punkheist · 6 years
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punkheist · 6 years
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punkheist · 6 years
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punkheist · 6 years
i’m literally in the middle of wanting to die and wanting to turn my life around for the better and it’s the worse place to be
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punkheist · 6 years
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punkheist · 6 years
i’ve always made this very clear in every relationship (that includes friendships) i’ve had: when i am done, i 100% mean it. i will not check up on you, i will not stalk your social media even once. i will remove you from everything, and i won’t say shit when i see you on my instagram stories or creeping on my tumblr, because i can always see that. 
i will not text you to yell at you or cry to have you back in my life. i simply don’t care. that’s not to say i don’t care about the individual person - i just don’t care to check up on their lives. i don’t care to see how happy and great their life is without me in it, or what difficulties they are going through. nine times out of ten, if they text/message me, i’ll respond, but i’m not interested in carrying on the conversation. i keep it short, just like their time in my life probably was. there is no need for me to hang on to people who have screwed me over mentally, physically, financially, emotionally, etc. i just don’t need that in my life, or the reminder by seeing their name pop on my phone or through social media, that’s why i don’t bother looking at their accounts once they’re gone. i don’t even argue if someone straight up tells me they don’t want me in their life anymore, because its happened and though it hurt, i’ve become fine with it. it’s not worth my time, and its okay that i’m not worth theirs. its so good for your mental health too, i find. honestly, my life isn’t interesting anyway. you wanna know what i’m doing? i’m working, or i’m at home. literally. i’m boring af. i’m not out partying, i’m at home reading or occasionally out with friends. i’m trying to plan my meals and my summer and my life. that’s pretty much it. 
so if you’re struggling, do your best to let them go, whoever it is that you’re holding onto. it’s such a weight off your back, it clears your mind so much. i know its hard, but i highly recommend kicking the habit, if you can. i think social media ruins relationships/friendships the most in making it harder for people to get over each other and move on. 
good luck! 
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punkheist · 6 years
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punkheist · 6 years
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punkheist · 6 years
Stay close to people who make you feel like it’s okay to be yourself. 
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punkheist · 6 years
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punkheist · 6 years
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by Natalie Ina
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punkheist · 6 years
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punkheist · 6 years
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punkheist · 6 years
damn i really fell off tumblr.. i don’t even remember the last time i was on this. guess that’s what happens when my damn phone runs out of storage and i have to delete the app :(((( 
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punkheist · 7 years
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punkheist · 7 years
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punkheist · 7 years
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I’m going down, down, baby, your street, in a Range Rover
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