princessofnovoselic · 4 months
“Ah, yes. They are quite wonderful, Angie!”
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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
fish! nyahaha!! cute!!
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princessofnovoselic · 4 months
It sounds like a wonderful evil team, Kokichi! Unfortunately, I have quite a lot of business to attend to, so I may not be able to join at the moment, but I will definitely keep this in mind so I can enlist as soon as my work is complete. I was never able to do things like this as a child, so I sincerely thank you for the invitation!
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Nishishi, a princess? You’d be perfect for my evil team! Wanna join?
An evil team…that sounds fascinating! However, it may be best to refrain from joining at the moment. I would need more information first, though I greatly appreciate the offer.
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princessofnovoselic · 4 months
“My, that sounds fascinating, Kiyo! I am always impressed by how you know so much morbid information. Quite interesting indeed.
…Er, would you like some help in tidying your lab? I have time.”
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[*> Angie has rearranged a few documents and other items of value within Korekiyo’s lab!]
[*> Nothing is missing, just out of place.]
Korekiyo looks around the lab and he already feels distressed.
He'd put everything in his specific order! And now it's all rearranged!
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princessofnovoselic · 4 months
Hey Princess, what surprised you the most about Japan during your visits?
“Hmm, that is a good question…
I would say that, before I learned more about it, the strangest thing was that they chronicled the love lives of penguins. Still, it was quite an interesting experience to see how the aquarium workers went about doing this. It was a very complicated chart, to say the least!”
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princessofnovoselic · 4 months
can you not main tag all your posts please.
{ooc: yeah sorry about that!}
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princessofnovoselic · 4 months
My apologies for the anonymous ask, I'm a bit shy I guess you could say.
I just wanted to say that I admire the integrity and virtue of your stances. As expected of The Ultimate Princess, you stand up for what you believe in and inspire others to follow you.
What do you see as the future of Novoselic? Do you think there's a place there for ordinary, untalented people like me?
“No need to apologize. I completely understand. And thank you sincerely for the compliments.”
“But you should not have to worry about there being a place for you in Novoselic! As the princess, it is my responsibility to ensure that all of my citizens are safe and happy, whether past, present, or future.”
“However, you should not be referring to yourself as untalented. You are a wonderful individual, and you should not be afraid to let your talents shine. You slay, sis!”
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{ooc: this sounds like nagito…hmm}
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princessofnovoselic · 4 months
“Angie, I believe your Atua is correct.
Though I have always been quite intrigued by the idea of “partying hard”, drinking an entire bottle of alcohol was not the best idea, Kiyo.
And Kokichi, I must know why you have that much vodka.
Hmm…it seems to me that both of you have, to use the common slang these days, ‘taken the L.’”
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"I have just chugged an entire bottle of hard liquor. Sister did not raise a coward."
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princessofnovoselic · 4 months
Nishishi, a princess? You’d be perfect for my evil team! Wanna join?
An evil team…that sounds fascinating! However, it may be best to refrain from joining at the moment. I would need more information first, though I greatly appreciate the offer.
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princessofnovoselic · 4 months
“I concur! Fortunately, in my country, deodorants and shampoos are gender-neutral. I don’t see why an amazing nation such as Japan cannot do the same.”
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{ooc: do you mind if i interact lmao}
"Why must deodorants have genders? If a full grown man would like to smell like cherry blossom sunrise then he should do so."
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princessofnovoselic · 4 months
My name is Sonia Nevermind, and I am the princess of a small country called Novoselic. I may cause trouble, but I do hope we can get along well. Please do not hesitate to ask me questions or interact, though I will not allow inappropriate behavior here. I am quite excited to meet you all!
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{ooc: hey y’all!! i’m orie, the owner of this blog :) i’d love for you guys to interact if you want,,
btw the answers here will probably have sprites/artwork just so ya know :p
if you didn’t know, sonia is the ultimate princess from danganronpa
thanks for checking this blog out!!}
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