protozoan-rowen · 3 hours
i love re-consuming media i used to love when i was younger. like wow! child me still is in me i am holding her hand and keeping her safe and doing her favorite things with her!!!!
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protozoan-rowen · 3 hours
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protozoan-rowen · 3 hours
are you a “cramming an elaborate costume into the car” renfaire patron or an “assembling an elaborate costume in the parking lot” renfaire patron
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protozoan-rowen · 3 hours
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protozoan-rowen · 3 hours
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protozoan-rowen · 3 hours
“I want the inside of this house to feel modern, bright and new!” then why the fuck did you buy a vintage, dark and old house in pristine condition?????
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protozoan-rowen · 3 hours
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protozoan-rowen · 3 hours
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We should use this image whenever we see poor reading comprehension on a post
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protozoan-rowen · 5 hours
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Zinh's GFM can be found here if you want to support her family during this nightmare
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protozoan-rowen · 7 hours
Okay so wait you guys all know that thing that teachers or parents do were they forget that they don't have to speak in like a baby voice all the time and accidentally interact with grown adults in the same manner they do with a child right? Okay so imagine that- but with Batman and the Justice League
Hal and Barry are arguing and suddenly Batman goes, “boys, thats not very nice is it?” in like a kid voice
Or Oliver is complaining about getting patched up after a fight and Batman chides, “You take the hit you gotta take the stitch baby,” 
Or Clark is mumbling something and Bats goes, “Speak up sweetheart, lets use our speech properly yeah?”
Or Diana accidentally punches a man in the face when hes already down. Batman tsks, “Come on darling, what did we talk about? One hit only.”
Or Oliver is leaving for a mission and Dinah kisses him goodbye and then he walks away, only for Batman to go, “Say bye bye!” 
Just please imagine their faces for me.
And Batman grimaces lightly afterwards every time and just leaves and the League is flabbergasted
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protozoan-rowen · 7 hours
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Mold Petri Dish, 2024-07-25
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protozoan-rowen · 11 hours
Bacteria do have souls, but binary fission doesn’t produce new souls 99% of the time, so most single celled organisms share these sprawling souls that just get bigger every time they divide. Over time they compact down into these big mats of soul get compacted into geological layers that gradually accrete to the world soul. Sexual reproduction creates new souls but they’re much shorter lived as a result, and rarely make it into the bedrock, so most of the world spirit is from the Proterozoic.
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protozoan-rowen · 11 hours
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protozoan-rowen · 11 hours
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protozoan-rowen · 14 hours
The only thing that has ever improved my mental health in any measurable capacity is making more friends. That's literally it
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protozoan-rowen · 14 hours
I am trying to write a post and yet nothing is coming  to me. I don't think there is anything left to be said. Massacres-food shortages-polio epidemic of Gaza, I have talked about it all in an effort to fundraise for my friend Siraj Abudayeh ( @siraj2024 ). Mostly because this is what his life has come to, despite not having any say in it at all. A settler colony willed to destroy Gaza and because of that for almost a year, Siraj and his family are: 
having to live in a tent, where there is no relief from either heat, cold or rain
where sand mites and insects keep pestering  the family all day long
causing a breakout of infections amongst Siraj’s sons, and putting the rest of their cousins at risk 
since right now all of Siraj’s extended relatives ( 23 family members)  are currently living with him after being displaced in an IOF attack
I have talked about this and more. I have talked about how every day Siraj has to take risks and go to Deir al-Balah just to get a steady hotspot connection so that he may campaign for his fundraiser and how after all this he gets harassed online because he is a journalist who gives us his daily updates. Beyond this I do not know what else to say to you so that you may donate to Siraj and help him cross this last lap of his fundraiser.
Recently Siraj posted an update about the  massacre at al-Mawasi camp and it hits you hard when you realize that this camp is just 2 km away from Siraj’s own. Everyday when he sends me a message, I breathe a sigh of relief because after all these months- from our first tentative hellos to now when we crack jokes after a machine translated chat goes wrong, there is always a fear that maybe this might just be our last interaction. I know these thoughts have nothing to do with the fundraiser in itself, but my point is, as a  friend, Siraj has requested that I help him reach 82k and right now this is all I can do to help him. So please donate even if it is $3 USD ( $5 CAD). The fundraiser has trickled to almost a crawl and this makes Siraj worry. At least the gfm reaching its goal would be one less burden on him. He has fought so hard for this, please do not let him down now. 
Currently at $78,248 / $82,000 CAD. Only $3752 CAD left to reach his goal. That is approximately 2.7k USD.
Please donate and get Siraj to his goal by this Monday. You got him this far, do not abandon him now.
Vetting 219
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protozoan-rowen · 14 hours
please don’t forget to extend a hand to lebanon too i know of the wfp raising money but if anyone knows of any other organizations feel free to lmk
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