Puppygirls Of The World, Unite!
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puppygirl-politburo · 12 minutes ago
Umineko Characters as bottles rolling down the stairs
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puppygirl-politburo · 14 minutes ago
The whole Deltarune situation is fascinating because usually what happens with indie game developers is they try to do the Big Passion Project that's been brewing in the back of their brain for the last twenty years as their very first major undertaking – and if they're extremely lucky, they don't burn themselves out in the process! – but Toby Fox didn't do that.
Instead, he deliberately started with a much more modest game that was essentially a scaled down AU version of the Big Passion Project, mostly as a way of teaching himself the ins and outs of game development, with no real expectation of broad appeal, but then that practice project proved to be immensely popular.
So basically what we're seeing now is what happens when an indie dev is able to approach their Big Passion Project – the one that most indie devs burn their brains out trying to tackle solo – with access to a team and a budget, and, um, well
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I have to confess that the results are thus far a little concerning!
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puppygirl-politburo · 15 minutes ago
Today I went to the movies. I went to see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. It was hilarious. The movie was about a guy named Flint and he wanted to be an inventor. He worked very hard. Then he made an invention that made it rain food. The food got way too big.They had a whoa whoa whoa I’m not gonna tell you anymore. You’ll have to find out and see what happens next.
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puppygirl-politburo · 16 hours ago
My dear friend, 🌹
Welcome, I hope you are well. 🙏
I am writing to kindly ask for your support in reblogging my pinned post on my page❤🙏.
My name is Inas Imad from Gaza, and I am married and also pregnant with my first child. I may lose my child due to extreme hunger and the lack of medicine.
The situation is very dangerous in Gaza
In short, there are no minimum necessities for human life here. The situation is catastrophic and devastates humanity. Famine is intensifying, poverty is intensifying, goods are running out, and the danger of bombing is all around us.😟
I appeal to you and seek your help to share our story and our suffering through your pages, and to provide us with support and concern.🙏
My fetus is in danger and I need medications and needles to complete my pregnancy،This is my first child after three years of trying to get pregnant😭😭
Thank you very much.
Inas Imad from Gaza
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #425 )✅️🇵🇸🇵🇸
Campaign link🔗⬇️
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puppygirl-politburo · 21 hours ago
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say what you will about the reserve bank of india these are some cracking coins
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puppygirl-politburo · 21 hours ago
Please Give me your attention 💔
Please read this as if i were a member of your family. Maybe your sister, your daughter or your friend. As if my family who is going through difficult circumstances is your family.
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Hello, I'm Ola, a graduate student from the faculty of science - Al-Azhar University in G@za P@lestine. I truly appreciate you taking a moment to read my story. As you reading my message, myself and my family, “my mother, father, three sisters, and my little brother,” are trying to survive under all kinds of suffering including but not limited to fear, instability, and starvation, thirst, and poverty in northern G@za.
After 508 days of suffering, I am writing to you today with a heavy heart, in desperate need of your help. I can't describe how harsh the situation we are living in is. My family is suffering from the biting cold of winter, and we are facing a severe shortage of food and clothing. Every day feels like a lifetime, and every moment makes me feel helpless and hopeless. 💔
After the prices went up so crazy, I created this campaign to help my family provide food, water and essential needs. I know for sure that you can't help all families that want your help but at least you can help those who come across your life.
Every simple thing makes a difference in changing the situation we are in. So please don't hesitate to help us 🙏💔
It's your time to help and make a difference, Will you?!
Thank you for taking a minute to read this.♥️
My campaign has been vetted by:
@90-ghost here, @northgazaupdates here, and @el-shab-hussien and @nabulsi 's spreadsheet of vetted campaigns #205.
Please share my post:
@ot3 @amygdalae @turian @dykesbat @guldaastan @ashwantsafreepalestine @communistchameleon @komsomolka @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts @watermotif @mavigator @lacecap @determinate-negation @deepspaceboytoy @paper-mario-wiki @kibumkim @chilewithcarnage @sayruq @turtletoria @vampiricvenus @ghostofanonpast @akajustmerry @mahoushojoe @sar-soor @rhubarbspring @catcrumb @imogen-mangle @soon-palestine @acepumpkinpatrick @gothhabiba @tamamita @taqoou @wolfertinger666 @prisonhannibal @nyancrimew @idontmindifuforgetme
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puppygirl-politburo · 21 hours ago
🎄 Happy new year 🎄 The cruelty and genocide in Gaza spoil the joy of Christmas. My family and I are struggling to live and avoid death on many levels, not just through bombing or the use of lethal weapons. With the onset of winter, living in the open or in tents has become a difficult challenge for us after the bombing destroyed our homes. In the absence of medical and treatment facilities, our suffering in the camps doubles to the point of despair of the possibility of life. These are scenes we see daily on television screens, but their aggravation has turned them into ordinary scenes that do not stir feelings. Therefore, the bombing continues without stopping, and the occupation forces do not find themselves required to stop their practices. Scenes that no longer stir human feelings, especially among politicians who consider them “necessary damages of war.” We hope that the human conscience will awaken from its slumber and rise up for the sake of the hungry in Gaza, and for the lives that are lost daily in the homes and tents that Israeli aircraft destroy without conscience. In the atmosphere of the birth of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, the leaders and peoples of the West should follow his approach, which is characterized by love, mercy, and providing assistance without expectation, and in this spirit.
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@posts @gazavetters @neechees @butchniqabi @fluoresensitivearchived @khanger @autisticmudkip @beserkerjewel @officialspec @xinakwans @batekush @appsa @nerdyqueerr @butchsunsetshimmer @biconicfinn @stopmotionguy @willgrahamscock @strangeauthor @bryoria @shesnake @legallybrunettedotcom @lautakwah @sovietunion @evillesbianvillain @antibioware @akajustmerry @neptunerings @explosionshark @dlxxv-vetted-donations @vague-humanoid @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriada @sar-soor @northgazaupdates2 @feluka-blog-blog @dirhwangdaseul @jdon @ibtisams @sawasawako @memingursa @schoolhatergirl @toesuckingoctober @ot3 @lapithae @ryo-yamada @opencommunion @anneemay @tamamita@gryficowa
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puppygirl-politburo · 21 hours ago
Trapped family in Gaza appeals for help to survive🆘🆘🍉
I am Monis from Gaza, from a family of 8, I am a cancer patient and my wife is a liver patient
I need to receive treatment quickly, but I cannot because of the war on Gaza. The health situation is very difficult, and I need your help to travel outside Gaza and receive treatment for cancer،
months of war we decided to start a donation campaign to collect $5000 per person to get out of Gaza to Egypt through coordination, my father needs to travel to receive cancer treatment outside Gaza,
A medical report indicates that I am a cancer patient, and this is a referral to travel from Gaza to receive treatment. Now I cannot leave Gaza because of the war. I need your help and support Because my health condition is getting worse every day
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is our story - On October 7, our lives changed forever. My family and I left our home to southern Gaza, hoping to return soon, but that did not happen. Our home was surrounded and then completely destroyed. Our home, which was once a bastion of hope, is now in ruins, a stark reminder of our shattered dreams.
I we have nothing left and are unable to secure our basic needs such as food, water and safe shelter، I cannot provide young children with clothes or anything to make them forget the cruelty of war، Winter is coming and I am unable My family's needs
I can't provide a plastic cover over the tent we live in, we drown from the water while we sleep because of the heavy rain. The weather is winter and the atmosphere is cold. We can't live without winter supplies and the prices here are expensive, we can't afford to buy that 🙏
I appeal to the entire world to hear my and my family's sad cries in Gaza. We need a helping hand to In leaving Gaza and receiving treatment for cancer, I hope you will help me
The goal of the donation campaign is to help us secure livelihoods by providing food, water, and shelter (a place to sleep). I am a cancer patient. Medicines must be provided to receive treatment as soon as possible. Medicines are not available in Gaza due to the war. We must travel abroad
It would be so helpful if you could check out my GoFundMe and donate to my family. By sharing and donating, you are helping me get treatment🙏 and helping my family survive the horrors of famine and genocide. It will give us hope to rebuild our home and reclaim some of the life that was stolen from us.
If each person gave $10, you would help us live in the difficult conditions in Gaza
Donation link in bio.Your donation will save us 🙏💔🍉
Verified :90-ghost
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puppygirl-politburo · 21 hours ago
by the way, quietly bottling your discomfort with someone and just hoping they'll "get the hint" until you can't take it anymore and then taking it to the nearest moderator isn't "setting a boundary" or "being victimized," it's actually called "being a huge piece of shit" and "expecting people to read your mind."
Sorry about your conflict aversion, but you actually need to tell people when they're making you uncomfortable. like, with explicit, clear, unmistakeable words that don't give you a safe cover of plausible deniability with which you can back out and "still be the good guy." It is kinder to let someone down face-to-face so they can hurt and move on knowing what went wrong than it is to lead someone on and then stab them in the fucking back, you know?
Also, I cannot stress this enough, it is not actually someone else's fault for making you uncomfortable when you literally make a point to lie to them about how much you like them by pretending you're enjoying their company more than you are. That's your fault. That's called making a bed to lie in. Maybe just desperately hoping someone who has already misinterpreted how close they are to you will just happen to pick up on the subtle signs of you desperately hiding your discomfort is, frankly, fucking stupid, and you need to get over yourself and say real words to them instead of getting some third party to punish them for your own inability to communicate.
Sorry this one isn't as nice as my other posts, but some of you need a wake-up slap. Stop fucking burning autistic people and trans women one-by-one because being a coward is easier than being a villain. It's not fucking nice, it's not cute, and the more I see it happen, the less forgivable it gets. Grow the fuck up and change in the scary but necessary ways.
Because it's kinder to tell someone when they're fucking up than it is to let them make the same mistakes in ignorance until you've secretly tallied enough transgressions to safely write them off as unforgivable, and thus disposable. Because I care about you, and everyone else, enough to give you a real chance to actually correct your harmful behaviors by being honest to you about the harm they cause. Because I believe people can make hurtful mistakes while still being genuine unintended mistakes, and that they can change.
Hint, hint.
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puppygirl-politburo · 21 hours ago
If trench warfare were made-up, it would be the most on-the-nose anti-war satire ever created. Bunch of young men shooting at each other from inside open graves, slowly rotting even as they fight to stay alive. Every so often, they get to move a few hundred metres to dig a new grave for themselves somewhere else and this is called a victory.
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puppygirl-politburo · 21 hours ago
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puppygirl-politburo · 21 hours ago
getting called a dei hire for getting the job as the scary 6'2 butch lesbian w a comissar hat and a tokarev despite being only 5'6 and futch at best
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puppygirl-politburo · 21 hours ago
moving out from the pre-revolutionary analytical stage of our plurality and towards the dialectical planning and governing stage of our plurality. This will require revolutionary praxis and headmate management. Descriptivism will be slowly phased out in favor of prescriptivism. We will build an ideal system from these unorganized masses.
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puppygirl-politburo · 21 hours ago
My friend is surrounded by the army
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The IOF has given my friend Abed @mohmad5 and his wife @safa-abed seven hours to leave before bombing starts.
They are crouched in the rubble of their former home waiting to die.
The road costs $1000 per person. I have no hope of getting him this without help. Please do what you can for him.
Vetted #47 (his wife is also vetted)
tagging for visibility. (sorry if you get a lot of these and this is annoying, i just need to try circulate this as quickly as possible)
@northgazaupdates2 @riotbard @boobieteriat @gazavetters @gaza-evacuation-funds @tamamita @thatdiabolicalfeminist @vague-humanoid @gorps @gothhabiba @commander--salamander @smitethestate @thegleampt2fromtheglowpt22001 @redstarovermoundcity @commiekinkshamer @tamarrud @c-u-c-koo-4-40k @bixlasagna @eduaurdothewendigo @hopeconstruction @femmefitz @nevert-the-guy @colombogramme @stalinistqueens @houseofpurplestars @necronatron @wearywoes @heydreamchild @autisticthassarian
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puppygirl-politburo · 21 hours ago
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puppygirl-politburo · 21 hours ago
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I personally think his exit from politics is more important than any other for the us to not descend into complete barbarism.
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puppygirl-politburo · 21 hours ago
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Wired - October 2000
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