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कहानी Gujrat दंगों की पीड़िता Bilkis Bano की! | Gujrat riots 2002 Riots Godhara Narendra Modi CBI
A 19-year-old woman, who is five months pregnant, is raped by about one and a half dozen people in turn. Her 2-year-old daughter and 13 family members are brutally murdered in front of her. And that woman is left in a naked condition thinking that she too has died. After 3 hours of unconsciousness and unfathomable pain, the woman wakes up with a tottering body and regains consciousness of her unconscious body parts and starts fighting after a few hours of shelter in a nearby tribal house.At the beginning of the fight, the police prove that woman a liar in the court and the case is dismissed.. But this fight goes on for decades with those poor and then such victory is achieved which is one of its kind in the pages of history of the country. It is recorded as the first incident. This is the story. Call it Veerangana or Veerputri. Bilkis Yakub Rasool Ban's. Those who did not fight only for themselves, they fought for the pride of women, those who fought for the justice of the country, those who fought to save this society from stigma
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Latest Hindi News : Ajibo-garib - 5th Floor से गिरा बच्चा, लेकिन फिर हुआ चमत्कार.
नयी दिल्ली, TPS डेस्क: हरदोई जिले का अनोखा किस्सा, खेलते हुए डेढ़ साल का बच्चा 5 मंजिल से गिरा,पर सही सलामत उठ खड़ा हुआ. बात हरदोई जिले क��� है जहां एक अस्पताल की इमारत को बना रहे मजदूर का डेढ़ साल का बच्चा खेलते -खेलते पांचवी मंजिल से नीचे गिर जा गिरा. आसपास के लोगों ने जब यह मंजर देखा तो वहीं खड़े के खड़े रह गए. बच्चे की मां ने जब यह देखा तो माँ भागती हुई बच्ची के पास पहुंची उस को गोद में लेकर जोर जोर से रोने लगी और मदद की गुहार लगाने लगी. वहाँ पर काम कर रहे मजदूर भी दौड़े भागे देखने आए कि बच्चा जिंदा भी बचा है या नहीं. ज़ाहिर है ऐसी हालत में सब अपने होश खो बैठते हैं. लेकिन फिर जो हुआ वह किसी अजूबे से कम नहीं था, इसे कुदरत का करिश्मा कहना गलत नहीं होगा. वह बच्चा सही सलामत था और थोड़ी देर में उठ खड़ा हुआ. बच्चे को देख आसपास के लोग हक्के बक्के रह गए और लोगो की खुशी का ठिकाना नहीं रहा. बच्चे की मां जो रो-रोकर बेहाल थी वह भी अपने बच्चे को सही सलामत देख खुशी से फूली नहीं समा रही थी.
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Latest Hindi News : Ajibo-garib - 5th Floor से गिरा बच्चा, लेकिन फिर हुआ चमत्कार.
नयी दिल्ली, TPS डेस्क: हरदोई जिले का अनोखा किस्सा, खेलते हुए ड���ढ़ साल का बच्चा 5 मंजिल से गिरा,पर सही सलामत उठ खड़ा हुआ. बात हरदोई जिले की है जहां एक अस्पताल की इमारत को बना रहे मजदूर का डेढ़ साल का बच्चा खेलते -खेलते पांचवी मंजिल से नीचे गिर जा गिरा. आसपास के लोगों ने जब यह मंजर देखा तो वहीं खड़े के खड़े रह गए. बच्चे की मां ने जब यह देखा तो माँ भागती हुई बच्ची के पास पहुंची उस को गोद में लेकर जोर जोर से रोने लगी और मदद की गुहार लगाने लगी. वहाँ पर काम कर रहे मजदूर भी दौड़े भागे देखने आए कि बच्चा जिंदा भी बचा है या नहीं. ज़ाहिर है ऐसी हालत में सब अपने होश खो बैठते हैं. लेकिन फिर जो हुआ वह किसी अजूबे से कम नहीं था, इसे कुदरत का करिश्मा कहना गलत नहीं होगा. वह बच्चा सही सलामत था और थोड़ी देर में उठ खड़ा हुआ. बच्चे को देख आसपास के लोग हक्के बक्के रह गए और लोगो की खुशी का ठिकाना नहीं रहा. बच्चे की मां जो रो-रोकर बेहाल थी वह भी अपने बच्चे को सही सलामत देख खुशी से फूली नहीं समा रही थी.
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Hindi Lastest News:- बच्चा पैदा करने के लिए रेपिस्ट को 15 दिन की पैरोल: प्रेग्नेंट न हुई तो 16 संस्कार अधूरे- पत्नि
राजस्थान हाईकोर्ट का ऐतिहासिक फैसला इन दिनों खूब सुर्खियों में है. इस फैसले में गैंगरेप के आरोपी को 15 दिन पत्नी के साथ रहने की इजाजत से मिली है. हाईकोर्ट ने तीन दिन पहले उस शख्स को पैरोल पर रिहा करने का आदेश सुनाया है. नाबालिग से गैंगरेप का आरोपी 22 साल का राहुल बघेल 25 साल की पत्नी बृजेश देवी के साथ अब 15 दिन अपने घर रहेगा. पॉक्सो एक्ट के तहत अलवर जेल में बंद राहुल को 15 दिन की पैरोल दी गई है. हाईकोर्ट की यह आदेश अलवर जेल प्रशासन तक पहुंचा दिया गया है.
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देव नर्तकों को मासिक भत्ता, कांतारा फिल्म के बाद कर्नाटक सरकार
कन्नड़ भाषा की फिल्म कांतारा को दर्शक तो पसन्द कर ही रहे है साथ ही कर्नाटक की सरकार भी प्रभावित है. कांतारा फिल्म की कहानी उन लोगों के ऊपर है जो देवों के भेस मे नर्तक बनते हैं और फिर देवों की उपासना करते हैं. कर्नाटक सरकार ने उन लोगों को 2000 रुपए मासिक भत्ता देने का एलान किया है
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देव नर्तकों को मासिक भत्ता, कांतारा फिल्म के बाद कर्नाटक सरकार
कन्नड़ भाषा की फिल्म कांतारा को दर्शक तो पसन्द कर ही रहे है साथ ही कर्नाटक की सरकार भी प्रभावित है. कांतारा फिल्म की कहानी उन लोगों के ऊपर है जो देवों के भेस मे नर्तक बनते हैं और फिर देवों की उपासना करते हैं. कर्नाटक सरकार ने उन लोगों को 2000 रुपए मासिक भत्ता देने का एलान किया है
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जानिए Moon Lighting के बारे में, जिसकी वजह से Wipro ने सैकड़ों कर्मचारी निकाल दिए!
Moonlighting has been at the center of the discussion ever since companies like Infosys and Wipro started taking action against their employees against Moollighting. What is basic lighting? Actually, when a person starts working with other companies to earn money without informing the company in which he is working permanently. Meaning that working in many places simultaneously is called moonlighting. Moonlighting should be done or not? This is a question whose answer to an extent depends on your monthly salary and age. Because while on the one hand the top officials of the IT sector are calling it unethical. On the other hand, the search for ways to do moonlighting secretly among the youth is going on. This is the first time that India's software industry seems to be divided into two parts. And the tussle between the two sides continues. Moonlighting means earning money by working for other companies beyond their working hours without informing the current company. Taking tough steps, IT companies have also started punishing the employees who do moonlighting. Wipro has recently fired 300 employees who did moonlighting. After this, Infosys has also accepted the removal of its employees. In the last 12 months, we have fired many such employees who were working for two companies simultaneously and that too in violation of the terms of confidentiality.
#moonlighting #infosys #wipro
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Latest Sport News :- Ind Vs Aus: Mohammad Shami के एक ओवर में 4 विकेट की बदौलत भारत नें आस्ट्रेलिया को 6 रन से हराया
ब्रिसबन: भारतीय टी-20 टीम से लंबे समय से बाहर चल रहे मोहम्मद शमी ने ऑस्ट्रेलिया में चल रहे टी-20 प्रैक्टिस मैच के आखिरी ओवर में खतरनाक गेंदबाजी करते हुए भारत को 6 रन से जीत दिला दी. आखरी ओवर में शामी ने अपनी धारदार गेंदबाजी के दमपर 3 विकेट लिये इसके अलावा विराट कोहली की धमाकेदार फील्डिंग के दम पर मोहम्मद शमी ने पारी के आखरी और अपने पहले ओवर की 4 गेंदों पर लगातार 4 विकेट लिए। इसमें से एक रन आउट था. इस दौरान शामी ने सिर्फ 4 रन ही दिए. इस ओवर के पहले तक ऑस्ट्रेलिया आसानी से जीत दर्ज करते दिख रहा था. बुमराह की गैर मौजूदगी में शामी ने खतरनाक गेंदबाजी करते हुए भारत को जीत दिलाई.
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Latest Sport News :- Ind Vs Aus: Mohammad Shami के एक ओवर में 4 विकेट की बदौलत भारत नें आस्ट्रेलिया को 6 रन से हराया
ब्रिसबन: भारतीय टी-20 टीम से लंबे समय से बाहर चल रहे मोहम्मद शमी ने ऑस्ट्रेलिया में चल रहे टी-20 प्रैक्टिस मैच के आखिरी ओवर में खतरनाक गेंदबाजी करते हुए भारत को 6 रन से जीत दिला दी. आखरी ओवर में शामी ने अपनी धारदार गेंदबाजी के दमपर 3 विकेट लिये इसके अलावा विराट कोहली की धमाकेदार फील्डिंग के दम पर मोहम्मद शमी ने पारी के आखरी और अपने पहले ओवर की 4 गेंदों पर लगातार 4 विकेट लिए। इसमें से एक रन आउट था. इस दौरान शामी ने सिर्फ 4 रन ही दिए. इस ओवर के पहले तक ऑस्ट्रेलिया आसानी से जीत दर्ज करते दिख रहा था. बुमराह की गैर मौजूदगी में शामी ने खतरनाक गेंदबाजी करते हुए भारत को जीत दिलाई.
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इतिइतिहास की सबसे खौफनाक सज़ा, जिसमें जिंदा इंसान की खाल उतार दी जाती थीहास की सबसे खौफनाक सज़ा, जिसमें जिंदा इंसान की खाल उतार दी जाती थी
The limits of cruelty should be crossed in such a way that one gets a death sentence so painful as to kill one's life with a slow but soul-shattering pain. Punishment in which the skin of a criminal is removed from his body and left to die. Do you know that such a punishment also used to be in history. Yes, the punishment for stripping the skin, that too alive There were many types of death penalty methods in history. So painful that along with the person who suffered the punishment, the souls of those who brought him were shaken. Such punishments which used to torture a person and take his life. One of those dangerous punishments was Flaying or Skinning i.e. such punishment in which the skin of the culprits was removed only while in their senses. How dangerous does it sound! This punishment is said to be one of the most dangerous and terrible punishments in the world. In this punishment, the skin of the convict was cut off from his body while he was alive and in consciousness. After removing the skin, the culprit was left to die like this. In this punishment, while suffering slowly or tell that the guilty used to die while suffering for many days. According to historians, this punishment was given the maximum in 900 AD. By the way, in almost every civilization of the world, this method was used to torture people or to punish criminals. But this punishment was used the most in ancient Europe and China. How was this punishment given? So let us tell you that just as the skin of an animal is removed, the criminals were tied at a place at that time so that they do not move much.. Then an executioner would start removing its skin with a knife. was. The most painful thing is that during this punishment, the offender was kept conscious, so that he felt this unbearable pain and suffered more and more. It used to give so much pain that seeing the punishment and hearing the screams, the hearts of the people around were also shocked. But the task of skinning a living person is not so easy, so special types of executioners were kept for this work. Who used to take off the skin like a craftsman. There were other problems in removing the skins.. Because the skins are not very hard, they do not come off so easily, so they were softened a little earlier to take them off.. And there were two methods of softening. The first method was that either the person was left tied in the harsh sun till he was completely scorched. This made it easy to take off the skin. And another way was to give that criminal pulses in boiling water. Due to which it became easy to take off its skin. Then the executioner used to start removing the skin with his knife. Although usually the skinning started from the thigh of the criminal, but when someone committed a more serious crime, then this punishment started from the face of that criminal. And there is no need to tell you that the skin of the face is the most sensitive in the whole body. And the most pain occurs on the face itself. You will also be surprised to know that where the executioner could not cut the skin with a knife, he used to pull the skin off from there. And this was the most painful
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U.P. के Amroha की दिल दहलाने वाली घटना, जब चाची ने ली 2 साल के भतीजे की जान
So this story is a new incident that happened in August 2022 itself. Which is of Malakpur village of Adampur police station area of Amroha, a district of Uttar Pradesh. A husband and wife Kailash and Premvati live in this village .. who were living with their problems. The problem was that they were not able to have any child for many years. Although the woman was pregnant 3 times, but twice her child died as soon as she was born and for the third time her child could not come to this world.. that means she was born dead. In such a situation, the couple was very upset .. in that the woman wanted a child by any means. But this desire of his made him a giant. And got such a work done, if a common man hears about it, then his soul will tremble. But before that.. on 22nd August there was an incident in Malakpur village in which a one and a half year old boy named Yash disappeared from his house.. Actually Yash's father Ramesh had gone to the city for some work that day..more His mother Rajbala had gone to get fodder for her cattle. So there was only her grandmother Ganga Devi and her aunt Premvati in the house to take care of Yash. This is the same Premvati that I mentioned at the beginning of the story. So it happened that when only the grandmother and aunt of the child were in the house, the grandmother got involved in some household work. After that, when the child's mother comes back at home, she sees that her child is not there. A one and a half year old child, who could not even speak or walk properly, was not being found anywhere. His mother got very upset. And everyone in the whole village started asking about her child, but no one had seen her child that day. After that, when Yash's father came to know about this, he immediately came back to the village and went to Adampur police station and got his child's missing report written, and requested them to find the child as soon as possible. Police also immediately started searching for that child .. and started investigation. On the third day of Yash's disappearance i.e. on 24th August, the resident of the village sees a child's foot lying in a sugarcane field. When he sees her and goes to her, then in a plastic bag nearby, the remaining pieces of a child's body are also found. Seeing all this, he was stunned and immediately informed the police about it. She also reached the forensic team along with the police and found out that these small pieces of the body were of Yash. It did not take long for this news to spread in the village. And there was an outcry in the whole village. Thinking what enmity can such a small child have with anyone, and who would be such a cruel and cruel person who has given such a painful death to this innocent one and a half year old child. Yash's parents and relatives were getting worse by crying. But his aunt Premvati seemed to be making no difference. After this, all the people of the house started doubting Premvati.. that she definitely knows something about this matter. Against this suspicion, the police took Premvati into custody. And then when questioned, she told that both she and her husband Kailash were very sad because of not having a child. And to solve this, both of them met a tantrik. And that tantrik had told a method to have a child, in which Premvati had to sacrifice a goat and bathe in its blood and then after that bathe in the river Ganges which would be only about 1 or 2 kilometers away from them. So Premvati and Kailash, both do this ritual secretly in the village one night. After sacrificing a goat, Premvati was bathed in its blood.. and took a dip in the Ganges. After this Premvati became pregnant once again but this time also her child could not survive. After this incident, Kailash lost his faith in these tantriks and accepted the truth, that perhaps both of them will never get the happiness of a child.
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U.P. के Amroha की दिल दहलाने वाली घटना, जब चाची ने ली 2 साल के भतीजे की जान
So this story is a new incident that happened in August 2022 itself. Which is of Malakpur village of Adampur police station area of Amroha, a district of Uttar Pradesh. A husband and wife Kailash and Premvati live in this village .. who were living with their problems. The problem was that they were not able to have any child for many years. Although the woman was pregnant 3 times, but twice her child died as soon as she was born and for the third time her child could not come to this world.. that means she was born dead. In such a situation, the couple was very upset .. in that the woman wanted a child by any means. But this desire of his made him a giant. And got such a work done, if a common man hears about it, then his soul will tremble. But before that.. on 22nd August there was an incident in Malakpur village in which a one and a half year old boy named Yash disappeared from his house.. Actually Yash's father Ramesh had gone to the city for some work that day..more His mother Rajbala had gone to get fodder for her cattle. So there was only her grandmother Ganga Devi and her aunt Premvati in the house to take care of Yash. This is the same Premvati that I mentioned at the beginning of the story. So it happened that when only the grandmother and aunt of the child were in the house, the grandmother got involved in some household work. After that, when the child's mother comes back at home, she sees that her child is not there. A one and a half year old child, who could not even speak or walk properly, was not being found anywhere. His mother got very upset. And everyone in the whole village started asking about her child, but no one had seen her child that day. After that, when Yash's father came to know about this, he immediately came back to the village and went to Adampur police station and got his child's missing report written, and requested them to find the child as soon as possible. Police also immediately started searching for that child .. and started investigation. On the third day of Yash's disappearance i.e. on 24th August, the resident of the village sees a child's foot lying in a sugarcane field. When he sees her and goes to her, then in a plastic bag nearby, the remaining pieces of a child's body are also found. Seeing all this, he was stunned and immediately informed the police about it. She also reached the forensic team along with the police and found out that these small pieces of the body were of Yash. It did not take long for this news to spread in the village. And there was an outcry in the whole village. Thinking what enmity can such a small child have with anyone, and who would be such a cruel and cruel person who has given such a painful death to this innocent one and a half year old child. Yash's parents and relatives were getting worse by crying. But his aunt Premvati seemed to be making no difference. After this, all the people of the house started doubting Premvati.. that she definitely knows something about this matter. Against this suspicion, the police took Premvati into custody. And then when questioned, she told that both she and her husband Kailash were very sad because of not having a child. And to solve this, both of them met a tantrik. And that tantrik had told a method to have a child, in which Premvati had to sacrifice a goat and bathe in its blood and then after that bathe in the river Ganges which would be only about 1 or 2 kilometers away from them. So Premvati and Kailash, both do this ritual secretly in the village one night. After sacrificing a goat, Premvati was bathed in its blood.. and took a dip in the Ganges. After this Premvati became pregnant once again but this time also her child could not survive. After this incident, Kailash lost his faith in these tantriks and accepted the truth, that perhaps both of them will never get the happiness of a child.
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Latest Hindi News,State - विश्व की सबसे ऊंची शिव प्रतिमा के हैरतअंगेज फैक्टः 500 गार्ड्स, 10 हजार लोग बैठ सकते हैं अंदर-देखिए तस्वीरें
. राजस्थान आज नया इतिहास रचने जा रहा है। राजस्थान के राजसमंद में बनी भगवान शिव की 369 फीट की प्रतिमा का आज मुरारी बापू लोकार्पण क��ेंगे। इस मूर्ति का निर्माण राजस्थान के लिए ट्यूब बिजनेसमैन ग्रुप ने करवाया है। करीब 10 साल में बनकर तैयार हुई यह मूर्ति अपने आप में काफी अनोखी है पूर्णविराम जो इतनी बड़ी है कि इसे पूरा देखने के लिए करीब 1 किलोमीटर दूर से देखना होता है। देखिए स्टैच्यू ऑफ बिलीफ देश को समर्पित दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी भगवान शिव की मूर्ति की तस्वीरें…
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Meerut के Lisari Gate की चौका देने वाली घटना, जब बाप ने काट दी बेटी की गर्दन
So this is the story of Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh, there is an area 'Lisari' in it. That is the incident. The incident is also not very old.. This incident has happened only in the last month i.e. only in August. Where on August 12, the police get a call and they learn that there is a cemetery in Lisari, near them the body of a headless girl has been found in a bale. The police immediately reaches that place as soon as they get this news. And gets into the investigation of the case. The police do not get the head of that girl. So it was very difficult to find out whose corpse is after all. Now the case was not progressing without identifying the dead body. How do you find out? But in a few days the police get an unknown call. In which the caller tells the police that I have a friend who has been missing for a few days. And I suspect his father to have caused him some harm. The caller gave the name and address of that girl. Now the police did not take this call lightly, but tried to relate to this case. So he immediately reaches the given address and meets the girl's father, who was a resident of Lisari, and his name was Shahid Qureshi. His wife and daughter were also in his family, the daughter's name was Shahina Qureshi. And about whom the call came to the police, it was Shahina Qureshi. Now the police talked to his father. When he asked him about his daughter Shaheen, Shaheed Qureshi turned things around, on the insistence of the police, he told that Shahina had gone to the house of one of his relatives. When the police asked him to call Shahina, Shahina His father refused to call. Now the police got suspicious and they were taken into custody. When questioned, at first Shahid Qureshi did not give any information.. But when the police showed strictness with him, he spilled all his secrets. He revealed that a boy named Wasim Saifi lives in his neighborhood. Now being a neighbor, he had to visit those Qureshio's house a lot. Everything was fine. But one day Shahid Qureshi and his wife came to know that Shahina and Wasim Saifi's love affair is going on. So both the parents gave their daughter the data by herself saying that she is a boy of a different caste.. Shahina should stay away from him. Otherwise the result could be bad. But Shahina was in love with Wasim. That's why he did not listen to his parents. And kept meeting Wasim too. Shahina's father wanted her to get married to a relative's son. And when Shahina was told by her parents about this matter, Shahina refused and told that she would marry only Wasim. Now her parents got very angry on this matter and that night they caught their daughter Shahina, the mother caught her and the father separated her by cutting her neck. Think for yourself that how was the passion of cruelty that the mother and father severed their daughter's head by beheading it. How can anyone even think like this. Well after that Shahina's father tied her body and neck in different bundles and thought of disposing of her. He tied Shahina's neck and body in separate bundles and threw the body on the road outside the nearby graveyard. And the head was thrown somewhere else. So that even if his body is found by anyone, then no one can recognize him. Even after this, Shahid Qureshi says that he has no regrets after committing this heinous crime. He says that Shahina had insulted his family, so he did it right by putting him to death.
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Latest Indian News With The Public Story
The Public Story is a concoction that was made to transform society in order to resist such a practically extinct mindset. Its goal is to bring back the "public" in "public story." This conch shell's mission is to serve as a conduit via which the nation's youth, senior citizens, and younger children can communicate with the rest of the country's population.
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जब Gangster Akku Yadav को भरी अदालत में महिलाओ ने मारकर किया इंसाफ !
There have been numerous offenders of this type in the nation whose just names were enough to frighten the populace. Bharat Kalicharan, also known as Akku Yadav, was among those perpetrators. He was a vicious criminal who went beyond the pale. This was frequently accomplished by having someone killed or by raping women. It was so cynical that in addition to women, it frequently made little girls the targets of its humiliation. Actually, Bharat Kalicharan, also known as Akku Yadav, had a criminal mindset since he was a young child. By perpetrating the crime, he used to get some solace. However, Akku Yadav experienced some events in 2004 as a result of which Udka himself put an end to his life of crime. The passing of Akku Yadav, about whom I am now speaking, had garnered a lot of national attention. In front of everyone in the courtroom, more than 200 ladies had executed this felon. Its narrative begins in Nagpur's Kasturabnagar. For approximately ten years, Akku Yadav caused mayhem in Kasturabnagar. Serial rapist Akku Yadav also committed theft, robbery, and murder. When killing victims, he showed no mercy. He constantly had the impression that he was the target of a conspiracy. Therefore, anyone he suspected would have killed him. Or his group would have gang-raped the female residents of his home. Even young females were not spared because of how low he was. The residents of Kasturbnagar had banned their home daughters from leaving the house and going to school as a result of these incidences. Since the cops used to dance on his motions, nobody even goes to the police with complaints. By offering bribes and alcohol to the cops, he used to buy them in advance. Even if someone had gone to the police with Akku Yadav's complaint, the policeman would have declined to register their complaint and would have given Akku Yadav the names of those people. In order to exact revenge on him, Akku Yadav thereafter used to rape and kill the ladies who lived in his home. The anxiety in Akku was growing daily.
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