prompts-for-me 2 years
She pushed the box. It creaked open slowly. The lid fell backward heavily. The room echoed when the tile was hit. She held her breath as she waited for anyone to enter. Nobody came.
She peered into the box. Bile rose in her throat. Inside lay a human body. Not just any body, his body. The missing boy. The one claimed to have raped and killed all those school children.
She rose from her knees above the box. Only the head was visible. Blood dripped from the empty eye sockets. He hasn't been dead long.
She pulled back the cover and choked back vomit. Blood stained the entire base of the box. Blood poured out of various holes.
The body wasn't natural. If it had been a wild animal, it would've been torn to shreds or missing large pieces of flesh. Instead, the entire body was in that box.
The arms lay next to each other. The legs are neatly laid together as well. The hands and feet were set in a nice diamond shape. Blood pooled out of each severed location.
The body appeared to have been surgically cut at each joint. The shoulders, the knees, the elbows, the hips, and the ankles and wrists. This was done by a person.
Small steps echoes behind her. She froze as the sound came closer. She peeked over her shoulder. The thing stood still just in front of the door. Its beady eyes bore into her soul.
She turned back toward the body. The eyes sat clutched in each hand. They were pale and soaked in blood. Small footsteps approached her.
The thing that had entered the room was small. About a child's height. It had smooth skin with blackened joints. It looked like a baby doll. It reminded her of that popular game at the mall.
The baby looked up at her, its lip cut open a little to reveal small teeth. A smile played on its lips.
"Those children deserved justice," the baby spoke in a tinny voice.
She nodded because what else was she supposed to do? This thing could kill her if it wanted. Also, she's heard stories of this thing. It only goes after people who've hurt children. This guy is actually guilty. Well, was.
"You should go home. You wouldn't wanna get in trouble," Baby spoke.
She nodded and whispered "Bye" before leaving, closing the door behind her.
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prompts-for-me 2 years
Reblog this post to slow-blink at the person you reblog this from, indicating that you trust and feel unthreatened around them
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prompts-for-me 2 years
Bad things happen bingo
On the run, Concussion, Stab wound, torture, fake apology, kidnapping, manipulation, dead loved one, shunned, panic attack, lost, illness, bleeding, slavery, starvation, fire, crying, broken bone, hospital stay, trust issues, "They didn't actually mean no", hypothermia, hidden scar, pinned to a wall, drunken argument
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