ptitcygne · 3 years
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ptitcygne · 3 years
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ptitcygne · 3 years
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ptitcygne · 3 years
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ptitcygne · 3 years
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ptitcygne · 3 years
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ptitcygne · 3 years
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I will put context on this. I started a fantasy story few years ago because I was bored, nothing serious then. But I got inspired and now I have a whole plot and everything. I started talking about this story with my friends, and now one of them got inspired too, and wrote something that happen about 500 years before my story. I will share (probably) both of the stories because the first one explains why in my story there is such chaos going on.
But first here is the map of my universe, and a little bit of the plot so that you understand. This is a fantasy story, mostly medieval looking, but there is technology too, like trams, cable cars (that link the floating islands to the ground). Plenty of species too, some that are common, and other that I have created (or inspired by other species already created by others).
This world is divided into nine areas, they are regions, each one of them have its own rules, laws, cultures and species.
Mendel can be considered as the main one, it has a monopoly on the economy, and it has the most diversity among the people who live there. The most important city is Albereth (Albescent City), it’s kind of like the capital of this world. I will do a specific post about this place, I have a lot to say for it.
Freyr is mostly a forest of giant trees (look alike Scots pines) inhabited by all sorts of giant species.
Eodin is mainly made up of plains and small forests, one of my characters lives there most of the time, I will detail this also in another post.
Isulnin is a desert of rock and infertile earth, the ground is deeply cracked, forming faults for kilometers. Large stone columns stand out from the ground and form like pillars. These lands are hostile because a group of witches are there, and create all kinds of particularly dangerous and resistant creatures.
Cinil is an arid desert, only populated by a few rare species including mithyrians, humanoid felines.
Zygvarys is also called the Great Golden Plains, because the grass there is tall and yellow, it looks a bit like wild wheat. It is particularly warm and the only shelters that can be found are huge trees with white trunks and leaves in the colours of autumn. This area is famous for its white stone quarries, which make up the majority of the constructions there. There are only small, simple villages, and only one large city, which gave its name to the area, Zygvarys. It lies at the level of the great white wall that separates it from Melvinil. And it is there for a good reason, the city is the last bulwark facing the threat that haunts the lands of Melvinil.
Melvinil is a land that has been eaten away for centuries by a curse cast by Orkalor during his defeat and death before the white lord, Sylfaril. His spirit still haunts the place and is responsible for the madness and evil that spreads there.
Melveril is as a whole a high plateau of rock, a cold and almost uninhabited desert, only nomadic peoples live there.
Finally, Theowyn, a mountainous and snowy area as a whole with the exception of a very special forest, called the Spirits Grounds, it will have the right to her post too.
On this map, which is incomplete, there are of course missing the cities, but also the regions further north and the cloud cities, very developed flying cities, and which are one of the most important places in the history of my friend, a people in particular lives there, the winged (we had no ideas), who are the only ones who can go there without means of transport. So I would update the map.
Thank you if you have read everything so far, this is the first time I share my work in this way so I’m not super confident about what people may think. But anyway, I don’t think I’m gonna make this a serious story, so I’m gonna share it here in case anyone’s interested. Ah and English is absolutely not my mother tongue (reverso is my best friend), so I train a little here in terms of expression, so if I say nonsense, it’s normal. I will try to publish quite often. 👍
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