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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
Hi!!! Can you do 50 from general as a blackevans brotp?
Hi!! I said I wasn't going to write tonight, but as usual, Sirius Black makes his own set of rules. Hope this checks all the boxes for you <3
can also be read on AO3 :)
She says goodbye to her friends, careful to not look too far around the Entrance Hall before she makes her way back up to Gryffindor Tower. The trek is slow in a dawdling kind of way—because Lily Evans has nowhere to be presently.
When she clambers through the portrait hole, she gives the room a brief survey, though she does not expect to find many students older than Second Years as the rest are likely all headed to Hogsmeade. She is surprised to find another Sixth Year still in the tower, lounging in the best armchair near the empty fireplace.
“Evans,” he greets when she draws closer.
She sighs before perching herself on the armchair across from his. “Black.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I didn’t know where else to go,” she answers with a shrug. To save from elaborating further, she turns the question back around to him. “Why aren’t you down in Hogsmeade?”
“Lost its charm.”
“Oh really?”
“When you can go there whenever you’d like, the idea of fighting through crowds of overexcited Third and Fourth Years loses its appeal very quickly.”
She nods slowly. “Where are your other brain cells?” She pretends she does not already know the answer to the whereabouts of one particular brain cells as Sirius grins at her.
“Infirmary, detention, date,” says Sirius, ticking off a finger with each word. “But
 something tells me you already knew about the last one.”
Heat travels from her chest upward at these words, and Sirius’ knowing grin only grows. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Yes, you do. Why don’t you tell him?”
She sighs, chewing on her bottom lip. “I was going to
 but then I heard he was going out with Melanie already and thought what’s the point?”
“That’s the Gryffindor spirit.”
“Oh, bugger off, Sirius. I’m not at all keen to make a fool of myself.”
“Good, James does it enough for the both of you.”
A small smile unfolds on her lips at these words. Where Potter once incensed her, James sets her aflame in a new way, a soft way.
“Y’know,” Sirius begins after a pause, “I could take you out to Hogsmeade.”
Lily stifles a laugh, staring questioningly at him. “It’s really all right. I’m fine staying here.”
“Could be fun though. James is on a date, why shouldn’t you go on one?”
“Because I’d never date you.”
“Of course you would. Anyone would. But what’s that matter? Weïżœïżœve nothing better to do—”
“—Always my favorite thing to hear from a boy when speaking about dating me,” she cuts in, rolling her eyes over-dramatically at him.
“It’ll be fun. You can even snuggle up close to me in the booth. See if we can take the mick out of James for a bit.” He rises from his seat now, black hair elegantly framing his face—despite it being the weekend, he is still dressed in a button-down and slacks, likely due to his upbringing she thinks—and reaches a hand out to her. “You’ll be thanking me in two years at your wedding.”
Lily snorts but lets him pull her to her feet. “You’re touched in the head. We’ll only be nineteen, then.”
“Knowing James, once you two are finally together, even Voldemort himself wouldn’t be able to tear you apart.”
When they arrive at the Three Broomsticks, Sirius puts on his best gentleman act from what Lily can tell, and opens the door for her. She crosses the threshold focusing on not looking around the pub for James despite her natural instinct.
Sirius takes no such approach, throwing his arm around Lily’s shoulder as they walk further into the pub. He greets people shamelessly as they pass and Lily does her best to play along with the charade.
“Hey Prongs!” he calls jovially, tucking Lily closer to him as they pass behind Melanie, who swivels briskly in her chair at the sound of Sirius’ voice. “Lovely day for a date, innit? Ah, there’s a free table. This way, love.”
Lily is hardly containing her laughter as Sirius pulls out a chair for her. This table is three tables over from where James and Melanie sit, and directly in James’ line of view. She is swept away in how effortlessly and swiftly Sirius can devise a scheme all in the name of pranking his friend.
He starts speaking to her in a low voice so that she has to lean in closer to hear him. Her cheeks are warm from the effort of suppressing her laughter and she presses a cool hand to her cheek as she casually leans on the table to talk to him.
“You’re very good at this. Almost
 frighteningly so.”
Sirius grins wickedly. “This is much more fun than moping around the Common Room, isn’t it, Evans?”
“I suppose. You know what would really help sell it? Butterbeers.”
He laughs. “On it.”
Lily returns his laugh as she watches him stand from his chair. He throws one last cheeky look at her before heading toward the bar. She shakes her head, biting her inner cheek to stop herself from laughing as the reality of their current situation washes over her again.
It is all a welcome distraction—a ridiculous one, to be sure, but welcome nonetheless. Motion from a few tables over catches her attention, and she looks up to see James rise from his chair and stride over to the bar.
He does not peer Lily’s way as he passes, eyes focused very intently on one particular target. He looks like a homing missile, coordinates locked, target in sight.
Lily watches as he leans casually on the bar next to Sirius, and she can just see from her angle that though he is facing forward his mouth is moving. After a moment, Sirius bends closer to say something near James’ ear and then James stands up straight, facing him in his reply.
James’ face looks purposefully impassive, but she thinks—or perhaps imagines—his jaw is clenched tightly in irritation. She waits just a moment longer and then—ah, James’ hand flies through his inky hair and she feels a victorious swoop in her stomach.
(Later, she will feel very silly, and a bit remorseful about going through with Sirius’ idea. But she’ll have to come down from where she is currently floating in order to do so.)
Sirius returns to the table, a butterbeer tankard in each hand, and James stares openly at the pair.
“Thanks,” says Lily, when she takes the drink from Sirius’ outstretched hand. “So?”
She knows there is excitement and anticipation rolled into that infinitesimal one-syllable word, but she is well beyond the point of caring now.
“Oh, he’s losing his mind over there. Make no mistake, I am never going to hear the end of this. A bit worried I might lose my Best Man’s position over it, if I’m honest.” The tone of his voice does not match the words. She pulls the butterbeer to her mouth to stop herself from beaming. (Remember, she’ll feel properly ashamed later, but now, she is simply too giddy.) “Please come by our dorm later and snog him senseless, would you?”
“And get you out of the dog house that easily, Padfoot? Not a chance.”
He laughs heartily now, drawing several looks from nearby tables, but none so fierce or focused as a set of hazel eyes. “You really are perfect for him, Evans. This will make for an excellent Best Man’s speech, don’t you think?”
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
reasons why Snape's "redemption",
'your mum didn't let me fuck her bc im racist and called her a slur so now I'm a salty bitch',
doesn't mean shit:
a) he bullied lil children who were his students
b) he let the slytherins be assholes to any one who isn't pure-blood.
d) he caused more than one student to be insecure
e) a students boggart was snape even after the student's parents were crucio'd to insanity.
f) he caused a good hearted werewolf to loose his job bc one of his bullies didn't face the fate of getting his soul sucked out.
g) he made sure the said werewolf would remain unemployed from there on for the rest of his life.
h) he physically abused a fifteen year old, orphaned, abused, child by gripping his arm so tight that the child began to see stars and then threw him across the dungeon floor.
i) he made a hex that could literally KILL by the age of fifteen
j) he bullied the abused child feeling no sympathy towards him even tho the slimeball had been thru the same shit as a child
l) he made fun of tonks bc her patronus changed even tho the same shit happened to him.
m) he was racist in the wizarding way. he was racist to everyone except the woman he was, like I said before, he was unhealthily obsessed with.
n) he said that this woman was "different" while others, according to him, were worthy of hatred.
o) he joined the "Good" side bc the "bad" one targeted said woman.
p) he thought it was alright to have her family killed, to have everything she loved, ripped away from her.
q) he didn't care for lily's happiness, he just wanted to be a pathetic rebound.
r) he is the reason she died. voldemort found out about the prophesy bc of snape.
s) oh also, this one's for the people who say shit like "but he protected harry bc of his lOvE for lily". he "protected" Harry sometimes, like in mortal danger, bc he promised dumbledore.
t) he threatened to almost kill Trevor, Neville's toad. no wonder snape's his boggart
there's definitely a lot more and you know it.
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
reasons why Snape's "redemption",
'your mum didn't let me fuck her bc im racist and called her a slur so now I'm a salty bitch',
doesn't mean shit:
a) he bullied lil children who were his students
b) he let the slytherins be assholes to any one who isn't pure-blood.
d) he caused more than one student to be insecure
e) a students boggart was snape even after the student's parents were crucio'd to insanity.
f) he caused a good hearted werewolf to loose his job bc one of his bullies didn't face the fate of getting his soul sucked out.
g) he made sure the said werewolf would remain unemployed from there on for the rest of his life.
h) he physically abused a fifteen year old, orphaned, abused, child by gripping his arm so tight that the child began to see stars and then threw him across the dungeon floor.
i) he made a hex that could literally KILL by the age of fifteen
j) he bullied the abused child feeling no sympathy towards him even tho the slimeball had been thru the same shit as a child
l) he made fun of tonks bc her patronus changed even tho the same shit happened to him.
m) he was racist in the wizarding way. he was racist to everyone except the woman he was, like I said before, he was unhealthily obsessed with.
n) he said that this woman was "different" while others, according to him, were worthy of hatred.
o) he joined the "Good" side bc the "bad" one targeted said woman.
p) he thought it was alright to have her family killed, to have everything she loved, ripped away from her.
q) he didn't care for lily's happiness, he just wanted to be a pathetic rebound.
r) he is the reason she died. voldemort found out about the prophesy bc of snape.
s) oh also, this one's for the people who say shit like "but he protected harry bc of his lOvE for lily". he "protected" Harry sometimes, like in mortal danger, bc he promised dumbledore.
t) he threatened to almost kill Trevor, Neville's toad. no wonder snape's his boggart
there's definitely a lot more and you know it.
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
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we want to be ginnys but we are just harrys
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
Hey! From the prompt list, Jily - “I am here to grace you with my presence.”
Heya, thanks for the prompt!! Sorry if this is riddled with typos, it’s been a long day and i might be slightly high
Send me prompts here!
James paused his work to wipe a trickle of sweat from his forehead and roll up his sleeves. His back ached from exertion after nearly ninety minutes of hard labor. It was stupid, really, that he was here at all. If Sirius hadn’t been late to hand off the cloak last night during preparations for their latest prank, McGonagall would have never found him standing in the third floor corridor holding a bag of bowtruckles in one hand and bucket of magical Stick-O’-Lot glue from Zonko’s in the other. 
James sighed and sat back on the balls of his feet to examine his progress. He’d only managed to polish half the surfaces in the trophy room. He stretched and cursed Sirius again. A hundred tiny cracks ran down his spine as he moved. 
“Working hard I see.” 
James jumped in surprise. Lily leaned against the doorway, arms crossed, and a bemused look on her face. “I didn’t even think Head Boys could get detention,” she said teasingly. 
James grinned and got to his feet, wiping his polish-covered hands on a rag. “What are you doing here? Slumming it with the rule breaker?” 
Lily beamed at him. “I’m here to grace you with my presence!” 
“Yeah?” he growled, approaching her slowly, “I can think something better we could be doing.” 
Lily pulled a face as he approached. “Absolutely not, grimy boy! You better scourgify those hands if you want to touch me.” 
James stopped and raised his eyebrows at her. “And if I don’t?” 
Lily laughed, holding her hands out placatingly, “James, no, this is my last clean button-up.” 
James lunged. Lily shrieked with laughter as she darted out the door. He followed her, managing to catch her a little ways down the hallway. He pressed her against the corridor wall and lifted his hand so that it hovered above her face, his fingers inches from her forehead. “Any last words?” 
Lily tried to speak but she was laughing too hard. “Have mercy! Mercy!” 
James dropped his hand. “Well, if you insist,” he whispered, then kissed her fiercely. 
They had only been dating for a few weeks but James was sure he’d never get used to her soft lips on his. She caught his bottom lift between her own and sucked lightly. He groaned, lifting a hand to grip her waist. He felt her loop a finger through his belt loop and pull him closer, pressing her hips into his. She would have to forgive him later for getting her shirt dirty after all. 
Suddenly, James heard a scream behind him. 
He felt as if he’d been hit with an enormous gust of wind. He flew through the air and slammed against the far wall, sliding to the flood with a dull thud.
“What the hell!” James heard Lily shout in a panicked voice. 
“I heard you,” Snape panted, though James could tell he was starting to realize that he had misread the situation. “I heard you telling him to stop, heard you beg for mercy.” 
“It was a laugh, you arsehole!” she spat at Snape. She hurried over to James to help him stand but he waved her off. 
“I’m alright,” he mumbled, eyes narrowed at Snape. “No thanks to you, Snivellus.” 
Snape raised his wand again and pointed it right between James’ eyes. “I’m sure you deserved it.” 
Lily stepped between the boys, looking murderous. “Leave. Now.” 
Snape faltered at her expression. “But, I thought,” 
“I know what you thought,” her voice quivered from anger, “stop trying to save me, Snape. If you haven’t noticed I’m doing just fine without you. Better, actually.” 
James nearly felt bad for Snape at this. His eyes grew wide with shock, and James sense real pain beneath his expression. Then, perhaps realizing how pathetic he looked, he quickly composed himself again into a sickening snear. 
“Of course,” he oozed, “you’ve got the quidditch hero of Gryffindor tower now, what would you need your friends for?” 
“I’m quite capable of telling you to fuck off myself, thanks.” And with that, Lily grabbed James’ hand and marched them back into the trophy room. Snape stood rooted to the spot and watched them go. He didn’t like the murderous look on Snape’s face. 
When they were both inside Lily slammed the door so loudly that several trophies wobbled in their display cases. 
Lily looked wild with fury. “What a prick,” she ranted, wringing her hands as if to expel excess energy, “I can’t believe I was ever friends with him.” 
James, unsure of what to say, just watched her pace back and forth. He’d always hated Snape, but it felt tactless to bring that up now. 
“What does he think? That he can just follow me around the castle and be my knight in shining armour? Maybe he should start with his own friends, they’re the ones who try to attack us.” He knew that by “us” Lily meant all muggleborns. 
“I’d like to see them try,” he muttered, flexing his wand hand at the thought. 
She whirled around to face him. “Don’t you start!”
“Me?” he yelped, throwing his hands in front of himself in submission, “what did I do?” 
“I don’t need you to protect me, I can fight my own battles,” she huffed, angrily pushing aside a strand of hair that fell into her face. 
James threw his arms up in frustration. “Well, shit, Evans, I know you don’t need me around. I’ve always known that. I’m just saying that I have your back, alright?” 
They faced each other for a few seconds, chests heaving and glaring at each other. Then Lily seemed to crumple. 
“Of course I do,” she said miserably, staring at the floor, “I want to have your back too.” 
James strode over to her and wrapped her in a hug. “I know that.” 
Lily shook her head against his chest. “He always wanted to protect me. He didn’t think I was strong enough on my own. Guess it made me a little sensitive.” 
James laughed and hugged her tighter. “Sensitive? You? Never.” 
She poked him playfully in the ribs, then wrapped her arms around him too. They stood like that for a long while, just holding each other in the dying firelight. Finally, James pulled back and placed a kiss on the top of her head. 
“As much as I enjoy your company this over my detention, you should probably go. I’ve got to finish this before sunrise.” 
Lily nodded and let her arms fall from his waist. She gave him a small smile then walked towards the door to the trophy room.
“You know,” she called over he shoulder, “you still owe me a clean shirt.” 
James saluted her. “Aye aye, captain.” 
She rolled her eyes. “Why do I date you again?” 
“My irresistible charm?” 
“That must be it.”
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
Friends Don’t Look at Friends That Way
Requested by anon:  Would you mind writing jilys first date???
Pairing: James Potter x Lily Evans
Summary: It’s totally not a date ft. James being a total dumbass
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 2.1k
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The hallway was bustling and teeming with students, pushing through each other in an attempt to make it to class on time. The second floor east hallway was always this busy in between classes and James loved to sit back and watch the chaos. With a free period after lunch, he usually spent his free time sitting on a ledge in the corridor, watching first years attempt to journey through the throngs of older students and observing as Gryffindors and Slytherins purposely knocked into each other.
James waved to Peter from his spot and Peter grimaced back as he attempted to maneuver around a particularly happy couple that had decided that the middle of the hallway was an appropriate spot to snog. James chuckled and continued to scan the crowd before his mouth settled into a soft smile as he spotted a familiar head of red hair.
Lily pushed through the crowd with her eyebrows set into a hard line and her face filled with determination, just as she always did. She was small, her head landing somewhere near the height of James’ shoulders, and needed to focus all on her strength on getting through the bustle. Her hair was loose, he noted to himself, something Lily rarely did. Usually, her hair was thrown into a tight plait or was pulled together into a bun at the base of her neck. Occasionally, on days where she was feeling particularly happy, she’d tie off her hair with a red ribbon. But free-flying locks were a true rarity, one that James treasured.
He loved when she wore her hair down, reveling in the messiness and wildness of it all. She had been growing her hair since she had cut it to her shoulders in fifth year, and it now reached midway down her back, the ends beginning to curl slightly. When it was down, he’d catch her playing with the ends in class, curling the hair around her fingers and she took notes. James always had to restrain himself from reaching over and smoothing it down, running his hands through the hair he admired so often. But they were friends. Tentative friends who were constantly toeing the line between warm acquaintances and real friends. James had finally crossed the threshold into friendship territory and he was not about to fuck it up by acting on his unrequited feelings.
Keep reading
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
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3 years sketching HP characters and as a way of reinvent my fanarts and myself, I'm exploring the skill and technique to bring them to a realistic aspect of movie frames. I hope you enjoy this new journey! Heres a side by side comparison.
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
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“It’s for some stupid, noble reason, isn’t it?”
Harry breaking up with Ginny during Dumbledore’s Funeral.
more of my #potterframes 
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
Just so we’re absolutely clear, the prophecy that Sybil Trelawney made to Dumbledore and that Snape told to Voldemort is:
The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies
It is made, very clearly, that the chosen was coming and that he would be born as seventh month dies which would be July. This prophecy was made months before that. It is clear that the chosen one was not born yet but would be soon. Snape had ZERO issues with a baby and his parents being killed. He was fine with it. He chose to tell Voldemort, knowing that his dark lord would kill the baby and his parents. Snape only regretted it because it was Lily. And even then, he was only worried about her. He did not care about Harry and James. And I’ve said it before, but when given the chance to save Snape’s life, James put aside all foolish rivalry and saved him. And when it came time for Snape to save James life, he held a grudge and was willing to let Voldemort kill him and the baby. And lastly, if Voldemort had chosen to kill Neville and his parents instead, Snape would’ve continued being a death eater. Just so we’re clear.
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
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I’m suprised your broomstick can get off the ground with that fat head on it. You make me sick.
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
Ginny: 3 words, 8 letters. Say it and im all yours
Harry, totally nervous: 3 words 8 letters!
Ginny: fair enough *proceed to kiss him*
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
okay, how much harry loves and emulates his father is my favorite thing in the series. because sirius and lily and dumbledore are all important sure, but james? james is everything to harry, absolutely everything. 
because he doesn’t just take pride in who his father was, he gains strength and bravery from it:  “straight backed and proud, the way your father diedïżœïżœ and then, “he was not going to die crouching here, he was going to die upright like his father” harry, barely a teenager, choosing this resolve, and carrying it with him for the rest of his life. james, whose last moments gave harry this strength. james, whose stag is harry’s patronus. james, who wasn’t a prefect either. james, who played quidditch too. james, who befriended the outcasts and saved his enemies. and harry, who did the same. 
and then of course, snape’s worst memory, harry with a swoop in his stomach when he notices his and james similarities in height and hair. but then he sees that james was arrogant, that lily looked at him dislike, and what is he supposed to do? and as the honor of his fathers name collapses around him, the first thing harry does is seek reassurement about what he saw. 
and he finds it, and the similarities only grow. because, “i think you’re like james, who would’ve regarded it as the height of dishonor to mistrust his friends” and before he knew james wouldn’t want his friends to be murderers and after he knew james wouldn’t want his friend to abandon his wife and unborn son, because he didn’t. and he will keep the invisibility cloak that was his fathers and he will name his first child after him.
and then james, james is the one who says “until the very end” and though harry’s journey begins with whispers of “harry potter - the boy who lived” it ends with him looking at his twenty one year old parents, his mother with eyes just like his, and his father, his father with the same hair and height and smirk, this person who he has always, always, given him this strength to see what was right, and to do it. 
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
James: Harry said a swear word at school today.
Lily: I’ll talk to him about it.
Lily, to Harry: What the fuck, dude.
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
Welcome to Pettyville: Call Me Maybe (Epilogue)
Summary: When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn’t expecting to find the right person behind it. She can’t stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can’t stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number?
Read on ao3 and ffn
Incoming Call from Lily of the Valley <3
“That was fast.” 
“I was going to ask if I could wait for Santa with you.” 
“I’ve already got Santa Watch up on my laptop. Why are you whispering, anyway?” 
“I don’t want my parents to hear.” 
“Evans! Are you not allowed to talk to your boyfriend past 10pm?”
"If my dad wakes up, he’ll come in and ask way too many questions.”
“Ahhh. He’s not still upset about you missing Christmas Eve with your family, is he?”
“I don’t think so. Dursley invited them to his parents’, so he’ll probably be texting me under the table the whole time.”
“I don’t want him to hate me. Then again, Vermin is my competition, so I feel pretty good about my chances of being the favorite son-in-law.”
“There’s someone else you need to ask, you know, before you become that favorite." 
“Don’t worry, Evans. I’ve got a five year plan and you’re in it.”
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
Harry after literally almost dying for the 1000th time: Ouch that hurt!
Severus Snape: Hurt??Â đŸ˜ąđŸ˜© You don’t knowđŸš«âŒ REAL PAIN ☔📉 until the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE DIES 💀đŸ”ȘđŸ”ȘđŸšș after marrying your worst enemy 💍💏💔 and now u gotta think of creative ways 🙅⭐ to torture their spawn ⚡👓 and all his shitty friendsÂ đŸ’©đŸ’š After all this time??đŸ‘€đŸ˜±đŸ˜­đŸ’Š ALWAYSđŸ’ŠđŸ’‹đŸ˜«đŸ’•
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proudgryffindor13 · 4 years ago
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