned on singing it for her but just didn't know when or who to start it off. I did not expect to be that person but I just casually said Happy Birthday to her in the sea of shouts and suddenly the people around me picked it up and started singing. So yes, that was me who did that. Mission accomplished?
After the show, we went to the corner where the cars exit the parking lot and we waited for Kara to come out. Someone then thought of getting cakes for Gyuri and so two fans literally sprinted across the street to buy ice cream cakes. I've never seen people run so fast for cake that they weren't going to eat themselves. Gyulsus blessed them because one of them almost got hit by a car doing so. ANYWAYS, cakes were ready and time for the girls to come out in their black van.
Ok, this is where shit got real. So their van rolls out and Gyuri is in the front seat. Seungyeon waves for a second and then retreats to the back while Gyuri deals with all the fans. By the way, we're specifically asked not to take pictures even though we're usually allowed to at the parking lot. It's a shame because Gyuri really looked beautiful. So two fans come up to her to give the cakes. So the second cake that was given to her had lit candles. Gyuri quickly blows that one out and tells the fan that they should eat it instead since she already has cakes. You can see in front of her on the dashboard was a blue cake box that the staff probably just got for her. The fans insists she takes it and so Gyuri has at least three cakes in the car. The first cake however made things emotional. It was because of this first cake that made the mood very serious on the eve of her birthday. So the fan goes up to her and gives her the cake. Gyuri takes it, says thank you and adds "Don't worry." Given the current situation of everything with Kara, this fan just starts to cry. It wasn't a don't worry as in 'thanks' but more like 'don't worry everything will be okay.' Those words meant so much more than you could ever know therefore this fan just overcame with emotion. Gyuri’s like don’t cry and with a second cake burning in front of her, has to shift her attention to the candles. She does so with a serious face because of someone crying next to her. Just note that little exchange with the fan was told to me secondhand by another fan because I was too far away to hear them directly. I was watching them but I couldn't listen so this might not be accurate. Please keep that in mind.
The manager shortly after rushes Gyuri and starts to roll up the windows but not before Gyuri gives Kamilia one last look. If I were to describe this look, it would be that of a person with the entire weight of the world on her shoulders. As the car takes off and drives ahead of the fans, Gyuri casts one last glance at us as we waved goodbye only rolling up the windows until we were completely out of sight.
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puregoobs · 11 years ago
Episode 4 of her gross heels
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puregoobs · 11 years ago
Me calmly commentating over Her Lovely Heels episode 3
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