Also pro-fujoshi
170 posts
People can enjoy fiction however they like. I am bisexual and over 20
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
profudanshi · 5 years ago
Long time, no see!
Firstly, I want to apologise for abandoning this blog. At the time, I was already hitting my limit when it came to discourse and next thing I knew, I was avoiding all discourse for my health. I still should have said something rather than just disappear.
Secondly, I do not intend to continue running this blog. Nor the other blog I had previous attempted to start up. I wasn't, and still am not, ready to host a blog like this.
That being said, I'm giving up the URL profudanshi. I wanted to keep it safe for the previous profudanshi and I still intend to. If any trustworthy names in the fudanshi community would like to use this username, please send me a DM!
Everyone, please stay safe and healthy. Stay strong. And thank you for the all the support I've gotten. Fudanshi's and Fujoshi's are wonderful and I hope you guys especially have an amazing day.
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profudanshi · 6 years ago
Follow me on my new blog!
Hey guys! I’m back again and I decided that I wanted to get a new start! If you all want you can follow me on my new blog
@pro-fiction-konata it will be about the same as this blog being a place of positivity for anti antis that get bullied over fiction I just want to kind of have a new place to do it!
If you have any questions regarding my dni pages go ahead and ask!
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profudanshi · 6 years ago
I want to apologize for being gone. Life took some unfortunate turns and discourse of any kind wasn't exactly helping. I'm not sure if I am going to revive this blog (or the BL book club) just yet... Life is still trying to bite me in the ass and likely will for several more months. Once my life and health has come to a stable position, I will gladly come back to this blog! I love to be able to spread positivity in our community. It means the world to me that I still get messages of thanks. If I could make even one person feel better about themselves, this blog was worth it.
So, again, I apologize for being away a while and for liking being away a while more. Hopefully soon I can properly use this blog and spread more positivity. I love you all! Thank you so much for being patient with me!
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profudanshi · 7 years ago
My little hiatus should be over soon! I had a lot happening in my personal life and had to do a lot of travel... I'm not home just yet, but will be in maybe another month!
I sincerely thank and appreciate everyone that followed and sent supportive messages while I was away!! It's going to take a little bit to get used to Tumblr again, so I'll be taking it slow...
I hope everyone is doing alright and is healthy and happy! :D
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profudanshi · 7 years ago
You know, this isn’t the thing that fucks me up the most about BL/“yaoi”/fujoshi discourse, but it’s high up there so I’m going to say it.
It took me my whole lifetime to accept the fact that I’m a feminine guy. Every time I was laughed at for being girly, nonviolent, called a sissy, bitch, or worse, it hurt like hell. And when I realized I was attracted to boys, that was when I started to question whether I was a real man. It felt like a stab to the gut.
I was there, little teenage me, reading BL, because I couldn’t connect with anything else I knew of. Straight romance didn’t do anything for me. I watched Brokeback Mountain and liked it, but I couldn’t relate to almost any part of it. Gei Comi (“bara”) wasn’t my taste back then — I wanted to see boys who looked a bit like me, not big hunky adults with facial hair! So I fell back to BL.
And you people on here complain about “straight girls squeeing and saying ‘my sinful gay babies!!!’” — guess what, I was around when you actually DID see fangirls say this type of thing. I was there consuming BL and slash by the truckful, ignoring the occasional homophobic comments from the author/uploader. I saw all the hate every other corner of fandom threw at BL fans, and you know what.
None of that hate was because they had homophobic attitudes.
It was purely because “yaoi is for stupid girls”, and they were “ruining the source material with their dirty gay hands”.
If girls touched anything that was “meant for boys”, including male characters themselves, it was “dirtied”, “ruined”. (Sounds familiar?)
And the boys who liked BL? Who preferred a romantic manga about androgynous guys slowly falling in love, with cherry blossoms being swept by the wind in the background, rather than just watching gay porn featuring masculine men? We weren’t “real men”.
If you thought there isn’t a fuckton of toxic masculinity in the gay male community, boy do I have news for you. Feminine, camp, flamboyant men, they all “made gays look bad”. Because of us, cishet people wouldn’t accept gay men as “real men”, so there were attempts to exclude us to protect the reputation of the unoffensive, masculine macho gays.
Obviously, it didn’t work, but damn if it didn’t make me and guys like me feel horrible that even other gay guys hated us.
It took me a long time to accept myself. Little mid-to-late-teens me, with light hypogonadism that stunted my growth and made me look very feminine. Before I started taking hormones per my endocrinologist’s advice, I barely had appetite to eat decently. I only lost my baby cheeks and started gaining muscle mass a year or so into hormone treatment.
Me, still flaming gay.
As I grew up, came out, and made queer friends, I became less and less dependent on BL for self-esteem and entertainment. But BL fans were slowly being more accepted in animanga fandom (or at least, people made peace with the fact that we weren’t going anywhere). Same for slash shippers in western fandoms. I was so happy to see all the M/M content. I was so happy to see a space where girls could share their passion (including erotica) and support each other.
When they learned that a gay guy liked the same things as them, they were ecstatic. They never shamed me for sharing their “girly” interests. I had serious conversations with them when they said insensitive or ignorant things, but it was becoming less and less necessary to do so. Fans were becoming progressively more conscious of queer issues.
And now.
“Yaoi is for cishet girls.”
“You must be lying about being a gay man. You’re obviously a straight girl.”
“Nasty fujoshits.”
“If you have more m/m than m/f or f/f ships, you’re fetishizing mlm.” 
Good fucking lord.
It’s so transparent. You feel so self-righteous expressing hate for women (plenty of whom are queer, but yeah, straight women too!) having interests, and god forbid, sometimes sexual interests (gasp!).
You dress it up as “concern for MLM” in the hopes that people will sympathize with your campaign to shame and harass women, men and gender non-conforming folk for daring to like content “not meant for them”, just like 2ch and 4chan dudebros in the mid-2000’s.
It makes me sick to the stomach.
Don’t pretend this is about homophobia. You don’t go after the exact same content if it’s made by “real men” featuring masculine macho “real men”.
You’ve heard of seme/uke tropes? Get ready for aggressive tops and “bottom bitches”! “Fetishizing Asian men”? Well, good thing that gay dudes have rice queens, and on the other end of the spectrum, “no fats, femmes or asians”. Transphobic themes? Some men consider “sh*male” or “tr*nny” to be porn categories! But neither anti-fujoshi nor transphobic gay men will talk about trans men — they’re “not real men”, after all, just “straight women invading gay spaces”.
And let’s not get into the rape, abuse, incest, racism, sexism, violence, and plethora of other problematic things that cis gay men portray in gei comi, original fic and fanfic — it puts dark BL and fic written by anyone else to shame.
But it’s okay, because it’s “real men” creating and consuming it, right?
Look, I get it. You want to seem like you’re doing good and fighting for queer men. I’ll hazard you even were fujoshi/fudanshi before and are ashamed of how you acted back then.
But all that you’re doing is misusing terms of a language you don’t know, from a culture you’re not part of and fandoms you don’t participate in, speaking over gay men and Asian fans, othering Asian people, and fostering an environment in which harassment of innocent fans is encouraged and marginalized people are used as scapegoats.
I feel for the trans guys, who go to fandoms to escape the hate and transphobia from the world, only to be misgendered and send hateful messages in the spaces they wanted to have fun in. Who are already accused of “faking it”, of not being “real men”, by bigots in the real world, and now have to face the same horrible things in fandom.
I feel for the queer girls, some of whom may not even be attracted to men, but to whom BL and/or slash means a lot. Who often don’t even have female characters to relate to, much less queer female characters, or simply can’t relate to them very well for a variety of complex reasons. They seek refuge in fandom, only to be misoriented, called “cishet”, having their identity erased to push an agenda.
And I feel for the straight, cis girls, who put genuine effort into educating themselves on queer issues, for whom fandom was a welcoming space where they could finally share their interests and be themselves, be allowed to have sexual interests… and now are being called perverts, deviants, and being told that they taint everything they touch.
And as much as it pisses me off to be called “basically a cishet girl”, it doesn’t get to me. At present, I’m secure in the knowledge that I am a real man, despite being gay, despite being feminine, despite liking BL. I am comfortable with myself and my identity.
But little teenage me would have been devastated.
Hey, anti-fujoshi? I don’t need your faux-activism. Kindly take your misogyny, efemmiphobia, transphobia and identity politics and leave us alone. Or —OR! Listen to the people you’re supposedly trying to protect.
a gay, Asian, fem, queer as fuck fudanshi.
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profudanshi · 7 years ago
So I basically tried to compile some information about the term Fujoshi, how it’s used, things in regard to BL, etc. It’s not EVERYTHING, but enough to point people into the right direction, because anti-fujoshi discourse is a load of bullshit in all reality. I hope people read this and go on to read more with the sources I provided; which by the way, special thanks to @freedom-of-fanfic and @rottenboysclub for being incredible valuable sources of information!  This is mostly done, with some formatting corrections to be made (I hate Tumblr sometimes), but if you have any questions, suggestions, etc. I’ll do my best to respond to everyone. 
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profudanshi · 7 years ago
y’all……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….fujoshis and fudanshis are valid.
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profudanshi · 7 years ago
“Fujoshi means a cishet woman that objectifies real life gay men”
That is the word you are looking for.
Not Fujoshi.
Fujoshi means a female fan of m x m fiction. That’s it.
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profudanshi · 7 years ago
Hey I'm just wondering how to make friends on the internet, im the worst at going up and talking to people and that includes online
Hmmm…. Well, there are many ways to go about it! I’m not exactly the best at it myself, haha!
I’ve known people that just decided to actively participate in communities. Writing, drawing, talking about theories and just talking in general about a specific series. Just talk and create for something you enjoy and people will come to you. It may take time of course, and sometimes this doesn’t work, but at the very least you are gaining some sort of attention for making content! And hopefully people will come and want to talk to you about it! :D
And then…. There’s me, someone who tries to take the plunge. Although, I’m pretty awkward myself.
I just go for it. Despite the anxiety it gives me, I send that message out. I usually try to start with a question over a hobby or something we both happen to enjoy. I try and carry the weight of the conversation out of habit, but whether it works or not, it’s still fine practice for just getting out there.
I suggest making friends in school though, if you can, while you can! It’s definitely the easiest time to make friends! Sometimes you’ll have to be bold, but it’s the effort that counts!
Also actively participating in your IRL community is a good way to go about it too! I’m not sure if it’s just more common in Japan or not, but there is almost always some sort of club, group, or event going on. Taking part in these gives you the chance to be around people and make friends. Even just volunteering to help out in events is a good way to start!
EDIT: I answered on mobile and forgot you asked about online advice... Sorry for going away from that!
You’re main goal is to try being friendly! Try to relax. Just think that everyone else feels the same. Everyone else feels anxious. Everyone else is worried what others will think about them. Even if some people will be far more outgoing than you, they’ll likely be just as anxious. It’s better to try an have no regrets!
But, please take my advice with a grain of salt! I personally was lucky and, for most of my friends, I didn’t have to initiate first contact. I was usually talked to or had friends/family introduce me to more people. For those that I did contact myself, it was usually clumsily haha! Literally! I met my best friend while I was working as a waiter. I stumbled and spilled tea on her and I offered to pay for her outfit. She invited me to go shopping with her and, a chunk of wallet use later, we had hit it off. Talked about common to odd things and even saw a movie.
Friendships can be hard to start… And sometimes you can’t stop them from starting. I feel it’s best to put yourself out there. Be yourself. It is far more rewarding to be loved for who you are than some “cool persona” you try to put on. Trust me on that one.
I wish you luck anon! I hope you make plenty of friends that you keep for a long, long time.
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profudanshi · 7 years ago
who the FUCK told society that depression and awkwardness is cute and adorable
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profudanshi · 7 years ago
Sorry for the sudden hiatus! Got sick with the flu! I think I'm almost better and we'll be back to the regularly scheduled program soon!
Sorry for the book club not starting yet as well. I need to make a few more assets for the posts and I got sick before I could finish... I plan to have it done by the 15th though, so hopefully it will still be on a schedule.
Thank you for being so patient with me!!
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profudanshi · 7 years ago
Any anti-anti blogs that you recommend? A lot of the ones I looked at don't post as frequent anymore.
The ones I see more often on my dash are @anti-anti-survivor @theassholeantiarchive @shipwhateveryouwant @freedom-of-fanfic @block-report-program @yoonbum-indrag @shippingisnotactivism @yourshipisfine @history-student-against-antis but also @wilting-blooming @victim-that-speaks @bai-xue @educating-antis
And I’m hitting a wall because I don’t have others that come to mind, so whoever is reading, feel free to self-promote and give your recs! 
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profudanshi · 7 years ago
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Here’s the early promo for the LGBT+ book club!! :D
Little bits here and there are still being edited (mostly just the links), but it’s gonna happen!! A Discord channel will come sometime later in the month. I will also be working on making links mobile friendly for app users. The blog will also be relatively discourse free!
I wonder if you can guess what the first series will be? See you soon! :D @blgl-haven @blgl-haven @blgl-haven
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profudanshi · 7 years ago
You're over fucking 20????? Why are you still acting like a 6 year old child?????? Fucking get over yourself and choke on a hockey stick
Can you link me to where I’m “acting like a 6 year old child”?Thank you for the threat too. Guess you didn’t feel like your ask was complete without one.
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profudanshi · 7 years ago
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basically antis
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profudanshi · 7 years ago
Things like ‘shipping positivity’ or ‘being anti-antis’ or ‘ship and let ship’ doesn’t mean that you have to like every ship or character in your favourite canons.
It doesn’t mean you have to like every trope, or kink, or fetish that someone wants to write about.
You can still have squicks or things that gross you out or ships you hate or characters you dislike.
It just means accepting that other people are into things that you aren’t into, but they can still write/draw/create gifs of the things they’re into, and not being an asshole when you stumble across fanfic/fanart/gifsets of your NOTP.
(AKA, Your Kink Is Not My Kink And That’s Okay)
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profudanshi · 7 years ago
ヽ(▽ `)ノワーイ♪ヽ(´▽`)ノワーイ♪ヽ( ´▽)ノ
Ship what makes you happy! Avoid what you do not like and makes you uncomfortable!
Internet is not a safe space by itself but you have incredible tools that will help you create your own safe space!
Blacklist tags, stop following people, block people!
ヽ(▽ `)ノワーイ♪ヽ(´▽`)ノワーイ♪ヽ( ´▽)ノ
- mod Prospit
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