prittyvenus · 5 days
Last art
Terzo: 😭 sister was mean to me.
Omega: 😔 There, there.
Alpha: 😡 I’m going to murder that b**ch.
I have to put it up there. It’s good art.
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latest batch of kofi commissions! thank you all for your continued support 🖤✨
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prittyvenus · 2 months
I'm Alena, Special ghoulette. A clergy maid. I'm on den cleaning duties. *Plays with her green neck ribbon*
tummy hurt. too many crayons.
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prittyvenus · 2 months
The medium and the nameless ghouls
Case File 006-7 Sunshine file Becoming Part of the Clergy
Sara whines up in hot water from her superiors after ratting out her former boss about his mishandling of her cases. The Director gets her a job in the clergy after she gets laid off from the district. Without the help of William and Detective John Stevens at her side, how would she handle her new assignments on her own?
Sara and William woke up early in the morning to pack his things. "You got everything?" William nods and yawns. "I know. Your school is a one-hour drive. I will make a quick breakfast when my dad gets up."
"Okay..." William yawns.
As they head to the main hall, they see Alexander fixing his tie in the mirror. "Dad, you're up."
He spots Sara and William. "Uh, yeah. I have to help the officers find Bishop Johnathan. They couldn't find him last night."
"He probably still disguising himself as a masked ghoul," Sara explains. "You need to leave the eye patch off. It might help."
Alexander looks at Sara. "Let me guess, our family name has an influence here." he finishes fixing his tie.
'Well, pretty much." Cowbell sits up from the couch. "Where's Phil?"
They all look at each other. Sara shakes her head. "I don't know. He wasn't with me." Cowbell ears lower.
Sara grabs the keys to the cop car. "Going somewhere?" Alexander asked.
"I have to take him to school. It's an hour's drive from the clergy."
"I'll take him." Alexander grabs his keys. They head to the clergy parking lot. William and Alexander go inside his car.
Sara goes to William. "Listen, there will be a chance that cops will be looking for me. If that happens, call my dad." She calls out Alexander. "Dad, can you give him your phone number?"
"Sure." Alexander and William take out their phones. "This is my personal number and my work number." William copies his phone numbers. "In fact," he points to his work number. "call this number and put it on speaker."
"Why?" William asked.
"It's the number for my work cell. I will pick it up immediately and tell those officers off. They can't intervene in an attorney's case without a warrant." Alexander smiles.
"I get it." Alexander rubs Williams's head and starts the car.
"Be careful, you two." Sara steps back.
"We will." William waves goodbye as they drive off. Alexander puts on some music as they reach the gate. "Do you think she will be okay?"
"She'll be fine. I hope that the ninth district doesn't come after our family." Alexander waves at the ghouls. They open the gates. "Did you eat something?" he asked as he drove off.
"No," William answered. "She was going to cook something quick before you got up."
"I see. I'll take you to a fast-food joint." He drives to a drive-thru and orders breakfast sandwiches for them to eat. They soon get to the school. Alexander managed to find a parking space. "Now remember, if any of the officers come up to you about Sara. Call me, and put the call on speaker. I want to hear what they are saying."
William got out of the car. "Got it. I'll let you know right away." They both waved goodbyes. William met with his friends and headed to the school. Alexander started the car and drove back to the clergy.
Sara went to Terzo's bedroom. She sees Terzo and Phil sleeping in the bed. Omega was in his underwear, looking for his pants. "Oh, I'm sorry." Sara closes the door. "Cowbell is looking for Phill. He's waiting downstairs."
Omega goes next to the bed and wakes up Phil. "Cowbell is looking for you. You have to get up."
Phil gets up. "Fine. I'm up." He yawns. He crawls out of bed. Phil sharpens his claws on Terzo's carpet.
"Dude, not on the rug!" Terzo wakes up from Omega's yelling. "Terzo is going to be pissed if he catches you." Phil smiles and continues scratching the carpet.
Terzo grabs Omega's book from the nightstand and throws it at Phil. The book hits Phil's behind. Phil ran off the carpet. The tired Terzo gives the hand gesture to Phil and then slams his head back on the pillow.
"Is everything alright?" Sara asked behind the door.
"Everything's fine!" Omega yelled.
"Phil, hurry up. We have to meet with Sierra and start preparing her welcoming ceremony." Cowbell yelled.
"Who the fuck is Sierra?" Omega Asked.
"It's Sara's new name. Sara is joining the clergy as Sierra Emeritus." Phil grabs his clothes and puts them on.
Omega finds his pants and puts them on. "Oh, yeah. That's right. She's part of the bloodline." Omega finds a clean shirt and puts it on. "I'll take her to the Sisters Quarters first. She has to be in uniform before the tour around the clergy."
Phil opens the door and sees Cowbell with Sara. "She's joining the clergy?" Cowbell asked Phil.
"Yeah," Phil nods. "she's joining the clergy under witness protection. The name Sierra Emeritus is her clergy name."
"Welcome home, Sister Sierra." Cowbell bows to Sara. He grabs her hand and kisses it. "I am at your service if anything." He leaves the hall.
Omega goes to Sara. "You're ready to go?" Sara nods and takes Omega's hand.
They teleport to the laundry room. One of the sisters flips out. "What the hell?" Another sister started yelling. "You should not be here. Get out!"
An older sister enters the laundry room. She smiles as she sees Omega. "Omega." She goes over and hugs Omega. "Welcome back. How have you been?"
Omega hugs her back. "Hey, Prime Mover Maria." Maria makes baby noises as she squeezes Omega's cheeks. "Sa, I mean Sierra. This is Sister Maria. Prime Mover to your uncle, Secondo."
"I remember you." Maria points to Sara. "You were the one who said. You finally got your wish, grandma. When the phantoms appeared."
"Yeah, those phantoms are my grandparents. Papa Primo and Prime Mover Elizabeth." Sara explains.
"She's here to take over for Sister Lucia," Omega whispered to Maria. "Do you think you can settle Sierra in?"
She put up her hand. "Say no more. We will do anything for the bloodline."
"I guess..." Sara and Omega follow Maria out of the laundry room to the fitting room.
A group of tailor ghouls looks at Maria. "Ghouls, we got a new girl. Her Name is Sierra Emeritus. Primo's granddaughter."
The tailor ghouls wag their tails. One of the ghouls drew a pentagram on his chest with his finger. They face an old picture of Primo in his red Papel entire. They start their prayers. After their prayers, they faced Sara. They grab the measuring tape and take Sara's measurements. A ghoul takes notes and hands them to another ghoul. They picked out the fabric and gave the fabric to a seamstress. The seamstress makes the patterns on the fabric. She sowed the patterns together and made a nun dress in Sara's size. The ghouls take Sara and the dress to the back.
"Hold on, hold on," Yelled Maria. "Let us do it." Maria and the seamstress take Sara to a back room and let her try the dress.
Sara comes out of the back room with the dress on. She twirls around in the dress. The ghouls get teary-eyed. Sara goes to a long mirror and checks it out. Sara notices a long gap on the sides of the dress.
"Oh, don't worry about that." Said the seamstress. "You'll get an underskirt with the dress."
Sara takes another look at the dress. "Um... Do you think you can make another one? But with pants underneath." The seamstress and the ghouls look confused. "To keep the perverts from looking under."
The ghoul lowered their ears. "Gregory..." They said.
The seamstress got embarrassed. "Good thing you were informed in advance. I tell you what, I'll make you another one. It's going to be a jumper instead of a dress."
"Thank you, ma'am," Sara told the seamstress. "I appreciate it."
Maria asked Sara. "If you and your cop friends can take care of Gregory for us. That ghoul has been a handful. Especially us women."
"How do I find him?" Sara asked.
The seamstress explains to Sara. "Oh no, he'll find you. Gregory will scream before he goes between your legs and snaps a photo with his camera."
"Got it. I may want you guys to make a report to the higher-ups." They gasp at Sara. "I mean an equivalent to Human Resources or the council. People in charge of the clergy."
"Oh..." The ghouls said under their breath.
"I get what you are saying," Maria told Sara. "The clergy has some outdated Policies. Even Sister Imperator doesn't want to update those policies."
"That's not good." Said Sara. "There has to be some changes."
Maria told Sara. "I agree with you." She helps Sara out of the dress and gives it to the seamstress. "Let us take you to the jewelers next. You get to pick your color gems to go with your Grucifix."
"Oh no," Sara holds her chest. "I left it on Grandma's vanity."
"I'll get it." Omega teleports to the mansion.
"He'll meet us at the Jewelers." Maria takes Sara's hand. "Come on, after the jewelers. We got to go pick up your makeup kits."
"I get to wear makeup?" Sara surprisingly said. "Like makeup that can kill a man twice?"
"Well, if you want to go that far? That's fine by me." Sara claps her hands in excitement.
Sara and Maria meet with the jeweler. "Where's your Grucifix?" The jeweler ghoul asked.
Omega shows up behind the girls. "Got it. It was on top of your grandfather's vanity. Not your grandmother's." He hands the Grucifix to the Jeweler ghoul.
"Hm... Have you been with a ghoul when this was given to you?" The jeweler asked.
"Yeah, Omega was sitting on my left to me, and Phil was standing on my right of me." Said Sara.
The jeweler ghoul uses an eye-sized magnetifying glass. "I see... You have an attraction to spirit energy from others." He takes a closer look at the Grucifix.
"Yes, my grandparents are Primo and Elizabeth," Sara told the jeweler ghoul. "I even have her philosopher's stone." The jeweler ghoul drops the Grucifix. "Omega, do you have it?"
"Yes, I do." Omega goes into his pocket and pulls out Sara's stone necklace. Omega gives it to the jeweler ghoul.
The jeweler ghoul goes to the back and returns with a bowl, a small container of ink, and some tissues. "I remember when Papa Primo came to me with this stone." He puts the necklace in the bowl. "He told me to put a little surprise on the gold rim." He looks at Sara. "Do you know what it is?"
Sara replied. "The secret message. My grandmother told me about it. She said she doesn't remember where it was. Because it was so long ago. But it made my grandmother marry my grandfather."
The Jeweler ghoul pours the ink on a worn gold part of the necklace. He dabs the tissues to remove the access ink. The names Elizabeth B. Emeritus and Francisco Emeritus appeared on a gold band.
Sara placed her hands on her mouth and cried. "Those are my grandparents." Sara wiped her tears. "Omega, take a picture. I have to show this to my dad." Omega looks at her. "He has to know." Omega shrugs and pulls out his phone. The jeweler ghoul holds up the stone. "Make sure you get a close-up of the names." Omega zooms in on his phone and snaps a picture.
Omega shows the photo to Sara. "Is this what you're looking for?"
Sara takes Omega's phone. She gets teary-eyed. "Yeah," she sniffles. "My dad is going to be happy with this." She gives Omega his phone back.
The Jeweler ghoul gives Sara a clear Grucifix. "Omega, keep your distance from her," he warned Omega. "We don't want any interference." Sara held the Grucifix, and everyone stood back. The Grucifix changes from clear to blood red with a hint of purple. "I knew it! She's a chimera! She's her own twin." Sara stood in shock. Looking at the Grucifix changing its colors again. The blood red is changing to a dark magenta. "Don't worry about it, my dear." The Jeweler told Sara. "It doesn't matter if you are born of both bodies. You are still you. No matter what."
Sara gives the Grucifix back to the jeweler ghoul. "Thank you. I appreciate it." Her left eye turns white, then back to brown.
"Good luck, and welcome home." The jeweler ghoul's tail wags rapidly. "Don't worry about the stone. I'll have it fully restored."
"Keep the names on. I want to show it to my dad." The Jeweler ghoul nods and goes back to work.
Maria takes Sara to the Sibling dormitory. "Siblings, this is Sierra Emeritus." All of the Siblings look at her. "She's Primo and Elizabeth's granddaughter."
"Are you that cop from the mansion?" One of the siblings pointed out. "Um... Sara, I believe."
"Shit!" Sara said under her breath. Maria looks at Sara. "Look like the cat's out of the bag." Sara took a big breath in and out. "I'm under witness protection. I ratted out the superiors in the ninth district to the Department of Investigations. My dad is a district attorney from the Department of Justice."
"That's bullshit." one of the siblings said.
"I don't think it's bullshit." said a female sibling. "I heard on the news that a solo officer gathered evidence against the corrupt officers in the ninth police district."
"Thanks for the credit," Sara muttered under her breath. "Detective."
"That was you!" Maria points.
"Just to let you know. It's true, the blood relation l has with Primo and Elizabeth." Sara activates her white eye. "The director helped me get a job here. He changed my name to Sierra Emeritus. I'm not going to lie. I miss my maiden name."
"Sara Emeritus is your real name," Maria said. "Are there any more people with the bloodline?"
"I have a sister and a brother. They chose to live by their adopted name, Dickson." The sibling laughs. "Yeah, I know it's stupid. They're both married with children of their own. I'm the only one that got divorced."
The siblings looked at Sara. "Who divorced you?" The ghouls showed up.
"I divorced him." The siblings gasped. "A lawyer called me the day before the wedding. He informed me that Juan Santos, my ex-husband, was having an affair with a 14-year-old girl and got her sick." The siblings and the ghouls gathered closer to Sara. "I arrested his ass on our wedding day."
"Wait, you didn't go through with it?" Sara shakes her head at Maria.
"No, he was being sued. I can't help him. He fucked around with a child and found out that he was going to prison. That man is no good. I should have listened to my dad about him from the beginning."
Maria placed her hand on Sara's shoulder. "You made the right call. What happened on your wedding day wasn't your fault. You did what you had to do. He cheated on the wrong person. Your ex had it coming. Don't blame yourself for something you don't have control over."
Sara smiles. "Thank you for the advice."
Maria smiles back. "Let's go to your room, Sara. It's on the upper floor."
Sara follows Maria. "It's Sierra, Sister Maria. I'm under witness protection. Remember?"
Sara and Maria take the stairs to the second floor and take the hall on the left. Maria shows Sara the door with the number 215. "This is your dorm room." She opens the door and smells cigar smoke filling the hallway. "Who's been smoking in here?" She goes inside and opens the window. "I'm going to have a word with the Siblings." She goes to the hallway. "I'll be right back. Make yourself at home." She closes the door.
"Welcome, glad to see a new face." Sara looks around the room and sees another soul fragment of Terzo lying on the couch in his underwear. He picks up his cigar and smokes it.
Sara takes the cigar and puts it out. "If Omega was here, he would have been disappointed."
Phil knocks on the door. "Sierra, it's Phil. I got your things."
"It's open." The door opens. Phil and Omega enter the room with Sara's things. She holds up a cigar and points to the couch. "Omega, tell your boyfriend. There's no smoking in the dorms."
Omega looks at the couch and sees the soul fragment. "Phil, here's another one."
Phil takes a look and sees Terzo in his underwear. Phil holds his nose and shakes his head. The four spirit fragments leave Phil's body. "Ci scusi."
The four grabbed him from the couch and took him to the bathroom. They were punching and swearing at the fragment in the bathroom. They came out and dragged him to Sara. "Chiedi scusa a tua nipote!"
"I'm..." The phantoms of Secondo and Primo stood behind Sara with Disappointed looks on their faces. He got on his hands and knees. "I'm so sorry! It won't happen again!" Secondo smirks as he and Primo fade away.
Phil looks at Sara. "I'll take the soul fragment back to the mansion. Here are your things from Master Primo's bedroom and office."
Sara takes a look at her luggage. "Did Detective Stevens take my electronics?"
"All but the laptop." Answered Phil.
Sara checks her bags and finds the laptop. "This isn't my laptop." She opens it and finds a sticky note reading. "Sorry, I want to keep tabs on you. This is a clean laptop. I kept your old laptop for evidence. The suit against the ninth district is going to be ugly. Johnny."
Omega got curious. "Who the fuck is Johnny?"
Sara closes the laptop. "John Stevens. The detective I was with."
"Oh..." Omega lifts the soul fragment from the floor.
"No, allow us. Amore mio." One of the fragments told Omega. They took the fragment Omega had and fused themself together as a purple ball of energy. Phil pulled the energy ball into his body. His body glowed purple. Sara's left eye shows visions of a pentagram flashing between another fragment of Terzo sleeping in darkness and a ghoul in costume looking down at a balcony in the artifact archives.
Sara grips the left side of her face. She tried to hold herself steady as she felt light-headed. She opens her eyes and sees herself on the grass of the clergy cemetery.
She gets up and finds a small mausoleum. She felt herself going inside it. She sees a crystal orb and a woman standing in front of it. The woman was wearing a black veil that covered her face and body.
"Daughter of the first one." The woman moved up, showing her elderly hand. "Come to me..." She pulls off the veil and shows her blank white eyes. "I need you!"
Sara wakes to a blinding white light flashing in her eyes. "She's snapping out of it!" Sara's sight returns to normal. She sees Sergeant Jackson and Dewdrop looking down on her with a flashlight.
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prittyvenus · 3 months
The medium and the nameless ghouls
Case file 006-6 Sunshine File Dinner and a Trial
Sara whines up in hot water from her superiors after ratting out her former boss about his mishandling of her cases. The Director gets her a job in the clergy after she gets laid off from the district. Without the help of William and Detective John Stevens at her side, how would she handle her new assignments on her own?
During dinner, Alexander explains what happened to Sara to Elizabeth. Secondo almost spits out his drink. "That evil, conniving bitch." Everyone looks at Secondo. "How dare she meddle with the bloodline." Secondo stare daggers at Nihil. "Nihil, this is your fault."
"How is this my fault?" Nihil points at Secondo. "And I'm your father. I should be respected as such."
"You were never our father." Terzo interrupted. "Primo is our father. You were never there for us."
"Hey!" Alexander yelled. "This is not the time or place for this!"
Elizabeth raised her voice. "He's right. This is about Sara. You boys can blame each other later. Sorry about that, son. You may continue."
"Since Markus called for an investigation. We have to wait for the results. In the meantime, Sara is going to be working undercover. Since she is on witness protection, Markus is helping her change her name and identity."
"Is she going to work in the clergy?" Nihil asked Alexander.
"I can not say because there are too many people." They look around and see the cops and the ghouls eating together. "I can say Sara will be protected by the ghouls."
"At least she's in good hands." Primo sighs. "If anything, we will guide her. We are her family."
"Thanks, Dad." Markus joins Alexander at the table. "You're late."
"Sorry, I had to sort out the paperwork." Markus sat down and pressed his head on his knuckles. "The magic on the contracts didn't belong to Rebecca. It's demonic magic. It belongs to someone else."
"Saltarian..." Terzo concluded. "That demon..."
"Saltarian?" Markus looks at Terzo. "What do you mean?"
"You know that demon that we fought a few days back. The one that tried to take Copia." Terzo helps Markus remember. "That's Mr. Saltarian's true form. He's Sister Imperator's right-hand man."
Everyone at the table became quiet. "That's not good..." Elizabeth worried. "She is too far gone. How are we going to handle this? The clergy has been in the Emeritus family for Generations."
Nihil agreed with Elizabeth. "You're not wrong. My father was Papa, and his father was Papa, and his father before him was Papa."
"We get it." Alexander interrupted. "There are no laws that won't help with the paranormal. There's only one way to handle this."
"How?" Terzo asked. "She's head of the Clergy."
Alexander made a suggestion. "By removing Rebecca Imperator from her position and replacing her with someone else."
"I get it." Markus has an Idea. "If we force her to retire. We can fire her."
"Careful, now." Alexander stops Markus. "There are Laws that prevent workers from you suggesting. If you want to fire her, it has to be on legal terms."
"I see..." Markus paused.
Sodomizer gets an electric guitar and plugs it into a loudspeaker. He plays the intro of Kaiserion. Aether grabs his guitar and joins Sodo. Dewdrop grabs his bass and plays with them. The ghouls and the officers cheer at the three playing. As Copia started to sing, the door to the tunnels opened.
The Tweedle ghouls went to Sara and whispered in her ear. "They found him."
She looks at the ghouls. "As in the bishop?" The ghouls nod. She looks around the room and spots Kibbles. She goes to Kibbles and pulls her away to the pantry. The two ghouls followed. "They found him."
"What?" Kibbles asked.
"The bishop. They found the bishop."
"Where?" Kibbles asked again.
Tweetle Dee answered. "In the Archive of the clergy. Where the artifacts are kept."
"Okay, thanks. I'll tell George right away." She leaves the pantry and tells Sergeant Jackson.
Alexander notices Sara heading in his direction. "What is it?"
Sara whispered. "The ghouls found the Bishop hiding in the archives."
Alexander holds Sara. "Okay, but don't get involved. Remember, You're under witness protection. It will badly affect the investigation."
Sara nods to Alexander and returns to her table. "You're not going to let her go?" Primo asked Alexander.
"No, she needs to stay hidden." They see Sara leaning on Omega. "We don't know. If some of the officers are part of the ninth district." Phil appears with a box and hands it over to Sara. "Hold the phone..." Alexander goes up to Sara as she opens the box. Sara pulls out a Grucifix ordained with Clear crystals. "What is that?"
Elizabeth smiles at Sara. "It's her first Grucifix. I wonder what colors she will be under."
The spirits and ghouls look at the Grucifix and notice its changing colors. It changed to a light purple, to lavender, to violet, then indigo.
Copia asked. "What color is it?"
Omega yells out. "It's purple! She's part of the quintessence house!"
All the ghouls cheered and played their guitars. "Terzo, she's your problem now," Copia spoke through the microphone. Terzo flipped off Copia. "Fuck you too, Stronzo."
He gets up and signals to the ghouls. The ghouls start playing Cirice. Terzo slowly goes to Copia and grabs the mike from his hand. He held the mike to the air as the music intensified. All the female cops and Ghoulettes get excited as he sings. Sara senses a magical essence in his voice. She almost gets hypnotized as he sings. All of the girls reach out their hands for him to take. Terzo goes to Sara. He gets ready to sing the final chorus of the song. He kneels down and takes her hand. He sings the final part of the song. He looks into her eyes and uses his magic to make her fall in love with him. When he kissed Sara's hand, she pulled it away and put two fingers on his lips.
"I'm sorry. the person, you try to Cirice. Is not available at this time. Please give up or try again when you're not a filthy slut." Sara told Terzo.
Everyone in the room starts bursting out laughing. Secondo smiles as he can't contain his laughter. Omega feels embarrassed and turns away. Terzo froze in place after being laughed at for the first time.
Copia felt humiliated seeing Terzo in his embarrassed state. He knows how it feels. Copia goes to Terzo and pulls him away from the crowd. When they got to the main hall. Terzo fought Copia and ran to his room. Copia ran to Terzo's room and heard him crying in the room. Omega and Phil show up and see Copia sitting outside Terzo's door.
Copia gets up and points to the door. "It's locked. I can't get in."
Omega and Phil teleport inside the room. Omega and Phil see Terzo taking deep breaths while crying. "Omega, get the makeup wipes. I'll comfort Terzo." Omega grabs the wipes and starts to clean the messy makeup from Terzo's face. Phil removes Terzo's jacket and rubs his back. They got him up from the floor and sat him on the bed.
"I-I don't..." Terzo sniffles. "understand..." He can't find the word to say.
"She got her heart broken in two," Phil explains to Terzo. "her ex-husband had an affair with a fourteen-year-old girl."
"What?" Terzo's tears dried up. "Why didn't she say anything?"
"She did. You weren't there. When Sara told her story. It was still too painful for her to handle." Phil removed the cover of a face moisturizer and turned on the lamp. "Sara didn't know about his affair until the day before her wedding. A lawyer called her about it. She was so pissed. That on the day of the wedding, she showed up in uniform and arrested his ass." Phil said as he messaged the cream on his face.
"Well, that karma for him and justice for her." Terzo joked.
"Well, I wouldn't say that." Phil wiped his hands. "Some of her family members were pissed and took his side. They forced Sara to pay the penalties for his crimes. She became broke because of them."
"Did she cut ties with them?" Terzo asked. "Or is she still communicating with them?"
Phil gives Terzo a moist towel. "She cut ties with her family. The only people who are on her side are her older brother, her lawyer uncle, her father, and her grandparents. Those are the only people she still contacts."
Terzo wipes the moisturizer off his face. "If she has family in the law firm, why didn't she sue?" Terzo asked Phil.
Phil's ears perk up. "That's a good question. I really don't know."
Omega lays Terzo's night robe on the bed. "How about we ask her in the morning." Omega undresses Terzo. "She's going to be with her father and uncle. They are going to be discussing things with the Director."
"I bet it's about her stay in the clergy." Terzo puts on his robe. "I need a bath."
Omega nods and unlocks the door. Phil escorts Terzo to the bathroom.
Copia asks Omega. "Is he okay?"
"He's fine. He just needs a moment to himself."
"Drama Queen?" Copia whispered.
Omega looks around and leans to Copia. "Drama Queen."
"Eh..." Copia returns to the dining hall and returns to the party.
Case file closed Case file contents
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prittyvenus · 3 months
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Templar Grucifix. Middle-age drawing of the Founding Papa.
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prittyvenus · 3 months
The medium and the nameless ghouls
Case file 006-5 Sunshine file The Director's Involvement
Sara whines up in hot water from her superiors after ratting out her former boss about his mishandling of her cases. The Director gets her a job in the clergy after she gets laid off from the district. Without the help of William and Detective John Stevens at her side, how would she handle her new assignments on her own?
Sara has returned to the clergy with a tired look on her face. She is on probation due to the investigation of District 9. Sara walks up the steps of the cathedral and finds Copia. He is wearing a long blue papal dress ordained with crystals and seven-pointed pentagrams. Copia noticed Sara looking exhausted. Copia excuses himself as he's shaking the hands of the brothers of sin.
"Sara?" Copia hugs Sara and kisses her forehead. "What happened? I was worried."
"Uncle Copia, I..." Sara looks at the Director with a strange woman with white empty eyes. "Markus?"
"Where are the ghouls?" The woman coldly asked.
Markus introduced the woman to Sara. "Sara, this is my secretary."
The secretary slightly bowed to Sara. "Omega and Phil left the clergy without permission and made a mess in Sister Imperator's office. We need to know where they are."
Sara sighs and looks at Markus. "Can we talk in private?"
Markus understood. They went to the Director's office. She started to explain what happened.
"You're on probation?! Why? You did nothing wrong!" Copia yells.
Sara looks at Copia. "Look, this isn't my choice. My superiors went too far. They tried to force me to sign a non-disclosure agreement. I'm a potential witness to their crimes and a whistleblower. I'm screwed either way."
"So, Omega and Phil are with you?" The secretary asked.
"Yes, they are being my bodyguards for now. My dad gave them the orders." Sara told Markus.
"Alex should have come to me first." Markus leans against his chair. "The ghouls are under the servitude of the clergy. They are not allowed to leave, even if they have consent."
The group heard a knock on the door. Copia opens the door. Phil standing there with a stack of four Frappuccino. "Sara, there you are. Did you tell them..." Phil froze as the director sternly gazes at him. "Just to let you know, it's her father's fault."
"We know," The secretary coldly said. "She told us. You became her bodyguards."
"Phil, sit down." Phil sits and starts drinking one of the cups. "You don't need that much coffee." The director told Phil.
"Fuck you! I earned these!" Phil covers himself with his wings and drinks.
Copia noticed Alexander at the door. "Mind if we come in? There is something we need to discuss." The director nods his head. "Maggie?" Alexander and Maggie enter the room and close the door. "Sara, We have some good news and some bad news."
"That's not good..." Copia wonders.
"Your electronics are safe. They are with Detective John Stevens," Maggie told Sara. "and granted witness protection."
"And bad news?" Copia asked.
"There's a warrant out for your arrest," Alexander spoke. Everyone gasps in disbelief. "You won't be going back home any time soon."
"No problem. I can find a place to lay low for a while."
The secretary smiles and leans to the director. "Sir, we do have an opening due to the death of Sister Lucia."
The director smiles at her. "Get me the paperwork."
"Right away, sir." The secretary leaves the room.
"Ah! ha..." Phil lowered his wings and hisses as he grabbed his head. "That hurts."
Sara asked Phil. "Headache?"
"No... Brain freeze..." Phil hisses.
"That's what happens when you gulp them down too fast," Copia told Phil.
"I won't be lectured by a man who still drinking from a juice box," Phil said in Terzo's voice.
"Uncle Terzo!" Sara yelled.
"Master Terzo, that wasn't very nice." Phil scolded. "Especially when you're using my body as a vessel." Phil looks at Copia. "I'm so sorry, Master Copia."
"No, it's fine," Copia told Phil.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but what do you mean by vessel," Alexander asked.
Phil looks at Alexander. "Well, I found Terzo's spirit fragment floating around the clergy. I use the summoning chamber to become his vessel. It worked, but it caused a rift within the clergy."
"I heard rumors about it. The ghouls are dissenting the clergy council." The secretary enters the room. "Ah, did you get them?"
The secretary smiles. "Here's the paperwork along with the anonymous application." She hands the paperwork to the director.
"Perfect!" The director begins to start working on it. "Sara, I'm doing this as a favor. Since I know you can't do this on your own." He gives the contract to the secretary. The secretary gives it to Sara. "That's your contract. Sign your name on the contract, and we will protect you."
Sara took a good look at it. "Sierra Emeritus?"
"That will be your name within the clergy. Sara, you are an Emeritus. The granddaughter of Prime Mover Elizabeth and Papa Emeritus Primo." The director paused. "The clergy needs your help and Terzo too."
She hands the contract to Alexander. "Dad, take a look at this contract."
Alexander takes out his reading glasses and puts them on. "This is a witness protection contract." He reads the contract thoroughly. "Seems to be nothing out of the ordinary. Though this is a temporary agreement." He looks deeper. "I see... If she messed up, the contract can be terminated." He finally finished reading the contract. "Well, it's legal. There's nothing in here. That would hurt the law."
"So, it's safe to sign it, dad?" Sara asked.
"Yes, it's safe to sign it." Alexander gives the contract back to Sara along with a pen.
Sara takes off the cap of the pen. She gets ready to sign. Phil stops Sara. Phil turns into Terzo. "Don't do it. It's not worth it. I want you to be free." Terzo told Sara. "Once you sign, you end up a prisoner, just like me and my brothers." Terzo slices his finger and presses it on the paper. Hidden words began to appear. The name Papa III appears in his blood. The contract catches on fire.
Maggie looks horrified. "Oh lord, have mercy. You almost signed your soul away."
Sara and Alexander's jaws drop. "Those contracts had been tampered with?" The director sternly looks at the burned contract. "Head Sister Rebecca Imperator..." He looks at his secretary. "Check all the written contracts and applications. We need to know if they have been tampered with magic."
Sara turned pale. "Copia, let's take her to the mansion. Where she can be safe." Terzo held Sara in his arms. "Omega, I need you. I'm in the Director's office." He started to rock her. "It's okay. You're safe." Sara held Terzo.
Omega arrived with the three other soul fragments. "I got your message. What happened?"
"The contracts have been tampered with Sister Imperator's magic. Sara needs our protection." Phil told Omega through Terzo.
"Good thing I stopped her before she signed it," Terzo spoke.
Omega snorts the three fragments join together and enter Phil's body. Omega goes over to Sara and purrs to calm her down. He soon picks Sara up and carries her. "I will take her to the mansion."
"Alright, be careful with her, Omega." Alexander turns to his secretary. "Maggie, go with them. Can you keep an eye on Sara?"
"Of course, Sir." Maggie left with Phil and Omega.
A brother of sin shows up at the door. "Papa Copia, the black mass is about to start. We're waiting for you."
"Oh shit, the mass! I'm sorry, I-I have to go." He rushes out with the brother of sin.
The secretary left and closed the door. Alexander and the director were both alone in the room.
The director broke the silence. "So, you gave orders to Omega and Phil. Is that true?"
"Yes, a good reason for it." He takes the audio recorder out of his pocket. "Listen to this recording of the operation we had." He plays the conversations through.
The director's eyes widened. He lowered his glasses. "So then, not only are they trying to do harm. They are trying to ruin her reputation and destroy her credibility." He banged his fist on his desk. "Those mother fuckers!"
"I had to, for my daughter's sake," He puts the recorder back in his pocket. "District 9 is corrupted. They will go after her. I'm her father. I worry about her."
"District 11 already taking notice. Her friends have been asking questions. They don't know about what's happening." The director looked at the photos of Elizabeth and his grandmother. "We have to protect her." He looks at Alexander. "The clergy has some of the toughest ghouls to protect her from harm. We have an opening to replace Sister Lucia. We can put her to work as a nun until the trial."
Alexander smiles. "Thank you. She's safe in your hands."
The director shows off the family photos. "This is something that my grandmother would have wanted. For her sister and her family."
Omega makes it to the mansion. He lays Sara on the couch. The other officers noticed Sara being pale. "Hey, is she okay?" One of the officers left to get the sergeant.
Phil looks at the officer. "No, she is not okay."
"Officer Sara," Sergeant Jackson approached Sara. "Sara, what happened? There is a warrant with your name on it." Sara explains the situation with the ninth district and the NDA. "Shit! Did you sign it?"
"No," Sara replied. "My dad has the recording. He is going to use it as evidence against them."
"So, are you going to sue?" Sara nods her head. "I see. Get some rest. I can pull some strings for you. The ninth district is going to pay for what they did." Sergeant Jackson gets the walkie-talkie. "Lieutenant Kibbles? Can you bring William Parker to the mansion? Sara is here."
Kibble's voice appears through. "Understood, sir."
Sara sees Elisabeth floating around the main hall. "Hey, grandma."
Elizabeth stops and sees Sara pale on the couch. "Oh, my sweet little granddaughter." She hugs Sara. Then holds her hand. "What happened? Why are you so pale?"
"It’s a long story, grandma. I don’t know where to start."
"I see," She looks at Omega. "Omega, take her to our bedroom so she can rest. My husband should be there."
"Yes, Mama Elizabeth." Omega takes Sara into the bedroom. He lays her down gently on the bed.
"What happened here?" Sara looks at Primo by the door. "This is the second time you came to my room."
"I almost got my soul sold by a rigged contract," Sara explains. "Uncle Terzo voided the contract before I got to sign it."
Primo sighs and scratches his head. He takes his chair and puts it next to the bed. "I can keep an eye on her from here." He sits in his chair. "You can take your leave. Unless you want to take a nap with her."
Phil takes off his shoes and lays down at her feet. Omega lays down next to her and yawns. He purrs loudly as he closes his eyes. The purring sounds of Phil and Omega calm Sara down. Sara grabs Omega’s arm as she falls asleep.
Dewdrop enters the room and sees Sara. He slowly creeps into the bed and lays down on the other side of Sara. He curls his tail over Sara's legs. He makes chirping sounds as he snores.
William enters the mansion and looks around for Sara. Maggie was in the kitchen helping make dinner. "William, if you're looking for Sara, she's in the upstairs bedroom."
Sunshine calls out to William. "She is with Master Primo. I can take you to her."
Maggie tells them. "Let Sara know that dinner is almost ready when you wake her up."
Terzo follows William and Sunshine to Primo’s bedroom. Primo is asleep in his rocking chair. Sara is sleeping with Omega, Dewdrop, and Phil. An angry look appears on Terzo’s face.
"Excuse me?" Terzo goes to Omega and removes his pillow. He slaps him with it. Omega wakes up along with Sara. "Care to explain yourself. Why are you sleeping with my niece? You are my ghoul, not hers. Now get up!"
"Leave them alone, Terzo." William hears Primo from the rocking chair. "Sara almost had her soul taken by a rigged contract." The room became silent.
William whispers. "No way…"
Terzo crossed his arms. "This is Sisters Imperator doing. Only she can pull something like this."
Primo looks at Terzo. "Brother, you are out of line."
Terzo looks at Primo and yells at him. "Look, she has a grudge against our father for years. She even murdered us to put that brat of hers as the next Papa. She is keeping herself in power by killing off the council!"
"Those are just assumptions," Terzo looks at Sara. "What he is asking, is there proof of her rigging the contract?"
"Proof?" Terzo hummed while scratching his head.
"None?" Sara leans forward. "I have worked in law enforcement for years. We can all blame Sister Imperator. But without evidence, she is innocent until proven guilty." Terzo is pissed. "We have to do an investigation first. I know about what happened. If you have the evidence. You can convict her."
Elizabeth entered the room and greets Sara. "Il mio piccolo girasole. You’re awake." She rushed to the bed. "So, tell me what happened to you?" Sara explained the situation NDA from the district and the rigged contract from the clergy. Elizabeth gasped. "Are you serious?"
"Dad managed to pull some strings and grant me witness protection and Markus is letting me work here until things are settled in the 9th district."
William thinks for a moment. "Sara, you’re on probation. You can’t leave your house. Can you?"
"Only if there are specific circumstances where it could be granted." Alexander appeared from the doorway. "You’re awake, thank goodness." Alexander breathed. "I was worried sick."
"Sorry, dad." Sara apologized.
"Come on, it’s almost time for dinner. Maggie is making her comfort food. Macaroni and cheese with broccoli, mashed potatoes with gravy, and of course fried chicken."
Terzo looks confused. "That doesn’t sound Italian."
"It’s not. It’s American cuisine." William grabs Terzo’s hand. "Come on." He takes Terzo out of the room.
Elizabeth looks at Alexander. "You have to explain to me what’s happening here."
Alexander shows the voice recorder. "I will explain after dinner, mom. I am starving."
"All right." Primo gets out of his chair. "Let’s eat dinner and then we’ll talk about the next step."
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prittyvenus · 3 months
Uploaded the Fanfic before heading out to the Ghovie. No Spoiler until I see it.
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prittyvenus · 3 months
The Medium and the Nameless ghouls
Case file 006-4 Case file Audio confession
Sara: Aria English (US) 
Stevens: Christopher English (US) 
Phil: Connor English (Ireland) 
Omega: Connor English (Ireland) Edited 
Alexander: Andrew English (US) 
Phillips: Roger English (US) 
Betty: Jenny English (US) 
Evens: Guy English (US) 
(Made with Word, Bing, and Audacity)
Phil: This is not going to work. 
Omega: Phil, just calm down. It’s going to work. Once she records them, she’s home-free. 
Sara: Guys, it’s recording! 
Stevens: Alright, let’s get the plan in motion. You know what to do, Sara. 
Sara: Right. Phil let’s go. 
Phil: Sara? Is this a good idea? What if I’m seen? 
Sara: Remember, you are going to be my shadow. Once you’re under the table, you have to call my dad and have him hear the conversation. 
Phil: I can sense Sister Imperator’s energy nearby. 
Sara: I can sense her too. Let’s stick with the plan for now. We will deal with Sister Imperator later. 
Phillips: So, you came alone. Your daddy isn’t here, is he? 
Sara: Oh, are you afraid of the courtroom devil? 
Phillips: Cut the shit, Sara! You know what I’m talking about! 
Sara: My dad is waiting for me in the car. He knows what is going on. 
Phillips: Let’s talk. 
Sara: Hello, Captain Evens. It’s nice to see you again. 
Betty: Sit down. Officer Santos. 
Evens: Sara Emeritus Santos. Cold case Investigator and Head of the Paranormal division. Do you know why you’re here? 
Sara: I do, and you’re not getting it. Not without a warrant. 
Evens: Don’t do it, Commissioner Phillips. We don’t want her father getting involved any further. 
Sara: So, you are aware. Why did you drag me here? 
Betty: Let’s cut to the chase. You are here for your silence. 
Sara: What’s this? 
Betty: It’s a non-disclosure agreement for when you transfer. 
Sara: You can’t do that! This is illegal! My father is going to find out about this! 
Evens: You don’t have much of a choice. If you don’t sign this, you will be reprimanded. 
Sara: So, you are going to arrest me for not signing an NDA. Fuck you.  
Betty: Do you want a permanent citation on your record? You know we have the power to do that. 
Phillips: If you don’t sign, your career is over. Your daddy won’t be able to protect you. 
Sara: Are you threatening me with my job?  
Evens: This is not your choice, Sara. 
Sara: Go fuck yourselves.  
Betty: What? 
Evens: What? 
Sara: Go, fuck, your, selves.
Sara: Hi, dad. 
Stevens: Lieutenant Betty Stone, Captain Oscar Evens, and Commissioner Willson Phillips.
You three are under arrest. Anything you say will be turned against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can’t afford an attorney, you will be offered one free of charge. 
Alexander: Are you okay, sweetheart? 
Sara: I’m fine, dad. You can come out now, Phil. 
Phil: I was worried that they were going to hurt you. 
Sara: I am fine. You deserve two Starbucks Frappuccino orders for this. 
Phil: [clap] Thank you! 
Omega: Ha, Caffeine addict.  
Phil: Shut up, Terzo’s wife. 
Omega: For the record, I’m not the wife in the relationship. 
Sara: Stop! Too much information! 
Alexander: Can I have the digital recorder?  
Sara: Sure, dad. 
Phil: Can we go to Starbucks? 
Case file closed Case file contents
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prittyvenus · 3 months
Mountain, making coffee: "How strong do u like ur coffee?"
Dewdrop: "Strong. I want a spoon to stand up in it."
Mountain: Okay?
Dewdrop: "Like really, really strong. I want it to show up on a drug test!"
Mountain: ...
Dewdrop, climbing over the table, grabbing Mountain and pulling his face close: "Do you understand me? I need pure coffeine! InJeCt It InSiDe My BrAiN!"
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prittyvenus · 4 months
My cosplay is ready for the concert. I have my ticket to see the movie.
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Bonus: Meet my hell hounds
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FYI: They’re rescues. Max (sitting up) is rescued from an abusive home. Billy (laying down) is from a family member who can’t take care of him. I bribed them with treats to take the photos of my costume.
Billy: Yorkshire Terrier and Chihuahua mix
Max: pure breed Yorkshire Terrier
(The bedding is so old, that it doesn’t hug the bed.)
Living in the hood sucks, but I’m used to it.
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prittyvenus · 4 months
just wanted to say i love the medium and the nameless ghouls series!!! it’s so good!
Thank you so much ❤️
0 notes
prittyvenus · 4 months
The Medium and the Nameless Ghouls
Case file 006-3 The CCTV footage
Warning: This may contain acts of violence, gore, and blood. Your discretion is advised.
| Name: Dickson, Allen | Rank: private |
| Police District: 11 | Police File: 1083 |
| Testimony: [written] [video] [audio] |
| Witness: CCTV | sex: none |
March 15, 8:15 PM
Camera 1 shows Phil outside of the cathedral with Detective Stevens.
Camera 4 shows Omega with casket #3.
Camera 12 shows Copia being taken through the halls.
Ghouls going on a riot in the ghoul dormitories on cameras 31-40.
The sibling dormitories and offices are quiet on cameras 46-49 and cameras 15-18.
Nothing out of the ordinary. No sight of the bishop.
March 15, 8:30 PM
On camera 5, Detective Stevens leaves for the mansion.
Camera 2 is showing Phil walking to Omega.
Camera 16 shows Aether guarding outside Copia's bedroom.
A suspicious masked female ghoul walking by on camera 12.
It might be the bishop. I have to keep an eye on him.
March 15, 8:43 PM
I was right. The masked female ghoul is the bishop.
He took off his mask on Camera 21.
He is heading to the hallway near the food court.
Cameras 21-25 catch him running down the hall.
On camera 28, he is opening the door to the underground tunnels.
Lost track of him. There are no cameras in the tunnels.
I have to report to Sergeant Jackson about his last locations.
March 5, 7:51 AM
Murder victim Lucia is walking with some papers on camera 45.
Suspect bishop Johnathan heading to the office on camera 41.
Witness Dewdrop heading from ghoul dorms and head to the koi pond. Camera 43 can't pick up what he's saying.
March 5, 7:52 AM
Camera 44 shows the bishop entering the office.
Dewdrop is talking with a handicapped air ghoul. A ghoul in a wheelchair has shown up on camera 43.
Zypher is the name of the ghoul. He is talking to Dewdrop about the next recovery meeting and rehab schedule.
This was not mentioned in his testimony. We have to press on Dewdrop later.
March 5, 7:55 AM
Camera 43 shows Dewdrop and Zypher leaving the koi pond. Heads to the recovery room in the hospital wing.
This can't be right. I must look up the notes.
March 5, 1:20 PM
I was wrong. I double-checked on the notes. It was the afternoon.
Camera 44 shows the murder victim entering the office.
Camera 43 just spotted Dewdrop back at the pond at 1:21 PM.
Camera 43 shows Dewdrop heading to the window of the office.
Camera 44 can catch some yelling from the office. The Murder victim is trying to pick a fight with the bishop.
Dewdrop is heading to the open window of the office.
The argument is dying down at 1:25. Dewdrop seems to be shocked.
Screams and Banging sounds can be heard from camera 44 at 1:26.
Dewdrop ran out of the garden. Ran away to the halls close to camera 46.
Dewdrop collapsed in the hallway next to the trash can.
Camera 46 is recording him vomit in the trash can. I never heard a screech like that in my life.
March 5, 1:28 PM
Sodomizer and Swiss are leaving Sister's office on camera 48.
Dewdrop's screeches can be Heard from the location.
Sodo and Swiss ran fast to Dewdrop.
Swiss and Sodo find Dewdrop with his head in the trash.
A fire ghoul opens the office door. The bishop's red cassock and face are covered in Lucia's blood.
Sodo and Swiss go see the bishop at 1:30 PM. They picked up the body and left.
Aether shows up and takes Dewdrop to the hospital wing of the clergy.
Notes: Everything they said is true. The fight was started by Sister Lucia Watson. The time of death was at 1:26 PM. The some of footage of March 15 was removed by the director's secretary. There was explicit content on camera 48 around 8:45-9:48. Something about that secretary is off. She is blind, yet she knows where everything is. We choose March 15 when the riot occurred. No one was harmed. It did lead out the bishop. We now know where he's hiding.
Case file closed Case file contents
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prittyvenus · 6 months
Her test subject husband is gone, but not forgotten.
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bench talk // flowers at the bench
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prittyvenus · 7 months
The Medium and the Nameless Ghouls
Case File 006-2 Sunshine file The Next Step
Sara whines up in hot water from her superiors after ratting out her former boss about his mishandling of her cases. The Director gets her a job in the clergy after she gets laid off from the district. Without the help of William and Detective John Stevens at her side, how would she handle her new assignments on her own?
After spending time at the bar, Sara, Omega, and Phil left for her apartment.
Omega looks around and finds old photos of Elizabeth Bathory. "Is this the reason? Why Elizabeth hasn't returned to the clergy?"
Sara looks at the photos and clenches her grandmother's stone. "I don't know. She somehow lost touch with my grandfather. It's going to be 3 years now. She passed away on April 30th, 2021. Advanced stage cancer."
Omega looks shocked. "Sara, Master Primo, Secondo, and Terzo died on April 30th, 2018. They were found dead in Primo's private room. The ghouls don't want to talk about it. But I know Sister Imperator is involved. I know that Terzo didn't have to die." Omega starts to cry.
Sara placed her hand on Omega's arm. "Omega, there's something I need to tell you." Sara leads Omega to the couch. "Rebecca Imperator is destroying the clergy. We found a document. She is planning an assassination of the director, Markus."
Omega looks at Sara. "Tell me you're joking."
Phil sits on the recliner. "You're not wrong. Sister Imperator is firing people left and right. Those who she can't fire wind up dead."
Omega looks at Phil. "What about the ghouls bound to them? Do you know what happened to them?"
"Omega," Terzo takes over Phil's body. "You know what happens. It's the same fate as Alpha. The pits."
"The pits," Omega lowers his head. "they can't come back."
"This is insane," Sara remembers Alpha in the mansion. "wait. Alpha returned, didn't he?"
"Alpha came back. How?" Terzo questioned.
Sara talks about the event of Alpha's return. She began to describe Alpha attacking the mansion to him being frozen with the help of Secondo and the ghouls. She talks about Sister Imperator's arrest and the death of the silver female ghoul by Secondo's magic.
Terzo felt tears run down Phil's face. "I see..." Terzo sniffles. "Phil wants a moment. It will be best that you will comfort him for a while. I am going back to sleep." Terzo closed his eyes.
Phil covers his face and cries loudly. "Omega, calm him down. I can't let the neighbors hear him crying." Sara told Omega. "The apartment walls are paper thin."
Sara goes to the bathroom and grabs a clean towel. She took the towel to Phil. He placed the towel on his face as he cried. Small knocking sounds came from the door. Sara opens the door and sees a little girl with her angry mother.
"What's going on here?" The mother asked. "I thought you left."
"I'm with a client right now. Can it wait?" Sara told the mother.
"Sara, is that you?" A man shows up from the steps with a teacup Yorkshire Terrier in his arm. "Are you supposed to work on a murder case out of town?"
Sara closed the door. She leans over the banister and sees her neighbors looking up at her. "Just to let you all know." Sara takes a breath. "The reason why I'm back is because of District Sergeant Davis." The neighbors gasp and start to whisper. "He messed around with another district's case and assaulted one of their undercover officers."
"You got to be kidding," One of the Neighbors complained. "Sara, what are you going to do? You are going to lose your job."
Sara hears her intercom. "That's mine. Please excuse me." Sara goes into her apartment and answers the intercom. "This is Sara Santos."
William spoke through the intercom. "It's me, Sara."
Sara pushed the button to unlock the entrance doors. Alexander and William see her Neighbors looking up the banister. "Dad, can we talk?"
Alexander nods his head and goes up the stairs with William. "Sara, you need to get a better apartment." He huffed at the fourth floor.
"There should be water bottles in the fridge," Sara told William. "Can you get one out for my dad?"
"Can you grab me one?" Omega asked William.
William went to the fridge and grabbed three water bottles. "Is Phil okay?"
Omega purrs as he comforts Phil. "He found out his wife passed away." Omega continues to rub Phil's back.
William grabs an extra water bottle from the fridge. He goes over to Phil and Omega and gives them water. "Here you go."
Omega thanked William and gave Phil a water bottle. William gave Alexander a bottle as he entered Sara's apartment. Alexander drinks the water from the bottle.
"So then, what's the verdict?" Alexander asked.
Sara told Alexander. "Tomorrow morning at 7 AM. Commissioner Phillips orders."
"As in Commissioner Wilson Phillips." Alexander was shocked. "The commissioner from the 12th precinct of the 5th district."
"Yup, Somehow he got transferred back to the 9th district while I was gone."
"Who's Wilson?" William asked Sara.
Sara sighs. "Wilson Phillips is a bully from the 9th district. He got transferred to the 5th district because of bad behavior. He got a 90-day suspension and a demotion. I don't know how he got promoted to commissioner."
"That's not good. Is there anything we can do?" Asked William.
"No, you can't," Sara told William. "like I said before, he's a bully. Wilson is more brutal than Peter Davis. He is a very dangerous Man."
Alexander's Phone began to ring. "Yes? Who is this?"
"Alex, This is Arthur." Alex puts the phone on speaker. "I heard from Hailey that Sara is on the chopping block."
"That's why they want to see me at 7 in the morning," Sara yelled. "They want me gone."
"What about the evidence?" Omega told Sara. "The evidence that you and the detective gathered."
Sara explains to Omega. "Yeah, but I can't give those up without a warrant. Also, this is John Stevens's investigation. All I did was help out when needed."
Phil managed to put himself together. "I was told you were assigned to him by your father."
"Yes, I did. When I was told about the corruption investigation in the 9th district, I sent him to Sara. She knew what was going on and compiled evidence of her own." Alexander goes back to his phone. "Sorry about that, Arthur. What does Hailey say about Sara?"
Arthur takes a breather. "Hailey Grant overheard that the higher-ups are going to silence Sara by making her sign documents about District 9."
"The Non-disclosure Agreement?" Sara's eyes widened. "I don't believe it. They have the balls to bring out those illegal documents."
"Sara, hush!" Alexander scolded Sara. "Sorry for the disruption."
"Anyway, we may have a legal problem on our hands. If the NDA documents are included."
"That would be more than a problem. It would be legal trouble if officers were forced to sign those documents."
The room goes quiet. Sara gets her phone and calls Detective Stevens. A gentlewoman picks up the phone. "Hello?"
"Hello, Mrs. Stevens. This is Sara from the cold case department. Can you send a message to your husband?"
The woman became concerned. "What type of message, Sara?"
"Tell him that NDA is involved with the corruption case."
"NDA?" She asked. "I never heard of it."
"He will know what it means. Can you tell him that?"
"Sure, I will tell Johnny."
Sara breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much, I'm sorry for calling this late."
"Of course. You can tell me all about it over some tea."
"Thank you, you have a good evening." Sara hangs up the phone.
Mrs. Stevens goes to the upstairs bathroom. She sees John Stevens watching their kids brushing their teeth. "Honey, Sara from the cold case department called." Detective Stevens looked at his wife. "She told me that the NDA is involved with the corruption case."
"An NDA?" Detective pauses. "I'm going call her and find out."
The kids finished brushing. "Alright, you two. Time for bed." He carried his kids off to bed. He kisses their foreheads and tucks them in.
"Daddy, are you going to see Miss Sara?" Asked his youngest son.
Detective Stevens shakes his head. "No. I'm staying. Sara has something important to tell me."
"Before story time?" His other son brings out a book.
Detective Stevens sighs. "Okay, you both win." He takes the book and reads it to his sons. After he finishes reading the book, he puts the book away and turns off the light. He checks on his oldest daughter. "Lights out, Sweety. You got practice tomorrow morning." He sees the light from the room turn off. Stevens looks at his wife and embraces her. He kisses her softly on her lips.
She smiles and passionately kisses her husband. "You should call Sara."
"Oh, right. The NDA." He grabs his cell phone and video calls Sara.
Sara checks her phone and picks up the call. "John, thank goodness. We have a problem."
"Yeah, my wife told me." Stevens sits on his bed. "The NDA is on the case. What do you mean by that?"
"It's a long story." Sara sits at her dining table with Alexander. "Hailey overheard from the other officers. They are bringing the non-disclosure agreement contracts to silence the officers involved with the ninth District."
"Isn't that illegal?" Asked Stevens.
"It is illegal," Alexander spoke. "John, they are getting out of hand. I don't care if my daughter loses her job. I don't want a stain on her record because of them."
"So, what should we do? This is your investigation."
Detective Stevens looked at his wife. She nods. "Sara, do you still have the evidence with you?"
Sara answered. "Yes, I have the evidence hidden."
"Do you still have your paranormal equipment?"
"Yes, I put them away in my bedroom." Sara wondered. "Why did you ask?"
"I have an idea. I want to record their conversation with you on the illegal activities."
"Sara, are you okay with this?" Alexander interrupted.
"No, I know those three officers. They will harm me if anything goes wrong."
Omega comes out of the bathroom. "How about us ghouls can help you out."
Phil looks at Omega. "Are you sure about this? Omega, This is not a good idea. We can't interfere."
Omega yells. "Sara is in danger. She needs our help!"
"Sara, can you tell your friends to keep the noise down? My kid is trying to sleep!" The mother yelled from below the apartment.
Alexander whispered. "Sara, you have to move out of this apartment."
Sara remembers something. "Phil, you can transform into shadows, right?"
Omega thinks for a minute. "What are you talking about? All ghouls have that ability."
"Perfect. I have an idea," Sara signals Omega and Phil to get closer. "I can have one of you as a backup."
"A backup?" Stevens asked.
"Hear me out. I can have one of the ghouls with me as a shadow. If one of the officers lays a hand on me."
Detective Stevens interrupts Sara. "Don't do it, Sara. It's not worth it."
Alexander thought about Sara's Plan. "I have a better idea. Let's go with both."
"Huh?" Everyone looks at Alexander.
"Here is the plan. You and Phil will be heading to the meeting. You are recording the conversation. Phil is going to call my cell phone. Detective Stevens and I will come in with the Swat team."
"The Swat team?" Sara looks dead at her father.
"Sir, Are you sure about this? Don't you think you are going too far with this?" Phil begins to question Alexander.
"As a father, I will do whatever it takes to protect my children."
Detective Stevens sighs. "I will start making phone calls to the justice department."
"I will call Sergeant Jackson to pick up William. Tomorrow morning is game day."
Everyone nods and starts to prepare for the morning ahead.
Case File Closed
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prittyvenus · 7 months
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It's my 11 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳. Now what?
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prittyvenus · 8 months
The Medium and the Nameless Ghouls
Case File 006-1 Sunshine file riot and corruption
Sara whines up in hot water from her superiors after ratting out her former boss about his mishandling of her cases. The Director gets her a job in the clergy after she gets laid off from the district. Without the help of William and Detective John Stevens at her side, how would she handle her new assignments on her own?
Hours passed since Sara, Fred, and Detective Stevens left for the meeting at the precinct. Will was looking out the rain pouring down outside the window. "They are taking long." William wondered. "Are they going to be okay?"
Alexander taps William's shoulder. "Don't worry, they will be fine."
Maggie and Lieutenant Kibbles barge into the dining room. The ghouls looked shocked as they entered. "Prosecutor Emeritus!" Yelled Kibbles.
"What is it, Diana?" Asked Alexander.
"There's a riot at the precinct of the ninth district," Kibbles yelled. "it's all over the news!"
William opens his laptop and searches the news feed. They see live footage from a news channel Sara watches. "Breaking news tonight. Hundreds of officers are locked out of the 5th precinct meeting hall. Sergeant Peter Davis was involved in assaulting an undercover officer during a sting operation. Vickie?"
"You're joking," Secondo spoke.
Primo shushes him.
The scene changed. "Yes, Cathy. The officers out here waited for hours just to attend a meeting. The locked doors of the precinct are seen out here with two security officers inside."
The scene changed to a male officer in a yellow poncho. "This is unbelievable. We all came here to be locked out of the meeting."
The scene changed to Sara, Fred, and Detective Stevens. "Do you three will be able to attend the meeting in the precinct?" Asked the reporter.
"No, this is not the first time the higher-ups locked us out. There are times of them making votes behind closed doors." Fred told the reporter.
The scene changed to the duel screen between the news anchor and reporter. "The higher-ups are right now making the meeting without the knowledge and consent of the officers. Do you think this could be a sign of corruption?" Cathy asked.
"It's hard to say that. If there is corruption in the 9th district, It will be Investigated. This is Vickie Walton of News Channel 13. Back to you, Cathy."
"Damn, now what?" William looks at Alexander.
Alexander starts dialing his phone. "Rafael? It's me, Alex. They just did a news report on the 9th district. We need authorization for a corruption investigation. My daughter is caught in the middle of this mess. You know my number. It's (xxx)xxx-xxxx. Contact me If you got something."
Phil shows up and notices how everyone is worried. "Is everything alright?"
"Phil!" William yells out.
"Phil, we need a favor from you." Alexander sternly said.
"What? Did something happen?" Phil asked.
"Sara left for a meeting," Alexander spoke. "Now, she is stuck outside in the rain. We need you to pick her up with Omega."
"It's Sara's boss. Sergeant Peter Davis messed up. Big time!" William spoke.
"The Sergeant that tried to arrest Papa Copia?" Phil asked. "Did he do something to hurt her?"
"No, he fucked around and found out with an undercover officer," Alexander told Phill. "Now my daughter is being dragged into his mess."
"Do you want me to fetch her?" Asked Phil.
"Yes, do not let her do anything until I get there," Alexander informed Phil. "Omega, go with him."
"Of course, Master Alexander." Omega bowed and left with Phil.
"Is everything alright, dear?" The phantom of Elizabeth entered the kitchen.
"The ninth police district is under lockdown," Alexander explains. "I have to go save her.
"So, you are going to be working late tonight." Elizabeth scolded. "Non sei cambiato dopo tutti questi anni."
"Mother, Sara's job is in danger," Alexander told Elizabeth. "I have to intervene, Sara is going to get fired or reprimanded."
"Does she have some beef with the district?" Paintless Terzo asked.
"Yes, and has evidence to back it up," Alexander said after grabbing his keys. "A lot of evidence. William, you are coming with me."
Primo stares at Elizabeth as William and Alexander leave the room.
"Che cosa? Cosa c'è che non va?" Elizabeth asked.
"Amore mio, amore mio, perché?" Primo asked with the hand jester. "What is it that you have been teaching them?"
"To always cover your behind," Elizabeth picks up a knife and chops onions. "I taught her not to trust anybody. First, they want to be your friend only to stab you in the back." She grabbed the tomato and diced it. "Sara works in the cold case department alone. No one wants to help her." She takes the garlic and smashed it with the knife. "I told her if they ever give you a hard time, give them something to remember, Sara." She pours olive oil into the hot pan and starts cooking. "Sara is really good at her job. She gathered enough evidence to bomb the district to kingdom come. I hate to see her career go to waste."
A ghoul shows up with a container of spaghetti. "Here's the pasta, ma'am."
"Go put them in the boiling water. Don't break them." Elizabeth told the ghoul. The ghoul takes out the spaghetti from the container. He lays them in the water. Elizabeth takes a wooden spoon and slowly presses the spaghetti into the water. She stirs the pot until the spaghetti is bent. "That is how you make pasta without breaking them." The ghouls awed and clapped at Elizabeth.
Primo sighs. "Amo quella donna." Secondo and Terzo looked at their older brother. "When you're married, you will understand."
Phil and Omega teleported to a bar where Sara was hanging out. "Let me guess, my dad sent you?" asked Sara.
"Your father is coming over. He said to bring you home and not to do anything." Phil told Sara.
"That's not good. Dad always has to interfere." Sara sighs while sipping her beer.
Omega sits next to her and signals the bartender. "Miller lite, Please. Make it two."
"You're paying for your drinks, right?" Sara asked. Omega shows his credit card to Sara.
"Living a mortal's life is no joke." Phil sits next to Omega. "Even under the clergy."
Fredrick shows up in a yellow poncho. "Sara, the meeting just ended."
"Without us? You got to be kidding me." Sara complained.
"Hey, they're doing a press conference outside." A cop yelled.
The bartender raises the volume of the flatscreen television. The screen shows a black male officer in his 60s. "My fellow officers. The DOI and the DOJ will be handling the investigations of the 12th precinct. All other officers involved with Sergeant Peter Davis will be on parole until further notice." Omega notices the cue cards. "Officers that don't comply with the order will be subject to an arrest."
"No, they won't." Said Sara. "Once the search warrant comes in, they won't touch me."
"What would happen if they do?" Omega asked.
"It's because of her dad," Phil told Omega. "Omega, Master Alexander is the courtroom devil."
"Yeah, pretty much." Sara sips her beer. "Also, I have piles of evidence hidden in my laptop." Phil and Omega look at Sara.
The bartender shows up with two bottles of Miller Lite and opens the bottles in front of Phil and Omega. "Sorry for the wait, boys."
"No problem," Omega told the bartender. "So, about the evidence."
Sara smiles. "I have hidden evidence in my work laptop at my apartment. Captain Oscar Evens, Lieutenant Betty Stone, and Sergeant Peter Davis are going to be screwed. I have a mountain of evidence I collected over the years."
"Sounds like you are on a mission of vengeance." The bartender said.
"You don't understand the abuse and harassment that is going on in the district." Sara fiddles with her glass of beer. "My grandmother told me on her deathbed. If your superiors ever give you a hard time, give them something to remember. You are a cop. Start gathering evidence and release them when the time is right. So, I did."
"So, you're waiting for that search warrant to come in." Phil sips his beer. "You know, you can report them to their superiors, right?"
"Yeah, but their superiors are just as corrupted as them." Detective Stevens sits on the other side of Sara. "I work for the DOJ. I have been assigned to Sara Santos for that very reason." Detective Stevens looks at the bartender. "Jack Daniels on the rocks." The bartender goes to get a glass. "When I was told that evidence was tampered with in a cold case investigation, I left to investigate. I saw Lieutenant Betty Stone on the surveillance camera in the evidence room. She was switching labels on the evidence boxes. I found logging records of Captain Oscar Evens tampering with reports. Don't get me started on Sergeant Peter Davis. That guy is a literal piece of shit."
"He abuses and harasses innocent people until he gets a false confession." Sara finishes her beer. "I help John out while he protects me from those assholes." Sara looks at the big screen TV. "I don't care if I get fired or not. As long as justice is served with a side of revenge."
"Revenge is a dish best served cold." Omega smiles and chuckles. "I'm in. Just tell me what I need to do."
"Omega," Phil whispered. "We have to wait til Master Alex gets here."
Sara's phone rings. Sara checks her phone. "Yes, What is it?"
"Hey, Sara. It's Andrew." a male voice spoke.
"Oh, so you saw the news," Sara said. "Is everything okay with the girls?"
"My daughters are fine. I'm more worried about you. If shit hits the fan, you will lose your job."
"I'm not worried. I can always find another job. I have some money left to get by."
"Hay Auntie, Sara." two children's voices appeared over the phone.
"Hey, Lizzie and Emily. How are things?" Sara asked
The girls spoke. "Our Mommy is going to jail again."
"Girls!" Andrew shouted.
"What did she do this time?" Sara furiously asked.
Andrew sighs. "She got into a fight with a pregnant store clerk in the convenience store. The clerk got several bruises on her face and almost lost her baby."
"I swear, that woman is a pain in the ass." Sara gulped down her beer. "Is she still not paying her child support for the girls?"
"Nope, and her parents know about it. I cut them off years ago." Andrew told Sara. "They don't care about my girls."
"Good, they deserve it." Sara drinks up the last of her beer.
"You need another one?" The bartender asked.
Sara tells the bartender. "No, thank you."
"Good call." The bartender gets close. "Let me know if you need an Angel Shot."
"No, just let me know if there is an Angel Shot with lime." Sara winked.
"What is an Angel Shot?" The girls asked Sara.
Sara explains. "It is a code that bartenders use if a female customer is in trouble."
"Girls, Go back to the table and finish your dinner. I have chocolate pudding waiting for the both of you." The girls ran to the table. "Girls, keep your voices down!"
"So, did you get the invitation to Stephanie's baby shower?" Andrew asked.
"No. Even if I did, I won't be able to go." Sara told Andrew.
"Well, I'm not going," Andrew told Sara. "Juan is going to be there. I don't want that guy anywhere near my girls."
"Stephanie told me that he got his ass kicked." Sara checks the bar windows.
Andrew said. "So, she told you about what happened at her gender reveal party."
"That happened at the gender reveal party!" Sara sees the rain stopping. "Give me details, bro."
"Long story short, one of the dads caught him following a small girl to the bathroom. Juan got dragged to the male bathroom, and you know the rest." Andrew can hear silence. "Well, Stephanie is having a girl. I am worried about that."
"She is going to play favorites with her kids." Sara sees the crowd leaving and sees the Commissioner heading her way. "Bro, I have to call you back. Something bad is about to happen." Sara hangs up her phone.
The Commissioner puts his hand on Sara's back. "Come to my office tomorrow morning. Come alone."
Omega grabs the Commissioner's arm. "Not if I have something to say about it." He growls.
"This has nothing to do with you." Commissioner stares down Omega.
"Hey! No fighting in here! Take it outside!" The bartender yelled.
The Commissioner swats Omega's grip. "Tomorrow morning at 7:00. You better show up alone." The commissioner leaves the bar.
Sara texts William about what happened. William texts Sara back. "Your dad said not to worry. He's driving over to your apartment. He wants to hide the evidence until the trial."
"We will be there. I'm waiting for the rain to stop." Sara looks out the window. "Boys, don't drink too much. We are going to my place for the night." Sara orders a soda and waits for the storm to pass.
Case file closed
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prittyvenus · 9 months
The Medium and the Nameless Ghouls
Case file 005-7 Nihil file William’s visions
After finding another soul fragment from Saltarian, Sara, Omega, and Phil decide to recruit Wiliam, Sara's apprentice, and Nihil to help in the search. Will they find the soul fragment before Saltarian and Sister Imperator?
William and Detective Stevens arrived at the clergy offices. "Sheesh, this place is like a maze," William complained.
"Yeah I know, but we’re here now." Detective Stevens points to the window. "That's where the witness, Dewdrop saw the murder of Lucia Watson."
William looks out the window and sees the pond on the far side of the window next to the walkway. "I don't think that he saw the murder all the way through."
"Will, time to get the gloves on." William looks at Detective Stevens. He takes the box and gives it to William. "We will start with the desk, then with the cabinet." William puts on the rubber gloves as Detective Stevens sets up the camera. "I will document what you find."
"Sure thing John." William looks down at the desk and feels the top of the desk. "I don't feel anything. The desk doesn't have any spiritual energy."
"Try looking in the cabinet." Detective Stevens gets the forensic kit and opens it. "Any luck finding the murder weapon?"
"Don’t rush me!" William looks into the glass window of the cabinet. "What the…" He sees a small figurine of a man with a goat head covered in blood. "Detective, I think I found something." He opens the cabinet door and takes out the figurine. An image of two people fighting appears in his mind.
He sees a nun and the bishop arguing about someone. "What do you mean by I can’t?" Lucia yelled at the bishop.
"It’s just like I said." Bishop Johnathan calmly explained. "You can’t just be a prime mover without approval of the church. Also you are in hot water for your missed deeds from your own family. You have not repented from your own actions."
"My family has nothing to do with this!" She yelled out.
"You do realize that you have a child." Lucia froze at his words. "You have to be a virgin to be eligible for the position of prime mover. Also you haven’t done the ritual of rite. Without it you can’t receive the blessing of carrying Lucifer’s son."
"What does he have anything to do with it?" Lucia yelled at him.
Bishop Johnathan takes off his glasses and pinches his nose. "Lucia Watson, what you are doing is endangering yourself and Papa Emeritus the Fourth." William sees Bishop Johnathan fiddling with the figurine on his desk. "You can’t become prime mover just by marrying Papa Emeritus. You have to be wed to Lucifer himself." William begins to fiddle with the figurine the same way as Bishop Johnathan. "To become a prime mover you must be the wife of Lucifer and bear his son. The Dark Messiah."
William snapped out of the vision and sees Detective Stevens. "You Okay?" Detective Stevens asks William. "Did you found something?"
"Yeah," William lifted the figurine and told Detective Stevens of the vision he saw. "this was on his desk when the Bishop was fighting with a nun."
"Nice work, Will!" Detective Stevens praised William. "Can you find anything else?"
William goes back into the vision by staring at the figurine.
"You’re joking." Laughed Lucia. "Are you trying to tell me that I am not worthy enough for that high position. You are pathetic!"
Bishop Johnathan sat up from his chair. "Sister Lucia Watson! You know how many times I’ve seen your record?" Lucia went silent. "Each time I receive your file, I see numerous complaints about your performance and behavior." Lucia’s face turned red. "Remember, you are here because you were be re-educated by your disowned parents." Lucia click her teeth. "They even had your child taken away from you. How do you expect to learn anything if you keep repeating the same mistakes and blame it on others?"
Lucia smiles at Bishop Johnathan. "So was the mistake of you rejecting the poor little girl of her love for you." Bishop Johnathan turned pale. "Oh, you know. The four-teen year old girl that burned herself in the fire in Argentina." Bishop Johnathan became enraged. "The archbishop must be happy about the death of the girl and the burning down the only church in the village."
William sees the angered Bishop picked up the figurine and rushing over to Lucia and beating her with it. William snaps out of the vision and then slumps to the floor. He puts his hand over his mouth. Detective Stevens runs to him with a trash pail. William puked in the plastic bag in the trash pail.
"What happened?" Detective Stevens asked William.
William tries to catch his breath. "This statue is the murder weapon…" William points to the rug in the middle of the room. "…she died there…"
Detective Stevens goes to the rug and lifts it up. He sees the bottom of the rug stained with dried blood. "Looks like they did an awful job cleaning up the crime scene."
"What do you expect from them? They are boys after all." William and Detective Stevens look at the door and sees a short female water ghoul. "You know you’re not supposed to be here. This place is off limits."
Detective Stevens showed his badge. "I’m here to do an investigation." He gets the evidence ruler from the bag along with a camera. "Let me take that from you." William hands over the figurine to Detective Stevens. "Take it easy for now. I got it from here."
The female water ghoul looked at a spray bottle in the bag. "Please don’t mess with that." A female officer shouted at the female water ghoul. The Female water ghoul hisses at the female officer.
"Hey knock it off, Mist." The director said as he walked by the room.
Mist lowers her ears. "Sorry, sir."
"Now come. Let them do their job." Mist followed the director and growled at them before leaving.
"Nancy, can you set up the black light? We have to see how much blood was spilled from the carpet."
"Yes, sir." She takes out the tripod and sets it in the corner of the room. "Are you okay, kid?"
"Yeah, I’m fine." William puts the trash pail next to the desk. "Just give me a few minutes."
The sound of a TV show intro was playing in the room. "That must be my phone." Detective Stevens takes his phone out of his jacket. "Yes, this is Detective Stevens."
The voice of a male officer appears on the other line. "Afternoon, Detective Stevens. I'm Walter Ashton of the investigation department of district 9. Did you hear about what happened to Sergeant Davis?"
"No, I have not." Detective Stevens answers. "Did something happen at the precinct?"
"Yes, Peter Davis..." There was a long pause. "...sexually assaulted an undercover officer from the 10th district."
"What! Are you serious right now!" Detective Stevens yelled at his phone.
"I wish I was, but it's true. Every one is panicking right now."
Detective Stevens rubs the top of his head. "So, I have to return to the precinct for an emergency meeting."
"Pretty much, yeah..."
Detective Stevens sighs. "I'll be right over with the other officers of the 9th district."
Fred runs to the door. "Where's Sara? I can't find her!"
Anime music rang out from William's phone. "It's Sara!" He picks up the phone.
"William, is everything alright?" Sara panicked. "Is Detective Stevens with you?"
"Yeah, he's here." William answers. "Why?"
"Can you put your phone on speaker? This is an emergency." William pressed the speaker button on his phone. "Is it on speaker?"
"Yes, it is." Detective Stevens answered.
"Sara, where are you?" Fred panicked.
"I am at a diner not very far from here." Sara spoke. "I was talking with my dad when I got the call from the precinct."
"Sara, is everything okay?" Alexander asked. "Be honest with me."
Fredrick got closer to the phone. "I'm sorry to say this Prosecutor Alexander. It's my uncle, he got involved with an undercover officer from the 10th district and got arrested."
"You're joking!" Alexander yelled.
"No, sir. It's true. There's going to be an emergency meeting at the precinct to discuss the matter further." Fredrick said calmly.
"I see..." Alexander paused for a minute. "Do you want me to look after the boy when you leave?"
"Yes, please." Sara answers. "Will, I'm having my dad keep an eye on you when I'm away at the meeting. I'm ordering some burgers to go. So, you can have something to eat when he gets there."
"It is okay, Sara. I'll be waiting in the mansion if anything."
"No, your waiting with us." Detective Stevens called out. "You can't trust anyone here. Sara will be reprimanded if anything happens to you." William looks disappointed. "Remember, she's your legal guardian. If anything happens to you, she will get the blame. So, the answer is no."
"Three well-done burgers to-go, with fries and, two large diet Pepsi and a medium sprite!" A male voice yelled out.
"Over here!" Sara yelled out. "I'll meet you guys in front of the cathedral."
"Be careful, Sara." William said.
Sara giggles. "I will, Bye-Bye. Dad you got enough gas in the car?" Sara ends the call.
"Nancy, call headquarters and inform Jackson that there's an emergency at district 9."
"Rodger." The female officer uses her walkie talkie.
Jackson and two of the officers from the mansion showed up at the crime scene. "What happened, Detective?"
"Sergeant Peter Davis fucked around and found out with a undercover officer from district 10." Detective Stevens complaints. "Now, there's an emergency meeting at the precinct."
"What's with the statue?" Jackson points to the figurine.
"It's the murder weapon." William told Jackson.
Jackson takes the spray bottle and a small flash black light from the forensics bag. He sprays the figurine a points the black light on it. The figurine glows blue on its bottom half. "Where's did you find it?" William points to the open door of the cabinet. "Nice job, kid." William gets up so Sergeant Jackson can get to the cabinet.
"It's the empty space on the second shelf. That's where I found the murder weapon." William points to the cabinet.
Jackson sprayed the area and used the black light. "Two for two." He takes the red cloth from the cabinet. He shows a square blood stain glowing blue with the black light.
"The bishop must have hid it when the ghouls walked in." One of the officers inform Jackson.
"The evidence was right under our noses and we didn't even notice." Said a forensics officer with a camera.
"Will, they got it from here. Come on. Sara is waiting for us." Detective Stevens takes William to the hall.
"Going somewhere, Detective?" The director shows up with Mist the female water ghoul.
"l have to meet up with Sara. We need to go to the precinct for an emergency meeting."
"You can't even finish your work, sir." Mocked Mist. "You're joking."
"Actually, my work is finished." Detective Stevens told Mist. "It's up to the forensics team to find the next piece of the puzzle."
Mist growls at Detective Stevens. The Director slams his cane on the floor making Mist yelp. "Is there anything I can do Detective?"
"Help us find Bishop Johnathan. We don't know where he is, and no one is cooperative with us."
The director smiles and his left eye turned white. Mist bows and fades away. "I'm not as strong as the main bloodline. But I do get the job done. That's why I became director."
"Sister Imperator will have to face the music at some point." Detective Stevens pointed out. "She has interfere with the investigation too many times and that demon, Saltarian is no help."
"Demon? Saltarian? We don't have a demon named Saltarian." The director pause for a minute. "Hold on..." He thinks for a minute. "Let me look something up for you. I will let you know if I find something."
"Report it to Sergeant Jackson." Detective Stevens told the director. "I have to leave with Sara."
"Understood, Detective." The director goes into Sister Imperator's office.
Detective Stevens took William to the front of the cathedral. They waited for a while until a black BMW arrived at the cathedral. Sara got out with a shopping bag of ready to go meals and soft drinks.
"Hey, Sara!" William waves at her.
Cowbell and Sunshine got out of the car as Copia ran out of the cathedral. "Sunshine!" Copia rushes over to Sunshine. "You naughty ghoul. Where have you been?" He pets Sunshine. "You had your papa worried sick."
"Sorry, papa." She bleeps.
Sara gives William a container of a burger and fries with the sprite. "Wow, the burger is huge." William pointed out.
"Now Will, I'm going to the precinct for a meeting. I'm having my dad look out for you. Do you understand?" Sara told William.
"Is it about your job?" William asked.
"It's more about my boss then my job." Sara explained.
"What? Are you leaving so soon?" Copia asked.
"There's an emergency meeting at the precinct. I can't go into the details, but it's bad." Sara told Copia.
"You will tell me when you get back." Said Copia.
"If, I can come back." Sara sadly said to Copia.
"Come on. We need to get going." Detective Stevens yelled.
A sister of sin runs out of the cathedral. "Papa! Come and take a look at this!" Everyone looks at the nun. "A jar has appeared inside of Primo's coffin!"
"A jar?" Copia asked.
"Grandma's urn!" Sara yelled.
They rushed inside and saw a crowd around Primo's casket. Sara gave the food to Fred as Detective Stevens and Alexander pushed their way into the crowd. Sara shows up last when they see the urn lying down in Primo's left armpit. The crowd whispers as if it was a prank from the ghouls. Sara and Alexander were shocked.
"You finally got your wish, Grandma." Sara whispered.
A spirit of an old woman appears in front of Sara and Alexander. Primo appears next to the old woman.
"How on Earth did it get in there?" Alexander scratches his head.
Primo smiles and leans over to the old woman and kisses her lips. They both change to the younger version of themselves.
"Oh sweet Lucifer," One of the ghouls yelled out. "That’s Prime Mover Lady Elizabeth Bathory!"
Copia looked at Elizabeth then at Sara. "How long did you know about this?"
"Phil recognize her from the photo while I was packing up for the case." She told him. "Why didn’t you notice? I’ve been calling you Uncle Copia for so long."
Detective Stevens looked at Sara. "I can see the resemblance. You do look like more of your grandfather than your grandmother."
Primo and Elizabeth vanished from sight as they embraced each other.
"I have to get them flowers when I get back from the meeting." Sara wiped her tears.
"Come on now. We need to get going!" Fred yelled out.
"We're coming!" Sara, Fred, and Detective Steven left the clergy in a cop car. They wonder if things would change for the better.
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