psycosymphany · 5 years
A very lovely song about the coming of the end.
Solider Poet King - oh hellos
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psycosymphany · 5 years
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Hey you know those condition rings Matt uses? I found the legit same ones on Etsy! They are licensed for production and sale by the guy who designed the ones Matt uses, so if you want the exact ones Matt has, this is actually the only place to get them legitimately.
They are great quality and a good size! Plus when I ordered them he sent me some great joke ones as a bonus:
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Definitely recommend!!! PLUS I found out the dude who prints these runs a game shop in my city so I stopped in and met him. He’s SUPER cool and committed to producing a quality product that is licensed and supports the original creator, plus he keeps his prices lower than the competition. Support Mike! He’s rad!
You can find his Etsy shop here: [x]
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psycosymphany · 5 years
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Source: [x]
Follow Ultrafacts for more facts!
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psycosymphany · 6 years
“you aren’t doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing.”
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psycosymphany · 6 years
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PHEW, it’s finally done! I debuted it at the CR weekend to the cast, but now that I’m back and it went up on the Patreon, I can share it here! I’ve been working on it in my spare time (of which there is SO LITTLE), but this moment was so good, I just had to ^_^
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psycosymphany · 6 years
Listen up. There is literally an app that can help you avoid self harm and I don’t know why we aren’t talking about it.
Calm Harm can be tailored to your needs and will provide strategies to help you get past those crucial moments of wanting to harm.
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It’s also totally FREE.
once again, it’s called CALM HARM
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psycosymphany · 6 years
Id like to show you all something.
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Yes indeed no nudity but you can find all the discriminatory and hate speech you want!
But wait, the icing on the cake…
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…really? Do i need even say anything.
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psycosymphany · 6 years
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psycosymphany · 6 years
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If he manages to get that story viral, he’ll get a job 5 times better than his last one #youknowwhatImean
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psycosymphany · 6 years
i’m playing a sailor in my new campaign and i love sailor superstitions, so i made a bunch of dnd sailor superstitions/traditions! (some might be weird/bizarre, but a lot of ours are too so i felt it fitting)
having a water genasi on board is good luck, even better if they’re higher ranked (captain, first mate). however, if they’re a prisoner, it’s extremely bad luck for the crew that has them imprisoned. 
holy people of sea gods closely follow water genasi in good luck/bad luck.
sailors tend to get tattoos of a land god’s symbol in hopes that if they drown, a land god will get them back safely. however, sea gods find this extremely rude and disrespectful, so sailors have to find ways of hiding the tattoos at all times, whether with magic, clothes, or makeup. 
every port city has a shrine or temple to a sea god. the very last thing sailors do before heading out on the ocean and the very first thing they do when they get back on land is pray at one of these places. bigger port cities have special roads for sailors to take.
the only time it’s okay to sing sea shanties on land is if you have a vial of seawater on you. if you don’t have any, sea gods think you’re singing for the land gods instead of themselves. and if they think that, things will turn nasty when you get back to sea.
sailors don’t talk about their families/friends/loved ones while at sea. the sea could get jealous, and try and keep the sailors all to itself–by whatever means necessary.
there are various tattoos one can get for certain accomplishments (ie. defeating a monster, sailing for a certain amount of time/for a certain distance, which port you hail from, etc)
every ship brings a small animal that’s special to a sea god on board (ie a crab). that animal has all priority–in food, in defense, in healing. it’s said that if that animal dies, the rest of the crew will soon follow.
bonus sea shanties:
dwarf and orc shanties have a very steady rhythm and often involve drums–meant to keep rowing easy and sailors focused.
tiefling and elf shanties are melodious and often eerie to hear from another ship–especially in foggy/stormy weather. they’re meant to simulate the sound of the wind, waves, and those who died at sea.
dragonborn and genasi shanties often involved overlapping lyrics and melodies, causing them to sound like the storms out at sea. they’re meant to pay tribute to and appease the gods.
halfling and gnome shanties are cheery and peppy, meant to keep things interesting after monotonous days at sea and to make sure morale is up.
human shanties are as wide and varied as the race itself. they often tell stories–of the crew, of other ships’ adventures, or of history.
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psycosymphany · 6 years
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psycosymphany · 6 years
Psi: Loving this new album expeassly this song
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psycosymphany · 6 years
RWBY AMV - Wrong Side of Heaven ~ Qrow
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psycosymphany · 6 years
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psycosymphany · 6 years
Travis’s Jester impression is adorable 
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psycosymphany · 6 years
bnha animatic|villain deku|Wolf in sheeps clothing
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psycosymphany · 6 years
(BNHA Comic Dub) "Hero"
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