puppyoftheisland · 11 years
---we're off limits. Have to ask Hayden for that--- but he'll probably say no.
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A typical night for the Pups.
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
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AVERY AND ALARIC LIGHT ---"because blood is thicker than water..."
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
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HYDER BENNETT ---"Any dream will do..."
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
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HENRIC ROWLEY ---"Cause I'm stronger than yesterday..."
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
You could just fuck me instead of saying it out loud.
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puppyoftheisland replied to your photo
—-fuck you, you sexy prick.
Says the one who looks good in Speedos. Should I say f*ck you, back?
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
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---you sound all official and shit.
New faces I see, new people to greet.
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Hello all to all. I’m Jay Argent.
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
It was a common misconception that Russell was the weakest of the three--- and that was a misconception most tended to find was wrong the hard way. He was just as strong, just as big, and just as rough when he wanted to be. So holding Bennett up against this wall was nothing for him. He had the arm and upper body strength to do it. He just needed to show his dominance and if this didn't do it, he didn't know what would. He moaned out, grinning at Bennett's words. For him to disobey him meant it was physically too much for him to hold back--- which mean he was doing good-- -which meant he wouldn't punish him for that. "That's right--- take it." He mumbled, kissing and licking at his neck, thrusting hard and deep, making Bennett bounce back down, adding to the thrusts. He made sure he angled just right, hitting that sweet spot inside of him.
Only his brothers and Hayden would ever see him this submissive. Benny felt as if he could let go with them and give into the pleasure they provided. Being fucked by Russ’ fingers had him whimpering and begging much like the Pup of his name. His cock was leaking and he could feel the juices sliding down over his shaft. Benny moaned as he felt Russ teasing the head and using his precum as lube. He knew he couldn’t speak so he looked up into Russ’ eyes to convey the message of just how good he was feeling. He whimpered as he felt the fingers pull out of his ass and the next thing he knew he was up against the wall. He wrapped his arms around Russ’ neck as he kissed him. Before he knew it his brother thrust his hips and was buried inside of him. “FUCK!” He couldn’t help but swear. Russ was just as big as the rest of them when it came to cock size and to feel himself being stretched by it, all he could do was moan. 
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
He knew that no one really cared or spoke when they came in. They were the mayor's boys. People knew not to even bat a false eyelid at the boys at risk of being punished or fired by Hayden himself. So even when they walked around basically nude, there were no words to be said. It was just an unspoken code. Moving to the bedroom, he smiled as he was pulled close and kissed, arms moving around Cedric's neck, kissing back gently and passionately. "Thank you, Teddy--- i've missed you so much, you know..."
Cedric couldn’t help but laugh and file away the image of Russ in a collar for later. “I’m pretty sure we could arrange that.” Passing into the house, and hearing Russ shout, Cedric laughed again. He didn’t know what everyone else was up to, and it didn’t really matter. If the Boss needed them, he would make that need known. As for the rest of the staff, well, it wouldn’t be the first time they’d walked in on any of the boys in compromising positions. Leading Russ to one of the many bedrooms, Cedric could already feel himself getting aroused. Closing the door behind them, he pulled Russ close to him, kissing him once again. “Welcome home, Puppy.”
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
Oh lord, seeing Benny so vulnerable and submissive was the biggest turn on for Russ. Seeing him just so needy-- like a pup going through his first heat. It was amazing. That ass was so tight for him, his cock leaking precum. His other hand quickly used that to coat his own head and shaft, knowing it would be all he needed. He was done with the foreplay. He needed his brother and he knew Bennett needed him just as well. Removing his finger, he grinned as suddenly he picked Bennett up from under his legs, holding him against the wall and allowing Bennett to wrap his arms around him. He leaned up his cock with Benny's hole and after a wink and a quick kiss, he buried himself deep to the hilt, groaning out from the tightness.
Benny cried out inside of Russ’ mouth as he felt another finger slide into him. Damn he loved being fingered by Russ. His brother knew exactly how to work his body and exactly how to tease him. He continued to kiss him as their tongues mingled. He loved to kiss Russ and often they would lay in bed and kiss for hours. It was even better when Cedric got in on the action and they would share many steamy kisses. Suddenly another finger slid deep inside him and his hips jerked back, forcing them deeper. He listened to Russ as he gave him orders what he could do. That’s when he felt the teeth sink down his neck. He moaned loudly. Only his brothers and Hayden were allowed to leave marks on him, and he loved that. He always wore their marks with pride. It was a sign that he belonged to them, and only them. Benny nodded his head to show he understood. It wasn’t long before he was standing as naked as Russ was. He moaned at Russ when he mentioned he wasn’t ready. Playfully Benny whimpered as he thrust back on his fingers. 
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
He loved these brotherly moments. Free from carnal desires and sexual longing--- just the three having a good time in each other's company. He could laugh, joke, even cry-- and he knew the others would be there to do the same with him. Once he and Bennett won, he jumped up onto his feet, hopping up and down on the bed. "WE WON WE WON WE WON!" It was probably like 1 in the morning, but he didn't care. He was happy. He fell back down, hugging both of the others, purring. "You guys are the best..."
The full implications of his actions hit Cedric when he felt Bennett start to tickle him. He’d been distracted by Bennett’s giggle and was so intent on making the two of them laugh that he hadn’t even thought they’d turn it around on him. “Oh, fuck!” He did his best to squirm out of the bottom of the pile, but between his brothers he was trapped. He laughed loudly, squirming as they tickled him. For once, he didn’t feel the fact that he was older than him both. Laughing in that bed with the two of them was possibly one of the happiest moments of his life. “I surrender, I surrender!” He was struggling to laugh and breathe and find a way to get out of his brothers’ hold.
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
Soon enough, he was adding another digit to Benny's tight warmth, longing to be inside of it-- but he knew that patience was a virtue. A bitch, yes-- but also a virtue. He continued the assault on Bennett's lips and ass, thrusting those fingers inside of him before adding another one, scissoring and spreading them as much as he could. He would be perfect for his oncoming cock soon. "My my, you are a vocal one--- no more talking. You can moan-- you can groan---" His teeth bit down on Bennett's neck, leaving a mark on it. "But no fucking talking." He couldn't help but grin at that, pushing the rest of Bennett's pants down, stepping out of his own. "Ready for me? I don't think you are..."
Benny felt himself being pulled up and his mouth slid off Russ’ cock. Standing at his full height, his lips crashed against the younger man’s in one of the hottest kisses. Hearing Russ’ growl caused his hips to jerk, pressing against his brother. Benny captured Russ’ tongue and sucked on it as if he were sucking on his shaft. The feel of his brother’s long fingers probing him caused him to moan against his mouth. He spread his legs to allow Russ better access before pushing back against his finger. “That’s it Puppy. Spread me open with your fingers…please?” He whimpered. 
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
For you, that is.
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What a shame.
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
Now this was what he was made for. Let's face it. When it came to Hayden, Russell probably knew him the best--- just because of him being a bit closer to him than the others were. Not to say they were any less important at all-- but Russell just had a way with Hayden that the others probably didn't. That being said, he knew when Hayden was happy or when he was disappointed. And he knew that now that all three boys were here, he would be the happiest thing ever. He allowed Cedric to strip him down, his shaven physique out for Hayden to enjoy and sink in. As they faced their master, he couldn't help but lower himself down to his knees. Time for Act 1 to begin, yes? He smiled as he gripped both of their cocks, licking at both of their heads. "Oh trust me, Benny--- he likes it..."
As Russ beckoned him closer, Cedric’s posture changed. No longer about guard duty, he was looser, lingering on the kiss as long as he could before turning to look at Hayden with a hunger he tried to hide when it came to the Boss. He felt like he had the most to prove in Hayden’s eyes, and he didn’t want to let the man down and definitely didn’t want to make him mad. He wasn’t sure what to do, lacking the confidence of his brothers. He moved closer to the other two, reaching up to kiss each of them, his hunger getting the better of him, before making moves to undress them both, letting them be the show for the Boss and him just the man helping it happen.
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
Together? That won't be happening.
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Mm, you caught me. I just want you three to come around my way.
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puppyoftheisland · 11 years
Russ knew that he was the youngest and that this was only during sex, but he loved it when he got to be in charge. He loved being a sub, more than a lot of things to be honest. But it was times when he could just take charge and do what he pleased--- those were the good moments for him. He licked his lips still, groaning out from the feeling-- but now he needed something else. He pulled Bennett up from his knees, crashing their lips together in a passionate kiss, growling into his mouth as he commanded and dominated, his fingers moving down to probe at Bennett's hole, one digit pushing inside of him.
Despite being older than Russ, Benny loved when the rough side of him came out and he was forced to obey. Russ, Cedric and Hayden were the only ones that were allowed to order him to do anything. When he fucked someone, he was in charge. He deep throat Russ as he felt his tongue tease the vein underneath. Feeling his head being pushed down only turned him on more. Benny sucked hard before being allowed to lift his head. He looked up again into Russ’ eyes as he began to bob his head, using his mouth to milk his brother’s cock. 
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